The United States.

Antique coffee shop, the door is closed.

Today is Sunday, so it's a day off.

Kirishima Touka leaned on the sofa, bored, flipping through the English book in her hand.

Yes, she is learning English.

After coming to the United States, it is natural to adapt to the local customs and learn the local language.

After all, language barriers are a very painful thing.

There are other people in the living room.

The manager, Furuma Madoka and Irumi Xuan are all here, also learning English with sad faces.

Especially Furuma Madoka, his head is about to explode from learning. He would rather fight with the special investigator of CCG for three hundred rounds than learn this boring and tedious language!

The manager and Irumi Xuan are more patient and learn quickly. They can carry out some daily communication. After all, they have some basics.

"It's so annoying, can I stop studying? I want to go back to the Land of Sakura!" Dong Xiang muttered

"No, the White Pigeons are getting stronger day by day, and they seem to have noticed our presence." The store manager clearly refused,"If we go back now, we will be trapped."

"All right."

Rujianxuan gently embraced Dongxiang and whispered,"Hey Dongxiang, just study patiently. Wouldn't it be nice to get into an Ivy League school and find a handsome guy to date?"

"I originally wanted to be admitted to Jing University.

"Dong Xiang, we can't go back." The store manager's tone was calm, but it revealed a sense of sadness.

As a ghoul, he can only survive in the cracks of the human world, struggling to survive.......

Everyone fell silent after hearing this, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressed.

Are ghouls born to be killed?

The store manager sighed softly, put down the English book, and took out a novel from his pocket.

《The Black Goat's Egg, written by the pen name"Takatsuki Izumi"

"Manager, you have read this book more than ten times, aren't you tired of it?" Gu Jianyuan said unhappily

"Not greasy......"The store manager opened his eyes and gently stroked the old book cover, his eyes full of love.

It seemed that this book was of great significance to him.

At this time, a silver-haired man in a gray robe walked into the living room from the back.

He had a resolute expression, but his eyes were indifferent, as if he had been through a lot.

"Manager, I'm back." The man said in a low voice

""Yes." The store manager glanced sideways and asked,"Sifang, how is the matter I asked you to investigate going?";

"Manager, those monsters are real."

Soon, Sifang explained in detail the results of the investigation into the Flame Man and the Four-Handed Overlord.

And the chaos caused by Dong Wu.

Different monsters appeared in the Snailma Mall, the Museum, and the Truth Award!

Sifang then threw out a few photos, which he secretly took from the road surveillance.

He didn't dare to get too close to those monsters for fear of being discovered.

Everyone looked solemn, and all their eyes were focused on the photos on the table.

Diamond God of War, God Power Tyrannosaurus, and Extreme Frozen Lizard!

"Three new monsters!"Ru Jianxuan couldn't help but exclaimed, her mouth slightly opened

"How can it be......"Dong Xiang thought this was too crazy.

The appearance of the fire man and the four-armed strong man was already outrageous enough, and now there are three new monsters?

"Manager, what should we do? Will they harm us?"Rujianxuan was very worried. Gujian Yuaner looked relaxed and said casually:"Well, this requires the magic ape to take action......."


But before he could finish his words, Ru Jianxuan grabbed his ears and grimaced in pain.

"Let's talk about serious matters, don't interrupt!" Ru Jianxuan gritted his teeth.

The store manager's scarlet eyes were fixed on the pictures, and suddenly he said:"Have you noticed that these monsters have one thing in common"

"What do they have in common?"

Confused expressions appeared on the faces of the others.

The store manager pointed to the omnitrix logo of the flame man, and then to that of the frozen lizard,"They all have this strange logo on their bodies, so there must be some kind of connection......."

"Although we don't know whether they will have any impact on us, it is still necessary to find out. Maybe this is a monster created by the white pigeons."

"Yes!" Sifang nodded, then seemed to have thought of something, and then said:"Manager, I have another important discovery"

"What found?"

"Every time a monster appears, this old RV will appear nearby. I suspect they are somehow connected."

Sifang threw out another photo. It was Tian Mark's old broken car.

The store manager was silent for a moment, then made a decision.

"Dong Xiang, Furuma, you two should set off immediately to investigate the details of this old RV."

"Remember, do not conflict with the other party and do not reveal your identity."

"Got it!"They both nodded.

"Manager, this is too dangerous! I should go!"Shifang said hurriedly. Dongxiang is his niece.

"No, you have a more important task."The store manager slowly said:"Keep an eye on the white dove and the bronze tree, and report to me at any time if there is any situation."

Sifang Lianshi hesitated and finally compromised.

As for Ru Jianxuan, she needs to take care of the antique coffee shop and be responsible for surveying the surrounding situation.

Recently, this area seems to be a little uneasy.

I heard that the strange man with a sickle on his head has infiltrated the area near the antique coffee shop.......

The store manager needs to stay in the antique coffee shop and cannot leave at will.

Everyone has a heavy task.......

In the early morning, the old car was parked beside a deep lake, with a dense jungle behind it.

The cool breeze blew and the leaves rustled.

"Great! Today is a good day for swimming!"

Tian Xiaoban, wearing a swimsuit, danced and jumped into the lake.

Tian Xiaowen sat on the shore and joked,"Be careful, Daitou, don't get dragged away by the water ghost."

As for grandpa, he was still catching up on sleep in the old broken car.

Ye Chen stared at the deep lake, thoughtful.

If I remember correctly, there is a terrifying big water monster hidden in this place.

It seems that someone has stolen its water monster egg?

Ye Chen has only watched"Ben 10" once, and it has been too long, so his impression is not particularly deep.

In short, it is better to be careful.

He tried to stop Xiaoban from going into the lake, but Xiaoban just wouldn't listen.

Respect other people's choices and laugh at other people's fate.

Ye Chen didn't stop it. Let the big water monster scare Tian Xiaoban, it's not a bad idea.

Young people have to go through some setbacks to grow up. Anyway, with Omnitrix, Tian Xiaoban's safety can be guaranteed.

"Ah! Xiaowen, save me!"

"There is something in the water!"

Tian Xiaoban suddenly struggled desperately, his face was very panicked.

It seemed that there was something in the water dragging him down!

""Ah? Don't scare me, Daitou." Tian Xiaowen was so frightened that she didn't know what to do.

"Ah! I'm dying"

"Goodbye Xiaowen, no one will quarrel with you anymore......"


Tian Xiaoban left his last words and sank to the bottom of the lake, with some bubbles coming out.

"Ah! Xiaoban!"

Tian Xiaowen was extremely panicked. She paced back and forth on the shore anxiously, wanting to jump down to save Xiaoban.

But she couldn't swim!

""Brother Ye, please go and save Xiaoban! Please!" Tian Xiaowen begged, holding Yechen's hand tightly.

"Can't save her." Ye Chen said

""Ah? Why?" Tian Xiaowen was about to cry.

"Because Xiaoban is fine."Ye Chen smiled faintly.


Tian Xiaowen was a little confused

"Ah!! I am a big monster!"

A small head with seaweed wrapped around it suddenly emerged from under the water and bared its fangs and claws towards Tian Xiaowen.

Tian Xiaowen came to her senses and stomped her feet in anger,"You big fool, this is not funny at all!"

"Oh, I am so disappointed. I can't fool a bookworm like you.

Tian Xiaoban felt bored and tried to swim to the shore.

Suddenly, his face froze.

"Xiaowen, please save me!"

"There is something in the water!"

Tian Xiaowen said without even turning her head,"Get out, I will never believe you again!"

"It's true, something is wrapped around my feet!" Tian Xiaoban was so regretful that he couldn't say anything.

"I won't believe your lies. I'm going to go back and complain to my grandfather. Tian Xiaowen waved her hand.

"No, this time it's real."

Ye Chen stood up suddenly and pressed the omnitrix.

At the same time.

Boom - a terrifying huge black shadow emerged from under the lake, splashing waves and with amazing power.......

Big water monster

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