
A deafening roar echoed in the dark universe.

Ye Chen subconsciously pressed the Omnitrix, but found that there was nothing there.

The Omnitrix was gone! ?

"" Roar!"

At this time, the strange and twisted X-Man slowly approached this side.

The abyss-like huge mouth was full of sharp fangs, as if he wanted to swallow Ye Chen in one gulp!



Countless transformation sound effects sounded almost simultaneously!

In an instant, hundreds of familiar green lights ignited in the universe at the same time!

"Four-handed Overlord!"

"Super beast!"

"Diamond God of War!"

"Fire burns people!"

"Crazy giant!"

"Nuclear Steel!"

"Ice Ghost!"

"The mighty Tyrannosaurus!"

"X-King Kong!"

"Heroes are coming!"......

Accompanied by countless passionate roars, countless alien heroes appeared in the universe, exuding awe-inspiring righteousness.

"This is the end....What's going on?"

Ye Chen had already been stunned in place, at a loss.

In the dark universe, roars and fighting sounds continued!

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the sun and the moon lost their color!

Hundreds of alien heroes collectively besieged the weird and twisted X-Man!

All kinds of gorgeous energy attacks, colorful, fell on the weird X-Man, but they didn't even leave a trace of wound!


Weird X-Man only roared, and killed a large number of alien heroes.

Super Beast, Diamond God, Ghost, Mad Giant......All of them were annihilated in the darkness and slaughter!

But no matter how they fought, they could not hurt Ye Chen in the illusion.

Because he was just a passer-by in time.

Or in other words, an observer of the illusion.......

As the alien heroes continued to fall, the weird superman became more and more crazy and almost killed everyone!

Just when the battle was about to be decided.

An ordinary fist broke through the void and forcibly opened up a door of time and space!

A young man in white slowly walked out from it. His face was blurred and seemed to be shrouded in a chaotic atmosphere. His true appearance could not be seen clearly.

"You disturbed me while I was taking care of the kids."

He pointed his finger at a distance, and an infinite pressure burst out, instantly repelling the weird X-Superman.......

Ye Chen was extremely shocked. Who on earth was this young man in white? He was so powerful!

With just a wave of his hand, he defeated the strange X-Man! ?


The two sides clashed fiercely!

The world was overturned, the sun and the moon dimmed, and the whole sky was almost blown through!

Just when Ye Chen was about to see the true face of the young man in white, the picture suddenly stopped, and everyone was frozen in mid-air, including the colorful energy beams.......


The entire dark universe shattered into pieces like a broken mirror!......

Ye Chen suddenly opened his eyes and looked around in horror.

Behind the messy stage, there was a huge clown machine.

Zambro, who was sitting on the ground with his arm broken, and the Four-Handed Tyrant and the clown Pennywise, who were fighting not far away.

""Huh~ I finally woke up."

Ye Chen gasped for air and found that his back was covered in cold sweat, as if he had just had a nightmare.

This dream was too real!

"Hehe, my brother's illusion tastes pretty good, right?"

Zamboro looked at Flashstar and laughed.

Flashstar said nothing, too lazy to pay attention to the useless Zamboro.

Was that really an illusion just now?

Or did the clown's ability allow him to peek into the future?

The fear created by the clown Pennywise is formed according to the things that the other party fears in his heart.

There is infinite randomness in it.

But Yechen doesn't seem to be afraid of anything.

So, the clown's ability simply allows Yechen to peek into the future and see the most terrifying existence?

"The identity of the clown Pennywise is very complicated, and he controls a small part of the power of time and space."

"Let me see the past and the future, it may not be impossible......"

Ye Chen's heart sank.

If that strange X-Man really came to the world, could he really resist him?

Also, who was that mysterious young man in white?......

Ye Chen clenched his fists. He was still too weak.

Facing a truly powerful person, he probably wouldn't even have the strength to resist.

He had to keep getting stronger and unlock more powerful aliens!

【Ding~ It's detected that the clown Pennywise's power of fear is getting stronger!】

【Destroy Pennywise the Clown and put an end to people's fear!】

【After successful completion, you will receive 5000 points! 】

Flash Star heard the system prompt and no longer hesitated, pressing the Omnitrix on his chest

"Since you want to scare people, let's see who is scarier!"

With a flash of green light,

Flash Star's figure quickly changed and turned into an alien wearing armor!


He is a sturdy alien with yellow-green skin. He wears a heavy metal helmet on his head, covering his face. There are two blunt horns on the helmet.

Toby took the DNA sample of an unknown alien creature.

Ability: fear.

When Toby untied the armor on his head and revealed his true face, everyone who saw his face would see the thing they feared most in their subconscious!

No one would not be frightened to the point of paleness and vomiting.

Even mental disorder, sanity value dropped wildly! Even the Yanu galaxy, where ugliness is beauty, which is the hometown of the ghost, the residents there cannot resist Toby's face.

It can be said that almost no creature can resist the fear of Toby!

The outer heavenly gods, An Powerful aliens such as the No Star People and Ghost Shadows are no exception.

Aunt Wade is an exception. She claims that she has seen even more terrifying things.

Dr. Contradiction is not afraid either. He has been trapped in the chronological time and space axis for 120,000 years. He has long overcome the most primitive fear and can see through the illusion and face Toby's face.

The alien that Ye Chen unlocked last time was the fear maker-Toby!

Even if the cage on his head is not unlocked, Toby can create a certain sense of fear, because the cage is not completely sealed.

Through the gap in the cage, you can see two round green eyes flashing inside.

At this moment, the Four-Armed Overlord was stepped on by the clown Pennywise and fell into endless fear.

Pennywise sucked the fear greedily with a look on his face, and the corners of his mouth almost cracked to the roots behind his ears.

"You loser, come at me if you dare."

Toby strode forward, his green eyes staring at Pennywise through his helmet.

"Oh, haven’t you enjoyed enough of the fear just now?"

"Then I'll let you taste something even more terrifying!"

Pennywise turned into a headless corpse, raised the sword in his hand, and chopped at the neck of the Four-Handed Overlord.......

Toby, Ability: Fear

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