It was a ferocious water monster! It had big round eyes that flashed scarlet, teeth like chainsaws, and two thick tentacles on its mouth that danced wildly, turning the lake upside down! It was huge, as tall as a six or seven-story building!

One of the monster's tentacles wrapped around Tian Xiaoban and sent it directly into its mouth, trying to eat him!

"Ah! Xiaoban!"Tian Xiaowen was completely shocked, there was really something in the water!

【Ding~ Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and upholding justice】

【Save Tian Xiaoban who was attacked by a water monster, and you will get 1000 points if you succeed! 】

The system's prompt sound echoed in Ye Chen's mind.

It's time for the hero to go out.


A ball of green light burst out beside Tian Xiaowen

"Brother Ye?"

When the light faded, Tian Xiaowen did not find Ye Chen.

What happened?

When Ye Chen appeared again, he was already above the giant water monster!

He was floating in the air, his skin was pale, his body was covered with dark cracks, and he had a single purple eye on his head, like an evil spirit from the netherworld!

A ghost!


The giant water monster swept a tentacle over, trying to knock down the ghost.

The ghost's figure blurred and turned into a phantom, ignoring all physical attacks.

The powerful tentacle went straight through the ghost's body without causing any damage.

The giant water monster's body shook.

She blinked and stared at the ghost in front of her curiously.

Taking this opportunity, the ghost attacked another tentacle directly, stretched out its sharp claws, and stabbed it fiercely!


The big water monster felt pain and couldn't help but let go of Tian Xiaoban.

"Hehe, the plan worked."

The ghost laughed evilly, easily rescued Xiaoban and brought him back to the shore.

【Successfully rescue Tian Xiaoban who was attacked by a giant water monster and get 1,000 points!】

【Current points: 2900! 】

Back on shore, Ghost immediately asked Xiaoban and Xiaowen to run back to the old car and wake up Grandpa

"Grandpa~ wake up, the big water monster is coming~"

The ghost's voice was ethereal and illusory, as if a ghost was whispering in his ear.

Tian Mark woke up in a trance, rubbed his eyes, and before he could recover, he saw a terrifying ghost face!


Tian Mark's blood pressure soared, and he almost fainted!

There's a ghost!

No, that's not right.......

It's the Iktouri people!

Wang Defa, why are there Iktouri people here?

Tian Mark's face turned pale and he was about to run to get his weapon!

"Grandpa, it's me."

The ghost stretched out his white hand and grabbed the corner of Tian Mark's clothes.

He pointed to the Omnitrix logo, and Tian Mark was relieved.

"Xiaoye, it's you." Tian Mark was still frightened and patted his chest:"You almost scared my old bones to death."

If it is really the Iktorui star, then they are in great danger today.

"But why did you change again?"Grandpa couldn't help asking

"There is a big water monster over there, let's get out of here quickly."

The ghost pointed to the front of the old car.

Through the front window glass, you can see a terrifying giant water monster, with its fangs and claws bared, wreaking havoc in the water, stirring up turbulent waves!

Moreover, it seems to have discovered the old car and is rushing to the shore!

Tian Mark's pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't react much.

This is much better than encountering the Iktorui people. He had seen many supernatural creatures like big water monsters when he was young.

As long as the weapons are in place, Tian Mark can even kill the big water monster alone.

"Oh my god, it's coming up!" Tian Xiaoban looked terrified, watching the giant water monster gradually coming ashore, and wanted to abandon the car and run away immediately.

He was almost eaten by the giant water monster just now!

"Grandpa, let's go!" Tian Xiaowen's voice trembled a little,"It would be terrible if the old car got dragged into the water!"

【Ding~ Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and maintaining peace!】

【Stop the crazy monster from coming ashore and prevent nearby residents and animals from being harmed】

【After successful completion, you will receive 1500 points! 】


Accompanied by a heavy roar, the old car started successfully and moved backwards at a high speed!

"I'll stop it, you guys go first."

The ghost said as he disappeared into the void.......

When we came to the shore again, the monster was already near the shallow water! The huge beast's body was covered with layers of waves, and its smooth green skin reflected the grayish-blue color.


The big water monster's eyes were red, and it had obviously lost its mind. It wanted to destroy everything it saw!

The ghost's purple eyes flashed, and a powerful telekinesis burst out.

The powerful telekinesis was like a shock wave, layer upon layer, shaking towards the big water monster!

But this telekinesis only made the big water monster pause slightly, and then it moved forward again.

"After all, it is not the real form......"

It was broad daylight now, and the ghost didn't dare to tear open his skin and reveal his true form, otherwise he would be burned by the sun.

His outer layer of white skin was naturally used to block the sun.

If he could reveal his true form, the ghost's telekinesis just now should be able to repel the big water monster.

However, even if he couldn't exert his full strength, the ghost was not a pushover.


A thick tentacle smashed over, and the ghost shadow turned into a phantom to avoid the attack.

Then he entered invisibility, and while the big water monster was confused, he came to the top of its head.


Two claws pierced into the big water monster's ears, and the big water monster screamed wildly in pain, smashing everything around it randomly.


The ghost shadow is very powerful, and its body can be phantom, so it can directly pierce its claws into the enemy's brain, causing a lot of damage!

But the big water monster was not driven away by the ghost shadow, but endured the severe pain and continued to move towards the town.

It seemed to be looking for something......

Seeing this, the ghost let go of his hand. He knew that the giant water monster did not want to cause trouble on purpose.

It wanted to come ashore to attack humans because its eggs were stolen.

However, just letting the giant water monster come ashore was not a solution.

Kill it?

As long as the ghost used a little more force, he would be able to pierce the brain of the giant water monster.

However, he did not want to do this.

Killing decisively does not mean killing innocent people.

If there is to be killed, it should be the thieves.

Thinking of this, the ghost retracted his claws, retreated back to the woods, patted the omnitrix on his chest, and changed back to his original form.

"See what alien you will get this time......."

Ye Chen used 1000 points to redeem an alien hero treasure chest in the system mall

【Successfully exchanged for the alien hero treasure chest, consuming 1,000 points!】

【Remaining points: 1900】

"Open it."Ye Chen looked expectantly.....Super Giant!

Or a Crystal Man, Little Bobo or something like that would be fine

【Congratulations to the host for winning the rare reward, the Abandoned Project Hero!】

【Laughing Gas Mushroom: One of the abandoned heroes in the original game, about 1.5 meters tall, can release laughing gas from the holes in its arms, making the enemy laugh uncontrollably, but it is not fatal.】

【Note: Laughing gas has different effects on different species】

"Laughing Gas Mushroom?"Ye Chen was stunned. He had never heard of this hero.

However, it seemed to be a scrapped hero, that is, an alien that the crew had created but did not officially appear.

"Then try your ability."

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix, switched to the laughing gas mushroom, and pressed it gently.

Boom - a green light flashed, and a short mushroom man appeared in the woods.

His head was a mushroom cap, with red spots, and his eyes grew above the cap, with golden eyes shining.

There were small mushroom heads on his shoulders, beige skin, and several protruding holes on his arms. He was naked from the waist, wearing only a pair of black shorts, with the omnitrix logo on the front of his waist. The laughing gas mushroom always had a smile on his face.


The big water monster roared and rushed into the distance.

The laughing gas mushroom ran in front of the big water monster, with its arms forward, releasing strong laughing gas.......

Abandoned Heroes: Laughing Mushrooms ps: Please support me, there will be more Abandoned Heroes later, and like the last book, there will be readers' own heroes.

Please try not to skip chapters, otherwise you may not understand many places, which will also affect the data of this book. If the results are good, it will become longer and longer. Please remember to read it every day, don't waste time reading it, ball~~

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