The sun was rising.

The old car was driving on a quiet country road. Everything looked very peaceful.

Ye Chen opened the car window and breathed in the fresh air with enjoyment.

"Well, the morning air is fresh....."

Xiaoban and Xiaowen were eating breakfast next to them, but Yechen got up early and had already finished his breakfast.

"Grandpa, where are we going to play today?" Xiaoban said while chewing bread.

"Forehead....We are running out of food, we need to go to the mall to buy some."

Grandpa's voice came from the front

"Great! I can buy my favorite clothes again!" Xiaowen's eyes were filled with joy.

"Tsk, look at you so happy, as if you haven't been to a mall in 800 years." Xiaoban rolled his eyes and then changed the subject,"Hey, I'm going to buy some Crazy Sumo Corn Flakes too......."

"I hope I can draw the violent sumo gold card this time! My favorite!"

"Dai Tou, a violent sumo fan!"

Xiao Wen said, looking at Ye Chen beside her, and after hesitating for a moment, she mustered up the courage to step forward.

"Brother Ye, shall we go shopping for clothes together later?"

As she spoke, Xiaowen's cheeks flushed a little, and she lowered her head, seeming very shy.

Yechen looked at Xiaowen in surprise,"Uh.......No, I have no interest in shopping for clothes."

Shopping for clothes with girls is very boring and tiring!

""Okay then." Xiao Wen looked lonely and walked back to her seat.

Suddenly, a woman's cry for help came from not far ahead!

"Help! Someone come and save us!"

Ye Chen's eyes flashed, and he immediately looked forward.

He saw a raging fire in an apartment about 50 meters ahead.

The billowing smoke, like a pitch-black python, swept into the sky!

The fire started in a room on the fifth floor!

Two young girls were trapped on the balcony, looking painful, and unable to open their eyes due to the thick smoke.

The situation was very critical!

The room was on fire, and they couldn't go downstairs, so they could only run to the balcony to avoid the fire.

Jump down directly?

This is the fifth floor!! If you jump down directly, you will be smashed into a meat pie!

""Not good! Let's go save people!"

Tian Mark said, and immediately stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for the apartment.


At this time, a black motorcycle came and passed by the old broken car.

Ye Chen's eyes happened to catch a glimpse of them. They were two men wearing hoods.

Holding a woman's bag in his hand, it seemed that he walked too fast and didn't fasten the chain properly, and several green bills flew out.


This was Ye Chen's first reaction.

【A pair of beautiful sisters were robbed of a large amount of money by criminals. Later, the criminals chose to destroy the bodies to avoid legal prosecution.】

【So they set fire and planned to burn down the whole building! 】

A system prompt sounded in Ye Chen's mind.

【Activate the mission of eliminating violence and maintaining peace!】

【Rescue the sisters trapped by the fire and you will get 500 points if you succeed!】

【Intercept the escaping robber, subdue him, and put him in jail to get 500 points!】

"Another bonus point delivered to your door."

Ye Chen was not in a hurry and pressed the omnitrix

"Which hero should I become?......"

It can put out fires and chase enemies.....Fire man!......


The old car drifted and braked suddenly not far from the apartment.

At this time, the fire had begun to spread.

The scorching flames had begun to lick other floors.

It would not be long before the entire apartment building was in danger!

At this moment, the people around the apartment were filled with horror and fear.

"Oh my god! Where did this fire come from?"

"The people inside are in danger. With such a big fire, they can’t escape!"

"Oh God, please bless your people!"

"What kind of god is this! Call the fire department!

Someone has already called.

But the nearest fire department will take about ten minutes to arrive.

By then, the sisters will be in danger!

On the fifth floor balcony.

The beautiful sisters, their delicate faces were already blackened by the smoke. They covered their noses and kept coughing.

The fire was getting closer and closer, and it was almost burning their eyebrows.

The two were disheartened and hugged each other tightly, tears falling down.

"Sister, we are going to die......."

"I'm sorry, sister, I failed to protect you."

"Someone will come to rescue us, right?"

""Yes, they will!" The elder sister forced a smile.

Even so, she didn't think anyone would really come to save them.

They were all ordinary people, how could someone save these two poor sisters regardless of their own danger?

"Sister, let’s jump off the building!"


"If you jump down, there is still a glimmer of hope!" My sister said stubbornly.


The two seemed determined to climb up to the balcony.

"Don't jump! This is the fifth floor!"

"You will fall to your death! It will be a very ugly death!"

"Jump! If you don't jump, I'll look down on you!"

"Oh my God! Someone come and save them!"

On the balcony, the sisters closed their eyes and were about to jump down.

At the critical moment!

A golden figure, stepping on a cloud made of flames, rushed over with a roar!

""No need to jump!"

A loud voice came.

The two sisters opened their eyes in confusion.

A person with flames all over his body appeared in front of them on a somersault cloud! It was like a god descending from heaven, emitting a brilliant light all over his body, which made the two of them stunned.

"Sis, what is that?...."The younger sister was a little scared.

The older sister didn't dare to speak, just staring at the flame man.

The flame man ignored the sisters.

Instead, he gently raised his hand and absorbed all the flames into his body in an instant!

If it weren't for the residual temperature and thick smoke, the two would have thought they were dreaming!

"Sister, it's a hero who came to save us!" The younger sister's eyes filled with tears, and she quickly looked at the flame man,"Thank you, Fire Man! You are a great hero!"

""Mm, great hero!" The elder sister felt a little dreamy, but still thanked the flame man.

【Successfully rescue the sisters trapped in the fire and get 500 points!】

【Current points: 2000. 】

All the people present noticed this scene!

"The Lord has appeared! He is the messenger sent to save us!"

"Bullshit! The Lord does not exist at all. It is the work of the Burning Man!"

"Superheroes really exist!"

Everyone was excited and chattering. They even argued until their faces turned red.

But then, the fire man in the sky slowly landed on the ground.

Under everyone's horrified gaze, he walked to a man with pockmarks on his face.

With a slap, the man was thrown to the ground, and his left face was covered with burn marks. A permanent scar was left!

"Next time, I hope you can jump for me."

After saying that, the flame man pointed his palms downward, bursting into raging flames, and soared into the sky!

Disappeared from everyone's sight.

Yes, this man was the man who had just instigated the sisters to jump off the building.

After being reminded by the flame man, the crowd immediately remembered this man.

Perhaps they were incited by the"superhero", and the crowd was indignant. They rushed forward and kicked and beat the pockmarked man desperately.

The pockmarked man wailed repeatedly and lay on the ground like a twisted reptile.......

In the clear sky, the flame man was speeding in the sky, turning into a meteor.

Just now, he taught that man a lesson, which was not a task issued by the system.

There was no point reward.

But if you want to ask why he did it?

It's very simple.

He was not happy with him!

His main goal is to follow his heart!

Not convinced?

Then let's see who has the harder fist!

Now, he is going to teach the two robbers a lesson.

Soon, he noticed the motorcycle.


The robber drove a black motorcycle and went straight through the red light, speeding all the way.

The vehicles behind stopped at the red light and looked at the speeding motorcycle with puzzled faces.

""Good opportunity." The flame man chased after them.

Now, those car owners who obeyed the traffic rules were waiting for the red light.

Only the motorcycle robbers were driving on the road at this time.

It was a good time to take action!

"Hehehe! With this money, we don’t have to work for a month!"

"That's it!"

The two strong men bared their teeth and had an ugly smile.

They only dared to pick on women and children.


Because they were afraid that they could not beat adult men.

In short, they were bullies who only bullied the weak and feared the strong.

So far, they have committed dozens of crimes.

But the US police have not solved the case and have not been able to arrest the two.

"I'm going to the club tomorrow to find two young models to play with!"


The bald man licked his tongue with an evil look in his eyes.


Suddenly, a flame shot down from the sky and blocked the front of the motorcycle!

"What the hell?"

On the road, a humanoid monster with flames all over its body suddenly appeared!

Its golden eyes stared at the two of them coldly.

"Shit! Kill it!"

"You dare to look at me like that? I'll beat you up and turn you into an urn!"

The bald man twisted the handle violently, and the horsepower reached the maximum speed!

"Overestimating your own abilities."

The fire man raised his hand, condensed a fireball, and threw it at the motorcycle's tire.


The front wheel of the motorcycle exploded instantly.

The whole car lost balance and fell forward.

The two robbers fell flat on their faces, grimacing in pain.

But it seemed that they only suffered some superficial injuries.

"Really thick-skinned." The flame man slowly walked up to the two and looked down at them.

It was like a god looking down at the tiny humans. His eyes were indifferent and ruthless.

"You dare to ruin my good deeds!"

The bald man gritted his teeth and got up, and threw a punch.

But the fire man caught it steadily.

The blazing flames devoured the bald man's flesh and blood.

The other party grimaced in pain.

"Ahh! Let me go!"


The flame man said, and generously let go of the bald man.

"You know...."

Before he finished speaking, a blazing flame suddenly ignited on the back of the bald man's hand.


The whole arm exploded and shattered into a bloody mist!


"The Blaze Man's explosive property is pretty good."

The Blaze Man looked at his hands, thinking.

Moreover, the task issued by the system was just to send the two people to prison.

It did not say that they could not injure or....Crippled.

Due to the property of fire that can stop bleeding.

Even if the bald strong man broke an arm, the broken part of the wound would be charred quickly and would not cause heavy bleeding.

Of course, his subsequent life would be miserable.

But that is not a problem that Ye Chen should care about.

He doesn't care either.

Heaven and earth are unkind and treat all things as straw dogs.

Another strong man, seeing the miserable state of his companion, gritted his teeth, grabbed the bag on the ground, and was about to run for his life.

But the limping look was really funny.

The flame man stood in place and raised his hand slowly.


A fireball blew off one of the strong man's legs.

Similarly, the broken part was charred and would not cause bleeding.

Beep, beep!

At this time, two police cars drove over not far away.

More than a dozen police officers, wearing black combat uniforms, holding guns, pointed at the flame man

"Don't move!"

"Goodbye."The flame man waved his hand.

A fire tornado shot up into the sky. The spectacular scene stunned all the guards present.

Soon, the fire tornado gradually disappeared. The flame man was gone.

Only two disabled gangsters and motorcycle fragments were left.

"Report, found two robbers......"

"Make the arrest immediately!"

"Forehead....The criminal has been subdued, but his arms and legs are missing.....Looks pretty scary."


A few minutes later,

Ye Chen returned to the old car and met up with Xiaoban and others.

"Oh my god, Brother Ye, you are so brave! So cool!"Tian Xiaoban was very happy and excited.

"When can I be as powerful as you?"

Ye Chen smiled and said nothing.

Speaking of , the Omnitrix should have been picked up by Xiaoban, but I took the lead.

However, there are many items in the points mall.

There are many powerful weapons.

For example, the five elements armor, imperial tools, etc.

"When the time comes, I will give Xiaoban a set of armor to try out."Ye Chen thought secretly.

""You don't know, they were just talking about your heroic deeds!"

Tian Xiaowen pointed at the crowd near the apartment.

Some people have already started to hang banners over there.

There is also a rich man who has contacted his subordinates and is preparing to build a statue of the Flame Man in front of the apartment!

And engrave words to write about the heroic deeds of the Flame Man today!


Translated into English as: Superhero!

At this moment, the two sisters who were rescued were standing in front of the apartment, telling how the flame man rescued them.

Their eyes were red and they were filled with gratitude. The people present were stunned and praised the flame man's heroic deeds.

There are really superheroes in this world!

It is a blessing for the people!


The old broken car started and headed towards the downtown shopping mall.

【Successfully intercepted the arson kidnapper and sent him to prison】

【Get 500 points!】

【Current points: 2500!】......

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