The next morning.

The sun was rising, casting a warm morning light on the steel jungle.

Ye Chen's eyelids moved slightly, and he woke up naturally.

He rubbed his eyes, sleepy.

Last night, I had a video call with Takatsuki Izumi. We talked for a long time. In the end, I hung up reluctantly because I didn't want to disturb my grandfather.

"It's another beautiful day."

Ye Chen sat up straight and stretched.

Suddenly, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a pair of slender long legs lying on the small bed opposite?!

"What the hell?"

Ye Chen was startled and turned his head to look!

He saw a strange woman in blue lying on Xiao Wen's bed!

She was tall, slender, with short orange hair, lying on her side, breathing steadily, with her back to Ye Chen!

Ye Chen turned the strange woman over with trepidation.......


A deafening cry of the quintessence of Chinese culture resounded throughout the old broken car!

"Xiaoye, what happened!"

Tian Mark jumped up from the bed as if facing a great enemy, and took out the pistol hidden under the pillow.

Tian Xiaoban was also awakened, thinking that Yechen was in danger, and subconsciously wanted to press the power watch.

But when they saw the woman on Xiaowen's bed, they all froze in place, stunned.

After a while, there was a sharper explosion than Yechen!

"Ward hair!"

"Oh my God! I am not dreaming!"

The strange woman was also awakened by the screams of the crowd and opened her eyes dazedly.

"Brother Ye?"

His voice was as sweet as a silver bell, very pleasant to the ear.

As soon as he finished speaking, the strange woman's beautiful eyes moved, and she couldn't help covering her mouth,"How could my voice be so....."

Ye Chen looked at the woman in blue in horror,"You are....Xiaowen?"

Orange hair, blue eyes, wearing a blue robe, slender and graceful, bright and charming......

It was the adult Xiaowen!

That is Minlin!

In the original work, Xiaowen changed her name to Minlin after she went to college.

She is an excellent magician.

But why did Xiaowen become like this?

The adult Xiaowen looked flustered, touched her face, and hurried to the floor-length mirror to look at herself carefully. Her beautiful green eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

"I....It actually worked! ?"

The adult Xiaowen couldn't believe this fact and thought she was dreaming.

She ran to Xiaoban and pinched his face hard.

Tian Xiaoban grimaced in pain!

"Oh~ Big nerd, what are you doing!"

Tian Xiaoban felt pain and pushed away the adult Xiaowen's hand.

Tian Mark looked solemnly, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar face:"Are you really....Is it Xiaowen?"

Why did you become an adult?

If it weren't for the iconic orange hair, green eyes, and similar face, Tian Mark would have drawn his gun.

Tian Xiaowen took a deep breath, calmed her excitement, and told the details of what happened last night.

It turned out that after everyone fell asleep last night.

Tian Xiaowen was still studying the Akamida spell book.

When she discovered the"time and space magic" in it, she curiously planned to study it.

See if she could speed up her growth and become an adult.

With anticipation, Tian Xiaowen tried to recite the spell above.

The speed spell.

It can speed up the growth of living organisms or increase the speed of objects.

But after reciting the magic spell, Tian Xiaowen didn't feel anything strange.

Disheartened, she closed the magic book and went to bed.

Unexpectedly, when she woke up, she looked like this!

The speed spell was successful!

At this moment, both physically and mentally, Tian Xiaowen has completely turned into an eighteen-year-old, becoming more mature and full of charm.

Not only that, as an adult, Tian Xiaowen faintly felt that there was a mysterious power in her body, which seemed to be awakening......

After hearing this, everyone felt incredible.

A time-space spell that can make people grow up overnight, this is incredible!

Tian Mark was very worried,"Xiao Wen, can you change back?"

Tian Xiaowen shook her head and smiled,"Grandpa, I feel good this way, there is no need to change back."

She originally wanted to grow up quickly, so that she would not be so much older than Ye Chen.

"Now he has really become a nerd."Tian Xiaoban sighed.

If they quarrel in the future, he may not be able to win the adult Xiaowen.

Tian Xiaowen smiled and said,"Xiaobanban, don't mess with me casually in the future."

As she said that, she touched Tian Xiaoban's head, as if she was touching a child.

The adult Xiaowen is quite tall, about 1.7 meters, tall, curvy, and full of femininity.

"Oh, so annoying~"

Tian Xiaoban rolled his eyes

"Brother Ye, thank you for giving me the magic book. It made me grow up quickly.

Tian Xiaowen looked at Ye Chen who was silent.

"Well, but I'm a little curious, why do you want to grow up?"

Ye Chen asked calmly.

Tian Xiaowen's face immediately turned red when she heard this. She lowered her head and stammered,"I....I naturally have my reasons"

"But I can't tell you for now."

Tian Mark smiled and said,"Hey Xiaowen, is there anything we can't know?"

"grandfather......"Tian Xiaowen is shy

"Forget it." Ye Chen shook his head and changed the subject,"By the way, where did this blue robe on you come from?"

"The speed spell should only accelerate your own growth, right?"

Tian Xiaowen looked confused,"I don't know either. Maybe it involves some concepts of time and space......."

"Spacetime magic, covering the laws of time and space"

"So, this might be what I will wear in the future......."

After listening to Xiaowen's explanation, the others nodded, not quite understanding.

"Hey Brother Ye, I can cast some magic now!"

"For example, elemental magic, time and space magic, and four Bezier magic drops!"

Tian Xiaowen was very happy, her beautiful eyes were full of joy.

She has become very powerful now and can protect her family.

Time and space magic is very strong, and the skills are also varied.

Time and space channel, time stop spell, space teleportation, time speed spell, time speed spell, space confinement ring, etc.

Once these skills are used, even villains like Vilgax will be defeated.

Of course, Xiaowen's magic is still in the initial stage, not proficient enough, and many skills need to be slowly explored and mastered.

""Xiao Wen, you have only learned magic for one day!" Tian Mark's eyes widened.

After only one day of reading the magic book, he was able to cast elemental spells, time and space magic, and Bessel magic falling stones!

This kind of talent is really amazing!

Even Ye Chen was a little surprised.

He knew that Xiao Wen had a good talent for magic.

But he didn't expect it to be so terrifying!

Well, it seems that their camp has added another"strong general"."


"Grandpa, don't call me Xiaowen anymore, I want to change my name"

"What?"Tian Mark was stunned.

Tian Xiaowen smiled and said,"I want to change my name to 'Minlin’" ps: I originally wanted to write a single female protagonist later, but I was afraid that I would fail, but I have to keep my promise to the readers.

I'm going all out!!!


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