The moon is bright in the sky.

After a day of sightseeing, the old car is parked on the shore of the lake, brightly lit.

Tian Mark is working tirelessly to make a"protein midnight snack".

For Tian Mark, a bowl of lively rice bugs is a life-saving meal.

Tian Xiaoban is wearing headphones and holding a game controller, playing a violent sumo game.

Ye Chen is lying on the bed, reading a novel.

The novel he is reading today is still the work of Hei Lingzi.

It tells the story of the King of Hell challenging the rules of the strange talk. Although it is short, it is powerful.......

Not to mention, Lucifer's strength is not bad, and he can destroy the world of ghost stories with just one look.

I don't know if Superman X can beat the King of Hell?

As for Minlin, she was wearing pink pajamas, holding a laptop, hiding in the corner, carefully looking for information.

"Why does my body feel hot and weird when I think of the person I like?"

Minlin typed this into the search box and searched for information.

After browsing for a while, Minlin's pretty face became redder and hotter.

"Oh my god, it turns out that I'm mature........"

Minlin covered her face with her hands, very shy.

So when she thought of the person she liked, she would react......

No wonder I feel itchy when I think of Brother Ye.......

After the baptism of time and space magic, Minlin has reached the age of eighteen and her body has matured.

Her physiological functions have been basically perfected, and Minlin is an American woman, so she is more likely to mature.

If we say that the ten-year-old Minlin loves Yechen, it is only spiritual.

But now, Minlin, who is eighteen years old, feels love for Yechen and her body also reacts.

She wants to have something with him.......

Opposites attract, this is an eternal truth.

Minlin tilted her head and thought for a while:"Anyway, Brother Ye and I are not related by blood, so it doesn't matter......."

"It's just that Mr. Takatsuki Izumi is a bit troublesome. I can't steal her away."

"How about secretly taking Brother Ye down while Teacher Gao is away?"

Minlin thought secretly, but then shook her head.

"No, no, how could I do this? It's too dirty!"

"I'd better keep my distance from Brother Ye in the future and try not to think about him, so that I won't want him anymore......."

Minlin was distressed for a while, turned off the computer, and fell asleep.

She couldn't sleep all night.

She regretted growing up so quickly, suffering both mentally and physically, and being unable to get the love she wanted.

Minlin wanted to change back, but she was surprised to find that she couldn't change back!

"Oh my god, what should I do?......"

Minlin hid under the quilt and cried secretly......

The next day, the old car was driving on the grassland road.

On both sides of the road, there were endless green grass and herds of cattle and sheep.

Occasionally, a cowherd was seen whipping the yaks with a whip to drive them forward.

A black bulldog kept barking to help its owner drive the cattle and to be alert to the surroundings in case of wild beasts attacking.

"We drove here together in a shabby car~"

Mark Tian sang as he drove

"Oh, my corn flakes are all gone.

Tian Xiaoban was very distressed when he saw the empty snack cabinet.

"I'll find a place to buy it later." Ye Chen responded.

At this time, Min Lin passed by.

Her face was very pale, her eyes were dark, and she seemed to have not slept all night.

""Wen Lin, why do you look so bad?" Ye Chen couldn't help asking. Did you study the Akamida spell book all night again?

Even though, Wen Lin shook her head with a bitter look on her face,"No, Brother Ye, I have other things to do."

"What's up?"

""Oh, it's not convenient to tell you." Wenlin was a little embarrassed and walked away quickly.

She couldn't say that she couldn't sleep because of that, right?

Ye Chen felt puzzled and stopped asking.

After all, Xiaowen is already an adult, it's normal to have little secrets

"This nerd must have taken the wrong medicine."Tian Xiaoban said without hesitation.

For Tian Xiaoban, life is eating, sleeping, drawing cards, and playing games.

As for the rest?

Sorry, I didn't understand.

Even when Xiaowen grew up, Tian Xiaoban was a little repulsive to her.


Because Tian Xiaoban hated beautiful older sisters!

Even if this person was his cousin.

Also, the two of them used to fight a lot, but now it's rare.

First, Xiaowen is an adult, and it's not convenient for her to fight with Xiaoban. It's easy to touch private parts.

Second, Xiaoban can't beat the adult Xiaowen. Let's not talk about boxing skills, just talking about strength, Xiaoban will be KOed directly.

So over time After a long time, Tian Xiaoban didn't want to fight with Wenlin anymore.

He couldn't beat her, he simply couldn't beat her.

At most, they could quarrel occasionally to vent their anger.

Tian Mark knew that Wenlin was already an adult, a big girl, so he didn't allow the two to fight like before.

It was okay when they were children, but when they grow up, they have to keep their distance and act like a lady.

No one wants their granddaughter to grow up to be like a little girl who knows nothing about the world and will be easily bullied when she goes out. Wenlin didn't care, but her grandfather's attitude forced her to be reserved. Tian Xiaowen was lying on the sofa, and suddenly she felt a warm current surging in her body.

"What is it?"

She looked down and found that she was bleeding!

Minlin was panicked. Why is this happening?

At the same time, she felt extreme pain in her abdomen, her face was extremely pale, and she was sweating coldly.

"Brother Ye, what happened to me?......"

Minlin was about to cry, holding her stomach.

Hearing this, Yechen turned around and looked.

His pupils suddenly shrank!

"You are......Are you having your period?!"

Oh my god, Xiaowen has grown up all of a sudden and doesn't understand many things.

There is no gradual adaptation period, and no mother to accompany her.

There are several grown men in the car, so how can they teach her some physiological knowledge?

When Tian Mark saw the blood on Minlin's clothes, his eyes widened,"Xiaoye, help Minlin deal with it, it's inconvenient for me to drive!"

There were many speeding trucks behind, and the old broken car could not stop, otherwise it would easily cause a rear-end collision.

"Wow nerd, what were you doing last night!"

"Did he have a fight with a puppy?"

Tian Xiaoban was horrified and had no idea what was going on.

He was also a child and didn't understand many things.

""Ah?" Ye Chen was stunned when he heard his grandfather's words,"Let me help Wenlin deal with it?"

"That's right, only you can help her now!" Tian Mark said sternly.

Ye Chen lowered his head and clenched his fists secretly.

Is this really appropriate?

Although Minlin is an adult, she is not in a relationship with him after all.......

At most, he can be considered a family-like partner, because Ye Chen and Tian Mark have no real blood relationship.

He is just the son of Tian Mark's comrade-in-arms.

"Xiaoye, hurry up!"

"Please help Xiaowen!"

Mark Tian looked at the rearview mirror anxiously, trying to find a chance to stop the car.

But he couldn't find a chance, as there was an endless stream of large trucks behind him!

"Brother Ye, my stomach hurts......."

Minlin was lying on the sofa with a painful expression on her face, unable to move.

The blood was still flowing, staining Minlin's magic blue robe red.

She had not slept all night, and the frequent use of magic recently had aggravated the symptoms.

The amount of bleeding was huge!

If the bleeding was not stopped, it would lead to concurrent shock, and even endanger her life!

Ye Chen looked gloomy and uncertain.

"I know."

He raised his hand suddenly, his eyes full of determination.

He was saving people, not spying on Minlin!

My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice!

Little Minlin is a member of this big family, and she cannot be lost.

Because there were so many people around, in order to protect Minlin's privacy, Ye Chen gently picked up Minlin and went into the bathroom. He found dry towels and clean clothes in the closet, went in to clean Minlin and stop the bleeding.

Because there were no sanitary napkins in the car, towels could only be used temporarily.

Ye Chen tried not to look at Minlin, but sometimes he really had no choice but to wipe carefully, for fear of hurting Minlin.

Minlin's face flushed, and she felt like she was about to explode, and she wished she could get into the ground on the spot.

She looked at Brother Ye who was cleaning her up carefully, and felt very ashamed.

At the same time, she was secretly delighted in her heart......

For a moment, conflicting emotions surrounded Minlin like a tide.

"Recently, I can't use magic frequently."

"You can do it after you get used to it."

Ye Chen's magnetic voice rang out in the dimness.

"Yes." Minlin nodded heavily,"Thank you, Brother Ye. If it weren't for you, I don't know what to do."

"Also, what happened to me? Why am I injured?"

Ye Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, and began to give Min Lin some popular science knowledge.

After listening, Min Lin suddenly realized,"So this is also the result of growing up......."

"If I had known, I would not want to grow up, hum."

After a while, Ye Chen helped Min Lin clean up and put on neat clothes for her.

It was a white long dress that she had bought at the Snail House not long ago.���They lowered their heads and quietly walked out of the bathroom.

When they came out, they found that Mark Tian had parked the car and was looking at them seriously....... ps: Phew~ I have worked hard on four updates today, nearly 9,000 words in total. I would like to ask you to send some gifts to support me and give me some motivation!

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