
Countless meteorites fell from the sky and landed on the lawn one after another!

In an instant, the prairie fire was raging and smoke was rising!

The war was coming!

I saw these blood-colored meteorites rapidly changing on the scorched earth.

More than 20 giant robots, more than 30 mechanical tigers, and hundreds of octopus robots!

Their target is the omnitrix!

After being improved by the weapon masters under Vilgax, these robots do not need watches to transform and can detect its signals!

"They are the minions of Vilgax!"

Tian Mark was more serious than ever before.

""Mojiasi, can I eat it?" Tian Xiaoban asked curiously.

"Xiaoban, believe me, you don't want to go head-to-head with Vilgax."

Tian Mark's eyes were full of fear.

"Grandpa, stop the car." Ye Chen was very calm and said calmly:"I will go out and kill them all."

"No, it's safer for us to go to Mount Lacimo. I'm going to get heavy weapons there!" Tian Mark made a prompt decision.

Mount Lacimo is one of the water and electricity bases.

Looking at the robots getting closer and closer, Ye Chen shook his head slightly,"It's too late, I'll go out and hold them back."

To be honest, Ye Chen was unsure.

After all, he was about to face the most brutal warlord in the universe - Vilgax!

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix and quickly switched heroes.

To deal with mechanical freaks, the first choice....Shapeshifter!

Attach yourself to enemies and attack other enemies!

Attack your enemies with your own!

"I'll go out and deal with them, you guys take care of yourselves."

As soon as the voice fell, the shapeshifter turned into a pool of liquid, crawled out of the car door, and rushed straight towards the group of robot beasts.

"Brother Ye, I'll go with you!"

Tian Xiaoban didn't want to sit in the old broken car and wait for death.

He wanted to be a hero!

"Confucius came down the mountain to call the roll!"

Tian Xiaoban pressed the power watch to activate the orange projection.

Mr. Bad, Atomic Reactor, Micro Soldier, Rabid Beast......

"Crazy giant!"

"It's you!"

Tian Xiaoban's eyes lit up, and he slapped his watch!

Boom - orange light flashed, and Tian Xiaoban turned into......Diamond Overlord?

"Oh, so annoying!"

""Little broken watch, which country are you from?"

Diamond Overlord cursed, opened the car door, and jumped out.


Tian Mark shouted, and had no choice but to turn back.

He couldn't leave Xiaoban and Yechen alone.

Minlin was still sleeping, with her eyes closed, and she didn't know what happened.......

"Discover the Omnitrix!"

"Discover the Omnitrix!"

"Seize the Omnitrix!"

Dozens of mechanical tigers, staring with bloodshot eyes, all locked onto the Omnitrix on the Shapeshifter!

""Brother Ye, here I come!"

Diamond Overlord rushed over from behind.

Strangely, those mechanical tigers did not lock onto the Power Watch logo on Diamond Overlord.

That is, the power watch.

Could it be that the signals sent by the Omnitrix and the Power Watch are different?

In short, these ferocious mechanical beasts only locked onto the Shapeshifter.

""On it!"

The shapeshifter took the lead, passing through countless lasers, and pounced on a mechanical tiger like lightning, quickly attaching to it!

The silver mechanical tiger was immediately stained with a layer of black and green skin, and was dominated by the shapeshifter!

It became more powerful, and under the transformation of the shapeshifter, more than ten heavy machine guns grew on its back!

The claws and teeth became more pointed and sharp, flashing a cold green light.


At this moment, a mechanical tiger rushed over.

The transformed tiger opened its claws and smashed the mechanical tiger with one slap, and parts flew everywhere!

""Wow, that's so cool!" Diamond Overlord couldn't help but exclaim.

After the mechanical tiger was controlled by the shapeshifter, its power increased by more than one level!


The Transformed Tiger let out a thunderous roar, and stretched out more than ten machine guns on its back, bursting out a torrent of green bullets!

Da da da!

With a single encounter, it killed several mechanical tigers that were rushing in the front!

However, the firepower of the opposite side should not be underestimated.

There were also several giant robots standing in the back, their bodies were so huge that they were six or seven stories high!

Their eyes burst out with blood-red death light, and they rushed towards the Transformed Tiger!

The Transformed Tiger sneered, charged quickly in the mechanical beast group, and attached to other mechanical tigers!

As long as its own parts were damaged, it would immediately run over and attach itself to other mechanical tigers.

And so on!

The opposite side was in chaos, firing at each other, unable to distinguish between friend and foe.

The Transformed Monster shuttled, jumped, and attached in the mechanical beast group, as if it was in an empty space!

The Diamond Overlord was not idle either, his hands turned into sickles, constantly reaping the lives of these weirdos

"Hey, where are you hitting!"

Diamond Overlord kicked a mechanical tiger's head away.

Although these mechanical beasts did not lock onto Diamond Overlord's power watch, they immediately fought back after Diamond Overlord launched an attack! They were regarded as obstacles that blocked the capture of Omnitrix!



More than a dozen mechanical tigers and more than fifty octopus robots surrounded the Diamond Overlord!

"Come on, let this hero teach you a lesson!"

The Diamond Overlord grew spikes all over his body and turned into a hedgehog.

Then, he suddenly exerted force and shot out all the spikes on his body!

Bang, bang, bang!

A large number of robots were pierced by the crystals, bursting into dazzling flames and turning into a pile of debris.

"Xiaoban, let me help you!"

Tian Mark held two guns and kept killing the octopus robots that blocked his way.

"Grandpa, I can do it myself. Diamond Overlord said

"No, we have to catch Yechen before Vilgax arrives......."Tian Mark's face was very grim.

If possible, he didn't want to meet Vilgax in this situation.

""Where's Yechen?" Tian Mark asked sharply.

"Over there."

Following the instructions of the Diamond Overlord, Tian Mark saw the shapeshifter attached to a giant robot!

The giant robot's original yellow armor turned black and green, covered with strange patterns.

A single eye like a green circle was located on the robot's forehead, as if it had become a three-eyed god.

The shapeshifting robot was very powerful. It raised its palm and burst out green death light, killing its own kind and the mechanical tiger.

Those giant robots were too clumsy and had almost no ability to fight back against the shapeshifting robots.

Right here, a hedgehog-like ball suddenly appeared in the sky, wrapped in flames and strong winds, and quickly smashed towards this side.......

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