That afternoon,

Tian Xiaoban was lying on the bed, looking pale and sneezing non-stop.

"Oh my god, my nose feels like it's blocked by snow and mud, it's so uncomfortable."

Ye Chen put down the game console in his hand and looked over there,"Xiaoban, you won't catch a cold, right?"

"It's possible."

Tian Xiaoban lowered his eyes and was in a very low mood.

"Hahaha, Daitou, I told you not to kick the quilt when you sleep at night."Minlin gloated.

Even when she grew up, she still liked to bicker with Xiaoban.

""Hey, you big nerd, go get me a glass of water!" Tian Xiaoban said indignantly,"But I'm your cousin!"

"You are the little brother now, hehe."

Minlin said, and gestured.

She was taller than Xiaoban when she was ten years old, and now she is eighteen years old, much taller than Xiaoban.

The eighteen-year-old Minlin is about 1.7 meters tall.

And the ten-year-old Xiaoban may be less than 1.5 meters tall.

Therefore, Minlin occasionally jokingly calls Tian Xiaoban a"short and fat melon".

This made Tian Xiaoban very angry, and she wished she could grow up quickly and look down at this nerdy cousin.

However, seeing that her cousin was sick and uncomfortable, Minlin still got up, poured a glass of boiled water, and handed it to Xiaoban.

"You're welcome, shorty."

Minlin smiled, but still made fun of Tian Xiaoban.

""Tsk, you big nerd."

Tian Xiaoban took the water cup unhappily.

At this time, Tian Mark came in from outside the car.

He was holding a bag of Chinese herbal medicine.

"Hey, Xiaoban, grandpa just went to Chinatown and bought you some mulberry leaves and white chrysanthemums."

"I'll make you some mulberry and chrysanthemum tea later, I guarantee it will cure your illness!"

Tian Xiaoban's face turned pale when he heard this,"Oh~ it must be very bitter"

"Good medicine tastes bitter. This is a unique recipe I learned from a Taoist priest in China."Tian Mark said with a smile

"Ah, what is a Taoist priest?"

Tian Xiaowen looked over curiously.

Ye Chen was the same. Although he had heard of the legend of Taoist priests in his previous life, he didn't know the details.

Tian Mark sat down, his eyes full of memories, and he slowly spoke.

"When my grandfather was young, he went to China to deal with water and electricity problems."

"That is, it deals with supernatural events. You all know the identity of the grandfather, so I won’t go into details here."

"That year, I received a task from a plumber, saying that there was a zombie incident in Sichuan Province, Huaxia!"

Tian Xiaoban spread his hands and said,"Tsk, how can zombies exist?"

"Daitou, even dark magicians exist, so how can it be impossible for zombies to exist?" Minlin asked back

"Oh, that's right."

"Grandpa, go on." Ye Chen also became interested.

Tian Mark smiled bitterly,"At that time, Phil and I formed a team and went to Sichuan Province, Huaxia."

"We were greeted by a Chinese Taoist priest, who was very old and wore a yellow robe, looking like an immortal."

"Moreover, he is also our partner in this mission."

Tian Mark said this and his tone stopped abruptly.

"What happened next?"

Minlin's eyes flickered, and she listened with great interest.

Tian Mark took a deep breath,"Later, I saw that in addition to aliens and magicians, there was such a magical power!"

"At that time, Phil and I brought many laser guns and even bombs."

"This amount of firepower, plus our experience, is enough to deal with most aliens."

"But those zombies are invulnerable to swords and guns!"

"And they were very fast, with sharp teeth and claws. Our weapons were completely ineffective and were all destroyed by those monsters!"

"Fortunately, the Taoist priest at that time seemed to have some magic formula in his hands, and was able to summon thunder from the sky to kill those zombies!"

"The power is so terrifying that it can kill a large number of zombies in one hit!"

"In comparison, the so-called high-tech weapons in our hands seem very backward......."

"If he hadn't delayed the time and waited until the Tiangong support arrived, I'm afraid Phil and I would have died there."

After hearing this, everyone else found it incredible.

"I didn't expect that the Chinese Taoism was so powerful."Ye Chen secretly smacked his lips.

Even the plumbers' weapons couldn't do anything to the zombies, but the Chinese Taoism could easily deal with them?

"Perhaps, this involves some attribute restraint."Ye Chen guessed

"Not bad." Tian Mark looked at Ye Chen with appreciation,"Later, I asked the Taoist why he could kill zombies so easily, but our weapons couldn't."

"He said that the thunder he summoned was yang, while the zombies were yin, and the two were mutually exclusive, so the damage caused was so huge!"

"Wow, it's so magical!"Wen Lin was stunned.

If she has the chance, she must go to China to experience the power of Taoist priests.

"Well, this is a good story. Tian Xiaoban shrugged.

Then he started to have a runny nose again.

"Grandpa, after hearing what you said, I think Taoist priests and magicians have a lot in common."

Wen Lin paused, and then said:"Both use spells to activate energy, and both can emit lightning. The two have similar effects."

Tian Mark nodded in agreement,"Well, you are indeed a magician with extraordinary talent. I think so too."

"Perhaps, they both have the same origin, but the way they are performed is slightly different......."

"I'll take you to Huaxia to enjoy the beautiful scenery there if I have the chance."

Tian Xiaoban jumped up happily when he heard this,"Oh great! Grandpa, I love you so much!"

Boom - suddenly, there was a huge explosion outside the car!

Several robbers wearing stocking hoods, ferocious and holding AK47s, robbed a nearby jewelry store!

The surrounding tourists were scared and fled in all directions, screaming wildly!

"Run away! Robbery!"

"Family members, run!"

"Someone come and save us!"

Ye Chen looked out the window and noticed that it was a jewelry store in Chinatown.

Robbing the Chinese?

How dare you!

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix and started the movement in the middle.


The clown, the evil exploding frog, the alien king, the ten unlike......

"Diamond God of War!"

Ye Chen's eyes flashed, and he pressed it gently.

A green light flashed, and the Diamond God of War opened the car door and rushed out.

"The hero is here!"

Tian Xiaoban was not to be outdone, he pressed the power watch and slammed it down!

An orange light flashed, and a white dwarf appeared!

"Noise machine!"

"Why do I still feel so uncomfortable, like cold air?"

Noise Machine looked at his hands and murmured.

"Xiaoban, you have a cold, it is best not to transform casually, God knows what the consequences will be."Tian Mark frowned slightly

"It doesn't matter, heroes never take a break."Noise Machine smiled,"As long as there is evil, there will be heroes!"

After saying that, Noise Machine also ran out, leaving Minlin and Grandpa looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Let's go out and take a look!"

Tian Mark's face was solemn. He always had a bad premonition.

Wenlin wore a metal wristband on her left hand, which was inlaid with four Bessel magic pendants.

Fire magic pendant, flying magic pendant, incarnation magic pendant, beast control magic pendant.

As for the lucky magic pendant, Ye Chen took it away to prevent it from endangering others.

"Grandpa, I'll go first!"

Minlin's eyes lit up with golden light, and she activated the Flying Magic Pendant and rushed towards Chinatown at high speed.......

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