Tanchaster Street.

Rows of brand-new buildings are located on both sides of the street, magnificent.

But one of the buildings seems out of place.

A tall wooden building, crowded in the middle of the mansions, has long been rotten and dilapidated, and is covered with all kinds of insects, densely packed and chilling.

The whole building is shaky.

It seems that it will collapse as soon as a gust of wind blows.

Young Iris is a blonde beauty, wearing a cool professional suit jacket and a white shirt inside.

She is wearing a tight hip skirt that wraps her round thighs.

It shows her exquisite figure without losing her solemnity.

She is holding a document in her hand, standing in front of the dangerous building, with a group of workers standing behind her.

Iris has a bitter look on her face. She is the person in charge of this demolition task.

But the owner of this high-risk building in front of her is reluctant to move out.

Even if a huge compensation is given, the weirdo will not agree.

After many negotiations, their demolition group still has no effect.

Obviously, this is a nail house.

There is a lot of traffic on this street. If it collapses, it will cause irreparable losses. It will seriously endanger the safety of passers-by!

Therefore, this high-risk building must be demolished!

Iris took a deep breath and decided to go to the high-risk building again to negotiate with the weirdo.

As long as he is willing to move out, she will apply for more demolition compensation for him.

"General Manager, why don't we just demolish this house? There's no need to reason with the stubborn tenants!"

The middle-aged man next to him was indignant and pointed straight ahead.

He had long been annoyed with that weirdo. Every time they went into the house to negotiate with him, they were always driven away!

They almost got bit by bugs!

Who wouldn't be angry?

Iris frowned and shook her head.

"No, they are still inside. If we demolish the house directly, there may be casualties."

"I'll go in and talk to them, and try to resolve it amicably."

With that, Elise mustered up her courage and stepped into the gloomy building.

The contractor hurriedly followed him in. He couldn't let anything happen to the general manager.

That would cost him his job!

Soon, the two entered the high-risk building one after another.

The surrounding environment was dark and damp, exuding an unpleasant musty smell and the pungent smell of some insects.

Elise wanted to escape from here, but her sense of responsibility told her that she couldn't turn around and leave.

She had to negotiate with the owner today to resolve the issue.

After entering the second floor.

They saw a ragged man at the edge of the window.

His hair was disheveled, he was wearing a tattered brown coat, his skin was pale green, and his weird eyes emitted a faint green light, like a monster hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to move.

He was the owner of this house - Clancy.

"Clancy, our company hopes you can move out as soon as possible. If you agree, we will apply for more compensation for you."

Elise said sincerely.

The contractor stood behind Elise, his legs trembling a little. He was actually quite afraid of Clancy.

Because this guy seemed to have the ability to control insects.......

When Clancy heard about the move, his face immediately turned fierce.

"There's no way we're moving away!"

"Our grandfather built this house. After he died, my sister and I have been living here ever since!"

"No one is allowed to chase us away!"

Clancy looked so scary that Iris stepped back repeatedly with her pretty face pale.

The contractor was anxious now. He yelled at Clancy angrily:"You don't want to move away, right? Then we will tear it down! Let's see where you can live!"

Clancy suddenly grinned,"Wait, they are hungry."


The two were stunned.

In the darkness, there was a rustling sound, as if countless insects were crawling and approaching this side quickly!

"Ah! Run!"

The contractor thought to himself that it was not good, and he pulled Iris up and ran for his life.

But it was too late.

""Children, it's time for dinner!"

Clancy raised his hands and laughed, his eyes filled with a terrifying green light.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless strange-looking insects crawled over and forced the two of them back from the stairs!

Centipedes, cockroaches, beetles, ants, rove beetles, flies, and so on.......

The size of these insects was unprecedented!

The centipedes alone were as thick as an adult's arm!

"Ah! Let's go back quickly!"

The stairs were already crawling with all kinds of vicious insects.

Iris and the contractor were panicked and could only run back to the second floor.

Clancy sneered,"If we eat you, no one will disturb our lives!"

In an instant, countless locusts wrapped him and turned him into a huge locust man!

""Ah! Monster!"

Iris let out a sharp explosion and almost peed herself on the spot!

She and the contractor were forced to the edge of the window by the terrifying locust man and were about to fall!

"I have nowhere else to go. This is the end of the cake."

The contractor looked ashen and desperate.

Iris gritted her teeth,"Even if I die, I don't want to be eaten by disgusting bugs if I jump down from here!"

Whoosh - a beautiful figure flew over the window and fell down with the strong wind!

Although it was only the second floor, if she fell down heavily, her butt would probably be broken.

Just when Iris was about to fall to the ground!

A blood-red figure stepped on the hoverboard, grabbed Iris, and landed steadily on the ground.

Iris looked a little dazed and slowly opened her eyes.

She saw a strong man with four hands and four eyes and blood-red skin standing in front of her!

There was also a hoverboard under his feet!?

"Did you save me?"

Iris asked cautiously.

""Yes, leave here as soon as possible." The four-handed tyrant waved his hand and turned away.

He was going to deal with the bug monster - Clancy!

This four-handed tyrant was transformed by Ye Chen, and as for the hoverboard, it was given to him by Diamond King Kong not long ago.

Iris���He looked at the majestic back of the Four-Handed Overlord in a daze.

"A fierce man......"......

Back to the high-risk building.

Clancy has already started a fierce battle with Ben and Minlin!

The contractor survived and hid in the corner trembling.

The Four-Handed Overlord looked at Ben, who had turned into Rabid Beast, and was beaten back step by step, and shook his head slightly.

It was Ben's cold that affected Rabid Beast's performance.

Because the snot produced by the cold adhered to Rabid Beast's sensory organs, it seriously affected his sense of smell and hearing!

It can be said that Rabid Beast is now a"blind man". Originally, it could"see" things by relying on the thermal imaging in its mind.


The rabid beast roared, trying to pounce on the locust man and tear him apart, but it crashed into a wall, leaving a big hole!

"Don't demolish our home!"

The locust man was furious and burst out with amazing strength.

With one punch, he blasted the rabid beast away and it fell downstairs.......

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