Behind me is the earth

Chapter 543 541 Economic Takeoff

Chapter 543 541. Economic Takeoff

"what happened?"

Platoon Leader Zhang picked up the walkie-talkie and asked.

The scout in front replied: "It's a patrolling river cruiser. I guess it blew its whistle to say hello to us."


Platoon Leader Zhang lowered his head and looked at the time on his wrist: "You will switch defenses with the people from the second squad later and come back for lunch."


The sonorous and powerful voice of the scout in front came from the intercom.

"By the way, after a while, the rear will send people to build biochemical research stations, one of which is in the defense zone of our 30321st Battalion.

The battalion headquarters initially plans to let them build Hujiazhai under Tuyuangu, which is very close to you. When the biochemical research station is built, you may be useful. "

Han Wenlong quickly finished the dumplings and asked Platoon Leader Zhang.

"Can't you go somewhere else? I don't want to serve these big men."

Platoon Leader Zhang said in disgust.

Han Wenlong advised: "It's all for epidemic prevention work. In this work, people are on the front line. You have to raise your awareness!"

This is what the battalion commander meant. The people in Hujiazhai have all moved away, and they are blocked by Tuyuan Gu. The terrain is good. "

Upon hearing that it was the battalion commander's intention, Platoon Commander Zhang nodded: "Okay."

After he agreed, he thought of something and pulled Han Wenlong to a thick tent behind the checkpoint. In addition to the bed, a soldier was still staring at a monitor: "The engineers installed some in our defense area a few days ago. Cameras, this is surveillance from those cameras.

The engineer said that the surveillance camera can see the replay and control the direction of the camera. We have not studied it clearly. You are a college student, so you can teach us. "

Han Wenlong looked at the picture on the surveillance camera.

There are a total of twelve screens, covering almost any position in the defense zone. Among them, the wide-angle high-definition camera on Tuyuangu has a wider range!

Among the cameras, in every surveillance picture, the most common thing, apart from the Liusha River, is the barbed wire fence set up on the periphery.

These barbed wire fences have rolling blades, and any person or animal who wants to turn them over has to weigh them. This time will give the local garrisoned soldiers time to react after seeing the surveillance footage.

"Compared with the communication courses we learned in military school, these things are much more advanced!"

Han Wenlong fiddled with it for a while and finally figured it out. He taught platoon leader Zhang and several soldiers who took turns staring at the camera the surveillance playback and other techniques.

"Let's go, I'll go to the 3rd company's defense area again. You must cheer up. There is no room for sloppiness in the epidemic prevention work. You are now the protective wall of Qi. According to the Ministry of National Defense, we are now fighting against the invisible The enemy is fighting a battle that can only be won but not lost!

Now, it's not just these cameras. I heard that the king has a pair of celestial eyes called "satellites" that can observe everything in the world. Maybe the king is watching us now! "

After teaching a few temporary apprentices, Han Wenlong patted his butt and walked out of the tent, giving instructions as he walked.

"I'm awake, Lao Zhang, I'm never vague about this kind of thing!

However, I really hope that the plague will pass soon and we can finish the war and go home soon! "

Platoon leader Zhang walked Han Wenlong to the car and sighed.

"Believe in the court, believe in the king!"

Han Wenlong said solemnly.

When he reached Nanyang City, he just learned that the Northern Expedition was suspended and the army was retreating to the north of the Liusha River. He beat his chest and wished that he was the boss of the Ministry of National Defense and no problem could stop him from entering the city!

But when he learned about what happened in Nanyang City, he had to lament the quick response of the court officials.

If the army really entered the city at that time, once the plague spread among the army, the consequences would be disastrous.

After seeing Han Wenlong off and platoon leader Zhang arranging things for each class, he found an open space to practice martial arts.

In October, he had already developed Huajin. With one punch, he could smash a large bluestone into powder.

If he doesn't recover, he might be able to become a captain and company commander.

"Perhaps after the Northern Expedition, my accumulated military function will be restored from the rank of captain. Coupled with my strength, I might be able to go to my hometown and become the director of a police station."

He was thinking while practicing boxing.

Today's Qi State, even if not counting the four provinces of Beiwan, Zhongzhou and Yanzhao, has Wuzhou, Wannan, Yuzhou, Hehe, Jian'an, Pingshan, Guangnan, Chujiang, Yunjiang, Caiyun, Bowan and so on. A province.

In addition, the navy is not idle either. With its strong ships and powerful guns, it has severely shocked the maritime forces of Xilao State headed by the Yilan Kingdom in the entire East and South China Seas. Now no one dares to offend them!

The name of Qi also spread far and wide among countries along with these ocean-going merchants. In their mouths, Qi has become a powerful and fertile country full of martial virtues, prosperous commerce, and rich materials.

In addition to the vassal state of Yao, the naval command also brought several surrounding small countries such as Chaolu, Lu, and Yue into Qi's sphere of influence.

Qi's industrial products were very popular in these countries, and the exchange of grain, spices, silver and other commodities effectively stimulated the development of Qi's industry.

In the ten provinces in the mainland of Qi State, Ren Zhengsheng Bailong Yufu, after traveling along the railway line in each province in the first half of the year, and after several long articles were signed and published in Qi State Monthly, various places actively studied and understood the spirit.

Since the second half of the year, although the frontline is fighting, the development of the rear has not fallen behind, but has become more solid.

Large-scale infrastructure construction in the country continues, and related industries are booming. Upstream and downstream industries such as construction, steel, cement and building materials, machinery and equipment manufacturing, transportation and logistics, energy, and financial investment are constantly expanding their production capacity—attracting Investment - rapid growth in the cycle of capacity expansion.

The construction industry alone, which is directly involved in construction, has attracted seven million employed people. Together with other upstream and downstream industries, state-owned and private enterprises, almost every family in Qi is involved.

Qi has rapidly transformed from an agricultural country to an industrial country in a short period of time.

The manufacturing of a large number of industrial products naturally formed a social division of labor and enriched people's lives.

When people earn money from work, they will naturally spend it, which has led to greater business prosperity in Qi! From port foreign trade to catering and entertainment, from coastal cities to inland mountain towns, new vitality is emerging everywhere.

Just south of Wuzhou in Hehe Province, Guo County, Zhouji Town in Guangyuan County, this is the hometown where Platoon Leader Zhang has not returned for two years and thinks about it day and night.

This place is far away from the north and has not been affected much by the plague.

The three counties in the southern part of the river valley were once briefly ruled by Yang Wenyao's Muni sect. After the Qi State captured this place, after a long period of propaganda, the cultural atmosphere here was slowly corrected. Now it is the same as other places. , caught up with the express train of economic development.

Among the three counties in the southern part of the river valley today, Guo County is developing the slowest. It is not as close to the sea as Chenshi County, nor as close to the provincial capital as Wenshan County. The North-South Railway also passes through Chenshi County, and there are no major transportation roads in the county.

These have limited the development of Guo County.

Not far from the government office in Zhouji Town, there is a small medical clinic. There are only three doctors in the medical clinic. One of them sits here, and the other two are barefoot doctors who walk through the villages and alleys below every day.

Tang Xiaoer is one of them.

"Thank you, Doctor Tang. I called you here from all the way. You must have this fruit!"

In Zhangjia Village, a woman with a somewhat pale face walked Tang Xiaoer to the door, put several washed big apples in his cloth pocket, and stuffed them into Tang Xiaoer's hands.

"Then thank you sister."

Tang Xiaoer said with a bright smile.

"To say thank you, it's all Dr. Xie Tang. If you hadn't come here, my little girl wouldn't even know what she would have done!"

The woman said gratefully.

Tang Xiaoer looked at the six-year-old girl lying on the bed, waving "bye" to him, and the pale woman in front of him who looked not in good health, and then looked at a photo hanging on the wall. It's a photo of a family of three. The man is wearing military uniform and looks tough!

"My brother-in-law fought for the country and is an admirable hero. If my sister has any problems from now on, just ask people to call me."

Tang Xiaoer said seriously.

"Then I'll trouble Doctor Tang."

The woman said gratefully.

"Then what's the trouble? Our medical center is state-owned, so it serves the people."

Tang Xiaoer smiled brightly.

After bidding farewell to the woman's house, Tang Xiaoer walked down the mountain path.

He is only seventeen years old this year. Not long after graduating from middle school, he went to the town medical clinic as an apprentice and has been studying for a year and a half now. However, when seeing a doctor, we often have to read the "Barefoot Doctor's Handbook" according to the patient's condition, and then find the right medicine.

These drugs are uniformly distributed by the county hospital to the medical clinics in each town, such as "penicillin", "dexamethasone", "vancomycin", "ribavirin", "metagin" "wait.

Although the name is quite strange, in his medical practice, it is very effective most of the time. It is much better than that of Dr. Guo in the town before. Slowly, Dr. Guo's "Lingzhi Tang" became a "Orthopedics" specialty hospital.

"Xiao Tang, are you going back to the hospital? It's almost noon, let's stay home for a meal!"

"Xiao Tang, are you dating? The swallows in our village have been talking about you these days."

"Doctor Tang, please drink some water before leaving."

"Xiao Tang, your uncle brought back the cake from the city after work yesterday. Would you like to try it?"

Tang Xiaoer was carrying a medicine box on his back. On the way down the mountain, the medicine box kept spanking him. Passing by the village, people who knew him enthusiastically called Tang Xiaoer.

He is responsible for more than thirty villages here, and many people have come to see him if they have headaches or fever.

"Auntie, is the construction site where uncle is building Fu'an Road?"

Tang Xiaoer was not too enthusiastic. He took a small cake, sat on the stone at the door, and asked while eating.

"That's it. I heard that the section from our place to Fuzhou will be completed soon, and then the northern half will be opened to traffic first."

said the woman.

"That's great. By then we will have a main transportation road here, and the economy will definitely develop."

Tang Xiaoer said expectantly.

"You are right. If you want to be rich, you must first build roads."

The woman laughed.

Tang Xiaoer praised: "Auntie already understands economics!"

"You can hear it all on the radio. The village loudspeaker broadcasts the news every day. My aunt just listens to it. I can't hear what it means. I'm not as smart as you guys who have gone to school."

The woman shook her head and said.

"By the way, Xiao Tang, I heard that you are going to the provincial capital?"

the woman asked.

"Auntie, who did you listen to?"

Tang Xiaoer asked.

The woman replied: "Yesterday, when my wife came back, I heard it from the medical center in town."

"That's what happened. I heard that there is another major epidemic in the north. This time, people from below will be sent to the provincial capital for training. When the time comes, the training will be unified for epidemic prevention."

Tang Xiaoer said.

"Is it dangerous?"

the woman said worriedly.

Tang Xiaoer shook his head: "Epidemic prevention is just like being a soldier charging into battle. How can it be without danger?"

"Why don't you go, Doctor Zhang? What do you want a kid like you to do?"

The woman stared and said dissatisfied.

"Uncle Zhang's baby has just been born and is not yet a full month old. How can I walk far away? I am young, energetic, and have no family or room, so it is just right to exercise!

Besides, it's like fighting a war. If no one is willing to go, how can the work begin?

Your Majesty has taught us: The land is divided into north and south, and people, old and young, all have the responsibility to defend the land and fight.

The same applies to epidemic prevention. "

Tang Xiaoer was eating the cake with a hint of eagerness on his face.

"You little kid, you are so enlightened. But when you get there, you must protect yourself!

We don't want to be the ones who charge into battle, our own survival is the most important thing. "

The woman ordered.

"I know, thank you, auntie!"

Tang Xiaoer finished eating the cake and had a good rest. He said goodbye to the woman and continued walking down the mountain. The town was located in a col at the corner of two mountains.

When we arrived at the hospital, there were no patient numbers at the moment. There was only Dr. Zhang in the hospital, wearing a pair of myopia glasses and reading "The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook" under the sun.

"I'm back. I left some food for you. There's also a box of peanuts that Mr. Zhang brought when he came to see the doctor."

Doctor Zhang said enthusiastically when he saw Tang Xiaoer come in.

He was Tang Xiaoer's master, and he liked this clever disciple very much.

"Thank you Uncle Zhang, these peanuts are still sweet and coated in syrup."

As soon as he sat down and ate a peanut, Tang Xiaoer's eyes lit up. He picked up the plastic packaging box and looked at it: "Gulou Town Catering Industrial Park, Jixiang Food Factory. Isn't this the factory that produces cooking oil? My cousin works there."

"Yeah, it should be a new product that the food factory has just expanded."

Doctor Zhang replied and asked again: "How are you preparing for the training?"

"I'll go home and get ready in a while, and I'll leave the day after tomorrow. You have to look after my area, especially the Zhang Han family in Zhangjia Village. The man in his family is fighting on the front line, and the women and children in the family are not in good health. , Uncle Zhang, please help me and take care of me."

After Tang Xiaoer finished eating, he wiped his mouth and did not forget to give a few instructions.

"I'm awake."

Doctor Zhang nodded: "Xiaoer, when you go to the provincial capital this time, you must learn your skills and perform well. If you can be favored by a big hospital, your life will be different."

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