Behind me is the earth

Chapter 601 599 Nuclear Bomb

The temple is located on Mount Domdak, which means sacred mountain in the Ruart language.

The Kingdom of Daru was destroyed, but the temple was not.

They seemed to have returned to the Holy Mountain and no longer interfered with human affairs.

However, cultivation is not just about hard work. Whether it is food, clothing, housing, transportation, cultivation resources, sacrifices to gods, or maintaining a luxurious life, people need offerings. Naturally, the temple, which seems to be superior to all living beings, cannot truly be far away from the world.

Moreover, after the destruction of the Daru Kingdom, in order to strive for more benefits, people from the temple frequently went down the mountain. It seemed that Daqi had stopped at the third level, so they began to reintegrate the Lurte ethnic group in an attempt to form a true theocratic kingdom.

Their harassment of Daqi's border gates would not make Daqi angry.

However, reintegrating forces and trying to restore the unity of Lurte was something Da Qi could not tolerate. The Da Qi court took a multi-pronged approach and finally split the Daru Kingdom into fragmented tribal hegemony. How could they be allowed to Reintegrate strength?

It was decided to bomb the holy mountain of the temple with nuclear bombs because of this.

Because he moved to Nanyang, Ren Pingsheng's telekinesis has been able to explore the Holy Mountain in the north.

The temple buildings on the majestic mountains do not have the rough style common among the Lurte people. Instead, they have a magnificent and sacred beauty. They are solemn and solemn. Pilgrims climb the mountain roads and kneel down.

"What a pity."

A woman with emerald green hair looked at the pilgrims climbing on the mountain road and sighed.

"What's the pity?"

The woman with a snake's tail next to her swam over with her tail wagging and asked.

She seems to be the form of a snake demon, but in fact, it is a human being who received the blessing from the gods of the Snake Temple and became like this.

“After seizing the fertile soil of the south, we fell short of success.

What a pity. "

The green-haired woman said.

"There is no regret in becoming a king or losing a bandit.

Accumulating strength means that you and I have received God's blessing, and it is not a problem to live for several hundred more years.

There is always reincarnation in this world, and there are always opportunities.

The enemy has technology, we have supernatural powers..."

Before the snake-tailed woman finished speaking, she suddenly looked up.

The emerald-haired woman suddenly had her hair all over her body, and a dangerous excitement made her whole body tremble.

When the missile streaked across the sky and exploded in the sky, a dazzling light burst out from the top of the mountain, instantly overwhelming the sun in the sky.

Then a deafening loud noise came out, as if the world was shaking.

During the explosion, a mushroom cloud rose from the top of the mountain and spread quickly, covering the sky and the sun. The mushroom cloud was filled with crimson fire and thick black smoke, like a devil crawling out of hell and bringing doom to the world!

The pilgrims on the mountain road raised their heads stupidly and looked at the doomsday scene in front of them. They didn't know what was happening. In their stupid eyes, the shock wave and radiation generated by the explosion spread, and the surrounding mountains and forests were destroyed. Buildings and lives were swallowed up in it. The snow on the holy mountain that did not melt all year round melted and disappeared. Trees were uprooted, rocks were blown to pieces, and the entire mountain seemed to be torn apart.

The terrifying heat wave burned their bodies, and a layer of blisters instantly appeared on their bodies. Screams came and went on the mountain road, but they soon died out.

Because of the distance, Wanyan Chuoshui did not die here on the spot, but when she looked at the holy mountain, it was already dead silence.

After a long time, in this dead silence, on the top of the charred mountaintop, filled with smoke and dust, I could vaguely see a green cover standing like an upside-down bowl, protecting a building inside it. Survived the horrific explosion.

Ren Pingsheng also saw this green formation.

He didn't expect that the green formation could actually block the bombardment of nuclear bombs!

Through the formation, he could see the woman with emerald green hair, kneeling in front of the temple to pray.


The Saint of the Tree Temple, who was praying, felt the ground shaking.

The ground seemed to be trembling, the mountain was shaken, and the boulders rolled down, crashing into the temple, smashing the temple building to pieces.

Although the mountain top where the Tree Temple is located was deployed in time to protect the mountain, the only two earth-type aliens were obviously unable to suppress the turning earth dragon and could only allow the mountain top to shake. The formation was also affected by the shaking of the mountain. , burst and shattered.

It rained all night, and the second missile carrying a nuclear warhead landed in the sky above the Tree Temple.

At this time, a sapling suddenly sprouted from the smashed tree temple.

This sapling grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it became a towering tree, with layers of canopies trying to block nuclear bombs.

At the same time, a consciousness came to Ren Pingsheng: "I can sense you, the great Emperor of Da Qi!"

Ren Pingsheng looked at the towering tree, and a figure emerged from the tree. She is very similar to the Saint of the Tree Temple, wearing a green skirt, emerald green hair, and a compassionate expression on her face.

"Your Majesty, the great emperor, the existence of the Tree Temple will not affect the rule of Daqi. I hope that Your Majesty can spare the Tree Temple."

She bowed down and said sincerely: "The Tree Temple is different from the ferocious Wolf Temple that advocates revenge, the cunning Snake Temple that plays politics, and the bellicose Bear Temple that loves war.

The Tree Temple advocates great love, and the shamans and priests in the Tree Temple are also people with great love, a love that transcends races.

I hope His Majesty the Emperor will learn from this! "

Ren Ping was born in the void, looking at the tree god.

"The Tree Temple is only for healing living beings. It has never committed any crime. I hope Your Majesty will learn from it!"

The tree god kowtowed again and said.

Ren Shengsheng thought for a moment and finally said: "Starting from tomorrow, the Tree Temple will be moved to the Yuan Sheng Dao Zi Pass and rebuilt at Sanxian Mountain in Wacheng."

"I will obey the imperial edict!"

The tree god kowtowed loudly and sang.

Ren Pingsheng's mental power faded away, and he crushed the saint of the Snake Temple to death.

Finally, the damaged holy mountain stopped shaking.

The tree god looked at the nuclear bomb coming from the sky. The tree was hundreds of meters high. As the leaves on the tree crown swayed, a hole opened in the void and the missile was swallowed up.

She looked down and saw that the holy mountain had been destroyed!

The tree god is not afraid of nuclear bombs. As long as they can be detected in time, they can be easily expelled to a different space.

But she could feel the power of Emperor Da Qi. The top of the Holy Mountain was shaken and broken by him, and was destroyed. If the opponent insisted on destroying the Tree Temple, she would stand in front of him, which would be like using a mantis as a chariot and destroying himself.

The Holy Mountain was destroyed, and the Tree Temple was also destroyed, but the people in the Tree Temple were saved by her.

Looking at the person standing on the leaves, she said: "Pack up your things and move to Sanxian Mountain within the original mountain pass tomorrow!"

In the imperial garden, on the flower mountain, in the spring pavilion, Ren Shengsheng came back to his senses.

Of the four major temples of shamanism, only the tree god is left, and it is also the only temple whose purpose is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.

Let him move to Sanxian Mountain in Yuanzhou, and he won't be able to cause any trouble under his nose.

It can still be used by me.

Ren Pingsheng ordered: "Forgot the letter, inform the command center, there is no need to launch any more nuclear warheads."


Wangshu responded, dialed the command center, and informed the emperor of the order.

The first two days before moving the capital were a bit chaotic. The imperial court also gave a special two-day holiday to allow the ministers to settle down and settle down.

It was not until two days later that Ren Pingsheng held a court meeting in Min'an Hall.

The main purpose of the court meeting is not to discuss matters, but to allow the ministers to quickly get back to their duties and get into their work.

After the meeting, Ren Pingsheng convened the cabinet and various ministries to discuss matters in Yuanhe Hall. What was discussed was national affairs.

The layout of the imperial city is more central, which is very different from the palace in Qidu.

After the main hall named Min'an Hall by Ren Pingping, there are two palaces named Yuanhe Hall and Baohe Hall respectively.

“Now, Daqi’s main contradiction has shifted from foreign war to its own development.

But beyond the country’s development, there are also hidden worries.

My dear friends, today’s topic ranges from dealing with the small world, to influence expansion, economic and financial development, etc. You can speak freely about the existing problems, how to solve them, and how to develop better. "

After Ren Pingsheng sat down, he motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Your Majesty, the Small World Development and Disposal Bureau is under the Ministry of National Defense. Let me start by introducing some ideas and talk about the development situation of Small World so that everyone can have an understanding.

Now, we have thirty-one small worlds in our hands. The resource development of these small worlds involves exploration and mining of valuable resources with various research institutes represented by the Academy of Law Sciences.

Moreover, the three worlds with the strongest spiritual energy have all established monasteries, which can satisfy our strangers, warriors, and even talented practitioners from various Taoist sects.

In addition, we now have plans for the return of Secret Realm.

Consciously reintegrate these worlds into the main world, thereby speeding up the process of spiritual recovery in the main world and supporting our Great Heaven Plan as soon as possible. "

Liu Qiang said.

The Great Heaven Plan has been basically perfected after being deduced by Taoist sects and university teams. And spiritual energy recovery is also an important part of this.

“I agree with Minister Liu that we can try to extradite the return of the secret realm, but we must also pay attention to the method of extradition.

Do not cause unnecessary losses to the secret world and the main world. "

Lu Yingying expressed her stance first.

"Right now, our people are collecting information in the northern border. Through accurate intelligence, two secret realms will be available in the next few days.

In addition, along with our business team, we have established intelligence organizations in Western Luo State, Eastern Luo State, Luo Yin Continent, Holy Law Continent and other countries, and we are also collecting information about the secret realm. "

Xiaowan talked about what the Night Cat organization is doing now.

Today's economic development in Daqi is like a raging fire cooking oil, with flowers blooming in abundance.

The orders received by the two shipyards in the north and south have been queued for seven or eight years. Hufang Shipyard has just started to be established, but it has already received orders and businessmen from all over the country are waving banknotes and rushing to send money for reservations.

Sea trade is so profitable!

The economic troika, exports, consumption, and investment, are all in full swing.

Because the northern part of Daqi is in a period of crazy large-scale infrastructure construction, the imperial court has invested a lot of money in building bridges and paving roads, each of which is a big project! The use of each one can improve efficiency and bring a lot of positive benefits.

In the south of Daqi, infrastructure construction has not been completed. Government offices in various places also invested in road construction, and even borrowed money to build roads, replacing the previous dirt roads with asphalt roads.

This creates a lot of jobs!

In addition, the real estate industry in major cities has begun to rise, employing more people, creating a large number of jobs for ordinary people who have not gone to school.

With low inflation expectations, people's wages have been rising almost every year, and their families are in short supply of almost everything. People in the north, especially, have strong consumer demand for everything produced in factories.

This has led companies and factories to continuously borrow money from banks in the past two years, wildly expand production capacity, invest in a large number of factories, and create a large number of job opportunities.

The education system that the imperial court has implemented for several years is now supporting the development of industry!

Even if there are some products that are surplus in the country, such as the canneries that have been frantically expanding their production capacity due to the military war in the past two years, after the intensity of the war decreased, the purchase of canned goods decreased, and the people did not like to eat canned food, and there was overcapacity.

But as the export trade became more and more prosperous, it was easily digested through the export trade.

Now, the north and south piers of Daqi are full of ships from all over the world.

They continuously sent specialty resources from various countries to Qi, and then brought them back with beautiful clothes, bicycles, cans, glassware, generators, electrical appliances, furniture, and even firearms and ammunition and other industrial products produced in Qi.

The upper-class aristocrats and ladies of Xilao Prefecture would often hold a party to show off a set of precious cosmetics and skin care products from Qi State, a beautiful dress, or a motorcycle.

This also led to the trend that came from Qi State.

Qi's banks also followed this trend and opened branches to these countries. Qi's currency became so popular in these countries that it even became a fashion.


Icebreaker sails in the North Sea.

More than 2,000 officers and soldiers from the Yuntai Fleet escorted the ship.

This fleet carries a large amount of engineering equipment, explosives and the most powerful soil and water aliens in the country.

There are also officials from the Foreign Affairs Department of the Propaganda Ministry.

They were tasked with purchasing the ownership of the Domo River in the Rus Empire and opening the Domo Sea Strait.

As long as this strait is connected, the distance to the Western Luo states will be shortened by half.

"The current emperor of the Rus Empire is headstrong and extremely tyrannical. I wonder if we can talk about it."

Liu De from the Department of Foreign Affairs said worriedly.

"The Ross Empire has internal and external financial difficulties. It shouldn't be difficult if we have money to clear the way. Even if the Emperor of Ross is tyrannical, what do we have to fear?"

Companion Zhou Jie said.

Not only was the strength of Da Qi and the navy behind him giving him confidence, but also because the idea of ​​"consecrating gods through meritorious service" was influencing the thinking of officials after the ceremony of conferring gods.

"But even if you buy it, once you see how much money is being made in the Duomo Strait, with the nature of the Ross Empire, I'm afraid it will be difficult not to rob it."

Liu De said.

Zhou Jie was not worried and said with a smile: "It will depend on the naval garrison at that time." (End of Chapter)

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