[Ding~ It was detected that Minlin is in danger!】

【Use your ten different forms to defeat the evil Vilgax!】

【After successful completion, you will receive 10,000 points! 】

A series of cold reminder sounds rang in Shi Bu Xiang's mind.

"Is it just defeat?"

"No, I will kill you!"

Shi Bu Xiang's whole body was full of momentum, his left arm was burning with red flames, his right hand turned into a crystal blade, and he rushed towards Vilgax at a high speed!

"Where did this hybrid monster come from!?"

Velgaus quickly fought back and fought fiercely with the Ten-Unlike.

Minlin covered her chest and managed to fly back to her grandfather.

""Xiao Wen, are you okay?" Tian Mark asked anxiously, very worried.

In an emergency, he even called out Minlin's nickname.

Minlin shook her head slightly, and a smile appeared on her pale face:"I'm fine, Grandpa, it's just that Brother Ye is there......."

Tian Mark looked solemn,"We have to find a chance to escape. Ye Chen can't beat Vilgax in this state."

As a veteran who has experienced many battles, he can see the disadvantages of this form of Ten Unlike.

Although he has the abilities of ten aliens, he can only exert one tenth of them.

There is no strong point at all!

With such a hybrid form, it is only a matter of time before he loses to Vilgax.

"I believe in Brother Ye, he will definitely find a way to drive Vilgax away, cough cough......"

Minlin looked at the direction of Shibuxiang with a determined look.

Tian Mark's old face showed a trace of helplessness.

""Minlin, are you in love with Yechen?" Tian Mark suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Minlin's body trembled.

She gritted her teeth and said with courage:"Yes....I have liked Brother Ye for a long time."

When she was attacked by a wild dog, it was Ye Chen who risked his life to save her and threw a stone to kill the mad dog.......

Since then, Xiaowen has developed a love and admiration for Yechen, but she was still young at that time and didn't understand what it was.

Now Xiaowen has grown up, turned 18, and changed her name to Minlin. She has matured physically and mentally.

Naturally, she knows what it is.

Is it like, or love?......

When Tian Mark heard Minlin's answer, he had expected it, so he just smiled.

"If you like him , go after him. It's okay."

Ye Chen is the son of his comrade-in-arms anyway.......

As for Gaozukiquan, it depends on how Yechen chooses.

Of course, sometimes you can have both fish and bear's paw.......In short, it means that Takatsuki Izumi and Minlin can live together peacefully.

Tian Mark doesn't think there is anything wrong with this, anyway, he went through this when he was young.

Lizard girl Shalin, Anno star Vidona......

It depends on whether Yechen's kidneys are strong or not.......

On the other side,

Tian Xiaoban retreated from the Diamond Overlord to the human form, and then turned into the Four-Handed Overlord to support the Ten-Unlike.

For a moment, he fought with Vilgax on equal terms, evenly matched!

The Ten-Unlike roared, swung the crystal blade, and slashed directly on Vilgax's shoulder!

The crystal blade shattered and turned into flying green residue!

The hardness of the Ten-Unlike's crystal was only one-tenth of the original diamond war god, and it was difficult to hurt Vilgax.

"Earth kid, you are so arrogant!"

Vilgax threw the Shi Bu Xiang to the ground with a shoulder throw, and a thunderous sound erupted!

Vilgax raised his crushing foot and was about to step on Shi Bu Xiang's chest.

Shi Bu Xiang's eyes flashed, and he spit out the slime of the gliding diamond from his mouth, which adhered to Vilgax's foot.

"Oh, only children spit when they fight......."

Before Vilgax finished speaking, Shibushi smiled coldly, and released a raging flame from his left arm, which rushed to the slime-covered soles of his feet.......

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