Toby rushed forward and grabbed the clown's sword. He then violently knocked him over!

The clown staggered backwards and fell to the ground in a mess.

""Hey, do you think you can beat me?"

Pennywise grinned, his eyes ignited with a furnace-like golden light!

Activate the illusion!

Toby had expected it, and before the clown fully activated his ability, he untied the chain of the cage on his head!


The cage opened with a sound, like two iron doors imprisoning ferocious beasts, revealing Toby's terrifying face!

The moment he saw Toby's true face, Pennywise's pupils suddenly contracted, as if he saw something terrible.

His face became very ugly, his facial features were almost twisted together, and he fell to the ground and vomited!

At the same time, he held his head, shook his head, and his mind began to become confused!

The sanity value dropped wildly!

"I won't dare to do it again, let me go, ahhhhh......"

Pennywise kept kowtowed to Toby and cried bitterly.

No one knew what he saw.

The only thing that was certain was that Toby's face was scary!

Even the clown, who was always known for being scary, was defeated by Toby.

In fact, Toby's face itself was not scary.

It's just that his face can make the witness see the thing he fears most in his subconscious mind!

For example, if a person is afraid of Godzilla, then when this person sees Toby's face, he will have an illusion and see a crazy Godzilla chasing him.

Of course, it could also be Mechagodzilla.......Full of randomness and uncertainty.

Fear arises from this!

In front of the clown machine, Zambro saw Pennywise kneeling in front of Toby, kowtowed repeatedly, and his face was extremely shocked.

"Brother, why did you start kowtowing to him!"

"Wake up!"

Toby turned around and sneered.


When Zambro was stunned when he saw Toby's face, his eyes were filled with fear. He curled up on the ground, trembling and vomiting. He muttered something and began to become insane.

Even Pennywise couldn't resist Toby's face, let alone Zambro!

At this moment, Pennywise was still immersed in fear and couldn't extricate himself.

Toby walked up to the decadent Four-Handed Overlord and slapped him awake.

"Ah!" The Four-Handed Overlord suddenly woke up.

"How did I get here?"

"Also, Brother Ye, how did you become like this?"

The Four-Handed Overlord looked confused, and then noticed the Omnitrix logo on Toby's body.

"You were controlled by the fear of the clown, and you were almost killed just now."Toby said lightly.

The four-handed king lowered his head,"I'm sorry, brother Ye, I'm really afraid of clowns."

Although he was no longer afraid of Zambro, he was still a little powerless in the face of the hideous Pennywise.

The clown's appearance was too scary!

Toby slapped the Omnitrix and changed back to its original state.

Then, Yechen grabbed the claws of the clown Pennywise and pressed them on the Omnitrix!


The Omnitrix suddenly changed from a green screen to a yellow screen......

The Joker's DNA sample is being collected!

The planet Primus created by Azmis, where the Gene River is located, should not have the Joker's DNA.

Because the Joker is not a race, but a unique one!

He is unique, and it can be said that there is only one Joker in the universe.


Collection is successful!

【Congratulations to the host for getting a new hero!】

【The clown has a red nose, a white face, blue eyes, a thin body, and wears a gray costume, exuding an evil aura all the time.】

【Abilities: Teleportation, Transformation, Illusion, Fear Absorption, Unknown Space-Time Abilities....】

The system's voice kept echoing in Ye Chen's mind.

【The following is the ability analysis】

【Teleport: Within a radius of 50 meters, you can teleport freely and appear at any location. The cooling time is one second.】

【Transformation: You can freely change your image to scare others, such as mummy, vampire, headless soldier, zombie, werewolf, giant bird, etc.】

【Illusion: Releases an illusion from the eyes, allowing the target to see the thing they fear most, full of randomness and uncertainty.】

【Absorbing Fear: Can absorb the fear of living beings. The more fear absorbed, the stronger the power.】

【Unknown space-time ability: There is a chance that you or others can glimpse a corner of the past and future. Specific analysis is in progress......】

【Weakness: If the fear energy is insufficient, it will become weak. When facing a courageous enemy, it will appear very passive and weaken itself. 】

Ye Chen felt a little surprised.

Unknown space-time ability?......

The illusion I just saw was the terrifying X-Man and the mysterious young man in white.......

Could it be that this is not an illusion at all, but a part of the future?!

"Brother Ye, what should we do with the Joker and Zambrano? Arrest them and hand them over to the police?"

The Four-Handed Overlord said in a low voice, obviously not daring to approach the clown Pennywise.

He was still afraid in his heart.

Seeing this, Ye Chen looked at the Four-Handed Overlord seriously:"Xiaoban, go up and beat up the clown!"


""What? Hurry up!" Ye Chen urged

"But it's lying on the ground, unable to resist."The Four-Handed Overlord was a little embarrassed.

Of course, this was only one of the reasons. The main reason was that he was afraid of clowns.

"Xiaoban, do you still want to be a hero?" Ye Chen folded his hands, leaned against the wall, and said lightly:"If you don't overcome your fear of clowns, it will become your eternal demon."

"I'm afraid you will be used by the enemy in the future. Once you encounter an enemy like Toby who can create illusions, you will lose miserably!"

Hearing this, the Four-Handed Overlord lowered his head, feeling a little aggrieved and sad.

Yes, if he can't overcome his fear of the clown, this will be his fatal weakness.

"Also, if you can't even fight a crippled clown, then I don't think you deserve to own a power watch."

"I will take back the Power Watch and give it to someone more suitable."

"The power watch symbolizes strength, but it is not suitable for cowards......."

Ye Chen's cold words made Tian Xiaoban feel like he was struck by lightning!

The four-handed overlord clenched his fists, as if he was having a huge psychological struggle.

""Have you thought about it?" Ye Chen said coldly.

Of course, he couldn't take back the power watch. This was just to stimulate Xiaoban and let him overcome his fear.

"I understand, Brother Ye."

The Four-Handed Overlord took a deep breath and slowly stood up.

"I will defeat the clown and completely crush the fear in my heart!!"

After saying that, the Four-Handed Overlord rushed towards the clown like a ferocious beast, swinging his fists and bombarding him!

The clown, immersed in fear, had no power to fight back at all. He was beaten by the Four-Handed Overlord and wailed continuously, with a swollen nose and face.

In the process of attacking the clown, the Four-Handed Overlord's fear of the clown was reduced.

"It turns out that clowns are also afraid of pain!"

The Four-Handed Overlord punched the clown Pennywise again, causing him to spit out a mouthful of black blood!

"Hehe, it's really awesome. It feels so good to beat up the clown!"

Seeing that the Four-Handed Tyrant was about to beat the clown to death, Ye Chen hurriedly called a halt.

He still had points to earn. It was enough to let Xiaoban overcome his fear of clowns.

What's more, Xiaoban didn't want to kill anyone.

Even if the other party was an unforgivable guy.......

Then, Yechen pressed the omnitrix and turned into a big blue jellyfish.

"Psychic celestial being!"

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