The United States.

A coffee shop called"Antique".

The shop exudes a strong aroma of coffee, and many men and women sit at the tables, enjoying the unique delicious

"Mmm~ delicious! When did this shop open? Why didn’t I know about it before!"

"Yeah, I wonder too."

"It seems that it has been opened for less than a month. I heard that the store manager and employees here all moved from Sakura Country."

"Cherry Blossom Country....I didn't expect their coffee to be so good. I thought they would only take A......"

The LCD TV on the wall was playing a news

"Recently, a netizen discovered a strange creature in a suburb. It looks like a human, but has four hands and fights with many robots."

"The scene is very fierce. Let's play the video circulating on the Internet."The host said.

In the picture, a strong man with four hands and four eyes and red skin is fighting with a mechanical tiger and a giant robot.

The scene is very grand!

The audience sighed and discussed the truth of this incident.

A girl with purple side bangs and dressed as a waitress looked at the picture on TV with an indifferent look.

"Boring fake news......"

How could a monster of that level exist?....

""Dong Xiang, do you think that four-handed guy really exists?"

The barista at the front desk asked with a smile.

This is a man with a suit-style haircut, a thick nose, a smile on his face, and looks harmless.

Gu Jianyuan!

"Idiot! This is just hype among netizens!"

Kirishima Touka closed her eyes, clenched her fists, and looked like she was going to hit someone.

"Dong Xiang, girls should be gentle~"

Another slender waitress came over with a pretty face and a warm smile.

"Sister Irimi, please stop laughing at me. I'm not gentle at all. Kirishima Touka grumbled.

"Well, then Miss Dong Xiang, let me tell you the story about the"Demon Ape"....."

As Gu Jianyuan said this, he pushed up his non-existent glasses, outlining his rough facial features in the shadows.

"Boring."Kirishima Touka walked away, leaving behind an embarrassed Furuma Madoka.

"Uh hey....hey-hey......"

Coming upstairs,

Dong Xiang went straight to the room, but was stopped by an old voice in the living room.

"Dong Xiang, come here for a moment.

Dong Xiang's delicate body trembled slightly, and she walked into the living room with a puzzled mood.

""Manager, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Sitting on the sofa was a white-haired old man.

He kept squinting his eyes, with a kind face, tasting the coffee in his hand.

"Dong Xiang, did you notice?"


"Some things, like us, came to this land."The store manager said slowly

"You mean, other ghouls?" Dong Xiang was a little surprised

"No, there's something else."

"not....That four-armed monster you saw on TV, right?" Dong Xiang's eyes widened.

How could such a thing exist!

""Yeah." The store manager suddenly opened his eyes, revealing scarlet pupils.

"I have asked someone to check and find out that the four-handed monster does exist."

" come......"Dong Xiang is a little bit unbelievable

"Not only that, there are also monsters that can absorb flames."The store manager's eyes flashed with a trace of fear, and continued:"I don't know where these things came from, anyway, we have to be careful"

"Try not to provoke them."


"in addition......"

"Manager, are there other monsters?"Dong Xiang felt like she was going crazy.

What kind of insanity has this world become?

"We should be careful of the weird people with sickles on their heads and the vampires in the United States."

"Their fighting power should not be underestimated."The store manager instructed

"OK, got it." Dong Xiang paused and asked,"What about the bronze tree?......"

"They have moved to the United States one after another......."The store manager sighed softly

"Damn it, if they move in, the white pigeons will definitely follow!"

"You know, we moved to the United States to survive because we were afraid of the increasingly powerful White Doves!"

"If the bronze tree comes, the white pigeon will definitely come too!"

Touka clenched her fists and panted.

The White Pigeon, referred to as CCG.

It is an organization responsible for capturing, sheltering, and hunting ghouls. It is affiliated with the official Sakura Country and is very powerful.

For ordinary ghouls, it is a nightmare.

"Well, I'll find a way." The manager nodded and said,"During this period of time, you should study hard and don't think about anything else."

"Got it, Manager."

After Dong Xiang left, the manager walked to the window alone, looking at the peaceful city in the distance.

"Alas, the storm is coming......".......

At noon, the old car slowed down and stopped in front of a large shopping mall.

Tian Mark led Ye Chen and others into the mall quickly.

The Wolma Mall!

This mall covers a large area.

There are all kinds of goods.

Food area, fruit and vegetable area, snack area, pet area, electronic product area......

"Hey, I haven't come to Wolma to shop for a long time. This is a famous domestic chain store!"Tian Mark said with some emotion

"Grandpa, give me some money, I want to buy some Fury Sumo Corn Flakes!"Xiaoban was eager to try, with an excited look on his face.

"And my grandpa, I'm going to buy some beautiful clothes!" Xiaowen said happily.

This time, she must pick two sets of nice clothes.

It's better to be cooler.......I can release my sexual tension!

Maybe in this way, Brother Ye will treat me differently, right?

Tian Mark scratched his head helplessly, took out a few bills and handed them to the two of them.

"Please be frugal. We have a whole summer to play. We can't spend lavishly."

""Yes!" The two said in unison.

But Ye Chen didn't even have to think about it.

The money would definitely be spent by the two of them.

Soon, the two"little adults" happily rushed into the merchandise area, like rabbits out of a cage, and disappeared without a trace.

"They both really give me a headache......"Tian Mark smiled bitterly and looked at Ye Chen again,"Xiao Ye, come here for a moment."

As he spoke, he took out a thick stack of banknotes from his pocket and quietly stuffed it into Ye Chen's hand.!!!

Ye Chen was a little surprised,"Grandpa, what are you doing?"...."

My goodness, is he the biological grandson, or are they the biological grandsons?

If Xiaoban and Xiaowen saw this, they would feel a little unbalanced, right?

"Hush~ Keep your voice down." Mark Tian looked around and made sure that there were no two people around, then he breathed a sigh of relief and continued

"Your father and I have a life-long friendship. Now that he is gone, I will naturally take good care of you."

"I will do my best to give you the best life"

"Don't worry about spending this money. If it's not enough, come back for more. Grandpa has saved a lot of money over the years, and there is a pension every month, so you don't have to worry about money."

Looking at his grandfather's amiable face and those heartwarming words, Ye Chen felt warm in his heart.

Tian Mark really treated him as a family member. He even took better care of him than Xiaoban and Xiaowen!

Maybe it was because of his friendship with his father that Tian Mark treated him so well.

But Ye Chen didn't care.

He only knew that if others treated him well, he would treat others well.

His attitude towards others depends on how others treat him.

Since there are many dangers along the way, he will protect Tian Mark and others.

Anyway, with Omnitrix and the system, no matter what strong enemy he encounters, Ye Chen has the confidence to deal with it.

"Grandpa, no, I don't want to buy anything either." Ye Chen gently pushed the money back,"Well, take this money and make us a sumptuous dinner tonight."

Tian Mark was a little moved,"Xiao Ye, you are so sensible, then I will make you a protein dinner tonight!"

"Um, no bugs, I want to eat beef hotpot."Ye Chen hurriedly reminded.

Just kidding, the smoked beetles last time, the taste......Tsk tsk!

He still remembers it vividly!

Seeing Ye Chen's nervous look, Tian Mark smiled bitterly on his kind face,"Okay, okay, grandpa will buy some beef later and make a big meal for you!"

"But I have to go to the pet section first to see if there are any new products. Those delicacies are easily sold out."

Yes, the pet section again.

Ye Chen complained in his heart.

Grandpa is probably going to buy some strange insects again.

These things are as precious to him as gold, silver and jewelry.

"Okay, I'll go to the pet area with you first." Ye Chen said.

He didn't have anything to do anyway.

And he remembered that at this time, Dr. Dong Wu would be here soon.

This guy is a complete lunatic.......

But from another perspective, he is a rare genius that is hard to come by in a century!......

Came to the pet area.

There are not many customers in this area, and the number of people is relatively sparse compared to the food area and the fruit and vegetable area.

Ye Chen looked around and found that there are quite a few pet categories here.

In addition to common pets such as hamsters, kittens, puppies, and parrots.

There are also some rare species.

For example, teacup pigs, golden pythons, alpacas, Chow Chow lizards, hedgehogs, rhinoceros beetles, etc.

Each one is very expensive.

Some are even worth a month's salary for ordinary people.

In addition, there are some aquatic pets.

Ornamental crabs, shrimps, fish, etc.

There are even little white sharks among them?

But Ye Chen got close to the fish tank and took a closer look.

He found that it was just a catfish with two whiskers growing near its mouth.

It just looks a bit like a shark.

It is called: freshwater shark

"Hey, there are quite a lot of goods today."Tian Mark showed a satisfied smile.

Then he began to pick out fresh"ingredients".


There was a loud noise from the wall next to him.

A brutal force smashed the wall of the mall into pieces, and dust flew up.


A strong armadillo, with blood-red eyes, exuding a terrifying aura like an ancient beast, slowly walked out of the smoke.

With a body more than three meters tall, it was full of oppression!


"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!"

"Your genius doctor, Dong���....Here we go again!"

On top of the armadillo sat a crazy white-haired old man.

He was wearing a black helmet with a flashing red light, which seemed to be some kind of high-tech weapon.

"Dong Wu?"

Hearing this name, Tian Mark frowned slightly.

Where did this unknown person come from?

I have never heard of him.

Ye Chen clenched his fists,"Finally here......."

This guy is a freak who specializes in studying biological genes. He is good at creating various mutant animals and is a very tough opponent.

【"Mutated Armadillo" detected, kill it to get 500 points!】

【"Dr. Dong Wu" detected, destroy him to get 5000 points! 】

Ye Chen's eyes flashed.

Dr. Dong Wu's value is so high?

But think about it, after all, as long as Dr. Dong Wu is alive, he can create countless mutant creatures!

Even ancient giants!

The harm to society is extremely great!

Based on this, it is not too much to be worth 5000 points!

"Ahhh! Help!"

"There is a monster!"

Seeing such a terrifying mutant armadillo, the customers around were terrified and ran away.

The whole mall was in chaos!

Screams, running, crying, and the sound of shelves being pushed down.......All at once.

The store clerk immediately took out his mobile phone and asked the police for help.

On the other side.

Due to Dong Wu's appearance, only Tian Mark and Ye Chen were left in the pet area.

All the small animals around were trembling with fear and curled up in the cage.

They were frightened by the smell of the mutant armadillo and dared not move.

"Boy, take me to the electronics section!"

Dong Wu glared at Ye Chen fiercely.

Tian Mark blocked Ye Chen and gritted his teeth secretly.

"Damn, no weapons....."

But no matter what, he couldn't let Dong Wu hurt Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the crazy Dong Wu and sneered:"What if I don't?"

"Then go to hell!"

Dong Wu bared his teeth and immediately controlled the mountain-like armadillo to slam into him!

"Come on then."

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix.



A faint green light burst out in the mall.......

Kirishima Touka reference picture

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