Behind me is the earth

Chapter 605 603 Three Realms and Six Paths Spiritual Qi Becomes Mist

They didn't know how the Emperor of Da Qi knew their origins, but what was certain was that the emperor on the testing ground had become something beyond their imagination.

A hole was torn open on the starship, and Ruan Tang, Xiaowan, and the other people captured by the guiding beam were all captured by Ren Pingsheng.

At the same time, in space, Ren Shengsheng created a bubble suitable for human survival out of thin air and took them in.

"As a civilized observer, I don't like my planet being called a 'testing ground', nor do I like living under the prying eyes.

Starting from today, I will give you ten days to leave all observers around my planet!

If there are still those who have not left after ten days, kill them! "

At the same time as Ren Pingsheng's voice fell, the thousands of observers on the field felt that there was something more in their consciousness. As long as their consciousness touched this foreign mark, the feeling of broken consciousness immediately came back clearly.

They knew that they had been planted by the Emperor of Da Qi.

"Call the Internet Connection Center, we received a warning from Emperor Daqi!"

"Report to the Internet Connection Center, we have received a warning!"


Suddenly, observers from dozens of nodes reported to the network center in the meteorite almost simultaneously.

Only then did the top officer know that just now, the Emperor of Da Qi had issued a warning to observers distributed at various nodes on the test site planet and even in various sample worlds!

This means that the other party already has detailed information such as the location of all of them.

Cold sweat broke out on the top officer's body.

When he wanted to communicate with the other party, he saw the other party throw it away casually, and the starship hit the meteorite.

With the violent impact, a large crater was carved out of the meteorite.

The Emperor of Da Qi has disappeared.

"what should we do?"

The subordinate asked the top officer of the testing site.

"What kind of person is this Emperor of Da Qi?"

the supreme commander asked.

The subordinate knew what the top officer meant and replied: "We have carefully studied this person's character, and we can summarize it as follows: keep your promises and keep your promises."

"Notify the home planet and apply to cancel the Skynet Civilization's 'Myth Test Site' mission."

The supreme commander ordered decisively.

"Husband, have we affected your plan this time?"

Returning to the messy testing ground, Ren Pingsheng closed the bronze door behind him.

Hearing Ruan Tang's question, Han Ling'er and others looked at the emperor with uneasy expressions.

The emperor's appearance in the starry sky just now was no different from that of a true god in their hearts.

If their mistake in activating the Bronze Gate due to their research on it affected His Majesty's plan and caused their planet to suffer a disaster, it would not be wrong to say that they were the sinners of the destruction of civilization.

"Nothing in the way."

Ren Pingsheng said comfortingly.

This is no one's fault.

"Furthermore, expelling the Observers has long been our stated goal."

Ren Pingsheng stood in the laboratory and looked at the people who looked at him eagerly: "Being free from the status of experimental subjects, expelling the prying eyes of observer civilization, and getting rid of the control of Skynet civilization is the basis for our independence and self-reliance.

Now, we have only taken the first step. There is nothing to be afraid of. You all perform your duties, and the great Qi will prosper forever. "

Ren Pingsheng personally encouraged him with a few words, and those from the Academy of Law and the Disposal Bureau, who were shocked by the alien civilization, cheered up again.

After all, they had seen with their own eyes that His Majesty was able to manipulate the observers who they regarded as extremely powerful in the palm of his hand, and frightened the other parties into not daring to refute!

Ren Pingsheng took Ruan Tang and Xiaowan out of the laboratory.

Outside the broken door, the hall was not affected.

After leaving the building, the sun was shining brightly, and the outside world had no idea of ​​the thrilling changes that had happened here.

in the car.

"Husband, how should we deal with it next?"

After Ruan Tang met Ren Pingsheng, she felt that her backbone was back, the pressure in her heart was gone, and she became excited while holding her husband's arm.

"I have recorded the locations of all the secret worlds through the observer network. The next step is to find all the secret worlds one by one and return them to the main world.

As for how to face the Skynet civilization after expelling the Observer civilization..."

Ren Pingsheng said in a deep voice: "We have shown our strength and value. If Skynet civilization still wants to deal with us, perhaps we can use clock civilization to restrict Skynet civilization.

Do you still remember the piece of paper left by Charcot? "

Ruan Tang nodded: "Remember."

"The content recorded on this piece of paper left by Charcot, in addition to a three-dimensional diagram like a star map, is to remind us to show the appearance and ability of the leader of mythical civilization, to attract the attention and investment of clock civilization, and to restrict Skynet civilization prevents it from fully controlling the 'testing ground'."

"But, Master, we cannot place our hopes entirely on others."

Xiaowan interrupted.

"Exchanges between organizations and countries are nothing more than interests. Doesn't exchange between civilizations, even interstellar civilizations, not involve interests? I think this is generally the case.

Reflecting interests and checking and balancing each other, we can only do this when we are weak. "

Ren Pingsheng said: "However, Xiaowan is right. We cannot just rely on others to follow the direction of our plan, so we must have our own trump card to ensure the success of the plan and our own safety.

Now, one is my own practice, and the other is the perfection and execution of the Great Heavenly Plan.

Of these two, one is the improvement of the highest strength, and the other is the improvement of the overall civilization strength. Both hands must be strong. "

He analyzed.

While talking about the next direction of development, the vehicle has returned to the imperial city.

When Ruan Tang, Xiaowan and Wangshu followed Ren Pingsheng back to Qixing Palace, they saw Ren Pingsheng walking out of the palace gate.


The two of them opened their eyes wide in shock, looking at Ren Pingsheng, and then at Ren Pingsheng who was sandwiched between them.

"Welcome back, but as my queen and concubine, remember not to put yourself at risk."

Ren Pingsheng came up to him and said.

At the same time, Ren Pingsheng, who was sandwiched between Ruan Tang and Xiao Wan, took two steps forward, and the moment they collided with the main body, they overlapped.

"After my seventh awakening, I can already create a physical clone with just one thought."

Seeing their shocked looks, Ren Pingsheng introduced them to them.

Not only can he create a physical clone with a single thought, but with his current profound spiritual power, the thoughts possessed by the clone can also think and communicate on his own, just like an accessory brain he built.

However, because it is still the same consciousness, it is still within the scope of his telekinesis, and it is actually the product of his ability to multi-task.

A delicious meal calmed Ruan Tang and Xiao Wan's uneasy mood due to the battle with the observers.

"Now, Tangtang, can you confirm whether we are in the same universe as the earth?"

After eating, Ren Pingsheng and Ruan Tang asked.

Ruan Tang still shook his head: "The physical laws are similar to those of the earth. Even the planet under our feet is similar to the earth in terms of size, gravity, land and sea distribution, etc.

But whether we are still in the same universe as the earth, or exist in another universe, or another parallel universe, it is difficult for me to judge. "

Ren Pingsheng nodded slightly.

To this day, he is still not sure whether the door opened by his golden right hand has traveled a long distance to a strange planet in the same universe, or whether it has traveled across the universe and arrived at a new universe.

At his current state, he felt that his ability to travel through time was not obtained out of thin air. There must be something fishy behind it.

"Will it be a clock civilization?"

Ren Pingsheng guessed uncertainly.

I walked out of the room and came outside, standing in front of the tall door, watching the setting sun shine on the glazed tiles of the palace complex, giving it a golden color.

After Xiaowan had eaten her fill, she sat on the steps outside, leaning against a furry tiger demon with its belly turned over, holding a book and reading there.

She doesn't look like a royal concubine at all.

But the former eunuch who saw her from a distance sighed inwardly at her blessing.

Those who can be so carefree in the strict etiquette of the palace are the queens and concubines of the current dynasty.

"What are you reading?"

Ren Pingsheng came to her side and reached out to rub the tiger's head.

Tiger glared at Ren Pingsheng, then narrowed his eyes and made a "gurgling" sound in his throat.


Xiaowan exposed the book cover.

"Research on Chinese Court Theology"

Ren Pingsheng saw the title of the book.

“Didn’t the young master want people from the five religions to jointly compile a book of divine magic, a method for practicing magical powers, and a method for practicing magic?

I think many of these mythological systems on earth can be added to our great heavenly system. "

Xiaowan explained.

"Yes, this is an idea. Our Huaxia Court's approach to the Three Realms and Six Paths should make the Great Heavenly Court's plan more complete."

Ruan Tang also walked out of the hall.

Ren had referred to the pantheon of the earth's pantheon before. For example, the City God system drew heavily on the pantheon of the pantheon of the earth's pantheon.

He thought about it and said, "Have all the people from the five religions arrived?"

Xiao Wan said: "After the young master's decree was issued last month, all sects have sent people here. Especially the three sects of Sun Moon Sect, Jingming Sect, and Xuanzhen Sect, they almost came with stars and moons, and Taiyi Sect and Tianyi Sect , are now on Jade Mountain in Xicheng, perfecting the Great Heaven."

These three sects were all suppressed hermit sects. Now that they were summoned by the emperor, they were naturally very excited and did not dare to neglect them.

"Have people organize and send these Taoist scriptures, divine positions, priesthood maps and other information on the earth to them for reference and research."

Ren Pingsheng reminded.


Xiaowan responded and came down.

Ten days later, when Ren Pingsheng inspected various nodes with his telekinesis again, he found that the observer had indeed disappeared.

At the same time, among these nodes, Ren Pingsheng finally saw people from the Skynet civilization.

These people have the same limbs, torsos, and facial features as humans, but they look different from Ren Pingsheng's aesthetics.

Especially among these people, there are many strange things.

Some have only one eye, and some have mouths on their foreheads, like genetic research failures.

Ren Pingsheng could feel that although these people had some strength, they were no different from ants to him. If he wanted to kill these people, he could easily crush them with just a thought.

Observed what these people were doing.

What they are doing is still the same as those observers, observing the development of the world at each node and making records.

These nodes, like satellites in space, cover every corner of the world. Through these nodes, the environment of every foothold in the world can be easily and clearly retrieved, which is clearer than a high-definition camera.

Moreover, they can easily travel back and forth from these nodes to the area they are observing.

Ren Pingsheng's telekinesis touched the formation in the imperial city, and the phantom formation was activated - he had no interest in broadcasting it live.

The scene in the node that was observing the direction of the palace was immediately obscured by the magic array.

The world is rustling, and in the blink of an eye it is already another winter.

The snow is falling heavily, but the icy weather cannot dampen people's enthusiasm.

Qi Guo University moved its headquarters to Nanyang. Qi Guo University of Technology, Qi Guo Martial Arts College, Qi Guo Military University, Qi Guo Maritime University...More than a dozen universities have moved their headquarters to Nanyang City. The surrounding counties and districts have brought youthful vitality to this ancient city.

The developed community has been completed long ago, and many court officials have been allocated housing and have settled down in Nanyang.

A large number of new state-owned enterprises, including Qixing Group Investment, were also born here.

Similarly, some private businesses also came to Nanyang, allowing this city that had been troubled by disasters since the end of the Jing Dynasty to stand tall again.

Commercial streets everywhere bring enthusiastic and unrestrained vitality to the people of Nanyang.

The empire is developing rapidly, and Ren has never let go of his lifelong practice.

The power of thought has been able to wrap up the entire planet and make it rich, and it can even play with the moon in the palm of one's hand.

For this planet, Ren Pingsheng can already deserve to be called a god.

Anmin three years, the first day of the first lunar month.

Ren Pingsheng has read through a thick law book.

"Your Majesty, the secret worlds that meet the requirements have been selected."

Bai Chuchu walked into Qixing Palace carrying a brocade box.

"Bring it here."

Ren Pingsheng waved his hand, and the brocade box flew onto the imperial case.

Opening the brocade box revealed a square seal inside.

"This is a jade seal handed down from the country called 'Zhao' more than two thousand years ago. There is a world hidden in it!

We compared more than 300 secret realms and selected the world with the richest aura. "

This time, Ren Pingsheng collected more than 300 secret worlds from the Observer at once.

When Bai Chuchu introduced it, Ren Pingsheng's mental power had already pierced the world membrane of the secret realm and penetrated into it.

The aura is so rich that it has become a spiritual mist. (End of chapter)

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