"You annoying weirdos!"

"Go to hell!"

The shadow of the king's scepter above the head of the horror corpse was full of purple light and lingering with violent lightning!

He controlled the shadow of the scepter, flashing thick lightning like a spider web, wreaking havoc on everything around!

A large number of trees were instantly cut off and ignited with raging flames!

A large area turned into scorched earth, birds flew away and beasts scattered, and all living things were destroyed.

The Diamond Overlord protected Tian Mark and Xiao Wen in time. His crystal shield could rebound lightning.

The extremely frozen lizard was already fighting fiercely with the horror corpse!

Facing the fierce attack of the extremely frozen lizard, the horror corpse did not have an advantage.

Instead, it was defeated.!

Neither the Fire Demon Pendant nor the King's Scepter can hurt the Frozen Lizard.

Because the cold air it emits can restrain fire and lightning!

Originally, according to the attributes, fire should restrain ice.

But the cold air of the Frozen Lizard is many times stronger than the Fire Demon Pendant!

Not to mention the magic flames, even the magma can be condensed instantly!

And lightning can't hurt the Frozen Lizard, because ice can be said to be an insulator and is almost non-conductive. The

Frozen Lizard spews out cold air and condenses a thick layer of"ice and snow armor" on itself, which can effectively resist the invasion of lightning.

""Cool, Xiaoye's move is absolutely amazing!"

Tian Mark couldn't help but cheer in the distance.

Knowing how to use attribute restraint to defend himself, Ye Chen's combat IQ is very high!

He is strong, but not reckless. He knows how to use his own advantages to attack the opponent's weaknesses.

Tian Mark thinks that Ye Chen is undoubtedly an excellent fighter!

This is the recognition from the legendary plumber!

"Brother Ye is so handsome."Tian Xiaowen's beautiful eyes sparkled.

But she felt it was a pity in her heart, because Brother Ye was already"taken".

The Diamond Overlord had been staring at the center of the battle, observing and learning.


The violent lightning snake bit the extremely frozen lizard fiercely, but it didn't even leave a trace of the bite mark.

The thick layer of ice and snow armor is not so easy to break.

The extremely frozen lizard condensed all its energy and spit out a freezing ray with a radius of about ten meters!

The king's scepter, which was full of majesty, quickly condensed frost. No matter how the lightning bombarded, it could not stop the freezing.

Soon, the phantom of the king's scepter completely condensed into an ice sculpture and smashed it on the head of the horror corpse!

The horror corpse was shocked and hurried to dodge.

The next second, his legs were hit by the freezing ray and condensed into ice cubes, hard. The horror corpse was caught off guard and fell to the ground, lying on his back, very embarrassed.

It seemed that something had fallen off his body, but the horror corpse was only concerned with running away and had no idea

"It's over."

The extremely cold lizard exhaled cold air and froze the corpse into an ice sculpture.

"Damn aliens, I will remember you!"

The corpse gnashed his teeth, took out a space bomb from his arms, and threw it on the ground!


A flash of white light passed, and the corpse was sucked into the unknown space and disappeared.

The biting cold air fell into the air, freezing the scorched earth, and white frost dots appeared.

"What a pity, he escaped.

The Frozen Lizard shook his head and changed back to his original form.

At this time, Tian Mark and others ran over.

"Xiaoye, did that scary corpse escape?"

"Well, it runs very fast, it seems there is a magic prop that can teleport."Ye Chen nodded slightly.

"But Brother Ye, you are still very powerful. You beat that weirdo away."

Tian Xiaowen smiled, her orange hair flying.

The Diamond Overlord also changed back to its original form. A burst of orange light flashed, and Tian Xiaoban walked out from inside.

"Great, Brother Ye is so brave!"

"If only I had an extremely frozen lizard too!"

But unfortunately, there are no aliens with"ice" attributes in the power watch.

In other words, there are not many alien races in the universe that have the ability to control ice.

The Ice Ghost is one of them.

Ye Chen wondered when he could get the transformation rights of this big moth.

After all, the ability of the Ice Ghost is so cool!

Coming back to his senses, Ye Chen looked around and found that the surroundings were destroyed beyond recognition.

Many trees were burned, leaving only charred trunks.

"Hey, this is......"

Ye Chen suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something at the place where the corpse escaped.

He took a closer look.

It turned out to be the Akamida spell book and the Bessel magic pendant chain!

Ye Chen picked up the two objects with trepidation and looked at them carefully.

The Akamida spell book records many magics and spells, as well as some techniques for cultivating mana.

But many of them are like ghost paintings, and Ye Chen can't understand them at all.

As for the Bessel magic pendant chain, Ye Chen has heard a little about it. The Bessel magic pendant chain has a total of five grooves, in which five Bessel magic pendant stones are placed.

They are the fire magic pendant, the floating magic pendant, the incarnation magic pendant, the lucky magic pendant, and the beast taming magic pendant.

(Note: I remember that there were only five Bezier magic pendants at this time in the original work. The sixth one appeared later, so let's ignore it.)

(In addition, I searched through the information and only found information about four magic pendants: Fire, Floating, Incarnation, and Luck. This is the setting of the original work.)

(The fifth magic pendant, also known as the beast-taming magic pendant, is my personal setting. There is no other way.....I really can't find the setting of the fifth magic pendant stone, so I can only make it up myself. )

Ye Chen carefully recalled the settings of the magic pendant stone.

Fire Magic Pendant: It has the ability to release magical flames to burn all evil spirits.

Flying Magic Pendant: It can control objects to float freely, including itself.

Incarnation Magic Pendant: Control the deformation of objects and fully control their actions, such as turning stones into ferocious dragons.

Lucky Magic Pendant: A passive skill, the wearer will gain huge luck blessings, and everything will be handy, such as playing basketball, almost 100% accurate.

The disadvantage is that people who wear the Lucky Magic Pendant will bring misfortune to those around them.

It seems that they have absorbed the luck of the people around them to bless themselves.

Beast Taming Magic Pendant: The wearer will have a strong affinity for animals, and can make animals obey orders and obey unconditionally.

Secondly, the wearer can communicate with animals without obstacles, and it can also work for some alien beasts, such as super beasts.......

【Ding~ Bessel magic pendant chain detected!】

【Destroy five Bezier Fallen Stones!】

【Upon successful completion, you will receive 3,000 points!】

"Only three thousand? A little too little......."

Ye Chen shook his head slightly.

He doesn't need these points at the moment.

""Brother Ye, what is this?"

At this time, Tian Xiaowen came over with a curious look on his face.

Ye Chen's eyes moved, as if he had thought of something.

"Got it!"

He planned to give Xiaowen the Akamida spell book and the Bessel magic pendant....... ps: I suddenly think it’s better to have only one female lead, but I’m mainly worried that the writing will be bad. But I’d still like to ask my friends’ opinions here, should Xiaowen be included?

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