It was a morning full of ups and downs.

By the time the two of them stopped fighting, it was already close to noon.

Ye Chen put on his clothes and returned to his normal state:"Quan, I have to go back."

"All right then." Takatsuki Izumi's eyes turned red, and he was reluctant to leave.

"Be good, we'll see each other soon next time."

Ye Chen smiled and touched Gao Tsukiquan's head.

"Well! I'll wait for you!"

Takatsuki Izumi stood at the door, watching Ye Chen, who had turned into a flash star, leave........

Back to the old car.

Flash Star rushed into a bathroom and turned back into a human.

Entering the old car, he found Tian Mark and others eating lunch.

"Hey Xiaoye, you're back." Tian Mark smiled kindly,"You must have had a lot of fun last night."

Ye Chen smiled,"Grandpa, you know everything."

He thought that his grandfather didn't know that he had sneaked out last night.

"Hehe, young people, it's normal to date your girlfriend."

A hint of reminiscence appeared in Mark Tian's eyes.

Tian Xiaowen on the side was silent, with a frustrated look on her face.

"So, Brother Ye, are you and Teacher Gao Tsuki Izumi together?"

She mustered up her courage and asked.

Ye Chen was stunned, then nodded,"Yes, Gao Tsuki Izumi and I are together." After all, the truth will come out sooner or later.

It's better to confess as soon as possible, anyway, it's not something that can be exposed.

"Well, Brother Ye, I wish you happiness." Tian Xiaowen forced a smile.

Tian Xiaoban grinned,"Hey Brother Ye, how did you and Miss Takatsuki Quan become a couple?"

"Well, this will happen naturally."Ye Chen said the truth.

If you like each other, you can be together. There is no need for any reason.

"Ye Chen."

Grandpa suddenly looked solemn and stared at Ye Chen seriously.

"What's wrong?"

"Get Xiaoquan as soon as possible and marry her home. Grandpa is anxious to have a grandson, hehe." Grandpa grinned.

Ye Chen couldn't help but hold his forehead and said,"Let's talk about it later. There's no rush for this."

"Hey grandpa, where are we going to play later?" Tian Xiaoban asked.

Tian Mark cleared his throat,"Ahem, I heard there is a museum nearby, and I plan to take you there."


A famous museum in the United States.

Many tourists are visiting it.

There are many precious cultural relics around, full of ancient atmosphere.

For example, the king's sword, the crown of the pope, the medieval warrior armor, the devil's eye......

There are also some ancient books.

An old lady is standing next to a glass cabinet, which contains a purple ancient magic book.

"The Akamida Spellbook is a world-famous priceless book. Legend has it that it contains various magic and spells."

"Experts have done a lot of research to try to realize the magic and spells inside"

"But without exception, all of them failed. They chanted the spell thousands of times but were unable to induce the vision."

"Therefore, the Akamida Spellbook is kept in this museum as an exhibit.

Many tourists gathered around, curious and listening with great interest.

"Tsk, what kind of magic spell? There is no such thing in this world."

"If there are any, call them out, I will eat three catties of rice fields!"

A blond boy with freckles on his face shouted.

He didn't take the Akamida spell book seriously at all.

Ye Chen and others were also beside him.

"Wow, that sounds so magical!"

Tian Xiaowen stared at the magic book in the glass cabinet with fiery eyes.

"Xiaowen, magic is a very dangerous thing, try not to try it."Tian Mark shook his head.

"Tsk, is it more dangerous than my power watch?"Tian Xiaoban laughed.

Boom - suddenly, the glass window on the side exploded and was covered by a dazzling purple light!


"" The terrorists are coming!"

For a moment, the tourists were in chaos.

A thin man in a dark red robe, with pale skin, just like the legendary zombie, floated in from the window.

He held a gray staff in his hand, and his voice was like thunder:"Where is the Akamida spell book!"

"Hand it over quickly!"

Ye Chen saw who was coming and his eyes fixed:"It's Haishi!"

Haishi is a dark magician from Regidomon!

Now, he only wants to get the Acamida spell book, and cooperate with the Bessel magic pendant chain to achieve the state of unity between man and nature!

If Haishi succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous!

At this moment, Haishi looked around and found the magic book in the glass cabinet!

"The Acamida spell book belongs to me!"

He raised his wand and a purple magic light burst out, breaking the glass and sucking it into his hand.

The corpse turned around and was about to leave.

""Heroes are here!"

A ball of orange light burst out from behind him!

Tian Xiaoban turned into a diamond overlord, raised his hand and shot out a large number of crystal spikes, attacking the corpse!


The corpse reacted very quickly, and immediately turned around to condense a purple protective shield to protect itself.

The sharp crystal spikes were unable to break the protective shield!

""Oh no, is this weirdo so strong?" Tian Xiaowen below exclaimed.

Tian Mark clenched his fists,"Damn, it would be better if he had brought a weapon."

Who knew that I would encounter monsters even when visiting a museum!?

"You are asking for trouble."

The corpse said coldly, and with a purple magic dragon of light, he blasted the Diamond Overlord into the wall!

The Diamond Overlord gritted his teeth and said,"Is this guy so strong?"

"Go to hell!"

Just as the corpse was about to launch an attack, a blazing fireball suddenly struck him from the side.......

Corpse Horror

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