
The giant crab, which was as hard as iron, was crushed to pieces by the giant crystal hand!

Countless broken crab shells flew everywhere, and a large amount of yellow crab paste and various internal organs splashed out.

"What? Such a strong alien!"

"Wait, he killed that man-eating crab, so he can’t be a bad guy, right?"

"Nonsense! He just saved me!"

A dozen surviving guards hid not far away and watched, their eyes full of shock and surprise.

They knew the horror of this blue crab very well!

The powerful laser hitting this guy could only tickle it!

However, this crystal man shaped like a big chandelier actually killed the blue crab in seconds!

How powerful is this!

Thinking of this, the guards were scared.

Fortunately, they didn't attack this"great god" just now.......

Otherwise, they would not only be facing those four mutant monsters.

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the"Blue Crab" and obtaining 300 points!】

【Current points: 2800! 】

The Diamond God of War retracted his palm, and the giant blue hand also slowly retracted into the ground.

"Is this the power of the Diamond God of War?......"

Too strong!

And it is very maneuverable!

Not only limited to close combat, but also various long-range attacks. Every part of his body can be turned into a weapon!

His fighting power is not weaker than that of the Four-Handed Overlord!



The other three giant beasts were completely enraged!

The death of their companions made them feel threatened, and they wanted to completely kill the Diamond God of War on the opposite side!

The golden giant python twisted its huge body, and its scales were golden, as if it were a golden dragon in the world, and it rushed towards the Diamond God of War fiercely!

The Diamond God of War knocked it away with one punch, and the terrifying force blasted the golden giant python into the wall.

It couldn't get out!

The golden giant python struggled desperately in the wall, and its huge snake tail whipped wildly!

It shook the whole building!


The giant steel-haired pig was covered with spikes and had blood-red skin. It was like a runaway train, knocking over a large number of shelves, fearless of death!

The Diamond God of War stood there with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"What! He didn't dodge?"

"Oh my god! Even if an elephant was hit, it would be killed on the spot!"

"This is too crazy!"

The guards looked at the unhurried look of the Diamond God of War, and their hearts were in a knot.

That was a mutant giant pig!

Not to mention an elephant, even a heavy truck would not be able to beat it!

However, just when everyone was at a loss.

A shocking scene appeared!

The Diamond God of War gently raised his hand and clenched it in the air.

A thick spear condensed in his hand!

The whole body was made of crystal, and it was sharp!

The Diamond God of War rooted his feet in the ground.

He raised the sharp crystal spear and leaned back slightly.

Song- a green afterimage burst out!

It produced a sharp explosion and whistled towards the steel-haired giant pig!


The crystal spear moved forward and instantly pierced into the head of the steel-haired giant pig!

The terrifying kinetic energy crushed its brain alive!


The giant steel-haired pig howled miserably, and after struggling for a moment, it stopped twitching.

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the"Steel Hair Giant Pig" and obtaining 300 points!】

【Current points: 3100!】

"Wang Defa? Is that even possible?"

"Damn, this crystal man is comparable to the king of cold weapons!"

"Can you make a spear with your bare hands? Can you also make a sword or an axe?"

"You are talking nonsense."

The guards were stunned by the scene before their eyes!

This crystal man is beyond the scope of science and cannot be viewed with common sense!

"The power of the Pedro Shapin star is indeed strong......"Tian Mark couldn't help but sigh.

However, the alien that Ye Chen turned into seemed to be much stronger than the same race.

"Why this happened......"Tian Mark held his chin and fell into thought.

""Great! Brother Ye is so handsome!" Tian Xiaoban cheered enthusiastically, cheering for the Diamond God of War,"Beat them up! Let these weirdos know how powerful you are!"



A terrifying sonic boom came from the side!

The Diamond God of War didn't have time to think, and immediately raised his palm.


The next second, his palm shattered directly!


Diamond War God was a little surprised.

His crystal was very hard, at least it could deal with some ordinary enemies.

But now, it was broken by a punch?

He raised his head and looked at the person who came.

It was a......Mantis shrimp!

About five meters long and two meters tall, covered in heavy armor, blue-gray in color!

There are two huge fists on the front of the body, like blood-red crystals, indestructible.

"Diamond God of War, be careful, the mantis shrimp is very scary before it mutates, and its punching speed is comparable to that of a bullet! One punch can break a person's finger!"

"Now that it has mutated, it must be even more terrifying!"

Tian Mark reminded from a distance, his expression solemn

"Got it." Diamond God of War said

"Brother Ye, your hand......"Xiaowen looked a little worried

"This little injury is nothing to me."

Diamond War God raised his hand, and the broken palm instantly grew out and turned into a sharp cone.

"That's good......"Xiao Wen looked at the Diamond God of War with even more admiration.

Whoosh— the mantis shrimp strikes again!

The pair of spring-like fists were so powerful that it seemed as if it had transformed into an excellent boxer, punching the Diamond God of War head on.

The Diamond God of War punched the ground, and a crystal wall instantly rose up to block all attacks.


But the wall only lasted for two or three seconds before it exploded and turned into flying green fragments.

The mantis shrimp took advantage of the victory and rushed forward with a hiss.

But the next second, it was dumbfounded.

At some point, the Diamond God of War behind the wall had already disappeared?!

"Are you looking for me?"

A powerful voice came from behind.

The mantis shrimp's body shook and was about to return.���With a swish

, a sharp crystal giant knife fell down, directly cutting the mantis shrimp in half!

The mantis shrimp screamed in panic, twisting its body, trying to escape from here, to escape from this terrible demon!

However, the next second, a crystal spear pierced into the mantis shrimp's head, completely sending it to the west!

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the"Mantis Shrimp" and obtaining 800 points!】

【Current points: 3900!】

"Now, you are the only one left."

The Diamond God of War turned around, his eyes were like torches.

On the broken wall, a yellow giant python was embedded in it, with its blood-red eyes full of fear.

It saw that the strongest mantis shrimp died in the hands of this guy!

What else is there to fight?!

The strong instinct for survival made the golden giant python burst out with super strength! It actually broke free from the restraints!

Immediately, it smashed the wall behind it and broke into the fruit and vegetable area!


The wall was collapsing quickly!

The Diamond God of War immediately chased after it, with spikes growing all over his body, smashing a lot of fallen rocks, and broke into it together! He entered the fruit and vegetable area.

However, behind him was a mess, blocked by the collapsed wall.

He could not see Tian Mark and the others, nor the guards.

Similarly, the guards could not see this side.

At this moment, there was no one in the fruit and vegetable area, only scattered fruits and messy footprints.

The golden python was so big, more than 30 meters long, that there was nowhere to hide.

It tried to get under the table, but its tail was exposed and twisted desperately.

At first glance, it looked a little funny.

Obviously, it was really afraid of the Diamond God of War!

"I will help you get rid of it."

Diamond War God stepped forward and cut off the golden python's tail with one slash.


The golden python screamed wildly in pain.

But it didn't dare to show its head!

The Diamond War God stretched out his hand and pulled it out from under the table.

He pinched the neck of the golden python with one hand and turned the other hand into a sharp blade.

He was about to kill it!


The Omnitrix logo on the chest suddenly flashed!

With a thud, a strong red light burst out.

The Diamond War God changed back to his original appearance!

Ye Chen stood in place, his pupils contracted violently.

It's over! It's back to its original appearance!

The golden python tilted its head and stood there in a daze.

What's the situation?

Where's the big green guy?

Never mind, eat this human first!


The golden python opened its bloody mouth, with a strong fishy smell, and bit Ye Chen.......

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