The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


Xiao Chen said slowly: "Based on my understanding of Huankong, a treacherous and cunning person like him will definitely choose... to sneak attack a place where there is no strong man!"

"Now, what should we do!"

Tian Xiaoban became anxious instantly and punched the air: "Can we only wait here for one day before we can return to our universe? And only cousin can go back..."

The results of his special training.

Can't even be fulfilled.

They can only wait for Huankong to destroy their universe! !

Brother Ban looked anxious, clenching his hands: "What's worse is that before a day has passed, Huankong may have destroyed your universe and brought your relatives to threaten you..."

"Stop talking!"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and raised the broken watch on his wrist: "Time waits for no one. I will transform into a time and space jailer now and try to return to our universe!!"

Give it a try!

He wants to add all his skill cards to the time and space jailer!

See if he can bet on that trick that changes fate!

Swish! !

At this moment.

The space in front of the three people emitted a violent ripple.

In the ripples, a portal was generated.

It was not Huankong's evil purple portal, but a golden, sacred gate.

An old man with a profound temperament, as if he had seen through everything, slowly walked out of the gate.

Looking at this man.

Xiao Chen blurted out: "Dr. Contradiction?!"

Dr. Contradiction's steady face showed a rare surprise, and he looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.


It was the first time for him to meet a stranger and be called by his name by a stranger! !

This Xiao Chen really has some cheats!

"You three are looking for Huankong, right?"

Dr. Contradiction said straight to the point: "I will send you to Xiao Chen's universe and let you deal with Huankong and the others, and I will use my power to block Huankong's escape route, so that they can only stay in your universe!"

"Then I'll leave it to you, Dr. Contradiction!!!"

Xiao Chen looked at Dr. Contradiction with excitement and said.

In the original Ben 10, although Dr. Contradiction rarely participated in the battle directly.

But his layout and his behavior can often turn the tide and correct the timeline to the correct result!

Dr. Contradiction slowly made way and pointed to the portal behind him: "Done, you can walk into this portal now and you will be in the old broken car in Xiao Chen's universe!"

"Thank you!"

"Although I don't know who you are, thank you..."

"Thank you."

Xiao Chen took the lead in walking towards the golden portal, and the second before he stepped into the door, he thanked him out loud.

Tian Xiaoban thanked him in a daze and followed him in.

Brother Ban nodded and walked in last.

After the three left, the portal did not close.

Dr. Contradiction sighed and walked towards the portal: "You deal with Huankong and the others, I still have to deal with that error table... Damn, that error table weirdo, chasing Xiaowen in Brother Ban's universe, chasing seven universes, and destroying seven universes!!"

"It's a demon that is more terrifying than Huankong!"


Xiao Chen's universe, in the old broken car.

Xiao Chen, Tian Xiaoban, and even Brother Ban.

The figures of the three appeared in the empty car one after another!

"Why is there no one in the old broken car?!"

Xiao Chen immediately looked around, but didn't see anyone.

The purple light shining in from the window of the old broken car attracted their attention...

Seeing that Huankong and even the two figures were still moving in the air.

The waves they emitted illuminated the sky and even the entire desert.

And the terrifying figure of Mojas had already landed in the desert and looked at the person opposite.

Standing opposite him was Tian Xiaowen, who was full of magic equipment, and Mark holding the Samposo magic hat!

"I can't kill Xiao Chen and Tian Xiaoban."

Mojas raised the small broken watch on his wrist, with a gloomy face: "Just kill Tian Mark and Tian Xiaowen first, it's easy!"

"It's easy... You can try it!!"

Tian Xiaowen's eyes were filled with a trace of coldness, and she raised her hands, gathering the shock wave-like natural energy!

As she waved her hands, the terrifying natural energy shock wave blasted towards Mojas!

When Vilgax saw this, he didn't even bother to transform, and just waved his hand!


He slapped the incoming energy shockwave and smashed it!

Then, he raised his foot and directly

Walked towards Tian Xiaowen!

"Can't you beat her?!"

Tian Xiaowen looked at this scene in disbelief, constantly waving the energy in her hands.

But every time she waved her energy, it was smashed to pieces by the approaching Viggas! !

"Really, vulnerable!"

Viggas taunted, came to Tian Xiaowen, and raised his terrifying fist!

Faced with the oppression of the universe overlord, Tian Xiaowen couldn't help but retreat a few steps in fear!

"Don't touch my granddaughter!!"

Mark stepped forward angrily, took out the hammer in Samposo's magic hat, and swung it at Viggas!

"It doesn't matter whether I kill you first or her first!"

Viggas said coldly, and his raised fist just hit the hammer swung by Mark!

Boom! !

The deafening sound resounded through the desert.

Vilgax flew out heavily, blowing up dust and wind along the way, with astonishment written in his eyes.

He didn't land until he flew hundreds of meters away.

And the original place.

Mark and Tian Xiaowen slowly turned sideways, looking at Tian Xiaoban behind them with disbelief!

Tian Xiaoban slowly retracted his right fist.

That muscular, huge right fist!!



Tian Xiaowen and Mark exclaimed first, and then they looked at Tian Xiaoban's back with great excitement!

Xiao Chen and Brother Ban came like the gods of war!!

The three saviors finally arrived at the battlefield!

"Xiaoban, this guy is up to you, is it okay?"

Xiao Chen slowly stood beside Tian Xiaoban and asked Tian Xiaoban.

Tian Xiaoban nodded and waved his huge right fist: "Of course no problem, just use this weirdo to test the results of my special training!!"

"Grandpa, Xiaowen, you go back to the old broken car first, you can follow us all the way, or you can help Xiaoban. Brother Ban and I will be back soon!"

Xiao Chen looked at Tian Xiaowen and Mark with instructions.

Immediately, he looked up at the three figures gradually moving away in the sky, and said deeply.

He and Brother Ban would never allow Huankong and others to destroy the city!

"Cousin, and Future Daitou, you must come back safely!!"

Tian Xiaowen hugged her hands and said seriously.

Under her prayer, Brother Ban turned into a flash star, and Xiao Chen released Ziska.

Brother Ban rushed towards Huankong's back.

Ziska turned on the virtualization and took off with Xiao Chen!

"The two of them passed... You three, die first!!"

Mojas's furious voice resounded!

He had already stood up and walked quickly from a distance!

Tian Xiaoban also walked towards Vilgax.

With every step he took, his figure was expanding, like a muscle balloon!

The whole person turned into a muscle maniac who was one size bigger than Vilgax! !

"This, this universe's Xiaoban is bigger than me? What's going on?"

Vilgax stopped and looked up at Tian Xiaoban in amazement.

Tian Xiaoban stopped and said kindly: "Since you asked the question, I will answer you... I have the future version of your genes!!"

The reason why he can use Vilgax genes.

It's because the alien monster copied Vilgax genes.

After mastering this data, Brother Ban directly let Xiaoban practice point-to-point with the future Vilgax and copy the future Vilgax! !

After a large number of battles and copying processes...

Xiaoban directly washed his Vilgax genes into the future Vilgax genes! !

And in the process, I mastered a lot of combat experience!

This is the result of special training!

"The future version of me?" Vilgax whispered, "The current me is the strongest Vilgax!!"

"Wait, don't do it yet. You asked a question, and I'll ask you one too... How did I lose to you in that universe?"

Tian Xiaoban couldn't help asking.

Vilgax smiled grimly and said, "You said this... It's very simple. When you treated Omnitrix as a toy, I sent all military robots to start a war to eliminate you, conquered the earth, and obtained the DNA of the Tian family after a long period of research and controlled the Omnitrix!"

Perhaps, look at it from the perspective of reality.

The victory of the universe overlord Vilgax seems more real.

A little devil on Earth, without the halo of the protagonist, it is difficult to defeat the universe overlord!

"It seems... I have to avenge the me in another universe!!"

Tian Xiaoban narrowed his eyes and murmured.

He and Viggas both raised their fists at the same time and punched each other! !

Boom! !

Viggas turned sideways and cleverly avoided Tian Xiaoban's punch. At the same time, he punched Tian Xiaoban in the abdomen with a claw!

But he only

It left a faint crack!

"This footwork... I seem to have seen it on my cousin!"

Tian Xiaoban's face froze, and he said in surprise.

Mojos frowned: "Kid, this is the dodge skill I practiced hard after obtaining Tian Mark's genes, relying on his innate ability! Your cousin is not qualified to compete with me!"

As soon as the voice fell!

He kicked up suddenly, hitting Tian Xiaoban's jaw with great speed, kicking Tian Xiaoban back!

His body jumped onto Tian Xiaoban's chest with great flexibility, and his legs suddenly exerted force!

Boom! !

Mojos stepped on Tian Xiaoban to the ground, and his legs even cracked Tian Xiaoban's chest, and stepped in hard! !

"Tian Xiaoban... Is this all you can do?"

He lowered his head and looked at Tian Xiaoban sarcastically.

"Finally, I caught you."

Tian Xiaoban smiled.

Swish, swish, swish!!

His torn chest quickly repaired, but it wrapped up Vilgax's legs!

"Oh no, I can't move!"

Vilgax's face suddenly changed, and his body couldn't be pulled out of Tian Xiaoban's body at all!


Tian Xiaoban's big hands suddenly opened, and he hammered Vilgax directly like slapping a fly!

Boom! Boom!

His big hands hammered Vilgax crazily!

Once, and again!

Under the effect of the strange force, Vilgax's eyeballs bulged and blood spurted out of his mouth.

The whole person was even gradually twisted by the beating!!

"Daitou's strength can actually kill Vilgax alone?"

Tian Xiaowen said in amazement.

Mark judged: "It was because Vilgax had a preconceived notion that he looked down on Xiaoban, and was killed by Xiaoban. But the main reason was that Xiaoban had indeed become much stronger."

But they still underestimated Vilgax! !

"Ah ... There was even a bright red mark on one part of his body, obviously too much physical damage, which broke through his alien defense ability!

"This, this diamond spike level..."

Mark stared at it with his eyes wide open, and said in disbelief: "Could it be that, Vilgax, you have honed the fighting skills of every alien in the Omnitrix?"


Vilgax calmly walked out of Tian Xiaoban's body and landed on the ground: "I have honed the fighting skills of every alien to the extreme! That's why I said, watch how I torture Tian Xiaoban!!"

He said with a grim face! !

Omnitrix is ​​his most terrifying trump card! !


"Boss, we're almost there!!!"

In the air!

Ziska grabbed Xiao Chen's shoulders with both hands and flew with Xiao Chen.

Not far from them was the figure of Huankong and the other two!

The three figures all relied on the spatial power of Huankong to walk in the air!

"Let me see, who are these two people..."

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes so that he could see the two people beside Huankong more accurately.

A ball of white hair, red clothes, because he was facing away from him, he couldn't see his specific appearance... Even if he was facing him, he couldn't see clearly, the distance was a bit far.

But this person was obviously shorter than Huankong, so he couldn't be too old.

"Could it be Albedo? His ultimate evolution ability is very tricky..."

Xiao Chen said nervously.

Then, he looked at another person.

Bald head, dry skin, very thin from the neck to the body, even to the point of being horrible...

"Who could this be..."

Xiao Chen said slowly.


The next moment, Huankong and the other two stopped.

In front of them.

It was Brother Bang who turned into a gliding King Kong.

"Brother Bang appeared... Xiao Chen, you are here too?"

Huankong turned around slowly and saw Xiao Chen and the Ziska he was carrying in an instant.

The other two also turned to look at Xiao Chen.

The boy with white hair, deep red pupils and a cold expression was Albedo!!

The other one...

had strange facial features, few teeth, and even made a strange sound when he opened his mouth!!

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