After a series of battles, Dong Wu discovered a problem.

Whether it was the crystal man in the mall, the Tyrannosaurus man in the museum, or the big bug in front of him, they all had one thing in common!

That was a black and white mark on their bodies!

This meant they were in the same group!

In other words, they were originally a living being! It was only because of chance that they could transform into different forms!

Dong Wu was so smart that he immediately concluded that these monsters must have some kind of connection.

"Really?" The gliding King Kong in the air laughed coldly,"I want to see how you settle the accounts?"

"Hahaha! Then you just watch out!"

Dong Wu was already planning to fight to the death.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from outside the door.

"Don't move!"

A strong man with a blond crew cut and wearing a black combat uniform led more than a dozen special forces personnel and rushed into the venue quickly.

"I am Captain Steve. We are surrounded here. You better surrender!"

A large number of red dots gathered on Gliding King Kong and Dong Wu.

Tian Mark and others hid aside and were not listed as dangerous elements.

"It’s coming so quickly!"

"Since there is no place for me in this world, I will destroy this world!"

Dong Wu laughed and pressed the button in his hand.

Boom - the ground under the venue began to tremble violently, and then a big hole appeared!

A huge shark head drilled out from it!

Countless tentacles danced wildly, sticking out from the ground, supporting the shark head, and crawled to the ground under the shocked eyes of everyone!

Shark head, octopus body!

This is......Octopus Shark!

Dong Wu used his mutation technology to forcibly combine a freshwater shark and an octopus to form a terrifying monster!

It was so huge that it almost occupied the entire venue!

【Ding~"Chapter Shark" detected, kill it to get 1800 points! 】

The system's voice sounded in Gliding King Kong's mind.

""Quick! Fire!" Captain Steve ordered.

Da da da!

A large number of blue lasers shot out from the soldiers' guns and hit the shark's head, but only sparks were splashed.

The shark felt no pain, not even a scratch on his skin.

"Eat them!"

Dong Wu screamed crazily, completely mad.

Zhang Shark waved his python-like tentacles, and killed a large number of soldiers in one encounter, and their bodies were torn into pieces.

Captain Steve frowned,"Everyone retreat! Quick!"

Obviously, this is no longer a monster that ordinary hot weapons can deal with.

"Lure it out! Kill it with a rocket launcher!"

Captain Steve knew that there were still ordinary people in the venue and he couldn't do it here.

Seeing that Zhang Shark was about to chase him out, Gliding King Kong's eyes flashed and he seized the opportunity to rush towards Dong Wu!

As long as the gene transmission gearbox was destroyed, no matter how knowledgeable Dong Wu was, he would be powerless to save the situation.

Seeing that the aggressive Gliding King Kong was attacking this side, Dong Wu almost peed his pants and shouted loudly:"Idiot, come back quickly and stop it for me!"

Zhang Shark roared, turned his head and ran over, but the distance was too far, it shot out several black tentacles, and pressed in the direction of Gliding King Kong's advance.

If Gliding King Kong continues to attack, it will inevitably be entangled by these tentacles!

It is not realistic to cut it off with its tail, there are too many tentacles.

Gliding King Kong turned around and gave up attacking Dong Wu.

At the same time, Zhang Shark once again protected Dong Wu in front of him, like a huge umbrella.

Captain Steve outside the door cursed inwardly,"Where did that big stink bug come from? It's a bad thing!"

Otherwise, Zhang Shark will be led out by them!

Puff - the next second, Captain Steve's mouth was filled with juice.

Green, sticky, and the horrible stench instantly filled every taste bud of Captain Steve!

"I told you to say bad things about me."

Gliding King Kong clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Captain Steve was stunned, and then his face froze. He bent over and vomited crazily.

He even vomited out the overnight meal!

"Shit......"Captain Steve's face turned pale and he vomited continuously.

Damn it, this monster can't be messed with!

You can't even say a bad word about it.

In the venue.

Dong Wu pointed at the gliding King Kong above,"You bunch of weirdos who came from nowhere, you keep ruining my business!";

"I'm going to kill you!"

Dong Wu immediately ordered the shark to attack the gliding King Kong.


The shark shot out a large number of tentacles, like an invisible net, trying to catch the big stink bug.

Its attack range almost covered the entire venue, leaving the gliding King Kong no way to avoid it.

"Be careful, little one......"Big stink bug!" Tian Mark shouted.

Captain Steve wiped his saliva and snorted coldly:"This stink bug is going to be eaten.""

It deserves it, who made it spit in his mouth!

It stinks, it's even stinkier than a 100-year-old septic tank!

However, just when everyone thought that the Gliding King Kong was about to be caught.

The Gliding King Kong actually sprayed a lot of mucus from its eyes, like 502 glue, sticking those tentacles together tightly!

"What? This guy's saliva is even more perverted than glue!"Dong Wu was shocked.

"this......This is simply unbelievable!"Captain Steve almost thought he had seen it wrong.

Everyone present had seen how terrifying the power of the shark was, but how could this tiny stink bug stick to the tentacles?

"Oh yeah! Gliding King Kong is so awesome!"Tian Xiaoban was very excited and cheered loudly.


Gliding King Kong flashed and cut off all the tentacles!

"Dong Wu, surrender!" Tian Mark stepped forward,"You've already lost!"


"Old man, you underestimate my masterpiece!"

Dong Wu laughed wantonly and pressed the controller in his hand.

The medicine placed in Zhang Shark's body exploded instantly and spread at an extremely fast speed!


The shark roared in pain, its skin turned blood red, and its broken tentacles quickly recovered. In an instant, it was back to normal!

The whole shark turned into a bloody one!

"The special medicine I developed can enhance the aggressiveness of all living things!"

"It can at least double the combat power! Hahaha!"

In a frenzy, Dong Wu pointed at the Gliding King Kong and said,"Go, kill them for me!"

Zhang Shark's whole body turned red, emitting an extremely high temperature, as if his blood was boiling. That was the effect of the drug!

In a furious state, even the Gliding King Kong's mucus was ineffective and could not stick to the tentacles at all!

Every time it attached, it was torn away by Zhang Shark's terrifying power.

The sharp tail could not cut through the tentacles, and could only leave shallow scars.

For a while, the venue was shaken and the whole building was almost blown up!

In desperation, Tian Mark took Xiaoban and Xiao Wen and quickly evacuated the venue to avoid being affected by the battle.

"You two, protect them." Captain Steve immediately ordered two soldiers to protect Tian Mark and others.

""Big bug, if you can't beat him, just run away! Don't force yourself!" Tian Mark shouted anxiously, Ye Chen must not get into trouble.

Tian Xiaoban, who had originally been optimistic about the gliding King Kong, was also panicked at this time. He saw the gap between the two.

No matter how you look at it, the gliding King Kong is no match for that monster.

""Pull the rocket launcher over here!" Captain Steve ordered.

Since the civilians had already come out, he had nothing to worry about. When the big bug was defeated, he would kill the shark.

Before that, let the big bug wear down the shark's physical strength. When the snipe and the clam quarrel, the fisherman benefits.

Everyone present thought that the gliding Kong was going to lose, without exception.


As expected, the shark shot out a steel-like tentacles, which whipped the gliding Kong away and smashed it against the wall, buried by a lot of rubble.

Then, a scarlet light appeared from the cracks in the rubble.

"Gliding King Kong!"Tian Xiaoban stretched out his hand and tried to rush in, but was stopped by the soldiers.

"No, it's not true......"

Tian Xiaowen's eyes were red and full of tears.

How could Brother Ye, who was so powerful, die?......She must be dreaming.

At this moment, two soldiers were carrying rocket launchers on their shoulders, aiming at the interior of the venue.

They were just waiting for Captain Steve's order.

Captain Steve's eyes were cold, and he slowly raised his hand and was about to give the order.

"Hahaha! What gliding King Kong, when they meet me, Dr. Dong Wu, they are all chickens and pottery dogs!"

Dong Wu's eyes were playful and he laughed non-stop.

Boom - an extreme green light suddenly burst out from the ruins!

With a bang, all the rubble was swept away!

Everyone was shocked and focused their eyes on the ruins again.

At some point, a blue lizard appeared there!

It was not huge, even a little petite, but it exhaled cold air, and the temperature around it dropped sharply the moment it appeared!

"" Ice Frozen Lizard." The blue lizard looked at his hands and spoke in human language.

He had just been beaten back to his original form by the shark and buried in the ruins. He immediately entered the system to exchange for a random hero treasure chest.

After opening it, he unlocked the gene of"Ice Frozen Lizard".

And he was pleasantly surprised to find that every time a new gene was unlocked, the omnitrix would be cooled down directly.

"Well, it's time to settle the accounts."

The Frozen Lizard looked at Dong Wu, who was stunned, with cold eyes.......

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