Behind me is the earth

Chapter 606 604 Opening up the heaven

Chapter 606 604. Open up the heaven

Although there are not many creatures in such a secret realm with rich spiritual energy, they are all extremely powerful.

There are dragons, phoenixes, gods, immortal birds, ancient trees, and flower and plant elves. Looking at their creations, you can see that they all have highly developed wisdom.

Time passed bit by bit, and Bai Chuchu stood in the hall waiting.

Her posture is very good, and the control of her powers is even more wonderful. She is as light as a feather, not bound by the gravity of the earth, her legs are naturally relaxed, and the blood flows naturally and smoothly throughout her body under the beating of her heart. Circulation, the body will not feel the fatigue of standing for a long time.

"The innate gods here have their own domain and are in charge of certain rules between heaven and earth. They are so strong that they should be called a mythical civilization. How could such a strong strength be divided into a group by the Skynet civilization? What about a secret world?

How strong is the Skynet civilization?

What exactly is the mythical civilization in their minds? "

After a long period of careful observation, Ren Pingsheng had a deeper understanding of the world.

Looking at the creatures in the secret world, Ren Pingsheng couldn't help but frown in thought.

In the secret world, there are islands floating in the sky, peaks reaching into the sky, and waterfalls formed by gathering spiritual energy that fall from the floating islands for nine days, and then flow down three thousand feet along the peaks, turning into streams and flowing into the elves. forest.

Nourishing the powerful creatures in this world.

Ren Pingsheng withdrew his telepathy and groped for this warm jade seal.

"Go down."


Bai Chuchu bowed and exited the palace.

"The puzzle piece of heaven has been obtained."

Ren Pingsheng placed the seal on the imperial desk, using his mind in the void to find a suitable location to hold the heaven.

"Tianzhu Mountain."

For a long time, Ren Pingsheng looked to the south, Tianzhu Mountain, located on the Tropic of Cancer in this world.

There has been a legend since ancient times. It is known as the place where the sun rises and is said to be the hometown of the sun. Whenever the summer solstice occurs, the Yang Qi here is the strongest, and the shadow of Tianzhu Mountain will disappear.

According to Ren's limited astronomical knowledge, it is because the sun shines directly on Tianzhu Mountain, so there is no shadow on Tianzhu Mountain.

Now under the observation of Dharma eyes, just like Weishan Mountain can suppress the world of the underworld, Tianzhu Mountain has extremely strong yang energy and can be used to hold up the heaven.

When Ren Pingsheng was about to leave his body and carry the jade seal, the eunuch on duty outside the palace came in and reported: "Your Majesty, Nanyang City God Du Kai, Weishan Mountain God and Yinsi God Jun Leqing want to see you!"


Ren Pingsheng stabilized his spirit and spoke.

Outside the door, the eunuch respectfully invited Du Kai and Le Qing to enter.

For these people, the two gods in front of them are the gods who control their afterlife.

If you deal with it well in advance, you may be able to use it after you die.

Now that each secret world has returned to the main world, the spiritual energy that has been continuously reviving is on the fast track. In many places such as mass graves, Yin energy naturally gathers, and ghosts are slowly becoming less rare.

The vast majority of ghosts are ignorant and will involuntarily enter the underworld under the natural attraction of the underworld. But there are also ghosts who resist entering the underworld and remain in the human world.

For this reason, official documents from various places requesting the enfeoffment of city gods and land were constantly sent to the court.

Soon, Du Kai and Le Qing came to the main hall.

"I see your Majesty!"

The two of them bowed.

In this hall, they seemed to have returned to the time when they served in the imperial court.

"Get flat."

Ren Pingsheng gave them a hand and helped them both up.

"Your Majesty, the King of the Underworld, the White-headed King, has been reincarnated today. Before leaving, he left his seal behind."

Leqing, the God of Weishan Mountain, raised his hand and took out a tray with the seal of the Lord of the Underworld on it.

Ren Pingsheng nodded, there was no surprise.

The Bald King had already been traumatized when he integrated the underworld world into the legal world, and it is not easy to support him until now.

However, after he promoted the integration of the underworld into the legal world, he also became imbued with the destiny of the country. After reincarnation, the destiny of the dynasty will now protect him.

"Xuan Xingchi."

Ren Pingsheng said.

Soon, Xingchi, who was in the outer courtyard of the palace, arrived at Yuanhe Hall.

"Xingchi, today I have decreed that you be the King of the Underworld. Are you qualified for the job?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

Letting Xingchi be the King of the Underworld was his best solution after careful consideration.

Although Xingchi only held a casual position in the Yiren Division these years, she had dealt with most of the aliens across the country.

It is also because of her existence that all awakened aliens have no way to hide from her powers. The vast majority of the country, a total of more than 20,000 aliens of all kinds, have been registered in the Alien Department.

Moreover, Ren Pingsheng asked her to go to the Yin Division not because of her ability, but because of her hard power.

As an old ghost who was born when her spiritual energy was revived, coupled with her superpowers, she could completely replace the Bald King when she went to the underworld and suppress all dissent.

"I am confident that I can do the job!"

Xingchi's eyes became extremely bright.

When she was alive, she also had ambitions.

Now being granted the title of king was naturally something she had dreamed of, so she immediately kowtowed to express her loyalty.


As Ren Shengsheng's thoughts moved, a faint golden font appeared in the void of the hall, and at the same time, a volume of imperial edict appeared out of thin air.

The font was printed on the imperial edict created by Ren Shengsheng and fell in front of Xingchi.

She took the imperial edict with both hands, and a surge of sacred power surged in, and the soul dressed as a scholar naturally left the skin.

This power came from the Dharma Realm and merged into his body. The purple python robe covered his body.

When the python robe and seal fell into his hands, he had already completed the transformation from ghost to god.

"I will give you the Ghost-Slaying Sword to conquer the unruly ministers and consolidate the Yin Division."

Ren Pingsheng took out a magic sword, the sword was shining like a drill, and threw it to Xingchi.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift of the sword!"

Xingchi took the magic sword.


Ren Pingsheng said.

"Your Majesty, please leave!"

Xingchi's soul body fell back into the body of the release machine, and left Yuanhe Hall together with Weishan Mountain God Leqing and Nanyang City God Du Kai.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

After leaving the hall, the two congratulated Xingchi.

Although it was not the same system, the two of them had heard of Xingchi's name more than once during their lifetimes.

I just didn't expect that under the beautiful skin, the soul body looked like a scholar.

Xingchi, who was suddenly in a high position, also tried to win over him: "I was appreciated by His Majesty, and I climbed to a high position for a while, but I don't have enough foundation in the underworld, so I need the help of the two of you."

"That's of course. According to the position in the Immortal Law Book, the prince is my immediate superior. As long as the prince has orders, he will give orders."

Du Kai said, patting his chest.

"Master Du is serious."

Xingchi smiled.

As the City God of Nanyang, Du Kai was a person close to the emperor, and his status was not comparable to that of the City God in other places.

Speaking of which, Le Qing is her direct subordinate.

At night, it snowed again.

At this time, the people in Nanyang City were particularly envious of the commercial housing in the suburbs. The heating inside made the room as warm as spring.

After Ren Pingsheng undressed and lay down in Qixing Palace, his soul left his body and flew towards Tianzhu Mountain.

It is located in Caiyun Province in the south of Daqi, not far from Suling Mountain.

There was a phantom of light around him, and in the blink of an eye, Ren Pingsheng's figure appeared in the sky above Tianzhu Mountain.

Compared with the cold in the north, Tianzhu Mountain is a wonderful place like a fairyland with flowers blooming, birds and beasts chirping, and bells and bells blooming beautifully.

He casually performed the hand gesture, and fluctuations rose out of thin air in the surrounding space. After a moment, the surrounding Tianzhu Mountain became misty, and a thick fog arose.

This is not just mist, but a layer of restrictions placed under Ren Pingsheng, which can isolate the observation system set up by the observer's civilization.

The soul disappeared into the fog.

His fingers passed through the void, like opening a zipper. The background color of the space was purple, and it was filled with all kinds of violent spaces.

The first time he was sucked into the space turbulence, he lost half his life.

Nowadays, these spatial turbulences can no longer shake him even a little bit.

"If I go one step further and step into chaos, then Skynet civilization may not be able to do anything to me."

Now, after the seventh awakening, not only the power of telekinesis is more powerful.

There are causal connections between everything. He can see these causal connections, and can influence these causal connections and change the development process of things and living things.

There are also laws in natural development. These laws are also within the framework of natural rules and are also part of the causal cycle. By influencing these rules, he can grasp the laws of the world, allowing him to exert greater power from the top-level design.

If he awakens again, perhaps this world will not be able to restrain him.

Ren Pingsheng stepped into the turbulence, and a jade seal from the country appeared in the palm of his hand.

The thought smoothed the turbulence in the space, and at the same time, he crushed the imperial seal in his hand. The sample world created by Skynet Civilization using this national jade seal as a carrier was shattered.

As the carrier shattered, when the world was about to collapse, the force of thought surged around it, carefully like holding a raw egg with a broken shell, and reintegrated the egg membrane with the external space.

Ren Yisheng communicates the fate of the country and connects various natural rules with the world.

A world that is independent of the main world and intertwined with this world is born.

"With Tianzhu Mountain as the base, this world is connected to the natural rules of the world, affects the direction of the spiritual energy of the world, and can control the natural rules.

The richer the rules connected to the rules of this world, the wider the scope it can radiate. "

Ren felt the birth of heaven all his life, and he had more understanding, greater confidence, and stronger confidence in the planning of the three realms.

Compared with the underworld, it seems to be suppressed at the foot of a towering mountain. In fact, the concept of the legal world is both infinitely small and infinitely large. If it is small, it can collapse to a point, and if it is large, it can be boundless. It can be filled everywhere in the universe.

The heaven is a clear place, but only one who has the authority of the priesthood and can find the entrance can enter.

"In this way, the vision of the three realms of heaven, earth, and human beings has been completed."

Next, it is up to the craftsmen to design and build the Tiangong.

Moreover, the book of immortal magic jointly compiled by the five religions has also been released, which should truly enrich the immortals in heaven.

This is not difficult.

The Da Qi court itself is a very reliable civil and military team. Most of the officials now have a reliable team through their training with Ren Pingsheng who conquered the world.

Although the heaven has been opened up now, it can still be the same as before, two brands and one team.

Officials who have obtained the priesthood can rely on the priesthood to master the corresponding rules and naturally increase the strength of the heaven.

"However, the power corresponding to the priesthood can be strong or weak, and it is also relatively biased. If the god himself is not strong enough, he will also be shackled when facing many urgent, difficult and dangerous problems.

Because the gods at the front are short of manpower, they can be more relaxed. As long as their merits are enough, they can be crowned gods.

If you choose again in the future, merit and strength are indispensable. "

Ren Pingsheng returned to Qixing Palace and lay on the bed thinking.

The night is as cold as water.

The snow fell silently.

Ren Pingsheng no longer needs sleep to restore his energy, but sleep has become a part of his practice.

One night later, when Ren Pingsheng got up, the ground in the imperial city had been swept clean.

The snow on the glazed tiles on the roof has also been blown away by the wind caused by Wang Shu.

After Ren Pingsheng and Ruan Tang had dinner, they walked to the Royal Garden.

The Imperial Garden not only used space magic to expand it, but also adjusted the temperature here to 26 degrees. It's freezing outside, but here it's as warm as spring. The flowers also ignored the rhythm and bloomed proudly in the flower beds. Bees and butterflies swayed on the flower centers with their delicate branches.

"Husband, look at this."

Ruan Tang motioned Ren Pingsheng to look at his phone.

Ren Pingsheng took out his mobile phone, the screen lit up, a frame jumped out, and a design picture popped out of it.

"When did you design it?"

He looked at the architectural drawings inside and asked curiously.

"When you were designing to open up the heaven. The last time I went back to Earth, I asked my architect friend to design it. She is one of the leading designers in the country."

Ruan Tang said, opening his palms, a holographic picture emerged in the air.

As soon as he thought about it, the hologram quickly expanded, covering the surrounding flower beds in a moment, and a huge building complex appeared in the imperial garden. The surrounding eunuchs and maidens were all surprised. Fortunately, they were well-informed in the palace and were not frightened.

It's just that the buildings that suddenly appeared looked just like the real thing. Instead, they blocked their field of vision and made them stand still and dare not move. They were afraid of hitting these illusory "walls" and taking the wrong road. Trampling on these vibrant exotic flowers and plants in the imperial garden.

"I shared our Daqi artificial intelligence with this friend. This design is also modeled on our imagination of Tiangong, and was jointly designed by her and the intelligent agent."

Ruan Tang took Ren Pingsheng's hand, and the two flew into the air.

Viewed from the air, the rendering of this architectural complex is undoubtedly beautiful.

Used as a heavenly building, it has both royal majesty and fairy-like air.

very good.

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