
The big water monster opened its bloody mouth and tried to swallow the laughing gas mushroom, but it inhaled a lot of laughing gas.

The next second, the big water monster froze in place and blinked its big watery eyes.


The big water monster laughed uncontrollably, holding its belly with its two paws, rolling on the ground, and covered in mud and sand.

This scene looked a bit weird.

"I didn't expect that I could really make the giant water monster laugh."The laughing gas mushroom was a little surprised.

He originally thought that laughing gas would only work on humans, but it seems to work on other creatures as well.

"Wow haha......"

The giant water monster laughed so hard that its arms and legs spread out. The rage in its eyes quickly disappeared, leaving only a smile and happiness.

Then, she turned around and crawled towards the lake.

She laughed as she crawled.

She almost cried with laughter.

Soon, the giant water monster sank to the bottom of the lake and disappeared.

Only claw marks were left on the ground.

Ye Chen thought for a while, it seems that if he wants to subdue the enemy in the future, he can use this laughing gas mushroom.

However, according to the system, the laughing gas mushroom has different effects on different species.

I wonder what the effect will be on those powerful aliens?

For example, Vilgax and Ziska.........

【Successfully prevented the giant water monster from coming ashore and avoided a bloody massacre!】

【Reward 1500 points!】

【Current points: 3400! 】

The laughing gas mushroom slapped the omnitrix and turned back to its original form.

Looking at the calm water surface, Ye Chen's eyes flickered, wondering whether he should help the big water monster get back the eggs.

If there is a reward......

【Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and maintaining peace!】

【Help the big water monster to take back the child, and you can get 1500 points if you succeed! 】

Okay, no need to think about it.

Anyway, Ye Chen is a helpful person, and this little thing is just a piece of cake for him.

Just for points?

No, no, he is not that kind of person.

Learn the spirit of Lei Feng, start with me!......

Soon after, Ye Chen found Tian Mark and others.

They didn't run far because they were afraid that Ye Chen couldn't find them.

Tian Mark found out from the map that there was a fishing town nearby.

If the big water monster came ashore again, it would threaten the safety of nearby residents!

So Tian Mark suggested that they tell the local police about the big water monster.

But they didn't believe it at all and drove Tian Mark and others away.

In desperation, everyone had to find another way.

"Oh, no, those losers don’t believe us at all, we might as well just leave!" Tian Xiaoban began to speak angrily

"Dai Tou, we can't just leave them to fend for themselves." Tian Xiaowen felt that it was understandable,"After all, they don't know that the giant water monster really exists."

"Xiaowen is right, we can't give up." Tian Mark said, and suddenly saw a familiar figure at the dock.

He walked up and asked,"Hello, is this Captain Sean?"

"What's the matter?"

The middle-aged man raised his head, with a pair of dead fish eyes and a cold face, looking like a man who was tired of the world.

"We made an appointment to go fishing yesterday. Are you free to take us to the lake now?" Tian Mark asked

"Well, since you are a guest, come on board."

Captain Sean jumped onto a small fishing boat and then led everyone to the center of the lake.......

The trees on both sides of the lake are lush and green.

The lake is very large. If you look down from the sky, it looks like a silver mirror with many branches around it.

After getting on the boat, Tian Xiaoban was very nervous and kept looking around.

"Will that weirdo show up again?"

""Xiaoban." Tian Mark used his eyes to signal him not to let the cat out of the bag. Because he didn't want to be thought of as a lunatic. The scene at the police station just now was still vivid in his mind.

No one believed in the existence of the giant water monster!

"Oh? Little boy, have you seen a big sea monster too?"Captain Sean looked at Tian Xiaoban with interest.

"What? You also know about the giant sea monster?" Tian Xiaoban was overjoyed. Finally someone believed them.

Tian Mark was also a little surprised. It seemed that the captain should know something.

Captain Sean snorted coldly and said slowly:"The name of this sea monster is Kraken. There have been legends about it for hundreds of years. I saw it from afar once when I was a child, and I will never forget it......."

"But I have been tracking it for many years, and there has been no news. It seems to have disappeared out of thin air. I didn't expect it to appear again."

Captain Sean's dead fish eyes revealed a fiery and joyful look at this moment.

"You knew there was a big water monster, why did you dare to bring us out?" Tian Xiaowen couldn't help asking

"Because I am the most powerful monster master in the world! Only I can catch the Kraken!"Captain Sean is very confident

"Just relying on the spear gun in your hand?"Ye Chen glanced at him.

What a joke, even if you bring heavy firearms, you may not be able to kill the Kraken.

"Young man, you don't know anything!" Captain Sean was very angry. He wished that the Kraken would appear immediately, and then he would catch it and show it to Ye Chen.

The small fishing boat continued to move.

Tian Mark wanted to ask Sean about the information of the big water monster, but after a conversation, he found that Sean knew no more than them.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Suddenly, the small fishing boat stopped, and the buzzing sound gradually subsided. The waterway ahead was full of yellow warning lines with some English words on them.

This place has been designated as a protected area, and no outsiders are allowed to pass. ——Fish lovers association

""Hateful fish lovers!"

Captain Sean was not convinced and tried to force his way through the cordon.

Suddenly, a huge white fishing boat came from behind!

A lot of waves were stirred up, almost overturning the small fishing boat.

The white fishing boat was parked not far away, with people moving back and forth, as if they were carrying something.

A man in a purple uniform, with brown hair and thick beard on both sides, stood by the deck.

"I am the founder of the Fish Lovers Association - Jona Meier. We have designated this place as a fish protection area. No passing is allowed!" The man was high up, looking down at the crowd.

"Who do you think you are to give me orders?"Captain Sean has a hot temper and doesn't tolerate others.

You know, he is the most powerful monster master in the world!

""Sir, we are acting in accordance with the regulations, and we hope you will cooperate." Jonamer smiled grimly.

As soon as he finished speaking, several armed men appeared behind him, all holding laser guns and looking ferocious.

Captain Sean was suddenly speechless.

Damn it, how can we fight this?

Then, at Tian Mark's suggestion, Captain Sean started the small fishing boat to sail back.

After all, the opponent was well-armed, and Tian Mark knew he was no match for them.

Seeing that the white fishing boat was about to disappear from sight.

Tian Xiaoban couldn't sit still,"Grandpa, are we going to go back empty-handed like this?"

Tian Mark sighed lightly,"We have to think about it carefully."

If necessary, he will ask the Tiangong for help.

Although he has retired, his influence is still there.

Ye Chen walked to the back of the small fishing boat, intending to turn into an alien to teach that group of people a lesson.

By the way, take back the water monster eggs!

He remembered that this group of fish lovers were the culprits who stole the water monster eggs.

On the surface, it is an organization to protect fish, but in fact they are poachers! They often capture rare animals and sell them to those wealthy people and political bigwigs to seek improper benefits!

Just when Ye Chen was about to turn into a big steel tooth, the small fishing boat suddenly trembled violently!

The water level rose rapidly, and it seemed that something huge passed under the boat!

A huge black shadow swept across the small fishing village and rushed directly to the white fishing boat in the distance!


The giant sea monster suddenly rose from the bottom of the lake, its tentacles dancing wildly, its sharp teeth bared, and it pounced on the white fishing boat.......

Ghost reference picture, looks similar, not that tall in reality, just a little taller than an ordinary person

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