Boom— a thunderous sound.

The huge body of the mutant armadillo crashed into a green crystal mountain!

The mutant armadillo was immediately dizzy and saw stars.


Dr. Dong Wu was shocked.

Where did this diamond mountain come from?

It was emerald green, with a strange luster, as if it appeared out of thin air!

Soon, this huge crystal mountain slowly converged.

Finally, it was taken into a tall figure.

"Who are you?"

Dong Wu stared at the green figure with his eyes wide open.

The whole body was made of crystal, with sharp edges and corners, staring with bright golden eyes, and the momentum was extremely fierce!

"Stone monster?!" Dong Wu was dumbfounded.

Where did this monster come from?

And where was the boy just now?

At this time, Tian Mark stood beside the Diamond God of War, looking very shocked.

"this......Xiaoye, is that you?"

Diamond War God glanced sideways,"It's me, Grandpa, please stand aside first."

""Okay! Then you be careful!"

Tian Mark was not hypocritical. He knew that he could not help much now.

Instead of going up to make things worse, it was better to watch the battle from the side.

He believed in Ye Chen!

He also believed in the power of the Pedro Shapins!

But Tian Mark was very surprised. Obviously, the Pedro Shapins were extinct, but he didn't expect that this watch could still appear.

It's amazing!

As a senior plumber, Tian Mark naturally knew that the Pedro Shapins had been extinct by Mojas.

"Cool! What kind of alien is this?"

At this time, Tian Xiaoban ran over excitedly with a bunch of violent sumo corn flakes.

And Xiaowen followed closely behind Xiaoban, holding a big bag of clothes in her hand!

"No matter what kind of weirdo you are, don't try to stop me, Dr. Dong Wu!"

Dong Wu came back to his senses and patted the mutant armadillo's head.

"Come on! Kill this stone monster!"

"You are rude. Call me Diamond God of War."

Diamond God of War said calmly.

Facing the violent mutant armadillo, Diamond God of War punched the ground.

Countless crystal spikes burst out from the ground.

Like a pair of intertwined horns, they instantly trapped the mutant armadillo inside, unable to move.

"Wow! Diamond Wars is so cool!"Xiaoban cheered

"Brother Ye is so handsome!!"

Xiao Wen said, with admiration and love in her beautiful eyes.

"Pedro....Uh, Diamond God of War." Tian Mark clapped his hands and cheered,"Xiaoye, quickly get rid of that mutant animal!"

Diamond God of War's hands turned into sharp blades and was about to kill the armadillo.

""Don't move!"

Suddenly, a large number of police officers rushed into the pet area.

They were dressed in black uniforms, each holding a laser gun, and surrounded the pet area from all directions!

Countless red dots gathered on the mutant armadillo and the Diamond War God!

The golden eyes of the Diamond War God were calm.

This powerful crystal body was not afraid of ordinary hot weapons.

""Damn it! All of you go to hell!"

Dong Wu pressed the button on his head frantically.


The strange black helmet actually shot out countless red lasers.

Most of them missed.

But four of them landed on the pets!

The blue crabs in the fish tank!

The pet pigs!

The mantis shrimp!

The golden python!

In an instant, these animals underwent amazing mutations. Their bodies suddenly grew in size and became extremely ferocious!

They let out heart-pounding roars!

【"Blue Crab" detected, destroy it to get 300 points!】

【"Giant Steel Pig" has been detected. Kill it to get 300 points!】

【"Mantis Shrimp" detected, kill it to get 800 points!】

【"Golden Python" detected, destroy it to get 600 points! 】

The expression of the Diamond God of War immediately became solemn.

With so many mutant creatures, the destructive power cannot be underestimated.

"Hahaha! Kill them for me!"

Dong Wu immediately ordered.

""Roar, roar!"

The golden python roared, twisted its huge body, and slammed into the crowd.

Its body was more than 20 meters long and as thick as a bucket, which gave it infinite power!

With a light sweep, a large number of guards fell down! It vomited blood!

"Ahhh! Shoot!"

"Save me!"

The guards were in a mess.

Their bullets hit the golden python, but only a small spark splashed, making a sound like metal clashing.

It couldn't hurt the golden python at all!

The blue crab soon joined the battle.

The crab armor was as hard as iron, comparable to a small tank!

It rushed through the crowd as if it was in an empty space!

Those guards had almost no power to fight back!

Dong Wu also took the opportunity to break free from the restraints of the crystal spikes.

It was the steel needle giant pig that smashed the crystal and saved him.

"Now, let them play with you!"

"I'm going to look for electronic components!"

Dong Wu grinned and waved to everyone.

Diamond War God raised his hand and shot out several spikes, whistling towards Dong Wu's head!

Dong Wu's face changed, and he immediately lay down and barely dodged it.

He looked like a rooster with its neck retracted, very embarrassed!

Just when Diamond War God was about to chase.

Dong Wu was so scared that he screamed and slapped the armadillo's head desperately,"Go away, idiot! Go underground!" The mutant armadillo dug its claws, and its sharp claws instantly tore the ground.

A lot of soil was dug out, and the mutant armadillo flashed and drilled in, without any drag!

From digging a hole to drilling in, the whole process took less than two seconds!

It can be seen how fast the mutant armadillo digs a hole!

"Ahhh! Let me go!"

At this moment, the blue crab clamped a guard and was about to put him into its mouth.

"Then I will deal with you first."The Diamond God of War looked calm, his hands turned into sharp blades.

In an instant, he joined the battlefield!

""Ah! Help!"

The guard who was caught by the blue crab shouted desperately, hoping that someone could come to save him.

However, everyone else was too busy to save him.

There was no way to save him!

Seeing that the guard was about to be crushed by the blue crab's fangs.

A cold green blade light passed through the blue crab's claws!


The blue crab's claws broke.

The guard fell to the ground, looking confused, and then turned his head in a daze.

It was a tall green shadow!

The whole body was made of hard crystal, with four spikes on the back, and the pair of golden eyes were looking at him indifferently.

One of his arms had turned into a sharp blade!

Just now, it was this crystal monster that saved him!!

"Thanks...."Thank you!"

After being shocked, the guard immediately thanked the Diamond God of War.

Then he staggered and retreated to the rear, not daring to stay any longer.

The other guards also evacuated at the first opportunity and retreated to a relatively safe place.

They knew that if they continued to fight, the entire team would be wiped out!

It would be better to ask for help from their superiors, there is still a glimmer of hope!


The monsters that lost their targets immediately became extremely violent.

They stared with their blood-red eyes, looking for any living creatures that could be attacked.

Soon, they noticed the Diamond God of War!

Because the Diamond God of War was the most conspicuous!


The blue crab took the lead and charged, waving its only remaining giant claw and rushing towards this side fiercely.

The reason was simple.

It was just because this hateful crystal lifeform cut off one of its claws!

Young people have no martial ethics! Sneak attack!

""Be careful, Brother Ye!" Xiao Wen shouted anxiously.

The Diamond God of War clenched his fists and looked at him teasingly.

"Just in time to stretch your muscles."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Diamond God of War stepped on the ground!


A huge crystal hand shot out from the ground, covering the sky and the sun!

It actually grabbed the ferocious blue crab!

"Please eat crab paste." Diamond God of War grinned.

Then he pointed to the direction of the crystal giant palm and clenched it in mid-air.......

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