"Who the hell are you? Where's that big bug?" Dong Wu asked curiously.

""A madman doesn't need to know so much." The Frozen Lizard said calmly.

Then, a stream of icy cold air blew towards the shark clad in the water.

The shark clad in the water roared and was about to swing its tentacles, but was frozen in the air.

The whole body was covered with a layer of frost at a speed visible to the naked eye, emitting a trace of cold air.

Including the boiling blood in the shark clad in the water, it was also frozen.

Are you kidding me? The cold air that can freeze even magma can't freeze a hybrid monster?

""Cool!" Tian Xiaoban's eyes lit up. What new hero is this?

"I knew he wouldn't die so easily......."Tian Xiaowen wiped away the tears from her eyes and smiled sweetly

"What on earth is going on?"Captain Steve was confused.

This scene was too sudden!

When did another monster appear?

And where is the body of the big stink bug?

Could it have been eaten by the blue lizard?

"Captain, shall we open fire?" asked the deputy captain beside him.

"No, let's wait and see what happens."

Captain Steve shook his head. He could not sense hostility from the blue lizard.

Moreover, he did not want to provoke these monsters casually. Now he still had the lingering smell of the gliding King Kong's saliva in his mouth.......

"It's over."

The Frozen Lizard leaped up and smashed the shark's ice sculpture with one claw. The shark's ice sculpture exploded and shattered into pieces, like broken glass all over the ground.

【Congratulations to the host for killing"Zhang Shark" and obtaining 1800 points!】

【Current points: 5000! 】

Originally it should have been 6000 points, but Ye Chen exchanged an alien hero treasure chest and unlocked the Frozen Lizard, so he spent 1000 points.

The Frozen Lizard exhaled a breath of cold air, intending to kill Dong Wu.

As a result, an ant as big as a calf drilled out from under Dong Wu, picked him up and ran away.

The sharp fangs bit the wall in one bite and ran away quickly!

The Frozen Lizard followed closely behind, and his speed was faster than the mutant ant.

"Let's chase them!"

Captain Steve immediately led the other soldiers, carrying heavy weapons, and quickly chased after them.

These monsters must not be allowed to appear in the public eye, otherwise it will cause panic among the citizens.

Things that are not conducive to unity must not appear!......

Under the cover of night, the mutant ants carried the frightened Dong Wu and headed straight to the outskirts of the city.

"Run faster, idiot!"

"Hurry up! It's catching up!"

Dong Wu slapped the ant's head desperately, but the more he did so, the slower it ran.

His head was almost slapped out.

"Don't even think about running away."

The Frozen Lizard accelerated and rushed behind the mutant ant, knocking it to the ground in an instant.

Dong Wu screamed and fell flat on his face.


The mutant ant tried to resist, but was frozen by the extremely cold lizard and sent to the west.

"No, don't kill me!"

"I am Dr. Dong Wu! The only genius in the world!"

Dong Wu was frightened by the scene in front of him and struggled to retreat on the ground. The extremely cold lizard condensed cold air in its mouth,"A genius who goes the wrong way is no different from a mediocre person."


The extreme cold air attacked Dong Wu's face!

Suddenly, a big hand grabbed Dong Wu's collar and avoided the attack of the cold air.

The extremely cold lizard fixed his eyes and looked up at the person in front of him.

He was a strong man with bare arms, his left eye exuding scarlet, and his eyes were dull.

One-eyed ghoul!

He saved Dong Wu.

"Why do you have to meddle in other people's business?"

The Frozen Lizard asked coldly.

He didn't want to provoke the ghoul, but if the other party insisted, he didn't mind sending him to death.

The one-eyed ghoul didn't answer, his eyes were still dull, like a puppet.

"He's mine, little monster."

An elderly man in a white coat, with white hair, walked up from behind the one-eyed ghoul.

The frozen lizard was stunned for a moment, and felt that the man in front of him looked familiar.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Kano. You cannot kill this man. I need his DNA technology."The old man said.

Dr. Kano's English is a little broken because he originally spoke Japanese.

"Oh it's you...."The frozen lizard narrowed his eyes.

This man was the culprit who transformed Kaneki Ken into a one-eyed ghoul—Kana Akihiro!

The strong one-eyed ghoul next to him should also be his masterpiece, but it didn't look very successful.

"Put him down if you know what's good for you. This is my prey." The frozen lizard spoke bluntly.

Doctor Kano smiled and said,"Then let them have some fun with you!" As soon as the words fell, dozens of one-eyed ghouls appeared in the sky, their eyes dull, all condensing feathers on their shoulders, and bursting out blood-like rain of arrows!

The frozen lizard spit out a lot of cold air, condensing the feathers and a group of ghouls into ice cubes, which fell to the ground.

Doctor Kano and the strong one-eyed ghoul had already fled with Dong Wu.

"There's movement ahead! Let's go check it out!"

Captain Steve's voice came from the foot of the mountain.

The Frozen Lizard sighed, turned around and ran to the other side without fighting.

Today, he and Dr. Kano had a grudge.

He was not afraid of Kano Mingbo, but the problem was Dr. Dong Wu.......

If these two evildoers join forces, what terrible consequences will there be?......

At midnight, in a secret basement, the strong one-eyed ghoul threw Dr. Dong Wu to the ground.

A basin of cold water was poured on him, waking him up immediately.

"Ah! Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!"

Dong Wu shook his head frantically, waving his hands repeatedly, like a pitiful little chicken.

"Don't be afraid, Dr. Dong Wu. Dr. Jiana smiled.

"Ah you are......"Dong Wu came back to his senses from his fear and found himself in a research room.

There were strange humans all around, and one of their eyes was red. They looked exactly like the boy he met at the mall!

Was this a new species?

"Hello, the great Dr. Dong Wu, I have long heard of your name."

"My name is Kano Akihiro, and I am a doctor who specializes in studying ghouls and humans."

"I hope we will have a chance to cooperate......"

Dr. Garner smiled and held out his hand, looking at Dong Wu who looked puzzled.

Dong Wu was confused and his eyes flickered.

But he soon understood what was going on.

This guy, like himself, likes to study biotechnology!

"Okay, I'd be happy to do that."

Dong Wu smiled evilly and shook hands with Dr. Jiana.......

Dr. Garner and his experimental subjects

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