Looking at the sleepy Takatsuki Izumi,

Ye Chen couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and walked gently to her, put one hand behind her neck, the other hand on her knees, and slowly picked her up.

"Go upstairs."Takatsuki Izumi whispered, half-closed her eyes.

Ye Chen carried Takatsuki Izumi up the stairs.

The petite and weak body, smooth and fair skin, was very comfortable to hold in his hands.

At this moment, Takatsuki Izumi was like a girl next door, warm and lovely, very well-behaved.

But the delicate facial features, the magnificent beauty, the existence like a goddess, fascinating.

It is such a"contradictory" existence that forms a huge contrast.

According to Takatsuki Izumi's instructions, Ye Chen carried her back to his room.

At a glance, the room was very tidy, almost spotless. It seemed that Takatsuki Izumi was a clean person.

A pink bed, a pink desk, a pink notebook, a pink pen......

The bookcases on the wall are filled with books by many famous writers.

Some of them are Takatsuki Izumi's own works, such as"The Egg of the Black Goat"》、《To Kafka.

Well, there is also"The Adventures of Lolo: Becoming Mechagodzilla" by Hei Lingzi.》、《Kun Kun's Diary.

And Ben 10: Unlimited Evolution》

"I didn't expect she likes to read this type of novel......"Ye Chen murmured softly.

It seems that he will have to read more novels when he returns.

This way, he and Takatsuki Izumi will have more common topics.

Ye Chen leaned down and put the sleepy Takatsuki Izumi on the small bed.

That delicate body, wearing a cyan blue short skirt, Takatsuki Izumi was in a trance, like a child kicking the quilt, and her skirt tilted up a little, revealing her spring light.

Ye Chen suddenly felt his breathing become heavy, and a surge of desire inexplicably rose in his heart.

No, I can't take advantage of someone's misfortune.

He hurried forward to pull Takatsuki Izumi's skirt up to cover up that touch of spring light.

Just as Ye Chen suppressed the fire in his heart and turned around to leave.

A soft little hand suddenly grabbed him.

Before Ye Chen could react, he was pulled into Takatsuki Izumi's arms, and the fragrant wind immediately rushed into his nostrils.

"I didn't realize you're such a gentleman."Takatsuki Izumi whispered in Yechen's ear.

She was testing Yechen just now. If he tried to do something wrong while she was asleep, she might have a bad impression of him and even break up with him.

A gentleman is not lustful, but should pursue it in a proper way.

Obviously, in Takatsuki Izumi's opinion, Yechen is that gentleman.

Yechen looked a little painful.

""What's wrong?"

Takatsuki Izumi asked hurriedly, could it be that she used too much force just now?

"No, you pulled me on top of you, which made me feel a little....No gun......"

As soon as she finished speaking, Gao Tsuki's beautiful eyes moved, and she also noticed something strange.

She looked at Ye Chen in shock.......

Then, she smiled with satisfaction.

"Hey, Yechen-kun, you don't want your grandfather and the others to know what happened tonight, right?"

Gao Tsukizumi's voice was lazy and sweet, like nectar after rain, dripping into Yechen's heart.

"Of course not...."Ye Chen couldn't hold back any longer and stared at Takatsuki Izumi's beautiful face.

"Then just do as you like."

"If it's Yechenjun, then it's OK......"

After the words fell, Gao Tsukiquan's red lips were imprinted on Yechen's face.


Ye Chen spoke in a low voice, without any hesitation, and buried his head.......(Ten thousand words are omitted here, because readers don’t want to read it anyway.)......

More than two hours passed.

Takatsuki Izumi lay on the bed, dying, her hair disheveled, as if exhausted, having spent a lot of energy.

But her beautiful face showed a satisfied smile.

"I didn't expect Ye Chenjun to look so thin, but his physical strength is extraordinary......."

Takatsuki Izumi looked at Yechen with a playful smile.

The bed sheet was stained with a touch of crimson.

This was Takatsuki Izumi's first time.

Yechen gently held her soft body in his arms, his voice doting and magnetic,"You are great too, baby."

The combat power of SSS-level ghouls should not be underestimated.

Yechen was almost counterattacked several times. If it weren't for his extraordinary talent, he might have been"bullied" by Takatsuki Izumi.

Yechen stroked Takatsuki Izumi's pretty face, feeling it was smooth and white, like mutton-fat jade, a perfect work of art.

"What if I get pregnant?"

Takatsuki Izumi was a little worried.......

"Then give birth to the baby and we will raise it together."Ye Chen smiled generously.

"Tsk, you are human, I am a half-ghoul, and I may not be able to get pregnant."Takatsuki Izumi turned her head away proudly.

The probability of human and ghoul combining to produce offspring is extremely low, almost one in ten thousand.

And what kind of existence will be born when human and half-ghoul combine?

"Does it still hurt?" Ye Chen asked softly, touching Gao Tsukuiquan's jade back.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Takatsuki Izumi said stubbornly,"Don't forget, I'm a high-level ghoul, this little wound can heal in the blink of an eye"

"That.....Let's continue!"

Before Takatsuki Izumi could react, Ye Chen directly held her hands.

Under Takatsuki Izumi's astonished eyes, he started the fat burning exercise again.

Accompanied by a burst of joyful sounds, the lights swayed, the trees outside the window were flying, and the wind and rain were raging.

Until later, Takatsuki Izumi was numb, with a look of despair on her face.

"You guys, are you so physically strong?"

"I really want to eat you and see if I can improve my strength."

Ye Chen, who was still full of energy, smiled and said,"Okay, then I'll give you a taste."

"Is it fake?"

"Yes, but you can only specify the location......"

Takatsuki Izumi hurriedly shook his head when he heard this,"Forget it, I just had enough."

The two of them snuggled up to each other and chatted for a while, then covered themselves with the quilt and fell into a beautiful dream.

They both slept soundly and deeply.

Because they had expended a lot of energy............

The next morning,

Ye Chen slowly woke up and found that Takatsuki Izumi, who was sleeping beside him, was gone.

He hurriedly got up and wanted to open the door to look for her.

However, at this moment, the door opened gently.

Takatsuki Izumi poked out her cute little head and walked in on tiptoe, as if she was afraid of waking Ye Chen up.

She was holding a bag of bread and a few bottles of milk.

""Oh, you're awake."

Gao Tsukizumi's eyes moved, and he met Ye Chen's eyes on the bed.

"Did you go out to buy breakfast early in the morning?"Ye Chen looked at the bread in Gao Tsuki Quan's hand.

Gao Tsuki Quan blinked,"Yes, someone consumed a lot of energy last night, I have to replenish him."

She smiled, took out two bottles of fresh milk, and handed them to Ye Chen

"Drink it quickly, this is what I bought in the city center early in the morning, it's very fresh."

Taking the warm milk, Ye Chen felt mixed emotions.

This girl is really thoughtful.

He originally planned to wake up and become a flash star, and then go to buy breakfast.

Unexpectedly, Takatsuki Izumi got up so early.

Looking at the time, it's only 6:30 now.

After a simple wash, Ye Chen and Takatsuki Izumi began to enjoy breakfast.

Takatsuki Izumi can also eat human food, which is the special feature of natural one-eyed ghouls.

Artificial one-eyed ghouls cannot eat human food.

"Next time, don’t go out to buy things by yourself." Ye Chen said.

Takatsuki Izumi was stunned and smiled:"I know, you big fool."

"You're the stupid one"

"You are, you are, don't refute it!"


"Bounce and bounce again!"

"Well, I'm the big fool, and you're the little fool."Ye Chen raised his mouth.

"Yechenjun is such an idiot!"

""Takatsuki Izumi, you little fool!"

The two quarreled while eating.

Before long, the quarrel became more and more fierce, and they ran to the bed and started fighting.

The fight was very fierce.

Takatsuki Izumi gritted his teeth, puffed up his cheeks, and stared at Ye Chen like an angry pufferfish.

"Just wait, you big fool. Sooner or later, I will make you beg for mercy!"

"How to beg for mercy?"

"Of course I'll squeeze you dry!" Takatsuki Izumi suddenly became bolder and spoke his mind.

"Let's try it." Ye Chen pretended to smile evilly.

Gao Tsukiquan quickly hugged his shoulders,"You....Don't come over here, I'm warning you, or I'll call someone......."

She was just being tough, but in fact she was quite afraid of Ye Chen. Ever since she had experienced Ye Chen's power last night,......

"Scream, no one will come to save you even if you scream your throat out."

Ye Chen bared his teeth and claws, and rushed forward......

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