Behind me is the earth

Chapter 600 598 Heaven on Earth

"Hu Chun, a very human minister, mighty and unyielding, wealthy and noble, loyal to state affairs, and devoted to the people. He was granted the title of God of Flowing Sand and Rivers in the three rivers of Qi Dynasty, suppressing floods, regulating water vapor, and ensuring smooth and safe life for the people along the coast."

In the Dharma Realm, the light from the sky was released.

When Hu Chun's name was called, the golden light penetrated the haze and shone on him.

In the golden light, Hu Chun rises slowly.

The fate of the country and the popularity of the people were blessing him, the purple robe was rolled up, the seal appeared, and a three-foot long sword flew from the void and fell into his palm.

All three of them have the wavy cloud pattern of the Liusha River, which allows one to understand his identity at the first sight.

All the people watching in the Dharma Realm were staring at him.

The aura on his body was sublimated in the process of being guided by the golden light, illuminating Yinsi in an instant. Far away from Mount Wei, there was a wavy river across the long continent that was also projected in the Dharma Realm. It was powerful and powerful, carrying the sound of waves and blending with him.

Behind him, the shadow of the mighty Liusha River emerged. At this moment, the aura on his body rose again, and all living beings in the Dharma Realm felt the heavy pressure from the Liusha River!

Especially the ghost people who were squatting on both sides of the Liusha River could not help but kneel down and worship.

Hu Chunfei left the Dharma Realm and manifested his body in the real world. In him, one can even feel the surging power of Liusha River. This is the power recognized by the world and manifested by the national destiny, which is the power of the priesthood.

In the void, Hu Chun kowtowed to Ren Pingsheng: "I, Hu Chun, will obey the destiny of heaven, abandon everything in the world, protect all people, and be loyal to the country!"

After finishing speaking, an auspicious cloud appeared under Hu Chun's feet. He was dressed in purple official uniform, carrying a divine sword on his back, holding the divine seal in his palm, and flew towards the Liusha River.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to everyone, and congratulations to all the people!"

All the officials in the audience sang loudly.

"Du Kai, who governs well, loves the people like a son, and is extremely loyal, has been granted the title of City God of Nanyang in the Qi Dynasty. He must be honest and honest and protect the people of the capital."

Ren Pingsheng held the national seal and his voice spread throughout the country.

Du Kai, dressed in a red robe, holding a fly whisk and a seal hanging from his waist, flew out, kowtowed before bowing, stepped on the auspicious clouds, and turned into a rainbow.

"Le Qing, brave and loyal, fought for the country, was granted the title of God of the Weishan Mountain in Zhongzhou, took charge of the divine power of the Weishan Mountain, was granted the title of God Lord of the Yin Division, and took charge of the power of the Yin soldiers of the underworld."

Le Qing was originally the commander of the 301st Division. He was assassinated by the Daru Temple two months ago.

At this time, he was given the title of Mountain God of Weishan and Marshal of the Yin Division, which was regarded as a complete achievement. He wore armor, carried a long gun on his back, knelt down on one knee and thanked Long En, then fell into Weishan and blended into it, making Weishan spiritually prosperous immediately.

"Zhang Erhei, who fought bravely, was not afraid of life and death, defended his family and country, and was loyal to the people, was granted the title of City God of Yangjiang County, Fuzhou County, Wuzhou Province..."

Under the seals one after another, the gods turned into rainbows and left.

During the live broadcast, the people were extremely excited.

Until the end of the Conferred God, the Imperial Luck Golden Dragon roared loudly and its figure became more solid.

This is the reason why the empire's popularity has further gathered and condensed, and it is also the reason why the empire's foundation has become deeper and deeper after becoming a god.

From then on, under the protection of the national destiny, Daqi became a dynasty of destiny, and the heroes of the imperial court died without falling.

The heaven on earth was first established!

Ren Pingsheng stood on the stage of the Conferment of Gods, with a calm face, looking up at the sky, like a painting, which was transmitted to thousands of households.

He felt a force sprouting in his body. In less than a year, his strength seemed to be about to reach another breakthrough.

But although this force was surging, it ultimately failed to make him break through on the spot.

Ren Pingsheng put away the national seal, put his hands behind his hands and flew down from the Conferred God Platform.

As Ren Pingsheng flew down the mountain, the officials also faded away, and Weishan became calm again.

But with Weishanshan Shenleqing, when going down the mountain, Baiguan only felt that Weishan was more energetic than when he came, and he felt refreshed when breathing, and the walking down the mountain became easier and easier.

With the care of the mountain gods and the growth of spiritual energy, Weishan Mountain may become a holy place for cultivation!

Ren Pingsheng took the emperor's special train to Nanyang.

At this time, Du Kai was already one step ahead of him, riding auspicious clouds to Nanyang City.

At this time, Nanyang City has turned into a large construction site. The last time Ren traveled here in his life, the lifeless city had become vibrant, which could be seen from the hopeful looks on people's faces.

Nanyang City has become the capital city again, which means that Nanyang City is about to take off again!

The original Nanyang included the two county seats of Dongcheng County and Xicheng County. Nowadays, in order to build and widen roads, the original city wall has been partially demolished, and the remaining parts of the city wall have been redesigned and renovated. It is necessary to preserve the charm of this ancient city while also having the convenience of a modern city.

Along the newly built ten-lane road, after leaving the old city, there are a large number of construction sites.

There are various types of real estate construction going on everywhere. The entire city is basically built in the shape of a "well".

Today's construction is different from the "closed" approach used in urban construction in Qidu. Instead, the restrictions of high walls have been removed, making it more open, more active, and more vibrant.

The reason is that there is already an antidote for the zombie virus.

Based on the research in Duoyu Country, led by the team of Professor Ge Qi from Qiguo University School of Medicine, a vaccine that can inhibit the living corpse virus was finally developed. After injection, the virus in the human body will be completely inactivated. After death, you will no longer become a living corpse.

Now, production is in full swing. In the future, if it is promoted nationwide, it may not take long before the living corpses that are rarely seen in Daqi will completely disappear under strict control.

In this way, such a "well"-shaped construction can not only improve transportation efficiency and promote balanced development, but also promote industrial agglomeration, lay out supporting facilities, facilitate citizens' lives, and make it easier to facilitate future urban expansion and urban connections.

Among the "well" grids, the most peripheral buildings are residential buildings. There is no need to worry about selling these buildings. Officials and their families who come to Nanyang, as well as businessmen and ordinary people who come to Nanyang to seek development will buy houses here.

Building a house now is a precautionary measure, and the supply and demand imbalance will cause more conflicts in the future.

Du Kai flew around this vibrant city in the sky and had a good idea of ​​the city's layout.

Then he suppressed the cloud head and fell towards Chenghuangfang in Xicheng District.

Chenghuangfang is not far from the Imperial City and is one of the 64 cities in Nanyang.

In addition to the Chenghuang Temple, there is also the most lively Temple Fair Street in Nanyang, where various businessmen do business all year round. When the temple fair is held every year, it is the busiest place in the capital.

This practice continues to this day. The streets of the temple fair are crowded with people, the shops have a dazzling array of goods, and the vendors sell their goods along the street, making it very lively.

It was even more lively in the Chenghuang Temple.

Before Du Kai fell into the City God's Temple, he saw the incense burning like a cloud canopy covering the entire City God's Temple. When he arrived at the Chenghuang Temple, he saw that the place was already crowded with pilgrims who came to offer incense. It was bustling and crowded, and they were all vying to line up to offer incense.

Fortunately, the Chenghuang Temple has been renovated and its area has been expanded, with its carrying capacity more than three times greater than before.

Whether it was the temple fair street or the pilgrims in the City God's Temple, it was the common people who heard that there was a real god in the Nanyang City God's Temple, and the once famous prefect of Dongyang, Du Kai, came to worship the god and offer incense.

When Du Kai fell into the City God's Hall, he entered his own dojo.

The authority of the priesthood was activated, and in Nanyang City, except for the imperial city where he could not see clearly, the rest of the places were under his control.

He looked up at the center of the hall, which was his statue. The statue looked very similar to him, but it was more majestic. The four-meter-high statue looked down at the ground, with a serious face and compassionate eyes.

On both sides of him were two protectors with angry eyes, who were supposed to be wandering gods of day and night.

"My subordinate, the night wandering god Zhang Long."

"My subordinate, the Sun Traveling God Huang Wen."

"Greetings to the Lord City God!"

When he glanced at the two statues, two high-spirited men jumped out of them.

The two jumped down from the statue and saluted Du Kai.

The people who made incense showed no reaction to this, as if they were in two intertwined worlds, unable to see their existence at all.

"I will be working with my two colleagues from now on. I hope that they will assist me and serve the country to the best of my ability and be loyal to His Majesty."

Du Kai helped the two of them up and said.

"As it should be."

Zhang Long and Huang Wen said: "When I was alive, I was a civil and military official in the Northern Resistance Alliance. I know a lot about Nanyang. Whenever you need it, I will give you your orders."


Du Kai was very happy to receive the loyalty of these two people.

Immediately, the three of them entered the Chenghuang Dharma Realm for inspection.

It can be seen that the Dharma Realm where Nanyang City is located covers an extremely large area. Moreover, there is the central axis of the Imperial City Government Office, and the Chenghuang Temple exudes a superb divine light. There is no cold feeling like other places, and there is no haze to block it. Although the sun is clear and cold, it shines brightly in the Nanyang Dharma Realm. , sacred and extraordinary in the legal world!

The City God's Temple in the Dharma Realm is becoming more and more majestic and vast, and it is as sacred as the human world.

Looking at the imperial city from a distance, it is even more like a fairyland with phantoms of golden dragons flying and guarding, and phantoms of golden phoenixes flying and singing.

“From now on, the City God’s Temple will be responsible for guarding the city, communicating yin and yang, rewarding good and punishing evil, and welcoming the souls of the dead.

The people of Nanyang died and were no longer scattered for hours. Instead, they were led to the underworld of the Yin Division under the Yin Division system to enhance the strength of the Yin Division, increase the fate of the Qi Dynasty, and enhance the power of the country!

But with all these things, our Chenghuang Temple must have a heavy workload, and we must improve the team as soon as possible.

There are also ghosts who are fully equipped.

As long as you two have suitable people, you should promote talents and appoint them without any need to avoid them. "

Du Kai said to the two of them while walking in the empty City God's Temple in the Dharma Realm.


Zhang Long and Huang Wen agreed, thinking about suitable candidates in their minds.

Du Kai has been an official for several years and already has rich experience.

Whether you are an official in the world or a city god after death, it is important to have a good team. No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot do everything well. Only a team that operates harmoniously can maintain good functioning of the system.

But after all, Da Qi Shen Dao had just been opened by Ren Pingsheng, and there were only a few gods, let alone a team of gods.

He could only follow what the emperor once said in "Qi Guo Monthly" and "make enough food and clothing by himself."

When Du Kaiyu was walking in the Dharma Realm with his day and night wandering spirit, he suddenly heard a burst of dragon chanting and phoenix singing. He looked up and saw the dragon shadows and golden phoenixes solidifying in the imperial city. He knew that the emperor and empress had already reset!

"Your Majesty is here!"

he murmured.

As the motorcade entered the imperial city, countless people lined the roadside and cheered.

Ren Pingsheng dropped the window and waved.

After the motorcade entered the imperial city at the Meridian Gate, the people of Nanyang could not help but feel excited.

"Your Majesty, there are 1,008 large and small houses in the Imperial City. Many of them have been remodeled during the palace renovation process according to Your Majesty's ideas. The houses have been renovated with electrification, kitchen and bathroom renovations, etc. "

Wang Shu, who had been appointed Grand Manager of the Imperial City by Ren Pingsheng and came over in advance to supervise the transformation, reported to him after welcoming Ren Pingsheng out of the car.

Compared with the Qidu Palace, the Imperial City covers a much larger area and has a more stately layout.

"Your Majesty, there are still more than 2,000 eunuchs left over from the previous dynasty in the imperial city. I don't know how to deal with them."

Wang Shu suddenly said with some embarrassment.

Ren Pingsheng also frowned a little when he heard this.

After thinking for a while, he still said: "Go through Xingchi's review. If there are no problems, just stay in the palace and serve."

Most of those who can be ruthless enough to kill two eggs and enter the palace are poor people.

With today's public opinion, if they are kicked out of the palace, it will be difficult for them to gain a foothold in society.

Ren Pingsheng took Ruan Tang and Xiaowan around their new home with Wang Shu leading the way.

"Your Majesty! Concubine!"

The maids and eunuchs quickly retreated to both sides and bowed respectfully as they passed by. Perhaps the eunuchs were still living under the system of the previous dynasty. They knelt down and kowtowed one by one, not daring to look at the nobles at all.

Along the way, many maids were brought from the palace, and they all looked familiar.

It didn't feel strange to them.

"The Imperial Garden has been spatially expanded, enlarging it three hundred times in size, and moving a hill called Huashan. It was landscaped by famous artists from the south of the Yangtze River. It has the beauty of the unity of nature and man."

When they arrived at the Royal Garden, Wang Shu introduced it to Ren Pingsheng.

As he spoke, he secretly expressed his Majesty's expression.

This is a beautiful scenery created under her auspices, and she naturally hopes to be liked by His Majesty.


Ren Pingsheng said with praise.

The Imperial Garden was not small to begin with. After expanding three hundred times in size, it now covers more than 5,400 acres, or nearly four square kilometers.

Although the mountain is not big, it is obviously a complete hill moved here. It is full of exotic flowers, pavilions and waterfalls, which is quite interesting.

Although Huashan is small, Ruan Tang likes this hill very much. He climbed to the top of the mountain and stood on the tower overlooking the imperial city.

"His Majesty!"

At this time, Wangshu pressed the headset on his ear, answered a call, and said to Ren Pingsheng: "The command center on Chunshan Island is ready, and the warships in the North Sea can launch nuclear warheads at any time."

"With the order to launch, the Daru Kingdom has been destroyed, and the temple should no longer exist in this world."

Ren Pingsheng heard this and looked to the north.

The temple hiding in the mountain was unwilling to be left alone, and went down the mountain to assassinate him many times.

Commander Le Qing of the 301st Division and Major Zhang Erhei of the 102nd Division both died at the hands of the temple. (End of chapter)

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