At the entrance of the jewelry store.

The ground was full of bullet holes and broken glass, which flashed sharp cold light in the sun.

A dozen robbers, wearing silk stockings and hoods, fully armed, robbed this jewelry store in Chinatown!

At this moment, their leader was wearing countless gold and jewelry, shining with gold, and a smug smile on his face.


"Do yellow people dare to come to the United States to open a jewelry store?"

"Don’t you even look at who is the boss!"

"This is the price! Hahahaha!"

The other men immediately responded, shouting,"Boss, you are wise!"

At this moment, a jewelry store employee was squatting on the ground.

She was trembling, holding her head, and dared not speak, for fear of angering this group of desperate criminals.

The leader walked up, grabbed the woman's hair, and scanned her fair face with an aggressive look.

This was an overseas Chinese woman with an oval face, a pretty face, and a graceful figure.

"Oh, she's pretty."

"Guys, wait for me outside."

""When I'm done, it'll be your turn! Hehe!"

As he spoke, the leader dragged the overseas Chinese woman towards the jewelry store.

It was obvious what he wanted to do.

Upon hearing this, the other brothers were all excited.

"Thank you, boss. You are wise!"

"Hehe, I can’t wait!"

"Ahhh, boss, hurry up!"

"It's my turn next! Don't fight with me!"

"Is it the second death?"

A cold and powerful voice came from behind.

The robbers were shocked and looked at the source of the voice.

There stood a tall crystal man, with a green body, golden eyes like fire, and several spikes on his back. He had an imposing aura without anger!

"What the hell?"

"Fire, shoot this guy in the leather case to death!"

The robber leader frowned and ordered the others to open fire.

Da da da!

More than a dozen AK47s were all aimed at the Diamond God of War, bursting out a large number of turbulent bullets.

However, these bullets could not hurt the Diamond God of War at all, and could not even scratch his skin.

He was majestic, like a towering Mount Tai, still standing there, allowing the bullets to wash and baptize him.......


"What kind of monster is this!"

"Our bullets don't work at all!"

The robbers panicked. When had they ever seen such a monster?

It was completely beyond their cognition!

The obscene thoughts in their minds just now were long forgotten.

The fear and shock in their hearts gradually occupied every inch of their skin!

"Many unjust acts...."

The Diamond God of War's golden eyes flashed, and he raised his arm and turned it into a sharp cone, bursting out a large number of crystal spikes!

In an instant, more than a dozen robbers were killed! They were directly stabbed like hedgehogs!

The Diamond God of War showed no mercy.

If he hadn't arrived in time, the overseas Chinese woman would probably have been killed by these people.


The overseas Chinese woman looked at the fallen robbers with surprise in her eyes.

Then, she looked at the Diamond God of War with gratitude and relief in her heart.

"Thank you, great hero!"

The overseas Chinese woman was grateful and her eyes were red.

If it weren't for the Diamond God of War, she would have been humiliated by the robbers.

"You're welcome." Diamond God of War said calmly.

The leader looked at his dead men, shocked and angry.

"Shit! How dare you kill so many of my men!"

"You're looking for death!"

The robber leader rushed to the side, grabbed the rocket launcher on the car, and aimed at the Diamond God of War!

""Diamond man, be careful!" the overseas Chinese woman shouted anxiously.

Although the other party is not afraid of bullets, it does not mean that they are not afraid of rockets!

"Fearless struggle."

The Diamond God of War transformed his hand into a sword and was about to send the robber leader to the afterlife.

At this time, the noise machine suddenly rushed over and blocked the Diamond God of War.

"The hero is here!"

The robber leader's eyes widened.

"Another one?"

""Go to hell!"

As soon as the voice fell, the green rocket instantly burst out a fiery red shell!

The power should not be underestimated!

The noise machine opened its mouth and burst out a blue sound wave!?

The hot and terrifying rocket slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye and quickly froze!


In an instant, it turned into a frozen shell and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

With freezing properties!

"What's going on?

Diamond War God remembered that the noise machine did not have a freezing effect.


Could it be that Xiaoban's cold affected the ability of the noise machine?

Just like the Flame Man in the original novel, he became an Ice Flame Man after catching a cold!

Theoretically, the Xiaobo race will not catch a cold because their body is a living sound.

But this is a special case. Tian Xiaoban's cold affected the noise machine, causing its sound waves to have a freezing effect!

This is the protection function of the power watch!

The noise machine looked at the shells frozen into ice sculptures on the ground with surprise in his eyes.

"I don't know what happened, but....That's pretty cool!"

At the same time, the leader saw that his attack was ineffective and was about to sneak away.

A sound wave from the noise machine instantly froze the robber leader into an ice sculpture!

"Hahaha! That's really cool!"

Noise Machine was very satisfied with this ability, with his hands on his hips.

It seems that catching a cold is not without benefits.

Diamond War God swung a crystal sword and chopped the leader's ice sculpture into pieces.

Such a vicious thug must not be spared!

"Wow, is the battle over?"

A woman wearing a blue robe and a black mask flew over.

It was Minlin.

At this time, a shrill siren sounded not far away.

"Let's get out of here."

Diamond War God took the noise machine and Min Lin and quickly left the scene, leaving behind the stunned overseas Chinese woman.......

In her heart, the image of the Diamond God of War has been engraved in her mind!

It was this hero who saved her life!......

Back to the old car.

After listening to Ye Chen's explanation, Tian Mark frowned.

"In other words, it was the cold that affected the alien hero in the small class?"

"Very likely."Ye Chen nodded.

"Then Xiaoban, you have to reduce the time of transformation. At least until your cold is cured, you can't transform at will."

Tian Mark looked solemnly at Xiaoban.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I know my limits."

Tian Xiaoban held his tongue and curiously fiddled with his watch.

"Since the noise machine can be affected by the cold, what about other alien heroes?"

"Such as ice gorilla, ice stove, ice giant......"

Seeing this, everyone sighed helplessly.

At this time, a broadcast sounded on the radio

【Now a news message】

【There is still one dilapidated and dangerous building left on Tanchester Street, but the two owners are reluctant to move out. They are a pair of siblings and are said to have raised many small insects.】

【At present, the local debtor has gone to negotiate......】

Clancy, Bugs

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