It's time to strengthen Xiaowen's fighting ability.

The enemies behind will become stronger and stronger.

Give her some self-protection ability, and she can also use it to protect Grandpa.

This will allow Yechen and Tian Xiaoban to focus more on fighting.

As for the tasks of the anti-violence and peace system......

Never mind, the system said that it would not be forced to complete. So

Ye Chen would make an exception this time and not complete the system's task to see what would happen.

Tian Mark and Xiaoban also came over, staring at the treasure book and the magic pendant chain curiously.

"Cool, it looks like the equipment dropped from playing games."

Tian Xiaoban said excitedly.

"Brother Ye, I know this book is the Acamidas spell book, but what is this necklace?"Tian Xiaowen asked curiously.

She always felt that these two things seemed to have some kind of energy resonance with her, tempting her all the time.

It seemed that they wanted to fall into her hands.

Ye Chen smiled indifferently.

Then, he began to explain to everyone the function of the Bessel magic pendant chain.

After listening, everyone else felt incredible!

"A magic pendant that can control the deformation of objects!"

"There is also a lucky charm. If I carry it with me and buy Crazy Sumo Corn Flakes, will I be able to draw a gold card right away? ?"

"Wow, the lucky magic pendant is so magical!"

Ye Chen looked calm as he handed the Akamida spell book and the magic pendant chain to Xiao Wen.


Xiaowen, these two things are given to you now, you can try to learn some magic.....Can I really do it?"

"Of course, I think you are talented."Ye Chen smiled.

Nonsense, he had read the script and knew that Tian Xiaowen had the blood of the Anor people in her body.

Not only did she have powerful natural energy, she could also learn magic, and she was a very powerful race.

It is worth mentioning that Tian Xiaowen's grandmother, Tian Mark's wife, Vidona, was a powerful adult Anor.

They are pure energy bodies and do not have DNA samples, so they cannot be included in the Omnitrix.

As one of the most powerful species in the universe, Vidona had beaten Tian Xiaoban in the original work, and most of his alien heroes were no match for the Anor people.

In fact, Tian Xiaoban also has the blood of the Anor people in his body.

It's just that the probability of women awakening natural energy is higher.

Not all descendants can awaken natural energy.

As for Ye Chen, he is not Tian Mark's grandson, so he naturally does not have the blood of the Anor people.

Of course, he doesn't need it, having the Omnitrix is enough.

Tian Mark took a deep look at Xiaowen and the magic book in her hand, and didn't say much.

Perhaps this is Xiaowen's fate, and she was arranged to contact magic and practice magic.......

"Great, thank you, Brother Ye!"

Tian Xiaowen was overjoyed and hugged Ye Chen, very grateful

"I will practice magic well and protect everyone's safety!"

Tian Xiaowen's eyes were full of determination.

Tian Xiaoban hesitated and couldn't help saying:"But, is it really okay if we don't return the Akamida Spell Book to the museum?"

"Returning the treasure book to the museum is harming them." Ye Chen's eyes flickered,"The corpse will definitely not give up and will try every means to snatch the treasure book."

"If we return it, I'm afraid the scene in the museum today will happen again."

"It would be better to leave the book behind so that Xiaowen can practice magic and divert the attention of the corpse so that he won't hurt ordinary people."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out that Ye Chen was so thoughtful!

They were judging others by their own standards.

Tian Xiaowen was as if she had found a treasure and was about to put the Bessel Magic Pendant away carefully.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Ye Chen called her

""What's wrong, Brother Ye?" Xiao Wen looked puzzled.

Ye Chen took the Bessel Magic Pendant and removed the Lucky Magic Pendant from it.

"I keep this thing......."

Although the power of the lucky magic pendant is amazing, its disadvantages are also obvious.

It will bring misfortune to those around it.

Therefore, Ye Chen plans to hide the lucky magic pendant and not let anyone wear it.

Including himself.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not use the power of the lucky magic pendant.

Tian Xiaowen flipped through the Akamida spell book with great anticipation,"Five Elements Magic, Time and Space Magic......Cool!"

She decided to go back and study hard tonight!

If she becomes stronger as soon as possible, she can help Brother Ye and the others!

"Xiaowen, if you encounter something you don’t understand, you can ask me." Tian Mark said with a smile


"Grandpa, do you know magic too?"

Tian Xiaowen was very surprised and looked at Grandpa in disbelief.

Tian Mark scratched his head and said,"I don't understand, but there will be someone who does."

──I don't understand, but her grandmother does.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I last saw Vidona.

Tian Mark missed his old partner a little.

Soon after, everyone left and returned to the old car.

"Hey, the boring museum trip is finally over!"

"Grandpa, where are we going next?"

Tian Xiaoban was very excited and was looking forward to the next destination.

Tian Mark shook his head:"To be honest, I don't know where to go."

"Let's take one step at a time and see what happens."Ye Chen said

"Well, this is not bad, let's have some fun without any purpose."

Tian Mark smiled carefreely and stepped on the accelerator.


The old and broken car suddenly rushed out like a wild horse, roaring on the road.

They played casually that day.

Without a clear goal, they played more freely.

Water park, maid cafe, chess and card room, aquarium exhibition hall......

The maids were very enthusiastic and pretty, all dressed up beautifully, and their service attitude was very good.

However, Ye Chen did not have much emotional fluctuations.

The maids were far inferior to Takatsuki Izumi in terms of appearance.

They were not as cute and interesting as her.......

Tian Xiaoban���He didn't like it either, he hated those older sisters rubbing against him. He also didn't like the maids drinking his coffee, he felt disgusted and repulsed it.

In Xiaoban's original words,"Oh, I'm so annoyed by these older sisters, I might as well use this money to buy me a few more violent sumo cards!"

As for Tian Xiaowen, she had been holding the magic book all the way and studying magic seriously.

She had even reached the point of"forgetting to eat and sleep".

In this way, everyone had a great time along the way.

Time passed bit by bit......

Night fell quietly.

Everyone fell asleep one after another, immersed in absurd and bizarre dreams.

Only a lonely small table lamp still emitted a faint yellow light, reflecting on a small face with orange hair and green eyes.

Tian Xiaowen was studying the Akamida spell book meticulously, very absorbed.

"Time and space magic?"

"Maybe I can try to grow up......."

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