The corpse quickly swung out a purple magic ball, which counteracted the blazing fireball in the air.

"Who is it?"

The corpse stared at the attacker with his eyes glowing.

He saw a strange man with flames all over his body, standing on a fire bird, floating in front of him.

Flame Man!

This is Ye Chen's transformation.

"The Pyronai?" The corpse was stunned."Why are they here?"...."

"Wow, Brother Ye hasn't turned into a fire man for a long time. Tian Xiaowen couldn't help but exclaimed

"The fire man is very powerful, and should be able to deal with the corpse."Tian Mark nodded.

The fire man slowly raised his hand, and a ferocious fire dragon surrounded him:"With me here, you can't take the treasure book away"


"It's too naive to think that you can stop me like this!"

The corpse raised the gray magic wand and released the dark dragon, sweeping towards the flame man! The flame man dodged sideways.

The terrifying dragon roared and crashed into a blond boy behind him!

Fortunately, the Diamond Overlord took action in time and condensed a crystal wall to barely block the dark dragon!


The green crystal shattered, mixed with the flying dark magic energy.

As for the blond boy behind, he had already collapsed on the ground with fear, and his body was hot and wet.

He was scared to pee!

The flame man slightly sideways, he remembered.

This blond boy with freckles on his face was the one who threatened not long ago that if magic existed, he would eat three catties of rice fields.

"real....Magic really does exist!"

The blond boy's face turned pale and his legs couldn't stop shaking.

"Hey, get out of here." The Diamond Overlord waved his hand,"I don't want to see someone eating rice here."

The blond boy's face froze, and he felt worse than if he had eaten a fly.

Then, he struggled to get up and staggered out of the museum.

At this moment, except for Tian Mark and Xiao Wen, and the"monsters" in battle, there was no one else.

"Leave the Akamida spell book behind." The flame man said in a cold tone.

""Okay, if you go see God first!"

As he spoke, one of the magic pendant stones on the Bessel magic pendant chain hanging on the chest of the corpse ignited with golden light!

He chanted a spell in a low voice, and then a golden light shot out from the magic wand, piercing the ground!


The floor of the museum suddenly turned into three giant stone bats, with strange purple magic patterns engraved all over their bodies!

"This is the ability of the Shapeshifting Demon Falling Stone!"

The Flame Man did not dare to be careless, and immediately gathered all his energy to prepare to attack the Giant Stone Bat.

"Go, hold them back!"

The corpse commanded the stone bats to attack the Diamond Overlord and the Flame Man, then turned and left.

However, he underestimated the fighting power of the two!

The Flame Man released two dragon flames, instantly blasting the two stone bats to pieces! The

Diamond Overlord lived up to expectations, punched the ground, and a huge crystal palm rose up!

With a grasp in the air, it directly crushed the stone bats, exploding into countless purple stones!


The Flame Man stepped on the Fire Bird and chased after it quickly!

The Diamond Overlord was heavy and could only try his best to follow behind.

Two minutes later.

The Flame Man caught up with the Horror Corpse in a forest!

At this moment, he was using the Acamida Spell Book to connect with the Bessel Magic Pendant Chain!

He wanted to achieve the realm of"harmony between man and nature"!

By then, the power of the Horror Corpse would rise to an unparalleled level, extremely terrifying.

The Flame Man would naturally not let him succeed. He condensed a basketball-sized fireball with his hands and slammed it on the top of the Horror Corpse's head!

"It's you again, little devil!"

The corpse was shocked and immediately stopped casting the spell.

"What do you want, weirdo?" The corpse stared at the flame man coldly.

"Leave the treasure book and the magic pendant chain, and you can go."The flame man sneered.

Without these two things, the magic power of the corpse itself is not strong.

Of course, he knew that the other party would not agree.

Sure enough, hearing what the flame man said, the corpse laughed in anger.

"I see your head must be overheated!"

While speaking, the corpse raised his magic wand, and the fire magic pendant on his chest lit up at the same time!

The fire magic pendant allows the user to summon blazing magic flames!

"Go to hell!"

The corpse released a magical flame as thick as a bucket!

The flame man tried to control the magical flame, but found that he couldn't do it.

"It seems that the flames of the Fire Demon Pendant are not of the same origin as mine, and cannot be directly controlled."

The Flame Man finished speaking, and his eyes burst into a strong fighting spirit.

"In that case, let's get a fire-killer!"

The flame man slapped the omnitrix, igniting a brilliant green light.

He turned into an alien wearing red armor!

""Shui Batian!"

Shui Batian, a DNA sample of the Orishan people from the Andromeda Galaxy, has a layer of"red armor" on its body, which is actually its exoskeleton, and has good defensive power.

Abilities: spraying water, absorbing water, compressing water jets, and breathing underwater.

Facing the whistling magic flames, Shui Batian was not afraid at all. He slowly raised his hand, and a surging water column burst out from the hole in his palm.

The seemingly ferocious magic flames were vulnerable to the torrent of water!

In an instant, it was wiped out in the air by the water column, and it attacked the terrifying corpse with undiminished power!

The terrifying corpse stared with shock, and hurriedly summoned a purple protective shield to barely block the water column.

At the same time, the Diamond Overlord Wada Mark and Xiao Wen rushed over

"The flame man has turned into a water tyrant. It seems that Brother Ye is going to get serious.

Tian Xiaowen is looking forward to the sight of that zombie-like weirdo being beaten up by Brother Ye.

"Well, Shui Batian is very powerful, and he defeated many alien monsters last time."Tian Mark agreed

"I'll go up and help."

The Diamond Overlord stepped forward and shouted at the zombie above:"Hey, if you have the guts, come down and fight me for three hundred rounds, and I'll let you"

"It's really hard to deal with."

Haishi had already begun to think of retreating.

Facing two powerful aliens at the same time, he was a little overwhelmed.

Haishi took a deep breath and planned to negotiate.

"Friends, fighting and killing only hurts the harmony"

"Why don't you let me achieve the unity of man and nature?"

"When I rule the world, I will give you the territory of Sakura Country, where there are countless streets and enlightenment teachers......."

"Your Excellency will have endless wealth and splendor by then, wouldn't you consider it?"

The corpse looked at him teasingly and began to seduce Shui Batian.


Shui Batian said coldly, raising his hand and shooting a compressed water knife.


The invincible water knife instantly tore the purple protective shield apart!

Haishi was shocked and angry,"Well, I see you are not going to accept my toast and drink a forfeit!" Haishi

's eyes ignited with purple light, and he quickly activated magic, and a strong wind blew.

An illusory king's scepter appeared above his head!

This is Haishi's innate skill, which can enhance a huge amount of mana in a short time!

The price is that he cannot use magic within a month.

The king's scepter flashed with violent lightning, and its power was extremely amazing!

"Oh no, the corpse is going to fight to the death." Tian Mark looked solemn,"Xiaoye and the others are in danger!"

"how come......"

Tian Xiaowen's face was reflected purple by the lightning, and she was filled with fear.

"Brother Ye, what should we do now? Diamond Overlord also sensed the threat of the scepter.

"What to do? Just chill."

Shui Batian looked calm, pressed the omnitrix, and switched to the alien hero.

"Frozen Lizard!"

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