Behind me is the earth

Chapter 609 607 Gods, Priesthood, Divine Power

Ren Pingsheng's thoughts summoned the Heavenly Gate of the Heavenly Palace.

The golden light burst out, and rolling clouds poured down in the golden light, covering the front of the palace. In the misty clouds, a tall and majestic Tianmen, like a mirage, appeared in the palace.

Everyone looked up.

Above the Tianmen, there is a huge plaque with the words "Southern Gate" written by Ren Pingsheng himself.

The three big characters are solemn, majestic and sacred. Together with the tall and magnificent Tianmen, they give people a strong oppressive force.

When everyone looked at Tianmen in surprise, Ren Pingsheng took the lead to walk out, stepped into Nantianmen, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The people behind him quickly followed and disappeared into Nantianmen.

After the last person entered, Nantianmen really seemed like a bubble in a dream, disappearing in the envious eyes of the guards in front of the palace.

Why don't they want to enter the Heavenly Palace and see how beautiful it is there?

As soon as you enter the Heavenly Gate, the spirit of the immortals swarms in from all directions, pouring into the body through the breath and pores. The refreshing energy is carried to all parts of the body along with the blood, and the fatigue in the body is instantly swept away.

As for practitioners, whether they are practicing martial arts or practicing Taoism, their Dantian will start to operate on their own under the stimulation of this abundant spiritual energy, and they will refine the spiritual energy into true energy and Gang energy, and their cultivation speed will increase by thousands of miles.

“What a great place!”

There was a whirring sound on Liu Qiang's body. It turned out that it was due to the movement of Gang Qi, the acupuncture points all over his body absorbed the spiritual energy, stirring up his clothes.

At a glance, the ground is covered by the fairy mist, and the white jade railings are looming. For a moment, it is difficult to tell whether it is in the clouds in the sky or the fog on the ground.

"See God!"

Behind the door, there was an innate spirit guarding the door who saw Ren Pingsheng and bowed respectfully.

Everyone looked at the innate gods. These innate gods were different from the natural gods in Daqi who had no independent consciousness. They also looked like human beings. They were all very handsome and had flawless bodies, but every appearance and temperament difference was different. Very obvious, either passionate and unrestrained, or calm and restrained.

Because it represents the incarnation of different rules, it also gives very clear feedback to everyone.

After leaving Nantianmen, everyone followed Ren Pingsheng, walking in the clouds and mist. The buildings along the way were hidden in the clouds and mist. They were beautiful but not real, and not real but even more fascinating. , it arouses people's imagination and makes the fairy palace even more mysterious.

When they arrived in front of the Lingxiao Palace, everyone was even more shocked by this majestic building!

They can't tell what kind of feeling it is. They have seen the majesty of the building in the palace, the beauty of the building in the temple, the majesty of the building in the high-rise buildings, and the beauty of the building. They have seen it in the southern gardens, they have seen the majesty of the architecture in the Hall of Heroes, and the Lingxiao Palace in front of them explains to them what "sacred" means at the first sight!

A sacred hymn seemed to ring in my ears, and the sun in the heavens shone on the golden roof made of gems in the Lingxiao Palace, shining with all kinds of rays of light.

The towering pillars are entwined with dragons and phoenixes, and auspicious beasts and auspicious clouds are as lifelike as if they were real. When you look at them, you can see their pupils moving with their sight.

Walking along the steps and entering the hall, there is something different.

The main hall is wide and boundless, as if it has its own space and is isolated from the outside world.

The throne of the Emperor of Heaven sits high up in the sky, facing north and south. Countless regular threads are tied to its body, which moves the whole body, like strings. It is as if the person sitting on it can move his fingers casually, and the whole world Everyone will dance at the sound.

Ren Pingsheng looked at the throne of the Heavenly Emperor for a long time, then climbed up the stairs step by step and came to the throne. The Lingxiao Palace was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

Turn around and sit down.

At one time, the three realms are pouring into the consciousness, and every corner is within the scope of exploration. Anyone who chants the name can hear it. If you pluck the strings, you can change the nature of the heaven and earth. Any god who borrows the power of heaven and earth can Whether you agree or not depends on a single thought.

At this time, this feeling, the sun and the moon are rotating, all in my hands, and everything in the world is in a single thought.

It is different from secular power.

Step by step, he promoted the implementation of the Great Heaven Plan and promoted the accumulation step by step, reaching this point today.

Nowadays, thousands of rules are tied to the Three Realms. The great power that this position can bring has greatly impacted Ren's heart.

At the same time, while touching these powers, his state of mind was also inspired by nature. Like the gods of nature, he entered a state of no self and no thoughts, transforming into heaven and earth. I am natural, and nature is me.

His level of strength began to rise rapidly at this moment!

In the main hall, the ministers knelt down and worshiped, but received no response. They couldn't help but look up and saw God on the throne. He seemed to be the incarnation of heaven and earth, ethereal yet heavy, omnipresent and omnipresent.

After an unknown amount of time, Ren Pingsheng came back to his senses. The feeling of emptiness and nowhere disappeared, and the strong sense of presence that attracted everyone's attention like a magnet came back.

"Everyone is safe."

Ren Pingsheng's voice echoed in the Lingxiao Palace.

Everyone stood up and lined up on the left and right, divided into civil and military groups.

"The heaven has been opened, the heaven has been completed, and the power of the three realms has been established. Today is the time for the heavenly officials to be conferred as gods. They not only enjoy the status of gods, but also bear the responsibilities of the three realms and protect the peace of the three realms."

The voice echoed in the hall, silvery and rich, majestic and solemn. Ruan Tang, who was standing in the hall dressed in costume, felt like he was listening to the voice of Tathagata Buddha in the 87 edition of Journey to the West.

"I will obey God's decree and protect the peace of the three realms."

Everyone bowed.

"Ruan Tang and Qin Wan came forward to hear the seal."

Ren Pingsheng looked at Ruan Tang.

These core heavenly officials must be conferred by Ren Pingsheng himself.

Ruan Tang walked to the front of the hall to see His Majesty.

"Ruan Tang is a virtuous and virtuous man. He is named the Emperor and Empress. He will lead the female immortals in heaven to maintain the peace of the three realms."

"Qin Wan is graceful and graceful. She is named the imperial concubine. She takes charge of the laws of the Heavenly Palace and the order of the three realms. She assists the empress in managing the fairies in the Heavenly Palace and maintains the peace of the three realms."

"Come up and sit."

Ren Pingsheng said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the two girls thanked each other, they climbed up the stairs and sat on the left and right sides of the throne.

"Liu Shishu came forward to hear the seal."

Ren Pingsheng looked at Liu Shu, the chief minister of the cabinet.

When Liu Shu stood in the hall and bowed down, he preached: "Liu Shishu is loyal to the country and has a reputation as a virtuous man. He is named the chief minister of Lingxiao Pavilion and the Immortal Lord of Central Yuanhe. He is in charge of the books of immortals and their longevity, and is in charge of all matters in the three realms. ”

After Ren Pingsheng finished speaking, the rules of heaven and earth shook together. A golden seal was formed out of thin air. Countless silk threads were tied to the golden seal and slowly fell into Liu Shu's palm. The golden fairy light followed his palm and covered it. On his body, he wore a lavender fairy robe with golden patterns.

Liu Shu, who had never liked practicing martial arts, now felt a gentle yet powerful force pouring into his body. The "quantity" of this force was not much, but the "quality" was extremely high. He can communicate with the golden seal in his hand and control the natural rules of the three realms, allowing him to exert overwhelming power.

"My Lord, thank you for your kindness! I will act without myself and exercise my power for the common people in the three realms!"

Liu Shu sang loudly.

The golden seal turned into a golden light and rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness, leaving a golden divine pattern on his eyebrows, like an upright eye. When he once again retreated into the queue of civil servants At that time, everyone in the civil servant team felt a heavy pressure coming towards them!

They intuitively felt that Liu Shu was indeed different after becoming a god!

"Liu Shiqiang!"

Ren Pingsheng looked at Liu Qiang, the leader of the martial arts school.

Liu Qiang came out.

"Liu Shiqiang, with outstanding achievements and outstanding achievements, has been named Minister of Lingxiao Pavilion, Marshal of the Three Armies, Lord of the Thirty-six Constellations, and takes charge of the external wars of the three realms!"

As soon as Ren Pingsheng finished speaking, a tiger charm appeared out of thin air and fell into Liu Qiang's hands.

There is a powerful aura on the tiger talisman. Liu Qiang seemed to feel something. After letting go, he turned into a silver-white white tiger on the ground. The white tiger had the aura of Gengjin and was extremely murderous.

The officials in the palace felt the evil spirit rushing towards them, which made their hearts pound.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! I will fight for the Three Realms and for Your Majesty!"

Liu Qiang was also covered in a purple robe, dotted with stars, like stars in the sky, and with flame dragon patterns on it. The flames were steaming, and had the ability to protect himself, and also protect the way and kill.

After Liu Qiang retired, Ren Pingsheng looked at Lu Yingying and Huang Wenguang in the queue of civil servants again.

This time the conferment of gods was not high-profile, it was only announced on a small scale. The conferment of gods was also to set up the airs of heaven first.

Including God, empress, and imperial concubine.

Below him are the ministers of Lingxiao Pavilion.

In addition to the Lingxiao ministers, Ren Pingsheng also conferred the title of Lingxiao Immortal Official. These are the ministers of the Tiangong Palace, including Lingxiao Tianguan Bai Chuchu, Shunfeng Er Xiaoluo, Clairvoyant Yang Gan, the giant spirit god Zhang Shan and others.

In addition to these people, Ren Pingsheng also plans to appoint some outstanding personnel in the Night Owl organization, such as Alan, who has retired, Qian Duoduo, the Minister of Intelligence, Chang Feng, the Director of the Operations Department, as Lingxiao Immortal Officials who obey the orders of the Heavenly Palace.

However, when it comes to these specific gods at the branch and leaf level, there is no need for him to announce it himself.

Except for the ministers of Lingxiao, those who specifically manage the three realms are still similar to the human world, with ten ministers.

The person in charge of military affairs is the Thirty-Eight Constellations.

The person in charge of the underworld is Yama of the Tenth Hall.

There are also places under the underworld system such as city gods, land gods, mountain gods, river gods, and sea gods in various places.

The entire system of gods in the Three Realms has been perfected.

"Thousands of clairvoyants, gentle ears, will be on duty in the Supervisory Hall from now on, observing changes in the three realms, reporting emergencies at any time, and paying close attention to the people of Skynet Civilization at each node, and reporting any action at any time."

Ren Pingsheng looked at Yang Qian and Xiao Er.

"According to the order!"

The two men, wearing armor, knelt on one knee and spoke loudly.


Ren Pingsheng said.

"I resign!"

The two of them exited the Lingxiao Palace and headed to the Supervisory Hall.

The Supervisory Hall is not far from Nantianmen, and is a relatively inconspicuous palace.

When I came to the main hall, I felt the power of the two gods, and the door of the hall opened naturally. Entering it, both of them can feel the abilities given to them by the gods. After enhancing their abilities, they will get another epic upgrade here!

"I can see any corner of the Three Realms. Wherever my attention falls, I can see what is happening here."

"I can hear sounds from any corner of the Three Realms. Wherever my attention is focused, the sounds will be transmitted to my ears."

The two exchanged their thoughts.

In this hall, there is a huge ring with large and small metal rings inside. These rings are engraved with runes and are rotating fast or slowly, making a "swishing" sound. sound.

This instrument, just like AI, automatically monitors the operation of the three realms. But when any link is different from normal, it will immediately issue an alarm and give the two people observable coordinates.

This will greatly reduce the difficulty of their work.

After the two of them became familiar with their respective divine powers, they sat down on the futon in the hall and practiced in the rich fairy spirit.

However, they have not forgotten the Emperor's instructions. They will take an hour every morning, noon and evening to observe the movements of the researchers of Skynet Civilization in various nodes.

Of the hundreds of nodes left by the Observer civilization, not every node has people from the Skynet civilization. The number of researchers who came here to conduct observations and records is not large, only more than a thousand.

However, they will eventually capture some strangers and bring them to the node laboratory for experiments.

Perhaps because they were afraid of Da Qi, most of the foreigners they captured were captured from the West Luo State, the Rus Empire and other places, and were brought back for genetic experiments later.

On this day, a spaceship arrived at a node in a space fold in the outer space of the main world.

The spaceship was not big, only the size of a yacht on the outside, but it did appear out of thin air through space, sailed into the folds of space, and then docked.

"Secretary-General Zoron!"

The person in charge of the node laboratory was a guy with three eyes. He welcomed Zoron into the laboratory.

"How's it going on the proving ground?"

After Zoren entered the testing site, he went straight to the point.

"Just like the theme I reported to you in the second dream, the data in the test site has allowed me to see the dawn of mythical civilization!

The power this person has, in particular, has even exceeded my imagination. If it is allowed to develop, we may lose the ability to harvest the results of the test site. "

Three Eyes said seriously.

At the same time, a figure fell into Zoron's eyes.

A figure wearing royal robes, standing with hands behind his back, looking at the sky.

Zoron had already seen this figure in the Second Dream virtual world. This time he came to the test site in person because of this person.


Zoren couldn't help but sigh: "Looking for death!"

"Should we take action?"

Three Eyes clenched his fist. He had long wanted to harvest the testing ground.

The development of the test site to this point has exceeded their expectations. After this wave of harvest, it will definitely bring a new round of progress to the Skynet civilization. It may be possible to switch from a technological civilization to a mythical civilization. .

And if we continue to let it go, and the civilization in the test site continues to develop, by the time this crop of leeks hardens, the sickle will not be able to cut it. (End of chapter)

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