Dr. Dong Wu screamed in fear, thinking that he was finished.

Unexpectedly, the mutant armadillo behind him counterattacked before dying, and actually knocked the Divine Tyrannosaurus back two or three steps!

This scene was beyond the expectations of everyone present!

"Get out of the way!"

The Divine Tyrannosaurus slapped the mutant armadillo away and rushed towards Dong Wu.

However, the next second, he was blocked by two terrifying beasts!

The ancient giant rhinoceros, and......Tyrannosaurus Rex!

"Hahaha! My dormant cell activation plan finally succeeded!"

Dong Wu put on his helmet and grinned, revealing his dirty yellow teeth.

These two giant beasts were naturally resurrected by him.

【Ding~ An ancient giant rhino has been detected. Kill it to get 1200 points!】

【Ding~ Tyrannosaurus Rex detected, destroy it to get 1500 points! 】

The eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly lit up, bursting with a surging fighting spirit,"Then come on!"

"Brother Ye, come on!"

Xiaoban and Xiaowen were cheering for the Tyrannosaurus Rex outside.

"Oh no, Dong Wu is going to run away!"Tian Mark's eyes fixed

"Hehe, I'm going to grab the award that belongs to me!"

"The Truth Prize, that belongs to me!"

""Weirdo, let these two play with you!"

Dong Wu said, pressing the gene activator, firing a laser into the skeleton of a pterosaur!

In an instant, the huge pterosaur's bones grew flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a few seconds, it turned into a fierce wind god pterosaur, like a fighter plane!

【"Quetzon" has been detected. Kill it to get 1000 points!】

"Goodbye, losers."

Dong Wu rode on the pterosaur and waved his hand with a playful look on his face.


The wind god pterosaur screamed, flapped its wings like a palm leaf fan, rolled up a violent hurricane, and flew away

""Damn it! He ran away!" Tian Xiaoban was indignant and wanted to catch Dong Wu.

At the same time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was fighting with two giant beasts.

The power of the ancient giant rhinoceros was amazing, and it could hold its own against the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

However, that was all.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex knocked the ancient giant rhinoceros back with a punch, rushed forward in two or three steps, and kicked the ancient giant rhinoceros in the jaw.

The latter was struck by lightning and staggered to the ground, with stars in his eyes.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex took the opportunity to bite the arm of the Magnificent Tyrannosaurus Rex and tore it madly, trying to tear off a large piece of flesh.

But the Magnificent Tyrannosaurus Rex's body was so strong that even lasers could not penetrate it, let alone the claws of a mere beast?


The teeth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex were all destroyed by itself and fell to the ground.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex blinked and stood there in a daze.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex punched the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the head, splitting it open.

【Congratulations to the host for killing the Tyrannosaurus Rex and obtaining 1,500 points!】

【Current points: 2000!】

""Brother Ye, be careful!" Xiao Wen exclaimed from a distance. The

Divine Tyrannosaurus turned sideways and found that the ancient giant rhino had recovered and was staring at the sharp horns, slamming towards this side.

"Too weak."

The Divine Tyrannosaurus didn't even turn around, and with a fierce dragon's tail, it directly beat the ancient giant rhinoceros to death.

Its tail is also a powerful weapon.

【Congratulations to the host for killing the ancient giant rhinoceros and obtaining 1200 points!】

【Current points: 3200! 】

Seeing the two giant beasts fall under the Mighty Tyrannosaurus, Tian Xiaoban widened his eyes,"This new hero is really great! He killed the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Rhino in seconds!"

"Mmm, I like it......."The voice of Xiaowen's fangirl came from the side

"As expected of a Waksari."Tian Mark was shocked.

He didn't know where Ye Chen got the treasure, and he could even create such an alien.

After leaving the museum, everyone went to the award ceremony of the Truth Award without stopping.

Because they knew that Dong Wu must have gone to grab the Truth Award!......

The Truth Award ceremony.

The host stood on the podium and said with great emotion:"Now, let me announce the winner of the Truth Award!"

"Although he was unable to come in person to receive the award, I think, given his greatness, he must be studying more advanced knowledge!"

"He is the famous......"


With a terrifying scream, the huge wind god pterosaur smashed the French window and rushed into the hall.

The audience screamed wildly and fled in all directions.

"Ah! There's a monster!"

"It's crazy that the pterosaurs are resurrected!"

"Wait, there seems to be a person riding on the pterosaur?"

"Yeah, that seems to be......Doctor Dong Wu?"

Many people noticed that Dong Wu on the back of the Fengshen Pterosaur

""Hand over the Truth Prize!"

Dong Wu was hysterical, staring at the host with bloodshot eyes.

Unexpectedly, the host knelt on the ground with a plop, clasping his hands together.

"Oh my God, the great Dr. Dong Wu, you finally come to receive the award!"

Dong Wu was stunned when he heard it,"What? That's my award?"

"Yes, of course it belongs to you. No one in the world deserves the Truth Prize more than you."The host was very respectful.

The people around him also calmed down after hearing this, whispering to each other.

"It turns out that Dong Wu is the winner of the Truth Award!"

"That's right. I heard that he developed an antidote for paraquat last time, which is the most poisonous of all poisons!"

"And the creature on his back was a long-extinct pterosaur! He must have resurrected the pterosaur!"

"The name of the Truth Award is well-deserved!"

The people who came to the scene were basically famous scientists, and none of them were dissatisfied with Dong Wu.

This guy's talent is really too evil.

It just feels that his brain is not normal, crazy.

But this does not affect Dong Wu's contribution to the scientific community.

"Dr. Dong Wu, last time you developed the antidote for paraquat, you saved many innocent lives!"

"It even unlocks the code to reversing life!"

"I believe that in time, the whole world will realize the dream of eternal life because of you!"

"This Truth Award naturally belongs to you!"

The host's eyes were filled with tears, and he presented the golden trophy with both hands.

Dong Wu looked at him suspiciously,"Then why didn't anyone come to inform me some time ago?"

"Well, we have sent someone to contact you, but you are not here and no one answered the phone."The host scratched his head awkwardly and continued,"and the time of the Truth Award cannot be changed, so we plan to hold it first. We will contact you and then give you the Truth Award. We are sorry."

Dong Wu nodded. He had been building a gene transmission some time ago and hid in the basement for a whole month.

Not to mention answering the phone, sometimes he even forgot to eat. He was busy with experiments every day.

He didn't know where he threw his cell phone.

After coming out, Dong Wu learned that the Truth Award was about to be awarded, and he was immediately furious.

Since no one came to notify me, the Truth Award must have been awarded to someone else!

Shit! Screw him!

Unexpectedly, he was the winner of the Truth Award.

"All right, then you give me the trophy."Dong Wu rarely showed a kind smile.

The host nodded respectfully and was about to hand over the trophy.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang like an Apple phone.

The host didn't listen. How could he answer the phone at such a critical moment?

But at this time, a young man in a suit ran in hurriedly, leaned close to the host's ear, and whispered something.

The host's hands holding up the trophy stopped abruptly.

He looked up in disbelief, his voice trembling.

"Sorry, Dr. Dong Wu, this Truth Award......I can’t give it to you."

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