"Pedro Shapin?"

Vilgax snorted coldly, raised his huge palm like a palm leaf fan, and slapped the Diamond Overlord fiercely.

"I'm going to beat you up!"

The Diamond Overlord was not afraid at all, his hands turned into sharp blades, and he attacked!

Boom - the crystal blade shattered, and Vilgax staggered back a few steps.

The psychic took the opportunity to fly out, his energy was about to run out, and there was no point in staying any longer

"Brother Ye, how is it?" Diamond Overlord asked.

The psychic shook his head,"I destroyed some of Vilgax's organs, but he seems to have the ability to recover, so the effect is not ideal."

Octopuses have strong recovery abilities, not to mention alien creatures like Vilgax.

The psychic also thought about destroying Vilgax's heart, but the latter was so hard that it was indestructible, as if it was made of steel.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to kill Vilgax by electrocuting his internal organs.

At least the psychic in normal state cannot do it.

Unless he absorbs enough electricity

""Xiaoban, hold him back for a while. I need to replenish my energy."

As he spoke, the psychic flew over the mechanical wreckage to absorb the remaining electrical energy.

Some of the mechanical beasts' parts had not been completely destroyed, and the current inside could be absorbed by the psychic.

""Anlaye, blocking the stinky squid is a piece of cake!"

The Diamond Overlord smiled confidently, and then punched the ground!

In an instant, countless crystal thorns penetrated from the scorched earth, intertwined with each other, forming a gorgeous attack route, attacking Vilgax.

Vilgax was unable to dodge and was trapped inside.

"Hahaha, now you know how powerful this hero is, right?"

Diamond Overlord put his hands on his hips, looking very proud.

"Don't be happy too soon."

Vilgax smiled coldly, and his thick arms swelled rapidly, like an inflated balloon.

His strength was strengthened!

With a wave of his hand, countless crystal spikes shattered and were ruthlessly crushed by Vilgax's terrifying power!

Vilgax, who had undergone physical transformation, had a terrifying combat power that was far beyond the reach of his own kind.

Vilgax roared, smashed the crystal spikes along the way, and rushed to the front of the Diamond Overlord in an instant.

The ferocious octopus head was close at hand, and its tentacles were dancing wildly!

""Go to hell!"

Vilgax swung his arms and pressed towards Diamond Overlord like a giant python.

Diamond Overlord quickly raised his hands to resist.

Boom— the crystal shattered, and Diamond Overlord was squeezed to the ground by a terrifying force, unable to move!

Vilgax’s power was too terrifying, and he suppressed Diamond Overlord tightly!

""No, Xiaoban is not familiar with the Pedro Shapins yet and cannot deal with Vilgax."

Tian Mark's face changed and he quickly raised his pistol, emitting blue light.

"Hehe, Mr. Tian, are you tickling me?"

Vilgax looked at him disdainfully and stretched out his hand to grab the Diamond Overlord's neck.

"I want you to see with your own eyes how this little Earth devil dies in my hands!"

"No!"Tian Mark's eyes were red, and he pulled the trigger frantically.

Just as Mojos was about to crush the Diamond Overlord, a thick thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Mojos' head.

Mojos twitched and his eyes rolled back.

Tian Mark saw the person coming and his face lit up:"It's you, Yechen!"

The dazzling thunderbolt just now was emitted by the psychic.

While Mojos was controlled, the psychic rescued the Diamond Overlord and flew back to Tian Mark.

""Huh, this stinky squid is too scary." Diamond Overlord patted his chest, a little scared.

Then, an orange light ignited on his body and he changed back to his original form.

Now Tian Xiaoban can freely change back to human form and have a deeper understanding of the power watch.

Of course, the transformation time is still limited, not without cooling.

"I want to blow away this stinky squid!"

Tian Xiaoban pressed the power watch, switched to the alien, and slapped it down.

Boom - orange light flashed!

"Hurricane War Turtle!"

As soon as the Hurricane War Turtle appeared, it stood up its shell and spun its limbs madly, generating strong gusts of wind!

"I'll come too."The psychic's eyes flashed, releasing electricity from his body.

The blue electric light intertwined with the invisible strong wind, forming a terrifying tornado of lightning!

Towering into the clouds, the momentum was extremely surging!

It was like a monster that devoured everything, tearing apart everything along the way, mechanical wreckage, burnt weeds, crystal residues.........

Tian Mark almost lost his balance, but the psychic grabbed him in time and saved him.

Facing the tornado that covered the sky, Vilgax did not dare to slack off, and his feet were firmly clasped to the ground to resist the strong wind.

In an instant, the lightning and strong wind swallowed Vilgax and eroded his body crazily!

After a while, the tornado gradually subsided.

Vilgax was panting, but still stood there, with electric wounds and scratches all over his body, and he was also seriously injured.

"Damn it, I was hurt like this by the little devil from Earth!"

The veins on Viggus's forehead bulged, and his eyes were filled with endless anger.

He wanted to kill the Mitsuda family!

At the same time, the psychic had exhausted all the power.

"Let's retreat quickly to Mount Lacimo!" Tian Mark clenched his fists,"As long as we can get the weapons there, we should have a chance to repel Vigour."

"Vilgax won't give us a chance."

The psychic saw that the other party had already rushed over.

"Hey, Squid, let me show you how powerful the Hurricane Turtle is!"

The Hurricane Turtle spun its limbs, flew up on the spot, and crashed into Vilgax!

""Magic wave!"

Suddenly, a golden light wave came from behind, passed over the two people's heads, and hit Vilgax fiercely.


Vilgax was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground.

The psychic looked sideways and found that it was Minlin wearing a magic blue robe!

At this moment, she had woken up. Although there were still tears in the corners of her eyes, she was full of fighting spirit and was not afraid of the strong enemy at all.

"Sorry, Brother Ye, I'm late."

Wen Lin whispered, urging Fei Fu���Falling, rushing towards Vilgax at high speed.

Although sad, facing a powerful enemy, the overall situation should be the most important.

With the addition of Minlin, the pressure on everyone suddenly decreased.

Minlin's magic can play a certain role in restraining Vilgax.

She released the five elements of magic.

Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!

It caused a lot of trouble for Vilgax.

""Roar! Annoying bugs!"

Vilgax smashed the earth spikes with a punch and rushed towards Minlin.

Minlin urged the flying magic pendant to lift Vilgax into the air.

Vilgax’s face changed, and he felt that he was slowly rising into the air!

He struggled violently and broke free from the control of the flying magic pendant in an instant!

Minlin’s face turned pale in an instant, and she suffered a serious backlash.

With her current magic power, it was not enough to control Vilgax’s actions.

""Xiaowen!" the Hurricane Turtle shouted, trying to rush over to stop the mad Vilgax.

""Get out of the way!"

Vilgax was extremely powerful. He slapped the hurricane war turtle away with a slap and continued to rush towards Wenlin.

In a team fight, the squishy ones should be killed first!

Especially for professions like mages with control skills.

The green iron fist like a mountain rushed over with a whistling sound.

Wenlin was stunned in place, her face pale, and her eyes reflected Vilgax's ferocious face.

Is she going to die?

In a trance, Wenlin recalled Yechen's handsome face, and a sour feeling surged in her heart.

It's better this way. If she dies, no one will bother Brother Ye.......

In a flash, a huge figure descended from the sky and blocked Minlin's way.

"Ten different things!" ps: The performance of this book is not very ideal, it should be finished before the end of June......

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