Behind me is the earth

Chapter 608 Six Paths to Heaven

When Tang Xiaoer walked out of the Reincarnation Hall, the Yin Cha who followed him became respectful towards him.

"Sir, please come this way."

Yin Chai diligently leads the way.

"Brother, no, no need to do this."

Seeing the changes in Yin Chai, Tang Xiaoer was a little frightened.

"Sir, if you do good deeds and accumulate virtues, you will be the captain of the squadron as soon as you enter the underworld. You will definitely have a good future in the future. When I encounter difficulties in the future, I will be able to help you, and I will be grateful."

Yin Chai said respectfully.

When he was in the human world, he was a government official, and he was the most thorough in thinking about these matters of welcoming and sending off. Now he naturally did not want to give up the opportunity to make friends with Tang Xiaoer, a potential stock.

"Easy to say."

Tang Xiaoer said seriously.

After all, the other party took him all the way into the underworld, and took the initiative to introduce to him a lot about the underworld when he didn't understand anything. This was not the other party's responsibility, but the other party was willing to explain these to him.

This may not be important information, but for him, a new ghost who has just arrived, it is important news that allows him to let go of his panic, reduce information gaps, and avoid detours.

Soon, the two entered the royal city.

The royal city excludes the gray fog from the outside. Although the city relies on the cold rays of the sun in the sky, the sight is still very good.

The size of the royal city is not very large, but it is already very lively.

There are not only ghosts from the original Baekdu City here, but also some new ghosts who have recently entered the royal city.

These new ghosts have awakened human memories and brought many new tricks to this lifeless world.

People on the street were selling things. Although ghosts here do not need to eat, the incense and offerings in the human world are all good things, which can make their souls more condensed, and they can also practice, and there is even a slight possibility of using their ghost bodies to reverse Yin and Yang. Cultivation into Yang Shen.

Therefore, most of the things bought and sold here are these things.

"Speaking of which, when Sun Xingzhe performed somersault cloud, it was like a somersault thousands of miles away..."

Perhaps it is because the Three Realms and Six Paths of Naturalization draws on various legends from the Chinese mythology system. Journey to the West is still very popular here as in the human world. The voice of the storyteller can be heard from the hook rails on the roadside to the door.

Tang Xiaoer only stopped to listen to a few words and did not spend much time here. He and Yin Chai headed to the Magistrate's Mansion.

When he came out, he had already put on a blue official uniform.

Among the waist tags hanging on his waist, there is also a set of armor with a strong Yin energy. When encountering a battle, he can wear it at any time to deal with the struggle that may come at any time while walking in the world.

In addition, there is a black seal in the hand, and a ghost-binding rope tied around the waist as a belt. It can be used as a belt, to bind ghosts, and as a whip to beat ghosts. It is a squadron leader's talent. The magic weapon worn.

Walking on the street, many people saw him passing by and stepped away to avoid him.

Although the cyan uniform is not very good-looking, compared to the dusty robes of ordinary officials, it is already a symbol of power for grassroots officials. In a place like the underworld, the rules are even stricter than in the human world. They are ghosts who have experienced life and death once. All new ghosts have also walked through the road to hell, experienced trials, and have a greater respect for the power of the underworld.

Soon, the two people came to the door of a building on the outer street of the Royal City, with a sign reading "The Fourth Action Brigade of the Yinsi Royal City Police Department" on it.

"Brother Tao, let's go in."

Tang Xiaoer said.

After crossing the threshold and entering a new unit, the first thing to do is to meet with the leader.

The captain's office is very simple, with only a table, a bookcase, and a futon for meditation. However, the smoke from the sandalwood on the table falls on the table like a small waterfall, as if it is spread on the table. There was a layer of clouds, and the refreshing smell in the air made Tang Xiaoer feel a little heavier.

The ghost body feels heavy, which means that the energy is more abundant and the body is more condensed.

This sandalwood is good stuff.

Tang Xiaoer thought to himself.

He looked behind the table and looked up at the rather prosperous captain with a beard.

"Tang Xiaoer, meet the captain!"

"sit down."

The captain pointed to the bench opposite the table.

After Tang Xiaoer sat down, the captain stood up, walked to the side table, picked up a small cup, scooped a cup from the sandalwood waterfall, and handed it to Tang Xiaoer.

"Thank you, Captain!"

Tang Xiaoer looked at the wine cup in his hand. The sandalwood in it was thick and white, rising and falling, and there were strands floating and dispersing in the air.

"You are new to the underworld. This sandalwood is very beneficial to you. You can smoke it and drink it."

Seeing that he didn't understand, the captain explained.

Tang Xiaoer suddenly remembered that when he entered the city and listened to Journey to the West in Goulan, the same undulating aroma could be found in the teacups on the tables of the guests.

Immediately imitating what he saw at that time, he brought it to his nose and took a sip. The cup of sandalwood was sucked into his soul like a dragon sucking water. Immediately, the soul fluctuated and became several times heavier again. point.

"Xiao Er, you look very young. Did you die in vain?"

The captain first had a family affair with Tang Xiaoer.

"Ah, yes, yes..."

Tang Xiaoer was talking to the captain. I don’t know what the brigade leader did before he died, but he spoke in a very orderly and cordial manner. After chatting for a while, the two parties quickly became familiar with each other.

"Captain Junior Second, you can be assigned to our fourth team, but I hope for the stars and the moon to come.

Our fourth brigade is in Wangcheng. It is only a small unit and is short of manpower. Not only is our action brigade short of manpower, but the entire Royal City and the entire Yin Division are also short of manpower, so now we are one person acting as two envoys. Do you know what the grassroots of the human world say? "

The captain continued without waiting for Tang Xiaoer to speak: "Men serve as livestock handlers, and women serve as men's handlers.

Therefore, our action team is not only responsible for the security of this block in the royal city, but also the task of going to the human world to fish out those new ghosts.

However, this is also a good thing for you. You can return to the human world and watch the wind, which is something that many ghosts can only ask for. "

Tang Xiaoer nodded when he heard this.

The reason why he chose to be a shady person was for this reason.

"Officials below must fulfill their duties and share the worries of the captain."

The waiter has never eaten pork, but he has seen pigs running away. When he was an intern in a large hospital, he also saw some things, so he immediately picked up some nice words to say.


The captain patted Tang Xiaoer on the shoulder: "With Xiaoer assisting me, our fourth team will definitely be able to prosper.

Go and meet your team members, they will be your comrades fighting side by side from now on! "


Tang Xiaoer saluted and was about to leave the captain's office.


When Tang Xiaoer walked to the gate, he was stopped by the captain behind him. The moment he turned his head, a black thing flew over.

He grabbed it and saw that inside the paper bag was a packet of sandalwood.

"The world drinks tea, we drink fragrance. You can take it home and drink it. When you get off work, remember to go to the general office and learn our cultivation techniques."

The captain ordered.

"Thank you, captain, I understand."

Tang Xiaoer showed a smile on his face and left the office with the "tea" given by the team leader.

As a squadron leader, there are ten shady men under him.

There are five secret agents under his command, not all of them, but they are responsible for a wide range of things.

There are matters concerning Landa Temple Street in the royal city, as well as matters surrounding the Hengbin County in the human world with a radius of more than 80 kilometers.

"Hengbin County City does not yet have a city god land. Once the city god is established, we will not need to take care of it. At most, we can only help with the work.

However, the current underworld establishment is not full of people, and nearly half of the gods in the human city god system have not returned to their positions. We are busy like tops, being whipped around by whips. "

When the team members introduced their work to Tang Xiaoer, they complained.

After spending an afternoon getting to know the work that his squadron was responsible for, Tang Xiaoer couldn't help but pinch his teeth. The pressure was really quite big!

After meeting his teammates, Tang Xiaoer went to the general office to receive "Moon Spectrum". After going to a teahouse with his five team members for team building, Tang Xiaoer returned to his assigned dormitory.

Moon Spectrum is a skill that belongs to the Yin difference system that Yin difference can receive, and it is also one of their benefits.

The content is very simple, and the practice method is also simple and feasible. You only need to practice facing the moon in the sky, attracting the moonlight to sink into the body, and then you can complete the refining of the soul and make the Yin Qi purer and purer.

As the saying goes, "The positive pole generates yin, and the negative pole generates yang." If the amount of yin energy is sufficient and the purity is sufficient, there is a slight chance that yin can be used to fake yang and become a yang god.

There is only a pale moon in the sky of Yinsi, and the passage of time is not obvious here.

However, within an hour, a bell rang in the royal city, reminding the ghost people of the time.

After a night of practice, the morning bell rang. Tang Xiaoer stretched and floated, feeling that his soul was more relaxed than ever before. After stretching and exercising, he felt that his strength was stronger.

After tidying up a little, I put on my official uniform and belt, and went on duty.

As Tang Xiaoer was busy, as time passed day by day, he became more and more familiar with his business.

There were more and more ghosts in the royal city, and when they began to be unable to accommodate them, the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the Reincarnation Hall was finally completed.

On the same day, the Reincarnation Hall mobilized manpower, and Tang Xiaoer's squadron was also dispatched to the Reincarnation Hall on duty, and finally saw the six doors in the Reincarnation Hall.

"According to their own judgment, each stood in line in front of the door."

The ghosts who maintain order drive away these ghosts.

There are various reliefs on each door. The engraved pictures are like auspicious clouds and beasts, lotus vase, holy light Dharma, etc., which are full of fairy spirit. It seems that the spirit of fairy spirit is overflowing through the cracks in the door. There is a faint golden light flickering, which makes people feel that it is a good place at a glance.

The second door looks ordinary, with reliefs depicting various aspects of the world, including farmers working the land, vendors in the market, and students studying hard in cold windows. These reliefs are lifelike, showing the joys, sorrows and joys of the world and the outlook of life.

The third door is painted with pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep, birds and fish, surrounded by a cow's head in the middle.

The base of the fourth door is dark lead gray, and the figure on the door is as skinny as a stick, with a desperate and frightened expression, and his hands are stretched forward feebly, as if seeking food and comfort.

The fifth door······

From these doors, one can simply and clearly see what the world behind them is like.

Tang Xiaoer watched groups of ghosts being taken to the Reincarnation Hall and thrown into reincarnation. Some were pushed and pushed into the Hungry Ghost Realm - these people who were thrown into the Hungry Ghost Realm had not had their memories cleared. It is the most severe punishment for them, allowing them to repent for what they have done during their lifetime in the pain and regret of the punishment.

At the end of the day.

The first door has never been opened. Behind the second door is indeed a human scene. The third door is still a human scene, but it is a beast. If it was good enough to be thrown into the mountains and forests, it would be extremely unlucky to put it into the bodies of those white pigs in human farms!

"It's not a bad thing to be thrown into the animal realm. At least they have their past memories erased. As a pig, being eaten by others can be regarded as making up for the sins committed in the previous life."

The captain of the fourth brigade came to Tang Xiaoer's side and whispered: "What is truly terrifying are the ghosts in the fourth door of reincarnation who have been thrown into hell and have to endure punishment, pain and regret day and night..." ······”

The Six Paths of Reincarnation has been put into use, and the idea of ​​the Three Realms and Six Paths has basically been completed.

The beauty of April in the world is gone, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are beginning to bloom.

Time passed by, and when Tang Xiaoer came to the human world again to perform a mission to capture the ghosts stranded in the human world, it was already the late spring and early summer of the third year of Anmin.

Tang Xiaoer asked for leave and quietly returned to Zhouji Town in Guo County. In a sea of ​​flowers, he met his childhood sweetheart Niuniu, who was betrothed to an honest and honest worker. Although the worker looked dull, he looked at her blankly. He is also a reliable and honest person.

Although he felt regretful in his heart, after all, people and ghosts were on different paths. After silently leaving his blessings, he prepared to go to his jurisdiction in Yokobin.

"Bye now."

He waved to Niu Niu who was washing clothes by the river.

At this moment, Niu Niu seemed to feel something. She raised her head and glanced in his direction, then blinked in confusion and continued to wash clothes.

Tang Xiaoer smiled and left his hometown.

Nanyang, Imperial City, Yuanhe Hall.

Wearing an imperial robe and a 12-pin crown, Ren Pingsheng stood at the entrance of Yuanhe Hall and said to others: "The era of heaven on earth is over. Now the three realms have been built, and heaven has been secretly established."

Ruan Tang was wearing a phoenix crown and a phoenix-shaped flower patch between her eyebrows. Standing there, she had an awe-inspiring and inviolable aura.

Xiaowan was dressed more simply, wearing an aqua blue skirt, like a blue water lotus.

After that, there were three cabinet ministers, officials from various ministries, and more than a dozen officials from various ministries and strangers. Judu was wearing court clothes and looked solemn.

The atmosphere was grand and waiting for something. (End of chapter)

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