Behind me is the earth

Chapter 542 540 Release of Military Power

Chapter 542 540. Release of military power

In Yecheng, each workshop is under martial law and no one is allowed to enter or leave the workshop. Food and drink expenses are all managed by a dedicated person.

All around the city wall, there were warriors wearing bows and arrows, observing the sky to see if there were any birds flying by. Whenever there are flying birds, they will be disturbed by the sound of arrows, causing them to turn towards him.

Although the mummy plague has inevitably spread among the people, it is still within a controllable range here.

"Who are those people? How did they get here? What happened to the previous level?"

The sentries on the watchtower of the city wall couldn't help but feel strange when they saw the team walking on the road in the distance.

He took out his binoculars and looked.

"1, 2, 3······10."

He counted ten vehicles in this team, all black off-road vehicles.

"Lao Qi, there's a car coming from outside. It looks like it's from Qi State. Go ask the commander, what should we do?"

According to the procedures, Yecheng currently does not allow people to enter the city.

However, this rule was still broken in front of these people outside the city.

Moreover, Liu Guanjun personally led his team to the city gate and opened the city gate to greet them.

"In this current situation, Minister Ren actually came here in person."

Liu Guanjun saw Ren Nuan getting out of the car at the city gate.

"The general's name is like thunder, but this is the first time we have met him in real life. During this epidemic, the mission is traveling in a light and simple manner. If there is any lack of etiquette, please forgive me, General Liu."

Ren Nuan raised her hands towards Liu Guanjun and said.

The State of Qi does not recognize Liu Guanjun's self-proclaimed "King of Wu". As a minister of the State of Qi, Ren Nuan will naturally not recognize it.

"Mr. Ren is too kind."

After Liu Guanjun exchanged a few pleasantries with Ren Nuan, he invited: "The banquet has been prepared at home, and Minister Ren is invited to come to the city to speak."

"Looking at Ye Cheng's vigilance, I think the general has also realized the horror of the plague."

After entering the city, the motorcade stopped on the street outside General Liu Guanjun's mansion. As the two entered the mansion, Ren Nuan spoke.

"The plague has broken out in Liyuan and Hengfeng in Zhongzhou. We have seen it before. It's really scary!"

Liu Guanjun said.

“If we don’t come up with an effective plan for this disaster, it may not cause less damage than the zombie disaster more than ten years ago.

Nearly twenty years have passed since the disaster of living corpses, and the negative impact it caused has not completely passed. If the plague of mummies sweeps across the world again, it is uncertain whether the world will still be a human world in the future. "

Ren Nuan said and took out a report.

The report is only two pages and about a thousand words.

"These are some research results and information obtained by the imperial court. Take a look."

Ren Nuan handed it to Liu Guanjun.

After sitting down in a hall, Mrs. Mi also came out to see the ceremony.

She and Liu Guanjun watched the report together.

After reading it, I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: "This Daru man is so heartless and crazy!?"

"It's just some Daru people. Moreover, the majority of these people are Lurte people. In order to win, they will do whatever it takes to win. Now, it is not surprising that some people who are approaching their end choose to embrace this plague.

Fortunately, the purpose of these people is to use the plague to obtain a longer life, not to infect other people into mummies, and will not take the initiative to infect others.

However, with the infectious ability of the mummy plague and the fact that some people are adding fuel to the flames, it is already extremely difficult for the southern land to prevent the plague! "

Ren Nuan explained the current practical difficulties.

"Can you tell us what the court wants to do?"

Mi Fang asked.

"Everyone is united and united."

Ren Nuan looked at Mi Fang: "This is the basis, and it was also instructed by the king himself."

"I see."

Mi Fang nodded.

It seemed that what Ren Nuan was talking about was just an ideology for epidemic prevention, but she could understand that he was going to withdraw military power!

Warlords like them will be swept off the stage of history under this plague.

And this reason is very strong and tenable. It is not only a good excuse for the court, but also a good step for warlords like them.

Liu Guanjun's face was still quite unwilling: "The imperial court promised to let me control the Fourth Route Army and give me the title of founding general..."

"The king promised to give General Liu the title of Marquis of Yecheng, and after the founding of the country, he allowed General Liu to recommend one person to be a civil servant above the department level."

Ren Nuan said in time.

Speaking of which, this reward was a bit shabby as a bargaining chip for Liu Guanjun to hand over military power.

The title of Qi State is now neither hereditary nor replaceable, nor does it promise to pay salary. Compared with Liu Guanjun's current actual status, he really can't see it.

But not to mention that the Qi State's military was at its peak and its strength crushed the Beiwan Group.

It is only said that when fighting against the Daru people, he asked Qi for help and brought in the help of Qi instructors and troops. For Liu Guanjun, this was no different from inviting a wolf into the house. They were both choices that had to be made under the conditions at the time.

A large number of junior officers in today's Fourth Route Army are from the Qi Army. Even Liu Guanjun can't tell who owns this army now.

"With the current situation in the world, even if General Liu disagrees, the imperial court will not launch a war, but General Liu also has to think about the future.

If General Liu disagrees, the court's overall plan for epidemic prevention will inevitably be disrupted, leading to deformed actions.

Once there is a problem in epidemic prevention, General Liu has a responsibility that he cannot shirk, and he must bear this responsibility! "

Ren Nuan saw Liu Guanjun frowning and not speaking, and his words became tougher.

"Is this the intention of the court or the king?"

Mi Fang suddenly interrupted and asked.

Ren Nuan looked at Mi Fang and said, "It's not only the court's intention, but also the king's intention."

"In this case, my husband should indeed let go of military power."

Mi Fang looked at Liu Guanjun.

Liu Guanjun also looked into his wife's eyes. When he saw her nodding slightly, he withdrew his gaze and stared silently at the tea cup in his hand. The halo from the window reflected through the paper-thin porcelain wall into the water, and swayed slightly. A circle of ripples.

After he pondered for a moment, he seemed to have figured it out and his body became relaxed.

Liu Guanjun said: "Okay, after fighting for so many years, it's time for me to enjoy myself. It's good to be a rich man!

But I also have something to ask for. "

"General Liu, it doesn't matter if you say it."

Ren Nuan signaled Liu Guanjun to speak.

"I am willing to hand over military power, but my wife is a talented person in both civil and martial arts. I hope that in the future, my wife can serve as a prefect in Yecheng County. This is where we started, and I also hope that in the future, I can serve as the prefect of Yecheng County. It was built into a prosperous city like Yuntai County.

Ren Nuan was also a little surprised after hearing Liu Guanjun's words.

He looked at Mi Fang.

Before he came, he had seen detailed information about the Beiwan Group.

Mi Fang is a vixen, and he knows it.

So far, in the system of Qi State, there are monsters who are officials, but they are basically in military positions, and there are very few who have become school officials, and there are no more.

This is restricted by the innate conditions of the demon clan. They were the first to become spirits, which took about ten years, and even fewer of them integrated into human society.

Except for a few who are extremely talented, most of their knowledge is not systematic, and it is difficult for their characters to get along in human society before they have been polished by experience.

If Mi Fang becomes the prefect of Ye County, he may be the only civilian official among the monsters, and the only department official.

However... Ren Nuan thought of the king's vision for the future of Daqi when he and the king had a private chat.

Taking over Baiyue, Gwangju, Qihang, Dajiang, Wonju and other provinces, it became a unified multi-ethnic country.

The Yao clan is also regarded by the king as one of the ethnic minorities in Da Qi.

Moreover, with the development of industry, a large number of women have entered jobs in the textile and garment industry, and the slogan that women can hold up half the sky has also been shouted out. At this time, women are also needed in the officialdom to make a difference and play a leading role.

Mi Fang is both a demon and a woman, and is also a very capable and skillful person. She managed the huge Beiwan Group in an orderly manner and won more than a dozen battles under her leadership.

"I think this shouldn't be difficult."

Ren Nuan said out of his understanding of the king.

Because of the actual situation, in the war against the Daru people, the Qi court had already grasped the two major groups, and there were no difficulties in the negotiation process.

However, it will take some time for local and military personnel to be replaced and under control.

We also have to take into account epidemic prevention issues, and the handover process has been lengthened.

The whole process cannot be completed overnight. According to the time steps, it will not be completed until the end of the year.

However, all epidemic prevention work from Zhongzhou to Gwangju has been taken over by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense.

A large amount of epidemic prevention materials are continuously transported from the south by train.

Rongcheng County, Daogu Town.

It is close to the Liusha River and has contiguous paddy fields. The rice grown here is even more delicious than that grown in rice fields in the south. The steamed rice has clear grains and a rich aroma. Rice town also got its name from this.

The market town of Daogu Town was built around the dock of Liusha River. In the past, it was bustling with people coming from the south and north. Nowadays, it has been depressed due to a plague. No one can be seen on the entire street. There is only a platoon of soldiers guarding the main roads between east, west, north and south.


A whistle sounded.

"It's the chief of staff's car!"

shouted the observation post.

All the people at the checkpoint ran out at once.

The car stopped and Han Wenlong came out.

"Brother Wenlong, who are you?"

The platoon leader trotted to the car and found Han Wenlong coming down. He couldn't help but take another look inside.

"What's wrong, Brother Zhang, do you mean that I, Han Wenlong, look shabby when I come to your place?"

Han Wenlong slapped his military cap and said to Platoon Leader Zhang.

"How can that be possible? I haven't congratulated Brother Wenlong on his promotion yet!"

Platoon Leader Zhang said with a smile.

"What a promotion? It's just that I also serve as the section chief of the training section in the camp. It adds a lot of work content."

Han Wenlong waved his hand and said modestly.

However, he couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

Although the chief of the training section is not of high rank, he is no longer a lonely lieutenant. He also has several capable soldiers under his command. Although the authority has become larger, you no longer need to do the writing of materials yourself. You only need to check the general control and master the important data, and you can do it smoothly. It is really much easier than before.

Moreover, the training section is in charge of the daily training arrangements of the battalion headquarters. The company commanders who used to be indifferent to him now treat him like a brother, with a bit of fawning in their attitude.

Now when he walks in the camp, he feels a bit more majestic, which makes him feel like he is walking with wind!

"Okay, come over for lunch."

Han Wenlong called the soldiers in the platoon over: "I just went on inspection and happened to go to your company. Your cooking team made dumplings today, and I happened to bring them to you.

Come here and eat, it's still hot. "

Two soldiers came with the car, both of them were his subordinates in the training department, and took down the lunch boxes from the car.

"I'm so lucky today. My eye sockets are wrinkled by the protective glasses."

"Be careful when you take off your mask. Don't fold it casually. If it is broken, it will be useless!"

Soldiers at the checkpoint came to collect the food boxes.

"Today is the winter solstice."

Platoon leader Zhang strolled to the side carrying a food box.

"Yes, I originally thought that this year we would be able to unify the whole country and the King Jianguo would proclaim himself emperor. Who would have thought that something like this would happen."

Han Wenlong also carried a lunch box and squatted with Platoon Leader Zhang to eat dumplings.

He peeled a piece of garlic and handed it to Platoon Leader Zhang: "It's a pity that there is no vinegar."

"Okay, you can eat dumplings here, stuffed with cabbage and pork. When I was a soldier during the Jing Dynasty, that was something I couldn't even imagine!

You are young and have never seen the darkness in the army during the Jing Dynasty..."

Although Platoon Leader Zhang is only in his thirties, his family is poor and he became a child soldier in Jingchao when he was a teenager.

"In the first half of the year, the black-hearted cotton clothes of our frontline soldiers heard that even the king was alarmed. In anger, he ordered a thorough investigation and chopped off the heads of many high-ranking officials. In the old dynasty, how could anyone care about us? Stinky Qiuba, let alone alarm the king!"

When Platoon Leader Zhang talked about it, he was satisfied with his current situation.

"Look at this, isn't it cute?"

He took out the necklace hanging around his neck and opened it to reveal a photo of a little girl.

"Cute, your daughter?"

Han Wenlong took a look. He looked three or four years old. He was pink with a little baby fat, and his dark eyes were very smart. He looked very cute.

"Yes, my daughter is 6 years old this year. I haven't seen her for almost two years, and I don't know if she still recognizes me as her father."

Platoon leader Zhang looked at the photo with a smile on his face.

"That's not necessarily true."

Han Wenlong patted the platoon leader Zhang on the arm.

"It's not easy for your sister-in-law to take care of the children at home alone, and it's not easy to take care of the elderly. The Northern Expedition is over, and it's time for me to retire. Then I will return to my hometown to be a policeman and watch over the family's life..."


While Platoon Leader Zhang was talking about his family situation with a happy expression on his face, the whistle of a riverboat suddenly came from the Liusha River.

Everyone looked up and saw a river ship passing in the middle of the river.

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