Behind me is the earth

Chapter 604 602 Breakthrough and take control of the situation

When the azure energy jet hit the battleship, the purple energy shield on the surface of the battleship was also passively ejected. The two sides were destroyed in the attack, regenerated in the destruction, and finally annihilated each other in the air.

But this is not a coincidence, but the observer deliberately controlled the energy output to prevent the energy from spreading and destroying the place due to uncontrollable energy, or even causing too big variables that would affect the overall experimental effect of the test site.

As a very famous mercenary civilization in the Star Territory, they attach great importance to their professional ethics.

Regarding the development of the experimental field, they will not easily interfere with the progress of the experiment unless they receive an order from the experimental owner or at an important moment when intervention is necessary because the experimental path is wrong.

However, they have decided to get rid of these little bugs in the laboratory.


The battleship fired a shot at random, melting the huge anti-matter weapon directly into a big hole, and immediately lay down there.

"Dong dong dong..."

A huge muffled sound collided in the laboratory.

Because of Ruan Tang's hard control, some observers struggled to take off their mechas and even took off the "fish tank" on their heads.

Although they are a little uncomfortable with the air environment on the test site, the air here is not toxic to them, so they don't have to worry about being injured because of it.

Many observers swelled to the size of a human and rushed forward to restrain him.

The other small matchsticks flew into the air, also erupting with great power and speed.

However, compared to the soldiers in these disposal units here, as well as the guards brought by Ruan Tang and Xiaowan, without the observers protected by armor, their strength is not enough.

Although they had a numerical advantage, they were still crushed one-sidedly.

The great power of mythical civilization is attributed to its own advantages, and it is reflected in this kind of battle.

"Charging is complete. Do you want to launch?"

In the battleship, the intelligent body asked.

The captain looked at the passive legion: "Launch!"

Following his command, a crystal-clear film-like net the size of a fingernail was sprayed out.

The moment this net was ejected, it ejected and enveloped the entire laboratory space.

The space inside became distorted, and time began to become disordered.

Gradually, the concepts of space and time are lost.

Everyone is flashing around in the space, sometimes disappearing and sometimes appearing, sometimes becoming old people, sometimes becoming children.

Only the battleship suspended in the air hovered steadily in the center, unaffected.

Beams of light shot out from the battleship, picking up the observers scattered in this chaotic laboratory space one by one.

"The space-time network has been launched and triggered successfully!"

The agent said.

The Space-Time Net is not a thing of the Observer Civilization, but a precious weapon obtained from a civilization that is even higher than the Skynet Civilization. Because it does not match its own battleship, it can only be stored in the Space-Time Capsule. Each time it is used, it needs to be brewed and charged for a period of time before it can be released.

Fortunately, it has been successfully released. As one of the final weapons prepared by the Observer civilization for each of their starships, these little bugs in the test site will not be able to cause any trouble.

"We will take these people away first, just in time to extract their memories, and then conduct detailed research on their bodies and spirits.

Just complement our research sample. "

The captain ordered.

A receiving beam was emitted from the spacecraft, and the people in the room who were flickering and struggling in the chaotic time and space were brought into the battleship.


People struggling in chaotic time and space, if we use a metaphor, are similar to how a drowning person struggles desperately on the surface of the water after choking on a belly of water. Fear and pain will drown the person together with the water. .

Many people's memories and rationality will become blank in this situation, leaving only primitive physical reactions.

There are only a few people who can still maintain their sanity and memory in the chaotic time and space.

"In this chaotic time and space environment, there is no way to show your strength!"

Xiaowan and Ruan Tang communicate consciously.

The water element she condensed was also changing in time and space, and became disobedient.

The reason is still insufficient strength.

"Now, I have only one way to survive. I am led by the beam and taken to the enemy warship before I do anything. The environment there may not be like this."

An octogenarian woman floated past Ruan Tang, but from her eyes, Ruan Tang could still recognize her as Han Ling'er.

The next moment, Han Ling'er reappeared from another twisted space. At this time, she had turned into a cardamom girl of twelve or thirteen years old.

"I'm afraid it's going to be very difficult. We don't know what the environment is like inside the enemy's warship. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to overturn the situation inside the enemy's warship..."

Before Xiaowan could finish her words, a beam of light had already fallen on her head.

By the time she tried to resist, it was already too late and she was sucked away instantly.

The next moment, the same beam of light fell on Ruan Tang. She just sensed that when the light beam fell on her body, the space-time chaos inside the light beam was suppressed for a moment. When the light beam fell, her body moved instantly, like a swimming fish, slippery. It escaped the fisherman's hands.


The iron door of the laboratory suddenly made a loud noise.

The broken iron door turned into pieces and scattered all over the ground.

Xingchi and Tian Xiuwen appeared at the door.

It turned out that it was the two people who had just arrived. After knocking and pushing the door but finding that the laboratory door could not be opened, they concluded that something might be going on inside, so Tian Wenxiu punched the door open from the outside.

And as he opened the door, the space-time turbulence in the laboratory space seemed to have found a vent, pouring out like a flood that burst a dam.

The two people who faced the turbulence of time and space were washed head-on and were instantly submerged.


Tian Xiuwen shouted, the light flashed in his hand, and he stood in front of him with a scepter inlaid with green stones. He tried his best, and the green power of time surged in his body and inspired the power of the time gem, causing chaos in time and space. The current is divided, and a small "island" is supported in the middle of the flood that bursts the embankment.

However, at the next moment, a beam of light came and captured him and Xingchi behind him.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Tang, who was in a state of ups and downs, was at a loss for what to do for a moment. He clenched his fists and was already preparing to test Han Ling'er's method and try his final resistance.

"Empress, you enter the Dharma Realm first, but your physical body is a heavy burden in the Dharma Realm. You cannot stay here for a long time."

Just when Ruan Tang was about to give her all, a voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

It turned out that as Tian Xiuwen opened the door, the chaotic time and space finally attracted the attention of the Chenghuang Temple, and Du Kai had already rushed over.

He opened the Dharma Realm and moved the only Ruan Tang left in the laboratory into the Dharma Realm.

But at the next moment, the light beam came over and penetrated the barrier between the underworld and the yang world, sucking Ruan Tang and Du Kai into the battleship together.

Then, the battleship began to emit purple light, and these light particles quickly began to eliminate the impact of the space-time network.

In the palace, the imperial garden, and the An Temple, Ren Pingsheng woke up from his meditation.

He had just made a breakthrough and when he wanted to continue to consolidate, he felt a feeling of heart palpitations, causing him to end his practice early.

"What happened?"

Ren Pingsheng frowned, stretched out his legs, and floated away from Anshen Temple.

This time, floating is no longer achieved through the use of supernatural powers, but after entering the Tianji realm, one already has the ability to influence the natural phenomena of the sky and fly freely.

The power of telekinesis expanded instantly, and in an instant it had enveloped most of the planet. Moreover, Ren had just awakened for the seventh time in his life, and the power of his soul was still in the process of rapid improvement. Although the expansion speed of telekinesis has reached the limit, as the power continues to grow, the boundary is still slowly expanding to the surroundings.

After the seventh awakening, the power of the soul ushered in a leapfrog growth, which was greater than any previous change!

Ren Pingsheng judged that when his realm stabilized this time, he would at least be able to wrap up this planet, and the scope would even be much larger than he imagined!


Telekinesis probed into space and Ren Shengsheng tried it. In an instant, tens of thousands of large and small meteorites surrounding the planet were crushed and exploded at the same time!

A comet with a long tail streaked across the space. Without saying a word, the comet with a diameter of more than four kilometers was grabbed by the telekinesis force. Then, like a hammer thrower, it flicked hard and the comet changed its orbit. , flying towards the moon in the sky.


Under the violent vibration, a violent moonquake instantly occurred on the satellite.

Rocks burst out and smoke filled the air, and Ren Pingsheng was shocked.

The violent explosion and concussion made him fear that he might affect the orbital deviation of the satellite because of such a random experiment. If it had a serious impact on the planet under his feet, he would be shooting himself in the foot.

He tried to use telekinesis to act on the moon, trying to see if he could affect the operation of this satellite.

It really works!

But only a little.

But this little change can slowly have a greater impact on a planet, a world, and countless creatures as the years go by.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Ren Pingsheng did not dare to experiment without guidance for the time being.

After casually crushing a 7-kilometer-diameter comet, Ren returned to the planet with his telepathy, looking for Ruan Tang, and prepared to test his abilities under her guidance.

But the next moment, an uncontrollable look of anger suddenly appeared on his face!

He stretched out his palm in the direction of the Law Academy and shook it hard!


The starship that had entered the bronze door suddenly ejected a purple energy shield.

But this shield didn't last even for a moment, and was easily torn apart like paper!

The next moment, the battleship suddenly stopped in the starry sky.

It makes a harsh "squeaking" sound!

"Alert! Alert! The starship is damaged and the hull continues to be damaged!"

"Alert! The starship protection module is destroyed, please enter the escape cabin immediately!"

The voice of the intelligent body sounded throughout the ship.

"what happened?"

The captain shouted at the intelligent body like a headless fly.

"Detected that some kind of psychic energy is attacking us!"

The agent replied.

"Where is the target! Where are the enemies who attacked us!?"

shouted the captain.


The agent replied.

But outside the starship, on a meteorite platform with a diameter of seven or eight kilometers, observers saw that the starship in space seemed to be held in the hands of a giant, with a dented "handprint" already made!

"What civilization took action? That is the only starship we have in the testing site!"

"Why would a higher civilization take action against us? Is the mother planet being dragged into a star war?"

"It's impossible. Although we are a mercenary civilization, we never participate in mercenary wars."

"Then why would people with advanced civilizations take action against us?"

They discussed eagerly.

As a mercenary civilization in the star field, although they are not considered to be at the bottom of the civilization, they are not considered to be an advanced civilization. They naturally live in the cracks between various high-level civilizations to ensure the soil for the continuation of their own civilization and the opportunities for development.

"what should we do?"

Inside the meteorite, someone asked the platform's highest officer for instructions.

"Hide the platform and plan for the long term!"

the supreme commander ordered.


"There is no but! Before you figure out the other party's origin and strength, preserving yourself is the only wise thing to do. Don't you understand?"

The top officer scolded.

"I understand, but the enemy should have discovered us by now!"

After the subordinate finished speaking, he pointed to the meteorite at his feet.

Only then did the top officer realize that the meteorite under his feet was flying towards the starship.

And in the void universe, a giant emerged across the void.

He was dressed in royal robes, with a golden crown on his head and a sword hanging from his waist.

The moment he appeared, the observers on the platform felt as if they were struck by lightning.

"Emperor Daqi!"

As observers at the testing ground, they naturally knew the Emperor of Da Qi.

This was an experimental variable that had entered their vision when Qi was established.

It was also the person they blasted the world to kill, but failed to kill.

Has he grown to this point now?

"Are you the people of the Observer civilization?"

Ren Pingsheng looked at his surroundings.

This place is not far from Daqi, and you can see the light reflected by the blue planet.

Logically speaking, sound cannot propagate in a vacuum, but observers whether in the starship or on the meteorite platform heard the sound.

It was like it came straight from their heads.

When they received the information, they were shocked.

"How can he, a native, tell us who we are?" (End of Chapter)

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