"Well, I have seen Xiaowen's body today......."

Ye Chen sighed inwardly.

But there was really nothing he could do. It was her first menstrual period and she didn't know how to deal with it, nor did she know what it was.

Ye Chen had to help her clean it up. Minlin was in so much pain just now. Menstrual period shouldn't be so painful.

Ye Chen guessed that it might be caused by the frequent use of magic recently, because it would consume the magician's energy.

It caused the body to become weak and the pain to intensify.

Ye Chen had no choice but to help Minlin deal with it just now.

Although Minlin was already eighteen years old, her knowledge of physiology had not kept up.

At this moment.

Tian Mark looked at the two of them solemnly, without saying a word.

Minlin put her hands behind her back, lowered her red face, and was so ashamed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Grandpa, why are you looking at us like that?......"

Hearing this, Mark Tian's expression became a little kinder:"Minlin, do you know what's wrong with your body?"

"Got it, Brother Ye just told me everything."

Wen Lin nodded, knowing that this was her first menstrual period.

It was normal to bleed, and there was no need to be afraid in the future.

"That's good. If you don't understand something in the future, just ask your brother Ye."After

Tian Mark finished speaking, he drove to the front.

At this point, he didn't want to ask too much.

Let it go.......

Ye Chen sighed softly, walked to the sink, and washed his hands.

His hands were stained with fishy smell, which was strange and needed to be cleaned.

Minlin was very ashamed and buried herself in the quilt like a small hill.

She was too embarrassed to see anyone!

However, when she thought of the erotic scene just now, Minlin felt inexplicably excited.

Shy, self-blame, shame, excitement......All kinds of emotions flooded Minlin like the sea, and she was drowned in it.

It was a mixture of emotions.

Tian Xiaoban said he didn't understand this operation.

"Ye Ge and Min Lin went into the bathroom. Are they going to play hide-and-seek?"

"Or stack them high?"

After thinking about it, Tian Xiaoban shrugged and continued playing the game.

"Not as fun as my violent sumo game!"

"Hahaha! You evil bandit, admit defeat!"......

The weather was fine and the sky was clear.

The old, broken car continued to drive on the grassland road, which was endless.

In the car, Ye Chen deliberately took out his mobile phone to read a novel, trying to distract himself.

But he couldn't concentrate.

The scene in the bathroom was still vivid in his mind.

After he entered the bathroom, he undressed Min Lin, helped her clean the blood and stop the bleeding, and then changed her clothes.

After a set of procedures, even Ye Chen almost couldn't control himself and was about to give Min Lin......

Fortunately , he was very calm and did not make a big mistake.

Minlin is about 175cm tall, tall and well-proportioned.......

Wait, what am I thinking?


She is my grandfather's granddaughter!

Although I have no blood relationship with Minlin, I still feel weird.

It will be awkward when we meet in the future.

How should we get along in the future?......

Wenlin was the same, she was worried about how to face Yege in the future.

However, just when the two of them were frowning, a catastrophe was about to come!......

The dark universe is vast and boundless.

A huge space battleship, surrounded by octopus tentacles, glowing red, floats above the blue planet.

The main control room.

In a recuperation cabin, Vilgax stands inside, his body has fully recovered!


With a roar, Vilgax broke open the sanatorium and slowly walked out.

"I'm finally out!"

Vilgax raised his hands high, his scarlet eyes filled with murderous intent!

He was previously injured by the small spaceship when he was chasing the Omnitrix, and after a period of recuperation, he has fully recovered.

Back to the peak!

"Omnitrix, I'm here to see you."

Vilgax clenched his fists, his octopus-like head was very scary.

He looked at the robot beside him and ordered:"Gather all the forces immediately, and send out the whole army."

"Target, Earth!"

"Capture the Omnitrix!"......

The old car was driving on the grassland road.

The road was very long, about five or six hundred kilometers.

It was surrounded by mountains and lush greenery.

Along the way, everyone was very quiet, unlike the usual noise.

The air was filled with a strange atmosphere, so quiet that it was scary.

After what happened just now, everyone tacitly did not speak, which was very embarrassing.

Suddenly, Minlin, who had been buried in the quilt, lifted the quilt and revealed her fair and pretty face.

She got off the bed, mustered up her courage, and walked to Yechen.

""Brother Ye, I have something to ask you."

Wenlin said, pulling Yechen into the bathroom.

And locked the door with her backhand!

This scene stunned Tian Mark and Xiaoban.

After entering the bathroom.

Yechen looked calm, looking at the pretty face close at hand, with orange hair and blue eyes, with a unique charm.

However, Wenlin's eyes revealed a sense of sadness and expectation at this moment. Wenlin took a deep breath, clasped her fingers tightly in her palm, her knuckles turned white, as if she was struggling psychologically.

"If you have anything to ask, just ask."Ye Chen sighed.

He knew he couldn't escape today.

Min Lin's body trembled, and she opened her red lips slightly:"Brother Ye....I ask you a question, and you can choose not to answer it."

"Just ask"

"you......Do you like me?"Minlin mustered up her courage and looked at Yechen with red eyes.

Although she was prepared, Yechen still shuddered.......

After some thought, Ye Chen put his hands on Min Lin's shoulders and looked at her seriously.

"Xiaowen, I have always treated you as my sister."

Hearing this, Wenlin was struck by lightning, and two lines of hot tears rolled down her eyes, like crystal pearls, rolling down

"I understand, brother Ye, I won't bother you anymore......"

Minlin covered her cheeks and squatted on the ground crying.

Yechen's face was not looking good either.

He couldn't bear to see Minlin crying like this.

But when he thought of Takatsuki Izumi......

Ye Chen shook his head and sighed, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Forget it, let's talk about the future later."

Ye Chen squatted down and began to comfort Min Lin who was choking with sobs.


Tian Xiaoban hid outside the door, listening to the noise inside with a strange look on his face.

He couldn't understand, he couldn't understand at all.

(Okay, there was that sense of stupidity.)

I don't know how long it took.

The crying finally subsided.

Ye Chen supported Min Lin, whose eyes were red, and slowly walked out of the bathroom.

"Have a good rest, and we'll talk about the future later, dear."

Yechen helped Wenlin to the bed, covered her with a quilt, and comforted her to sleep.

Wenlin is in grief now, and she should be given enough warmth to prevent her from getting upset.

Wenlin was still sobbing slightly. Although she was asking Yechen just now, that was a disguised confession.

As a result, she was rejected by Yechen.

The more she thought about it, the sadder she became. Wenlin cried like a pear blossom in the rain and sobbed in the quilt.

Tian Mark couldn't persuade her.

Fortunately, after Yechen's comfort, the situation improved. Wenlin covered herself with a quilt, and gradually fell asleep in a faint sadness.

Yechen breathed a sigh of relief,"Huh~ I can finally take a break."

It's really tiring to coax a girl.

At this time, the low voice of the grandfather came from the front.

""Oh no, there's something going on ahead!"

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, and he immediately ran to the passenger seat.

The sky ahead began to flash with blood-red lightning!

Countless scarlet meteorites, densely packed, smashed into the prairie one after another....... ps: Even though it has come to this, Minlin will still accept it......

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