"Brother Ye is here!"

Min Lin's beautiful eyes burst with joy.

She knew that Brother Ye would definitely come to save her!

Above the sky, the flame man slowly stood up and stood alone on the phoenix formed by the flames.

A fire snake wrapped around his chest and shook violently!

The ferocious fire snake roared, rolled up its hot body, and slammed into the back of the insect mother!


The terrifying temperature burned the insect mother's face distorted and screamed!

The temperature of the flame man is many times more terrifying than the magic flame that Min Lin can emit at this moment!

The white energy on the insect mother's body quickly dissipated and could not resist the attack of the flame man at all! The insect mother was shocked and angry, speeding up the speed to tighten the spider silk, trying to swallow Min Lin and Tian Mark into her stomach.

She knew that these two people were definitely related to the flame man!

Unlike other villains, they would not let go of the hostages once they were defeated.

The abyss mouth full of fangs was close at hand, and the stench was overwhelming!

Minlin's eyes widened."No, I don't want to be eaten by bugs!"

Tian Mark's face turned pale, and he felt that he could not escape.

"These spider silks are too strong. It's too late......."

Seeing that the two were about to be swallowed by the insect mother, the flame man immediately took action and burned the little girl madly!

This was her weakness!

Compared with the spider body below, the little girl was easier to destroy.

"Haha, do you think I will let go just like that?"

"Even if I die, I will take two people with me!"

The mother insect was determined to die, and was determined to eat Minlin and Tian Mark!

She knew that she would not survive today, and the fire man in the sky would never let her go.

The fire man increased his firepower, but still could not quickly kill the mother insect!

Her recovery ability was very strong, even if her energy was on the verge of exhaustion, she would not be destroyed so easily.

"There is no other way!"

The flame man's eyes flashed, and he pressed the omnitrix, turning into a ten-dimensional monster!

A hybrid monster composed of ten original aliens!

Use the flame man and the explosive properties of the gliding Kong to blow up the mother insect!

At this moment, the teeth of the mother insect were as scary as saw teeth, and even touched Minlin's hair.

At the critical moment!

The ice stove rushed up, and a stream of icy frost burst out from the inside of the armor, instantly freezing the mouth and spider silk of the mother insect.

"You want to hurt my cousin, have you asked this hero for permission?"

Bingluzi laughed, put his hands on his hips, and acted arrogantly.

""Well done, Xiaoban!"

Shi Bu Xiang praised without hesitation, and immediately rushed down, turning his hand into a crystal knife and cutting the spider silk!

Min Lin and Tian Mark were both saved.

"Brother Ye, you saved me again......"Minlin's cheeks flushed

"Let's not talk too much for now, I'll take you away." Shi Bu Xiang decided to take the two away from the big queen insect first, so as not to be accidentally injured later.

Shi Bu Xiang held Tian Mark in one hand and Min Lin in the other, flapping his wings behind him quickly.

A whistling wind rolled up around him, and although it was a bit reluctant, he was still able to fly.

After all, Shi Bu Xiang only had one tenth of the ability of the gliding King Kong.

Shi Bu Xiang took the two to rest under a big tree not far away, and then returned to the insect mother.

The ice stove was crushing the insect mother!

The insect mother was covered with scars and almost exhausted all its energy. It was already at the end of its strength.

Facing the ice breath of the ice stove, the insect mother had no power to resist, and its body was frozen into frost and could not move!

"Oh yeah, who is the worst?"

Ice Stove stepped on the ice sculpture of the insect mother and laughed.

"Xiaoban, let me finish her off."

Shi Bu Xiang came slowly towards them, his face was ferocious and very scary.

""Okay, Brother Ye."

Bingluozi moved aside obediently.

He knew he didn't want to kill anyone, even if the other person was a monster.......

But they also knew the harm of the insect mother. If they let her live in the world, it might cause an insect plague and harm humans.

Shi Bu Xiang spit out a stream of green mucus, covering the insect mother.

Then, he raised his giant flaming arm and burst out a thick pillar of fire!


The two immediately produced a chemical reaction, and they exploded in an instant, generating extremely terrifying energy!

In the flying flames, the insect mother was blown into pieces, and various pieces and juices splashed everywhere, emitting an unpleasant smell.

【Ding~ Successfully eliminated the insect mother and prevented the outbreak of pests!】

【Get 3000 points!】

【Current points: 20,000! 】

This battle has come to an end.

Shi Bu Xiang and Bing Lu Zi have gradually returned to their original forms.

""Huh, this battle was really a close call." Tian Mark couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't worry, with Brother Ye and I here, what kind of enemy can't be defeated?"Tian Xiaoban said with a carefree smile

"That's hard to say......."Grandpa rarely grumbled.

Minlin came over at this time, her face full of joy,"Brother Ye just saved me again and defeated those two bugs, it's so cool!"

"Yes, you should thank your brother Ye a lot."Tian Mark looked at Min Lin meaningfully.

"Then, I will cook for Brother Ye tonight."Wen Lin said shyly

"No need, we are all family."Ye Chen looked calm and waved his hand.

At this time, the female manager ran over.

Iris was excited and pulled Ye Chen's hand hard, saying that she must treat him to a meal to repay his life-saving grace.

Ye Chen declined politely, thinking it was unnecessary.

Iris wanted to insist, but was driven away by Min Lin.

She didn't want Ye Ge to have any more entanglements with other women......

Minlin felt heartbroken when she thought that Gaozuki Quan and Yege were already in love.

Why didn't she get Yege first?......

While thinking, Minlin suddenly felt something strange in her body. This feeling had never occurred to her before.

Could it be a problem caused by adulthood?

After packing up, everyone returned to the old car.

Once again embarked on a new summer vacation trip.......

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