In the distant sky, a huge hedgehog-shaped spaceship, like a blazing Mars, streaked a brilliant arc of light in the sky.

With a breath of destruction and the unknown, it suddenly fell on the raging fire!

In an instant, all eyes were focused on the spaceship.

In the hazy smoke and dust.

The thorny shell flashed a cold metallic luster, as if an ancient beast had awakened and was ready to devour everything! The cold hatch, like the door to hell, slowly opened.

A tall figure slowly walked out of it, with a magnificent and amazing momentum.

He came from the distant outer space.

A huge octopus head, scarlet eyes, a mouth full of tentacles, wearing tough alien armor, covered with thick muscle lumps, like a creature from the Cthulhu mythology!


Tian Mark was horrified and immediately lost his composure.

This was the most feared demon in the universe!

"Vilgax is finally here."

The shapeshifter attached to the giant robot and clenched his claws.

This enemy will be the most powerful one he has ever encountered!

Vilgax looked fierce, with murderous intent bursting out of his tiny eyes, and he immediately noticed the shapeshifting robot.

"Gavin's transformation, the Omnitrix really fell into the hands of an Earth kid!"

"Hand over the Omnitrix!"

Vilgax was determined to get the most powerful weapon in the universe!

However, at this time, the Diamond Overlord stood up.

He couldn't stand Vilgax's arrogant attitude.

"Hey, Mosi, you are so arrogant."

"Come here and fight with this hero, I’m going to beat you up!"

"I will beat you into a scumbag octopus, and you will beg for mercy on the ground!"

The Diamond Overlord is ready to give it a try.


When Vilgax saw the Diamond Overlord, he was stunned for a moment.

Another alien figure?

What about the Gavin shapeshifter not far away?

Why are there two aliens?

Vilgax was confused,"Could there be two Omnitrix?"

"No, that's not right."

"The Omnitrix is green, and the symbol on the Pedro Shapin alien is orange-yellow, so it should be a transformation watch for the alternative quadrant!"

"What a pleasant surprise, hahahaha!"

Vilgax was extremely excited and excited to get two transformation watches at once!

His domination of the universe is just around the corner!

Of course, before that, he had to take the two transformation watches first.......


Two blue lasers hit Vilgax's head accurately.

Vilgax's body just shook, but he was unharmed.

"Tian, it's you again!"

Vilgax's bloodshot eyes focused and he noticed Tian Mark standing next to the old broken car.

"Vilgax, how are you?"

"I regret not being able to kill you last time."

Tian Mark held the gun in both hands and smiled faintly.

"It seems that these little earth devils have a great relationship with you." Vilgax smiled coldly:"That's right, I will deal with you all at once!"

"Let's try it."

A giant robot stepped forward with its spider-like lower limbs, its skin black and green, crushing the ashes and flames, and slowly walked towards Vilgax.

It was the shapeshifter!

The shapeshifter opened its huge mouth, condensing the scorching green death light, and the violent energy quickly accumulated.

Then it suddenly burst out and blasted towards Vilgax below! Vilgax snorted coldly,"You overestimate your own abilities."

He stood there, motionless, and was suddenly shrouded in the endless green death light, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The terrifying energy exploded, almost tearing up the ground within a radius of 50 meters, and rolling ashes, wrapped in flying flames, soared into the sky!


Diamond Overlord hid far away, sitting on a crystal gaming chair.

He thought: Such a clumsy octopus must have been roasted into charcoal, right?

Tian Mark's expression was still solemn, staring at the explosion area, not daring to slack off.

"Vilgax, it shouldn't be that easy to die."

The destructive green death light slowly faded away.

The giant robot exhausted all its energy, and the shapeshifter turned into a pool of liquid and left its body.

In an open space, the shapeshifter re-condensed into a human form.

He stared at the green circle, staring at Vilgax's direction.

In the remaining beating green light, a huge figure slowly stood up, igniting a pair of terrifying scarlet eyes.

Vilgax's body was covered with burnt marks, but only the skin was injured, not the root!

"Really thick-skinned."

However, the shapeshifter had expected this.

He pressed the omnitrix on his chest and turned into a psychic!

Vilgax was also afraid of electricity, just like most alien heroes.

"Haha, do you think you can defeat me by becoming an Ampere alien?"

"You are too naive, little earth devil!"

Vilgax clenched his iron fist like a mountain, like a prehistoric beast, with a brutal aura, he rushed over quickly.

Every step he took, the surrounding surface was shaking!

It can be seen how powerful Vilgax is!


Amidst the deafening roar, Vilgax and the Psychic Celestial Being had a fierce duel!

The Psychic Celestial Being extended its tentacles, releasing several blue-white electric lights, shocking Vilgax's body crazily.

Vilgax gritted his teeth, feeling extremely painful, and his body twitched constantly.

However, his body was so strong that he could withstand the powerful lightning and hit the Psychic Celestial Being fiercely!

The Psychic Celestial Being's eyes flashed, and he entered the phantom.

Immune to all physical attacks!

Vilgax's fist was ineffective and directly passed through the phantom outline of the Psychic Celestial Being.

"Oh, I'll see how long you can last."

"As soon as the transformation time comes, you will fall into my hands!"

Vilgax was confident.

This little earthling had obtained the Omnitrix not long ago, so he must not be able to unlock all the permissions of the Omnitrix.

For example, the unlimited transformation time....

The psychic celestial being will naturally not continue to remain in the form of a phantom, wasting time like this.���He is at a disadvantage. He must defeat Vilgax within the transformation time!

Since attacking the body is not effective, then......

The psychic's cold eyes flashed, and turned into a blue electric current, which penetrated into Mojas' body at lightning speed!


Vilgax howled in pain.

The psychic was electrocuting his internal organs and flesh!


Tian Mark cheered loudly, cheering for Ye Chen.

As expected of Ye Chen, he knew how to make up for his weaknesses and use his strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses!


""Damn little earth devil, I'm going to kill you!"

Vilgax screamed madly, scratched his body, beat his abdomen, and tried to force the psychic out of his body.

But the psychic would not come out so easily.

Once it showed its head

, it was killed in seconds. However, the energy consumption in the psychic was huge, and it was almost burned out when it was fully energized.

Even so, Vilgax still did not die, his physical fitness was too strong!

"Brother Ye, let me help you!"

The Diamond Overlord noticed that Vilgax's pain was getting less and less, and thought to himself that it was not good, so he rushed over immediately.

While running, dense spikes quickly grew on his body........


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