Behind me is the earth

Chapter 610 608 The World in the Bubble

If you want to harvest the testing ground, this human emperor is difficult to get around.

Three Eyes was full of expectations, but Zoren shook his head.

"Now, with clockwork civilization pressing on our heads, it's hard for us to do it blatantly."

Zoren said.

"Secretary-General, those civilized people are pointing fingers at our heads. Does the test site still belong to us?"

The third eye said something heart-wrenchingly.

"The clock civilization has almost stood at the top of the universe, and we cannot compete with it. Even if only a branch of the clock civilization notices the test site, we cannot completely decide the test site."

Zoren said with a sigh.

"You can't do it either?"

Three Eyes asked.

As the Secretary-General of Skynet Civilization, Zoron has mastered the networking capabilities of Skynet Civilization. This network is not connected to the second dream world, but the ethnic network connecting Skynet Civilization. This is the network of their Skynet Civilization over the long years. Genetic talent established.

You can network intracranially among the same clan to form a local area network or even a public domain network within the clan. When studying a problem, when you don't understand it, you can use the knowledge stored in other people's minds to solve it.

With this power in his hands, he has the significant ability to influence the entire Skynet civilization.

Although this will bring about many privacy issues, it also brings more convenience and promotes the rapid development of Skynet civilization, a young civilization.

Zoran came to the laboratory and watched the aliens imprisoned here.

The various abilities they display are astonishing.

"Is it true that superpowers are not burned into genes?"

Zoren asked.

"It is not what is carried in the memory, but what is carried in the consciousness of the soul. The souls of these aliens, except for the physical aliens, are often born with souls and are tough and powerful."

Three Eyes said: "Our research on the soul is not that comprehensive, and it will take some time to interpret supernatural powers.

However, our current number of samples is too small, and because of the existence of the Emperor of Da Qi, we are hindered and have never been able to recover the test samples on a large scale for more extensive testing..."

As he was talking, he suddenly saw Zoren frowning and tapping his cane on the ground. Suddenly, a wave of energy rippled out around him, forming a circle of ripples.

No matter the walls, floor, or ceiling, they can't resist the ripples. When the ripples pass over a person, the three eyes can clearly see the emerging soul of that person.

Zoran looked around and felt relieved when he saw that everything was as usual.

"I suddenly felt like I was being spied on. I must have thought too much."

Even so, Zoron still ordered the deployment of an anti-monitoring energy field before continuing: "This time, Doro and I will visit the pioneering legion of the clock civilization. If we can convince the pioneering legion and get their support, we don't have to The branch that is afraid of Zhong Wenming's intervention can take action against the Emperor of Da Qi. "

"Is it Doro from Kuojian Company?"

Three Eyes asked.

Kuojian Company is the actual control company of the Skynet Civilization Space Gate. In the Skynet Civilization, its strength is comparable to that of the company in the Second Dream World.


Zoren nodded.

Three Eyes said: "Then I wish the Secretary-General a good start. However, I heard that the Pioneer Legion seems to have a bad reputation. In the clock civilization, it is called a right-wing force."

"I have sent people to contact them. It will cost some money, but it is worth it."

Zoren said firmly.

While they were discussing, Ren Pingsheng's consciousness had already arrived here when they said "Emperor of Da Qi".

They detected the energy waves of the soul, but could not discover Ren Pingsheng's consciousness.

They isolate the energy field from prying eyes, and they cannot isolate themselves from the prying eyes of Ren Shengsheng.

Therefore, every detail of their conversation that they thought was very private fell under the prying eyes of Ren Pingsheng.

He watched Zoran finish visiting the laboratory, leaving the folded space, taking the spaceship through the space hole, and leaving this piece of space.

In the universe, there is a planet surrounded by a chaotic meteorite belt.

The planet is large and has beautiful scenery, but it doesn't look very developed.

A spaceship quickly flew across the sky and finally landed on a beach.

The spaceship opened and I stepped off the spacecraft to see the Pearl Beach.

The beach is covered with pearls, shining in the sun and reflecting psychedelic colors.

If you look carefully, the large and small pearls covering the beach are like colorful bubbles, flickering and breaking under the sun.

Whenever the tide hits the beach, countless colliding water splashes ripple and wash away, creating countless bubbles, which solidify and become seaside foam.

Life and death.

Zoren bent down to pick up one. He held it very lightly in his hand. When he looked at it, he seemed to be able to see a world contained in the pearl. When he opened his eyes and studied it carefully, "Bo "With a sudden movement, the pearl in his hand shattered and disappeared like a bubble.

He was curious and wanted to pick up another one.

"Very impressive, isn't it?"

A joking voice came, and among the waves, a man covered in pitch black suddenly came out and walked towards Zoren.

"Are you Mr. Heilin?"

Zoren straightened up and asked tentatively.

"it's me."

Heilin came closer, took off his gloves, and asked Zollen, "Want to go inside and have a look?"

"May I?"

Zoren asked.


Heilin tilted his head and grabbed Zoren's hand.

Zoren only felt that there was endless pressure from all directions around him, pressing down on him, as if it would crush him in the next moment. This horrible, uncomfortable and depressing feeling was like a fish that landed on the beach. The drowned people struggled nervously and fearfully in an unsurvivable environment.

But at the next moment, they seemed to break through a membrane, and Zoran fell into a city.


The driverless flying car was originally traveling smoothly on the predetermined track, but was disturbed by the sudden appearance of these two uninvited guests and almost caused a car accident.

The robot policeman flew up and chased the two men.

Zoran was caught by Heilin and quickly shuttled through space, finally appearing on the roof of a tall building, looking at the orderly city.

"This is where?"

Zoren asked breathlessly.

“We just casually entered a bubble.”

Heilin said.

Hearing this, Zuolun looked at Heilin in shock: "Is every bubble a world like this?"

"When the ocean of time washes up on the shore, each bubble formed is a time fragment of a world. We are now in the fragment where this time bubble is located. This fragment may be long or short, but it is always like a dream bubble. Generally, it may break at any time.”

Heilin looked at Zoren.

Zoran's lips moved but did not speak.

He knew that he was being politely insulted by the other party.

From the moment he was pulled into the time bubble by the opponent, he was already at a disadvantage.

He is the high-ranking secretary-general of Skynet Civilization, but the other party is only the second-ranking figure in the pioneering legion of Clock Civilization.

But in the universe, the barriers between civilization levels are so hierarchical.

An ordinary citizen of a high-level civilization is nobler than the entire civilization of a low-level civilization. This is almost becoming a consensus in the universe.

"This world is just like our world. It is very large, boundless, and has infinite space. It exists in the same dimension as our world, but it is divided into an independent timeline.

But this timeline that is outside the main line is just a rootless tree and a tree without water, and cannot last long. "

Heilin said.

“What an amazing experience.”

Zoren straightened his clothes and straightened his back.

Heilin glanced at him: "Did anyone really get close to Shinhwa on that testing ground?"

Seeing that he finally came to the topic, Zoran straightened his face and said solemnly: "Yes, there are people who are close to the myth. Every move and gesture, regardless of one ability, is close to the essence of the universe. It affects the operation of the universe.

Although it is only an influence on a small scale, the manifestation of this influence has begun to take shape in deepening civilization. "

As he spoke, Ren Pingsheng's image appeared again in this bubble world.

Heilin looked deeply at the portrait and the majesty displayed by the figure's movements: "I saw the image of mythical civilization in him.

If it is as you said in your previous information, the Pioneer Legion supports you in this proving ground.

If it continues, when the strength of the civilization on the test site increases again, it may be an exponential improvement, and then it may really be impossible to cut. "

Heilin was indeed attracted, and so was the Pioneer Legion.

Ever since the mythical civilization ascended and became an ascended civilization in the universe, no one will not be attracted by the golden signboard of "mythical civilization".

There are countless test sites for "mythical civilizations" in the universe, but Heilin never thought that the one that could lead by a large margin and give birth to this achievement would be an unknown one, far from being a universe-level civilization. A civilization that dominates the star field.

As the top civilization in the universe, Heilin has a natural sense of superiority in his heart when facing the Skynet civilization.

"However, the civil service group of the Clock Civilization and the guard army are paying attention to this testing site, and it is impossible for us to help you openly.

What we can help you with is covering up what you did at the proving ground.

And provide protection for you after harvesting the test site.

And provide you with some technical support. "

Heilin proposed the help that the Pioneer Legion could provide.


Zoren knew that he didn't have the capital to negotiate any conditions, so he simply agreed.

"I will send someone to go back with you. We, the Pioneer Legion, will know the test results as soon as possible!"

Black Scale said again.


Sharing test results is a condition that has been agreed upon long ago.

"The world is shattered."

Heilin said suddenly.

Zoran saw that from the horizon of the world, the edge was turning into spots of light all over the sky. Colorful colors exploded and quickly spread to the city at their feet.

People in the city barely reacted to Gu Lai, and those who reacted looked at the sky in horror, but were helpless and disappeared with the world in an instant.

Zoran also felt terrified, but when the city was shattered, he had already felt the presence of the outside world. His clothes moved a little, and a silver halo of light flashed from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. The next moment he moved again to the place covered with "pearls". "On the beach.

Heilin also appeared next to him the next moment.

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

he said again.

"Yes, it was a very magical experience for me."

Zoren said.

“Happy to work with!”

Black Scale stretched out his hand and held it with Zoren.

Daqi, heaven, heavenly palace, Lingxiao palace.

Ren Pingsheng sat on the imperial throne high above, looking at the orderly development of the Three Realms.

Although he didn't know where the Skynet civilization's spaceship flew to, he knew that a crisis for the world was brewing.

I don’t know how much time is left for him, and even for the Three Realms.

"Liu Shu."

Liu Shu, who was inspecting the Daqi Yiren Academy, suddenly heard Ren Pingsheng's voice.

At the same time, Liu Qiang, who was inspecting the Golden Dragon Regiment, also heard the voice of the Emperor of Heaven.

They quickly found a quiet place to listen to the will.

After hearing this, their expressions became solemn.

They thought that the new Three Realms still had a long window of development, but now it seems that the crisis is coming much faster than they imagined.

There is not much time left for them, and with their current foundation, it is impossible to compete with those extraterrestrial civilizations for technology, and it is also unrealistic.

You can only use your strengths to compete with strangers and warriors, these are the advantages and strengths in different forms.

Therefore, we need to continue to increase the intensity of training, speed up the progress of cultivation, increase the number of awakening groups and martial arts practitioners, and optimize overall coordination.

Against this background, the "Celestial Gods and Constellations Academy" was established in order to select the best practitioners from all over the world to enter it, and to provide sufficient education and cooperation to enrich the Thirty-Six Constellations and become a force against extraterrestrial civilizations. Real combat power!

While Tianting was seizing the day and preparing intensively, Ren Pingsheng was also practicing in seclusion at Lingxiao Palace, preparing to find an opportunity to break through to the Tianxuan realm of martial arts and awaken his powers for the eighth time.

However, ordinary people will not be able to sense the preparations for war this time.

After four years of peace and prosperity, the new year has arrived. The people of Daqi only feel that the years are peaceful, the days are getting better day by day, and life is getting better year by year.

The imperial court also issued the "Enlightenment Incense", saying it could increase the chance of awakening supernatural powers.

As long as the awakening is successful, you will immediately transform and become a registered member of the imperial court's Department of Strangers. You will have a staff, an iron rice bowl, and a promotion. It is not an exaggeration to say that you can reach the sky in one step.

No one dares not to care. (End of chapter)

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