On the ruined street, the flame man punched out and repelled the hornet!

"Damn it, my stinger can't hurt him at all!"

The hornet gnashed its teeth in anger.

Its stinger couldn't hurt the flame man at all!

His body was made of fire and charcoal, and he was not afraid of venom and piercing!

"What, are you scared?"

The flame man waved at the hornet, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

The harm was not high, but the insult was very strong!

The hornet screamed in anger.


"I'm going to eat you!"

As he spoke, the body of the hornet quickly transformed and twisted.

In an instant, it turned into a black bullet ant!

It was about 2.5 meters tall, shiny black all over, with a large and keratinized head, six legs, and its entire body stood up, like a mutant human.

At its tail, there was a sharp spike that could release strong venom to attack the enemy.

Bullet ants have a powerful stinging ability, and being bitten by them will produce a pain like being hit by a bullet! The flame man's golden eyes flashed, and he became a little serious.

Such a huge bullet ant, its power should not be underestimated.

The bullet ant let out a shrill scream, stepped out its barbed claws, and slammed towards this side! The flame man soared into the air, releasing blazing flames downwards, burning the bullet ants madly.


The bullet ant screamed madly and hurriedly escaped from the encirclement of the flames.

Then it opened its fangs and spewed out several black sharp thorns, like surging bullets, and shot them fiercely at the flame man!

"There is a long-range attack?"

A series of flame afterimages flashed by, and the flame man slapped away all the black spikes that attacked him. Bang, bang, bang!

The black spikes flying everywhere pierced through the surrounding trees, rocks, and street lamps!

Very sharp!

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the bullet ant looked fierce.

He transformed into a giant centipede!

About ten meters long!......

On the other side.

Tian Mark had taken out two pistols and went to support Min Lin.

The insect mother's combat power is not strong, but its recovery ability is extremely abnormal.

Min Lin used the Fire Demon Pendant to severely damage the insect mother several times, but the opponent recovered in an instant.

The vitality is very strong, like an indestructible cockroach.

Tian Mark raised his pistol and shot out two blue lasers, bombarding the insect mother's head.

The latter lost its head.

Tian Mark thought the insect mother was dead.

Unexpectedly, white energy ignited on the insect mother's body, and a new head quickly grew, and it recovered in the blink of an eye!

Just when Min Lin and Tian Mark were helpless.

A blue freezing ray attacked from the side and instantly froze the insect mother!

"This is......"Frozen lizard?"

Minlin looked over subconsciously, thinking it was Brother Ye.

Unexpectedly, it was the atomic reactor that Xiaoban had transformed into.

"Hey, isn't the nuclear reactor supposed to spit fire?" Minlin was stunned in mid-air.

"Hey, nerd, you don't know this, right?"

"The cold turned my high temperature attribute into a freezing attribute!"

"Now, you should call me Ice Stove!"

Inside the armor, a strong blue light flashed, and the cold air was biting and icy.

The temperature dropped sharply within a radius of 500 meters, almost turning into ice and snow!

The freezing rays of the atomic reactor seemed to delay the recovery ability of the insect mother and produce some restraining effects.

Minlin, Tian Mark, and Ice Stove fought against the insect mother together!

The battle situation suddenly became one-sided.

However, the insect mother can continuously release poisonous insects, spit out steel-like spider silk, and has a strong physical recovery.

In a short period of time, it is not so easy to lose.

On the side of the flame man, The battle is drawing to a close.

The giant centipede's body is covered in burns and charred black, and it's almost been roasted into a skewer.

The flame man crushes the insect man in all directions!

The giant centipede roared, transformed into a green mantis, and instantly soared into the air!

The two sharp sickles, with a cold glow, slashed at the flame man's head!

The flame man stepped on the somersault cloud and kicked the green mantis over.

The latter flapped its wings with all its might, and only then did it barely land on a big tree.

The pair of lifeless insect eyes stared straight at the flame man.

Iris opened her mouth wide and looked at the flame man above in surprise.

"The Fire Man is also very strong, not weaker than the four-eyed big brother!"

She witnessed the whole process. The Fire Man almost always suppressed the Bug Man.

No matter how the opponent changed, he could not hurt the Fire Man at all.

Too strong!

Too abnormal!

"But I like it."Iris's mouth curled up slightly.

She is not afraid of the strong, but she is afraid that the other party is not strong.......

At this moment, the flame man was suspended in the air, slowly raising his hands.

Above his hands, a fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters condensed!

"Enough of the fun, it's time to end it."

The fireman smiled faintly and threw the fireball in his hand!

The green mantis was startled and was about to fly away.

But the speed of the fireball was faster than it!

Boom - the huge fireball hit the green mantis accurately, and it exploded instantly, blooming brilliant sparks.

The insect man Clancy was completely dead!

Iris, who was not far away, had already widened her eyes in shock, her heart pounding

"Really....So cool!"

【Ding~ Successfully eliminated the bug monster Clancy and eradicated the stubborn residents!】

【Get 2000 points!】

【Current points: 17,000! 】

After killing the insect man, the flame soldiers rushed to the insect mother without stopping.

With the addition of the ice stove, the insect mother seemed very passive and had almost no power to fight back.

Minlin's fire magic pendant and the ice stove's freezing ray.

The two together were like ice and fire!

The insect mother kept howling in pain, and the little girl's face was pale and covered with red veins.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

The insect mother burned all her strength, and a white light shone all over her body.

She greatly increased her strength, defense, speed, and recovery ability!

She was going to fight to the death!

With a whoosh, the insect mother disappeared.

"Where did you go?" Bingluozi was stunned and looked around.


The next second, a huge force came from behind, knocking Bingluo away!

At the same time, two iron-tough spider silks tore through the air and entangled Minlin and Tian Mark like lightning!

It was too fast, so fast that they could hardly react!

"Eat them all!"

The mother insect began to retract the spider silk, trying to send Minlin and Tian Mark into her mouth.

She had two mouths.

One was the little girl's.

The other was the spider's body, with sharp fangs.

""Ah! Don't eat me!"

Minlin screamed in panic, and frantically activated the Fire Magic Pendant to burn the insect mother.

But in the state of"turning on the white light", the insect mother's defense is enhanced and it is not afraid of the magic flame!

Just when Minlin was about to be eaten, the fire man rode on the phoenix and pounced on the insect mother.......

Love Watch – Flame Man ps: The new book is about the Love Watch and the Blood Watch, and it will be launched soon!

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