The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"That's right... these two people, one is Albedo, and the other is Zombie Class."

Xiao Chen made a decisive judgment, with an ugly face!

The next moment.

Huankong raised his hand, condensed the power of space, and condensed it under his and the other two people's feet: "This space power can support you to fight in the air for a long time... Release your power as much as you can!!"

"Before the fight, I want to ask one more thing."

"Two of me in another universe, do you really want to work for this guy?"

Ban Ge asked Albedo and Zombie Class directly with a try-it mentality.

Lost Class opened his mouth with a gloomy face: "I want to eat you..."

His weird and ferocious appearance made him look like a smart guy who was fooled...

Albedo said calmly: "You? Tian Xiaoban, I am not you! Secondly, they work for Huankong, and I only have a cooperative relationship with him!"

As soon as the voice fell!

Bang! !

Xiao Chen raised the broken watch that he had prepared long ago and took a picture of the "Time and Space Jailer" on the screen of the broken watch!

On the opposite side.

Zombie Class slowly stretched out his arms and transformed into a zombie version of the Howling Wolf!

And Albedo transformed into a super giant like a towering giant! !

He stared with a pair of blood-red eyes, slapped the pattern on his body directly, and said coldly: "Start, ultimate evolution!!"


Albedo's huge body had bright patterns, and not only that, but he had two more crescent-shaped horns on his head, and he looked like Taro, the prince of the Kingdom of Light! !

The Ultimate Super Giant!

"Brother Ban, transform into the Energy King Kong, and I'll use the power of space to help you fly."

The Space-Time Jailer suddenly spoke, and his hands gathered the power of space, aiming at Brother Ban's feet!

"Okay! I can't really handle this situation with the Gliding King Kong!"

Brother Ban nodded heavily, raised his hand and prepared to switch to the alien state!

Just when the two were about to cooperate.

Bang! !

Zombie Ban raised his body and flew towards the Space-Time Jailer at lightning speed! !

"Boss, I'll deal with this guy!!"

Ziska had no choice but to put down the Space-Time Jailer, and directly knocked away the flying Zombie Ban!

He stretched out his tentacles again!

He entangled the zombie Ban tightly and tried to control him!

"This one looks the easiest to deal with, I will fight him first, for sure!!"

Ziska thought silently in his heart with a witty face!

Little did he know...

Because of his letting go, the time and space jailer happened to fall quickly to the ground! !

"Very good... Albedo, I'll leave the brother Ban who can only fly but can't fight to you!!"

Huankong smiled coldly, and dived towards the time and space jailer who fell to the ground! !

Leaving Albedo, staring at Brother Ban covetously: "Brother Ban... I won't give you the time to prepare to switch to aliens!!"

Swish! !

He raised his arms and posed a posture to release lasers, and actually released a waterfall of light from his arms! !

Brother Ban struggled to avoid the light, his expression was full of astonishment: "Oh no, if I fight in the air, both me and Ziska will lose!"

By then.

Xiao Chen will face three enemies! !

On the ground.

The moment the Space-Time Jailer landed, his expression was filled with anger, and he cursed inwardly: "Ziska, you idiot, you have screwed Brother Bang! What can he use his Gliding Kong to fight Albedo!"

He hurriedly stood up and looked at the sky.

Before he took off, Huankong's figure in the air fell like a meteorite!

Almost at the same time!

The Space-Time Jailer and Huankong raised their hands at the same time, one up and one down, releasing the condensed power of decay.

Bang bang bang! !

The decay power of the two people kept colliding and exploded in the air.

The aftermath and smoke caused by the explosion decayed everything in the air! !

After the aftermath of the fifth explosion dispersed...

The Space-Time Jailer did not see Huankong in the sky, but only saw a portal! !

"Behind you!"

Huankong's excited voice sounded, and a punch with the power of decay suddenly hit the back of the Space-Time Jailer's head! !

With the cover of smoke, he used the portal to sneak attack the space-time jailer!!

This time, he will definitely win!!

"Time stop..."

At this moment.

The space-time jailer, who felt the threat to his life, shouted.

The sacred clock appeared in the world, and the pointer and second hand stopped at this moment!

Huankong's fist also hit the back of the space-time jailer's head!


I was tricked by you!"

The time-space jailer breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at Huankong, and while speaking, he used both hands to gather the power of decline.

But as he spoke, his voice stopped abruptly!

The opposite Huankong was clearly stopped in time.

But his eyes were trembling, with a trace of fear, incredible!!

It seemed that he could see some clues in this world of stoppage!

The time-space jailer stopped talking nonsense, raised the condensed power of decline, and smashed it at Huankong like a heavy hammer!

"No... Don't! !"

Huankong's lips trembled slightly, and he actually made a sound of fear!

Immediately, his body stiffened, and he moved slowly like a freeze!

He narrowly avoided the attacking power of decline!

"How is it possible! !"

The time-space jailer's move failed, and he looked at the slowly moving Huankong in disbelief: "Huankong can move in my time stop? "


The system has said before that the skill card of Time Stop is originally prepared for aliens with this power, but it was developed in advance...

So it is normal for Huankong to adapt to Time Stop!

"You actually mastered Time Stop... I have practiced hard for so many years, but I still haven't mastered this power! ! "

Huankong spoke slowly, and his speech became more fluent!

His movements also became smoother: "But you gave me some inspiration... Maybe it can speed up my development of Time Stop! ! "

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The time and space jailer stretched out his finger, and the decaying force coming out of his fingertips was not strong, but the speed was extremely fast!

Huankong wanted to dodge in fear, but his body was instantly pierced by the decaying force! !

The flesh and blood in that hole disappeared!

He screamed in pain!

"I can't kill you in seconds, but I can still hurt you and make you scream. My Time Stop can still do it! ! "

The time-space jailer spoke cruelly.

Bang, bang, bang!!

The power of decay continued to emerge from his fingertips, leaving holes on Huankong's body!

The most powerful one.

It was directly attached to Huankong's head and brushed his left eye.

His entire left eye decayed and disappeared in an instant, leaving only an empty eye socket!!

"Time stop, I can't stand it anymore!"

The power in the time-space jailer's body began to dissipate rapidly, feeling physically and mentally exhausted, and the whole person became powerless!

The whole world that was stopped in time.

Also returned to normal at this moment!!

"No physical strength, right... Xiao, Xiao Chen! ! It's my turn! ! "

Huankong endured the pain and stared at the only remaining eyeball hysterically: "Try this... Time stop! "

He actually imitated the posture of the time and space jailer and performed time stop!

Behind him, a purple clock appeared, and the second hand on it was moving!!

"Huankong's time stop!"

The time and space jailer looked at this scene and said in astonishment.

"Stop! ! "

Huankong roared.

The two hands of the clock still walked as they pleased, ignoring him completely!

"You stop your ass! This is called time stop! ! "

The corner of the time-space jailer's mouth twitched fiercely, he took a deep breath, and used the power of time stopping again!

A golden clock appeared behind him, and time stopped again!

Even Huankong's figure was slowed down!

The whole world stopped again!

The time-space jailer raised his hand and released the power of decline again at Huankong's head!

If he couldn't knock off Huankong's head, he would knock off Huankong's other eye.

It would be better to make Huankong blind!

This time, Huankong did not choose to dodge.

He simply raised his finger slowly, clicked on the screen of the small broken watch, and transformed immediately.

As the power of decline approached.

Huankong's transformed source energy King Kong appeared in the original place, and resisted the attack of the power of decline!!

"It's troublesome... If he chooses to transform into source energy King Kong and X Superman, I will be helpless. "

The mood of the time-space jailer hit the bottom, and he said.

He took a deep breath while the time stop was still in effect.

In that case.

He still has an A+ grade card left, so he is not a vegetarian!!

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