"Ah! The big water monster is coming!"

The patrolman of the fishing boat exclaimed and immediately sounded the alarm.


The piercing alarm sounded, echoing on the white fishing boat!

A dozen armed men immediately went out, raised their laser guns, and burst out a large number of purple lasers.

These weapons were very powerful, and the big water monster retreated again and again, and blood marks began to appear on its body.


The big water monster was furious and stretched out its tentacles to grab those sealed wooden boxes!

Her testicles were hidden inside!

Jonamer laughed,"Since you came to my door yourself, don't blame me for being rude!"

"I will pack you up and send you to the rich man in India! Hehe, you will suffer when the time comes!"

As he said this, Jonamiel sat on a tall combat mecha!

The whole body was silver, about three meters high, and made of the strongest alloy in the United States!

Facing the tentacles that were about to attack, Jonamiel controlled the combat mecha, stretched out his cold claws, and grabbed it fiercely!


The claws released a large amount of high voltage electricity, which spread throughout the body of the giant water monster through the tentacles.


The giant water monster wailed in pain, pulled back its tentacles with all its might, and dived into the water.

"Do you think you can be safe by hiding in the water?"

Yonamier laughed wildly, her face full of arrogance and sinisterness.

Under the lake, the big water monster circled under the white fishing boat.

She stretched out her strong tentacles and tried to overturn the fishing boat from below!

However, three gun barrels appeared under the white fishing boat!


Dozens of special torpedoes burst out and bombarded the big water monster, making her skin and flesh torn!


The big monster's eyes were filled with tears, and he could only move his bloody claws to retreat, his eyes full of reluctance and sadness.

The blood dyed a large area of the lake red.

At this moment, the small fishing boat had approached.

""Where's the big water monster? Come out and see me!"

Captain Sean shouted that he wanted to see the big water monster, holding a pitiful little spear gun in his hand. If you didn't know, you would think he was going to catch carp.


The roar of the giant water monster was so loud that the whole lake was shaking!

Captain Sean was so scared that he immediately shrank back, threw away his spear gun, and dared not even fart.

Ye Chen smiled faintly.

Sure enough, this old man is still afraid of death.

"Oh my god, why did the big water monster attack the fish lovers association?"Tian Xiaoban couldn't help asking

"They must have done something shameful."Tian Mark guessed

"I just saw them moving a lot of boxes, and the big water monster wanted to snatch them. There must be something wrong here!" Tian Xiaowen said

"I'll go grab those boxes, you guys move away."

Ye Chen walked to the back of the fishing boat and pressed the omnitrix.

The four-handed Overlord, Shapeshifter, Flash Star, and Glider King Kong......

Big steel teeth!

Got it!

Omnitrix showed the illustration of"Big Steel Teeth", and Ye Chen pressed it without hesitation.


A skinny fishman with a big green chandelier on his head, cute eyes, and a mouth full of sharp teeth exposed appeared here.

Big steel teeth!

Omnitrix was taken from the DNA sample of the Piersfren people.

Good at water battles, with amazing bite force, and legs will automatically turn into fish tails in water.

But on land, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and it is necessary to replenish water in time, otherwise it will become very dry

"With a"plop", Big Steel Teeth jumped into the water.

As soon as he came down, he smelled a strong smell of blood, mixed with sadness, invading Big Steel Teeth's taste buds.

"This group of thieves, just kill them."Big Steel Teeth clenched his claws, ready to show his power.

At this moment, the big water monster was seriously injured and lurked under the lake, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The people of the Fish Friends Association all gathered at the edge of the deck, holding weapons, ready to fight.

The radar could not detect the big water monster, so they could only observe it with their naked eyes.

Soon, Big Steel Teeth came under the deck and was about to jump on.

Although he was not good at land warfare, he was more than enough to deal with some ordinary people.

Suddenly, something strange happened!

On the white fishing boat, five or six fish friends were originally carrying wooden boxes at the back.

They looked at each other, and their heads all exploded!

It turned into several messy and dancing sickles, flashing cold light!

The people on the deck were observing the water surface, and before they came to their senses, their necks were cut off by the sickles!


Suddenly, horrifying screams rang out on the boat!

Those people had their backs to the parasitic beasts and had no time to react!

The attack speed of the parasitic beasts was so terrifying that it killed everyone in just three seconds!

Including Jonamer, who had just come out of the combat mecha and was about to observe the movements of the water monster when his head was swallowed up in one bite! The six parasitic beasts had bodies no different from humans and were also wearing purple uniforms, which were the uniforms of the Fish Friends Association.

But their heads all spread out and turned into deadly dancing sickles!

These parasitic beasts had long been lurking in the Fish Friends Association, with the goal of finding the right time to annihilate the entire association! Become their food!

However, they seemed to have found food that was more delicious than humans.

Water monster eggs!

A parasitic beast used a sickle to cut open a wooden box, and a dark yellow giant egg rolled out of it, as big as a human head.


The countless eyes in the middle of the parasitic beast's sickle revealed greed and evil.

He wants to eat these water monster eggs!

Just when the parasitic beast was about to swallow the water monster eggs!

A sharp claw swept over and instantly cut off the parasitic beast's neck!

Those divergent sickles rolled to the ground, roaring like beasts, but soon shrank and lost their activity.

Big Steel Teeth looked at the corpses on the ground:"I didn't expect that even the parasitic beasts would appear......"


Seeing this, the other parasitic beasts rushed over immediately!

Countless sickles whistled, tearing through the air, all slashing towards Big Steel Teeth!

Big Steel Teeth dodged one after another. Although these sickles could not kill him, it was somewhat painful.

Not long after, all the parasitic beasts were bitten off their heads by Big Steel Teeth.

Those sickles and eyes fell on the boat and quickly withered, leaving only the resentful eyes.

"When it comes to biting people, I'm no worse than you. "Big Steel Teeth laughed.

Then he looked at the dead fish friends scattered all over the floor.

"These people deserve what they get."

He originally planned to kill these thieves himself.

Since the parasites helped him, he would send them on their way to express his gratitude.


Under the lake, the moaning of the giant water monster could be heard faintly.

Big Steel Teeth picked up a few eggs of the water monster and planned to return them to the giant water monster.

"Being a mother isn't easy......."

At the same time.

On the shore, two figures hid in the woods, holding binoculars, observing the movements of the boat.

Kirishima Touka's eyes flashed:"Oh no, this monster is going to eat the water monster egg!"

"Oh my, I didn't expect a new monster to appear. This requires the magic ape to take action."Gu Jianyuan grinned.

To be continued......


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