Behind me is the earth

Chapter 599 597 Conferred God

After the peaceful New Year in Anqing, Daqi ushered in her second year.

On this day, the people of Qidu City spontaneously came to the streets and watched the long motorcade drive out of the palace and drive south along Anmin Street.

In the past few days, most of the things in the palace have been sent to Nanyang Palace.

Only some personal belongings were left, and they were all included in the space equipment.

The royal palace in Qidu City still left a large amount of furniture and some attendants to clean and maintain the hygiene and objects of the palace.

Most of the courtiers' families have also gone to Nanyang first.

Now, all the officials of the imperial court will follow Ren Pingsheng to Weishan Mountain in Shangjun, Zhongzhou to enshrine the gods.

After completing the Conferred God, go directly north to Nanyang without returning.

The relocation of Kyoto is a major event, and it will affect the work and life of the people in Qidu City. They all knew it a year ago.

"Long live the Emperor!"

When the motorcade passed the Yunshui Bridge, there were so many people on both sides that it was impossible to see beyond. The overwhelming shouts came into the carriage.

Ruan Tang held Ren Pingsheng's hand tightly.

Ren could feel the trembling in her body all his life. He turned around and saw Ruan Tang looking at him with bright eyes.

Whenever this happens, she feels extremely excited because of her man's prestige.

He took out a hand and gently touched Ruan Tang's head, then lowered the window and waved to the people outside.

Knowing that the emperor was leaving Qidu, many people couldn't help but cry when they thought about their sadness.

It wasn't until the convoy left Qidu along Qifeng Avenue that the military and police along the way released control of the road, and the people slowly dispersed.

They have extremely deep feelings for the emperor, and the emperor's move away from here is as uncomfortable as taking away a pillar of their hearts.

In order not to disturb people along the way, the convoy changed trains after arriving at Chengnan Railway Station.

Now, two-fifths of the passenger trains have been replaced by electric express trains, and the railway network is also being rapidly upgraded.

The newly built railway network in the north is paved with high standards.

What Ren Pingsheng was riding was the latest permanent magnet technology levitation train developed and manufactured by Qixing Group.

This car uses purple electric crystals to provide power, and with a control system designed by Ruan Tang, it can travel at a speed no less than that of an ordinary jet by floating on the tracks of an ordinary express train.

Because it shares the railway line with the express train, the railway department has set up a special line in advance. After a journey of thousands of kilometers, it arrived in Shangjun in more than an hour.

Ren Ping lived in the palace built by Shangjun.

Just wait until the next day to hold the ceremony of conferring gods.

Weishan, Hall of Heroes.

Zhang Erhei was playing chess with an old man.

"Master Hu has superb chess skills."

Zhang Erhei scratched his head and scratched his head, but couldn't find a way to deal with it: "We are in the army, and we are really not the type to play chess and use our brains."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hu Chun couldn't help but smile and threw the pieces in his hand into the chess case, then stood up while stroking his beard.

"After all, today is the day to be conferred upon a god. We don't know what kind of god your majesty will confer upon us."

He said with some anticipation.

Although the body is dead, the spirit is not destroyed. What we learned from the ancient world of gods, combined with the Great Heaven Plan passed down from Taoism, and after nearly half a year of repeated research, we have achieved some of the results we have today.

But after all, the system of immortals is still a primitive one, and everyone is trying to cross the river by feeling the stones. Even though the court is relatively certain about the canonization of gods this time, the actual effect still depends on the final result.

Natural aura, the destiny of the country, its own achievements, and the incense of the people are all indispensable.

Zhang Erhei is also looking forward to it: "Yes, yes, I hope to be a mountain god and a land god who can protect us."

"Mr. Hu, Erhei."

Someone knocked on the door and shouted: "Today there is a lot of golden light outside, and the ghosts and monsters circling outside are staying far away, and they don't dare to come near our dojo anymore!"

Hu Chun opened the door and walked out. Outside, there was an old man with a red face. He was once the prefect of Zhanguo County in Caiyun Province. Because he managed the people well, he was able to enter the Weishan Hall of Heroes.

The Weishan Hall of Heroes has a higher standard than the Hall of Heroes elsewhere. Those who can come here must have made great contributions to the country and the people.

Zhang Erhei looked at the sky outside. Sure enough, there were thousands of golden lights. The golden glazed tiles above the palaces in the palace city were also golden.

They flew up and floated in the air, seeing the stretching buildings covering a large area.

Just outside this huge territory, there are mountains.

This is not a majestic mountain in the human world, but a dojo projected into the Dharma Realm by the Weishan Hall of Heroes. It is also part of the underworld suppressed under the majestic mountain.

Today's Yinsi has entered another world with the collapse of the World Pearl. And this world is not the ordinary dimensional space as originally thought, but a spiritual dimensional space manifested by the thoughts of sentient beings.

This space is similar to the practitioner's sea of ​​consciousness space, but because it is manifested by lifelong thoughts, everyone's thoughts are different. It is mysterious, mysterious, and boundless.

There are not only projections of the real world, but also demons and monsters transformed by the thoughts of sentient beings, sacred light, and the divine light of natural gods.

Hu Chun looked at the rays of light in the distance and the mountains of Weishan were all bright, and guessed, "I guess it's because of the conferment of gods today."

In the morning light, Ren Pingsheng, dressed in dragon robe, was climbing.

Behind him, Ruan Tang and Xiaowan were all dressed in costumes.

Liu Shu and others from the cabinet were at the forefront, followed by hundreds of officials. Only some elderly and unwell people choose to take the ropeway up the mountain.

The mountains are majestic, and the inscriptions on the cliffs are all famous figures in the history books of this world.

Walking on the mountain road, observing the stone carvings on both sides, and listening to the chirping of birds in the forest, although the mountain breeze is quiet and the weather is cold, it does not prevent people from feeling happy.

However, the courtesy officer was not so comfortable.

They have been preparing for a long time for today's ceremony.

The white clouds are long and the sky is shining between the mountains.

Let the power of his life's thoughts sweep over him, and he enters the Dharma Realm here.

"Hu Chun meets your Majesty!"

Hu Chun, who was looking out, suddenly saw the emperor descending into the legal world like a sun. At this moment, this sun instantly dispelled the haze of the entire legal world and turned the miserable moon away. It lost its brightness.

Suddenly, Ren Pingsheng's thoughts came to him and attracted the attention of the entire Yin Division.

Even in Baitou City, which lives under the Yinsi Wei Mountain, all the people raised their eyes at this time and looked at this dazzling sun!

This round of sun is gentle. Although it is bright, it does not make the ghost people feel uncomfortable. After it shines on the body, it is warm, not burning.

However, the large number of demons and monsters in the Weishan Dharma Realm were unlucky. Amidst the screams, they were burned and turned into wisps of black smoke, which eventually dissipated and disappeared.

"Is this the emperor of Daqi!"

In Baitou City, in the palace, King Baitou was supported by someone and came outside the palace. Watching the coming of the great sun, he murmured in surprise: "It's so powerful! Is this the true god?"

He was glad that he made the right choice right away and chose such a powerful emperor to become the master of the underworld.

Otherwise, the current underworld world may have been completely destroyed.


The white-headed king coughed lightly a few times, his body felt light and thin, and even his face was a little blurry.

"Your Majesty, it's better to go inside and take a rest."

The princess next to her said worriedly.

"No, bring a chair out, I want to watch from here."

When the White-headed King collapsed the Yin world and allowed it to integrate into the legal world, he consumed too much. At this time, his body lost too many Yin spirits.

But he still insisted on staying here to watch the Hall of Conferred Gods.

Apart from him, there are many people who pay attention to the Ceremony of Conferring Gods.

Even some natural gods who did not have complete consciousness were subconsciously looking up to the sky at this time, wanting to observe the gods.

In the projection of the distant Weishan Mountain, wherever the monarchs, ministers and officials climbed, they were lit up by the holy light. The entire Weishan Mountain has become a sacred mountain, and all the qi in the Dharma Realm are entwining towards the Weishan Mountain, attracting the whole world. , and the attention of almost all creatures in the legal world.

The sun fell into the Hall of Valor's domain, the golden light in the sky converged, and the gloomy moon appeared again, making the ghost people in the underworld feel a sense of loss.

Although many of them still don't know who the emperor is, the feeling just now has been deeply imprinted in their consciousness.

"See Your Majesty!"

Headed by Hu Chun, sixteen late civil and military officials of the Qi Dynasty who had made meritorious services to the country and the people knelt down and paid homage to Ren Pingsheng.

"Get up."

Ren Pingsheng easily helped them up.

"Today I am anointed as a god. In the future, my dear friends will sort out the mountains and rivers and record the good and evil of people. However, as gods, they are in charge of power. Every word, every action, every move can greatly disturb the world.

You should make a break with the family you had when you were still alive, otherwise your godhood will fall and your soul will be extinguished. Don't say it was unpredicted. "

He said the ugly things first.

These people in Weishan are different from the Halls of Valor in other places. They have high authority in granting priesthoods and have a great influence on the world.

No matter how great the damage is to a piece of land, it is only a village community with a radius of more than ten miles.

However, if one of the water gods is evil, he drives the water away from the sea, submerging the livelihoods of millions of people along the way.

Before canonizing a god, one must first speak clearly.

"Your Majesty, I will remember what you said, and I will live up to the trust of your Majesty and all the people!"

Hu Chun sang loudly.

The rest followed the promise.

Ren Pingsheng faced everyone, smiled and nodded, and then his body turned into countless light spots and disappeared in front of their eyes.

Outside, Ren Pingsheng has arrived at the square in front of the Hall of Heroes.

On this square, there is a stone tablet. The stone tablet is in the shape of a sword. The blade of the sword pierces deeply into the ground. The ground is the image of a sword hilt. On it, the heroic spirits enshrined in the Hall of Valor are engraved.

Hu Chun, Du Kai, Le Qing, Zhang Erhei... a total of sixteen golden names.

Ren Pingsheng's eyes swept over these names one by one, and then he strode towards the heroic spirits.

The national flag is fluttering and the hunting sound is heard.

Entering the Hall of Heroes, walking through the wide hall, you can see the spiritual tablet enshrined in the misty smoke.

"See Your Majesty!"

The Taoist officials in the Hall of Heroes saluted one after another after seeing Ren Pingsheng.

After Ren Pingsheng looked here, he returned to the outside of the store and looked towards the square below. All the officials had gathered.

The court was filled with nobles, dressed in fine attire, and looking solemn.

People from Qiguo TV Station had already fixed their camera positions and were filming in the square. The drone in the air "buzzed" and transmitted the signal to the signal car.

The video will be constructed here and transmitted to every city in the country through live broadcast signals.

Ren Pingsheng raised his wrist and glanced at the time, then flew up and slowly flew towards the God Conferring Stage that had been set up.

The cameras were all chasing towards the Conferred God Platform at this moment.

Ren Pingsheng stood on the altar made of white marble, closed his eyes, and opened his mind at this moment, looking towards the whole country.

At this moment, across the land of Qi, countless people were waiting in front of the TV, excitedly waiting for the beginning of the apotheosis.

Mountains, rivers, seas, and nature spirits also look towards this place.

The energy of the earth is churning, the destiny of the country is booming, and there is great vitality!

At the foot of Weishan Mountain, Bai Yunhe's eyes were shocked by the magnificent scene in front of him. He could see the destiny of all living beings, but this was the first time he truly saw the destiny of the country taking shape.

Just above the Weishan Mountain, the national destiny is at its peak!

In the rolling brilliant glow, a golden dragon poked out.

"hold head high!"

With a dragon's roar, heaven and earth faintly echoed it. Bai Yunhe felt that heaven and earth were resonating with it. In this resonance, the whole world began to change vaguely.

Ren has felt this change more deeply throughout his life.

Because this golden dragon is closely related to him, as if it is his incarnation.

The world is changing silently but unstoppably. It spreads from Daqi to the north to the northern border and the Rus Empire, to the east to the Yao Kingdom, to the Dongluo Continent, to Ganla and Faro, to the Yilan Kingdom, to the south of the Luoyin Continent, to Shengfa mainland.

Daqi's tentacles touch every corner of the world, and changes are taking place wherever Daqi's influence is exerted.

This world, those disharmonious places, are becoming naturally rounded.

Ren Pingsheng felt that in this world as a testing ground, all traces of man-made traces were quickly erased, and the environment of this world was slowly transforming.

"Seems like a good thing."

He felt it silently.

This world seems to be more suitable for the practice of aliens, warriors and other systems.

"My dear friends."

Ren Pingsheng spoke softly.

The officials in the square raised their heads and looked at the extremely dazzling man on the high platform.

Everyone in the country heard the emperor's voice.

This miraculous scene made countless people unable to help but kneel down in front of the TV, on the roadside in the city, on the ridges of the paddy fields...

"They are all heroes of Da Qi. They were the Optimus Prime and Purple Beam of Da Qi. They either shouldered the responsibility of national economy and people's livelihood, or carried guns to defend the country from enemies..."

Ren Pingsheng first talked about the meritorious experiences of those who wanted to become gods.

At the same time, their photos and achievements were also shown on TV.

When countless people saw Hu Chun's photos, many people knew that the Minister of Agriculture and Affairs they were familiar with had passed away. (End of chapter)

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