Dong Wu's eyes were blank, but soon they were filled with madness and anger.

"What do you mean?"

The host smiled coldly,"Listen carefully, you are no longer our respected Dr. Dong Wu."

"News came from the police that you attacked the Wolma Shopping Mall this afternoon riding a mutant armadillo!"

"The snail ants were in a mess, causing heavy casualties!"

"You also attacked the police, Dong Wu, do you know your crime?"

The temperature around him suddenly dropped.

A group of scientists also received the news and began to point fingers at Dong Wu.

"See, I told you this guy has a problem with his brain"

"More than that! This is definitely a dangerous person!"

"Security, where is the security? Catch this lunatic!"

"Yes, bring him to justice!"

Listening to the abuses of the people around him, loneliness and fear enveloped Dong Wu like cold sea water.

But soon, they were replaced by anger.

"Shut up!"

"The Truth Award belongs to me! Dr. Dong Wu!"

Dong Wu controlled the pterosaur under him, soared into the air, and pounced on the host.

The host was frightened and fell to the ground, lying on his back, with the golden trophy rolling down.


The Wind God Pterosaur gently picked up the Truth Prize and turned around to hand it to Dong Wu.

"Hahaha! The Truth Prize is mine!" Dong Wu laughed crazily, his eyes filled with hatred and anger, without a trace of kindness anymore.

"Kill! Kill them all!"

The Wind God Pterosaur received the order and immediately bared its fangs and claws, frantically killing the people in the venue.

The blood dyed the ground red, and wailing was everywhere.

Dong Wu was unmoved. He stepped over the broken body of the host and came to a fish tank.

This was a seawater tank with a cute little octopus.

There was another fish tank next to it, which had a......Little white shark?

"Oh? And Baby Shark?"

"No, it's a catfish!"

Dong Wu's knowledge was so profound that he recognized the fake shark at a glance.

This fish is called"freshwater shark", but it is actually just a kind of catfish, belonging to the order Siluriformes, family

"Haha, so what if it’s a fake shark?"

"In my, Dong Wu's, hands, even an ant can exert unparalleled power!"


Dong Wu smiled sinisterly and looked at the little octopus beside him.......

A moment later.

The old car braked suddenly and drifted in front of the venue.

Everyone walked into the venue quickly, but was stunned by the scene in front of them.

The floor was stained with blood like a river, and there were broken limbs all over the floor. A brutal pterosaur was still devouring their bodies.

Dong Wu held the trophy tightly in his arms, looking very happy, standing in the world stained with blood.

"Truth Prize, you belong to me......"

"Dong Wu, did you kill them all?"Tian Mark was furious and asked

"Yes, they deserve to die."Dong Wu grinned, and his smile was terrifying.

There was no anger or madness in his eyes, and they were extremely cold.

"you....It's crazy!"

Tian Mark clenched his fists and looked at the corpses on the ground, shaking all over.

Xiaoban and Xiaowen were stunned and said nothing.

"You can't get away either." Dong Wu commanded the pterosaurs not far away,"Go, eat these annoying guys for me!"


The pterosaur opened its bloody beak, flapped its wings and ran over quickly.

"Ah! It's coming! Tian Xiaowen's face turned pale

"Let me do it."

Ye Chen hid behind a curtain, emitting a faint green light.

"Don't hurt my granddaughter!"

Tian Mark picked up the ashtray on the ground and threw it away.


The Quetzinus bit it to pieces and rushed towards Xiaowen at a very fast speed!

Seeing that Tian Xiaowen was about to be eaten, Tian Xiaoban stood in front of Xiaowen without hesitation, with a firm expression on his face.

""Get out of here, you big stupid dragon! Let me beat you up!"

As a result, the Wind God Pterosaur flapped its wings lightly, and blew Tian Xiaoban far away, and he fell beside the window.

Then, it continued to rush towards Xiaowen.

It seemed that for the Wind God Pterosaur, Tian Xiaowen's flesh and blood was more delicious and more attractive!

However, before the Wind God Pterosaur succeeded, a sticky green juice spurted out from the back and stuck to the pterosaur's eyes!

"Still want to eat people? Have you got my consent?"

A big stink bug flew up from behind Xiao Wen, with four tentacles on its head and yellow eyes at the end of the tentacles.

Its blade-like wings flashed cold light and clanged!

""Oh my god, what a weird thing!" Tian Xiaoban was stunned.

Where did this stink bug come from?

""Stupid, that's Brother Ye!"

Xiaowen looked up at the Gliding King Kong above, her pretty face slightly reddened.

Every time she was in danger, Brother Ye would always stand up and protect her safety.

Xiaowen was very familiar with the Omnitrix logo on the Gliding King Kong's face, because he had seen it on the Four-Handed Overlord and the Flame Man.


The Quetzalcoatl, with its eyes glued shut, flew around like crazy, and its sharp beak hit Tian Mark!

"Grandpa, be careful!" Xiaowen was very scared to see the bloody scene.

The next second, the madly dancing neck of the Quetzalcoatlus stopped abruptly.

Everyone was stunned in place, not knowing why.

A thin blood line suddenly appeared on the neck of the Quetzalcoatlus.

"With a"gulp" sound, the neck broke.

The dragon head fell to the ground.

Blood gushed out from the broken neck of the pterosaur like it was free, shocking Tian Xiaoban and others.

"This is......"

Tian Xiaoban noticed that a gliding King Kong was floating above the pterosaur's corpse.

Its sharp tail was dripping with bright red blood.

"It was Brother Ye who killed it!" Tian Xiaoban suddenly realized.

"My God, this is too amazing!"Tian Xiaowen was overjoyed.

Tian Mark wiped his cold sweat,"Huh~ Fortunately, Xiaoye is here"

"Let's just call it the Gliding King Kong!"Tian Xiaoban named it directly

【Congratulations to the host for killing the"Wind God Pterosaur" and getting 1000 points!】

【Current points: 4200!】

"Dong Wu, you killed so many people, aren't you afraid of being punished by the law?"Tian Mark asked loudly.

Dong Wu was still in the blood, as if it was his stage, with an intoxicated and enjoyable look on his face, hugging the Truth Award in his arms tightly.

"Listen, that is the wailing of the dead, they hate me and curse me in the darkness"

"Should I be scared? No no no......I am the only genius in the world!"

"I am Dr. Dong Wu!"

"I am fearless!"

Dong Wu's face was once again filled with madness and ferocity.

Then he smashed the Truth Prize into pieces!

The gorgeous golden trophy was torn into pieces, just like the only good thought in Dong Wu's heart.

"Now, it's time for us to settle the accounts."

Dong Wu smiled evilly and looked up at the gliding King Kong above.......

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