It was already three in the morning when they returned to the old car.

Xiaoban and Xiaowen had already fallen asleep.

When Tian Mark saw Ye Chen returning safely, he was overjoyed:"Xiao Ye, you are finally back!"

Then, Ye Chen explained the general situation.

Including the fact that Dr. Kano took Dong Wu away.

Since ghouls have infiltrated the United States, it is only a matter of time before they know about ghouls, so there is no need to hide it.

"There is such a strange creature......"Tian Mark scratched his head. He had never heard of it before.

Maybe it was a new species?

"In short, Dr. Jiana kidnapped Dong Wu, and he must have wanted to reach some kind of agreement with him."Ye Chen's eyes flickered,"We have to be careful in the future, after all, we have a grudge against them."

"Yes, indeed."Tian Mark nodded:"I still have some weapons in my car, which should be useful when the time comes."

Tian Mark did not hide his identity as a"plumber" from Ye Chen, because he and Ye Chen's father were comrades-in-arms.

It was Tian Mark who told Ye Chen that Ye Chen's father was killed by aliens.

However, Tian Xiaoban and his sister were still kept in the dark and did not know the true identity of their grandfather.

Because Tian Mark felt that it was not the time to tell them now.

""Grandpa, do you know who killed my father?" Ye Chen suddenly asked.

Although he traveled through time and space and had no feelings for his father in this world, he wanted to take revenge if he had the chance.

For himself and for his grandfather.

After a moment's silence, Tian Mark sighed,"Originally I didn't plan to tell you, because I was afraid that you would be immersed in hatred and unable to resolve this feud yourself."

"But now you have the watch, you can take revenge on him."

"He is the notorious bounty hunter - Liuliuguai!"

Ye Chen was a little surprised,"Liuliuguai......"

It turned out to be it, an alien who was good at firearms, ammunition, and various hidden weapons.

According to Tian Mark, Ye Chen's father led a team to a certain planet to hunt down the bounty hunter Liu Liuguai.

But in the end, they were defeated and all of them were annihilated.

The camera on the helmet recorded all of this and was transmitted back to the Tiangong headquarters, which was then known to Tian Mark.

"But Liuliuguai has disappeared in the past two years. I don’t know where he has gone. Maybe he is no longer in the Milky Way......."Tian Mark shook his head and sighed, his eyes full of melancholy.

He wanted to help his comrades take revenge, but the Six-Six Monster was elusive, and no one could find it unless it wanted to show up.

Ye Chen patted his grandfather on the shoulder,"Don't worry, there will be a chance in the future."

If I remember correctly, according to the timeline, the Six-Six Monster will soon appear.

By then, it will be the day to take its head!......

After chatting for a while, Tian Mark became sleepy and went back to bed.

Ye Chen sat alone in the passenger seat, lost in thought.

Since Kano Akihiro has appeared, it means that the last news is true!

Someone saw a strange man with red eyes in the alley, I think it must be a ghoul

"Does this mean that Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka and others will also appear?"

"And the store manager, Izumi Takatsuki, and even CCG?"

"No, there is no possibility....."

Ye Chen thought secretly.

If that's the case, then I have to be prepared.

After all, ghouls are very powerful creatures, and there are many SSS-level strongmen like Takatsuki Izumi.......

Currently Ye Chen has the Omnitrix, but it is not unlimited after all.

There is a transformation time, which is initially ten minutes, and the specific time varies according to the surrounding situation.

In the system mall, every 1,000 points consumed can increase the transformation time by one minute.

Ye Chen simply consumed 3,000 points and increased the transformation time to 13 minutes.

【Successfully increased the transformation time by 3 minutes, consuming 3000 points!】

【Remaining points: 2000!】

""System, can I view my own panel?" Ye Chen thought to himself.

The next second, a virtual panel appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

【Host: Ye Chen】

【Current transformation duration: 13 minutes】

【Unlocked genes: The first ten aliens, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the Frozen Lizard......】

【Enhanced data: S-level ghoul physique, 25% attack power of Four-handed Overlord】

【Obtained item: Rize Kamishiro's kagune. 】

Ye Chen looked at it for a while, then turned off the panel.

How should I spend the remaining 2,000 points?

Ye Chen entered the system mall and found that there were various goods in it.

For example, the RC cell potion that strengthens ghouls. As we all know, the number and concentration of RC cells in the body determine the strength of ghouls.

【Advanced RC Cell Strengthening Potion: After taking it, an S-level ghoul can be strengthened to an SS-level ghoul!】

【The host can also use it. It will not affect their own health.】

【Redemption points: 6000】

"A bit expensive......"Ye Chen couldn't help but complain.

Although it was a bit expensive, it was worth it. He could exchange it for another one later.

Soon, Ye Chen fell into deep thought again.

He now had the physique of an S-class ghoul and had obtained the kagune of Rize Kamishiro. So, had he become a ghoul now?

Or, a one-eyed ghoul.

Ye Chen expressed his doubts in his heart.

【To the host, strictly speaking you are not a ghoul, nor a half-ghoul.】

【A special human being】

"Special humans?"

【Yes, a special human who can mobilize RC cells in the body】

【The system only enhances your physique to be as strong as an S-level ghoul, but it is not a real S-level ghoul.】

【The redeemed kage will not pollute your own genes, because the system will perfectly control the RC cell value in your body and will not exceed the control range.】

"So that's how it is."Ye Chen muttered to himself.

This is similar to CCG's Quinx Squad. People like Naoki and June who have been transplanted with ghoul kagune can use the power of ghouls, but they will not become ghouls.

This is because CCG has added a protective layer to the kagune they transplanted, thereby reducing the absorption of RC cells by the kagune.

There are five layers of protective layer.

Once the protective layer is completely released and excessive RC cells are absorbed, the people in Quinx Squad will go out of control and become real ghouls.

The protection that the system provides to its own facilities must be no worse than that of CCG.

Afterwards, Ye Chen exchanged a language pack in the system mall.

【Japanese language pack: barrier-free communication in Japanese】

【Exchange points: 100. 】

Just in case, Ye Chen chose to exchange for the Japanese language pack.

In order to avoid not being able to understand the words of the ghouls in the Sakura Country.

In addition to Japanese, the system mall also has Chinese and English language packs.

The Chinese language pack is the most expensive, costing 1,000 points!

The English one requires 800 points.

But fortunately, Ye Chen does not need to exchange these two language packs.

After all, before he traveled through time, he was a Chinese from Blue Star, so he naturally understood Chinese. As for English, Ye Chen was a top student in high school, and he could always take 145+ in the exam. Through self-study, he finished the entire high school English course in the second year of high school.

Later, he felt bored, so he went to study English courses in college. By the eve of the college entrance examination, he had learned most of it.

Therefore, Ye Chen could communicate with these Americans without any obstacles after traveling through time, otherwise he would have been exposed long ago.

【The redemption of the Japanese language pack was successful, consuming 100 points!】

【Remaining points: 1900!】

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time."Ye Chen fell asleep. The night passed peacefully. Before the sun rose, Tian Mark drove the old rickshaw to the edge of a wide lake.

"Children, let's go fishing at noon......."

PS: I will gradually downplay the language setting later, after all, the whole universe speaks English, like Vilgax, Daigo, and the Tenga Tenjin people, a setting that cannot be fully rounded.

I didn't plan to write it, but for some rigor and logic, I decided to distinguish between Japanese and English, after all, ghouls came from the Sakura Country. The

Aogiri tree will also appear later......

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