After receiving the order from the store manager, Touka and Furuma Yuaner followed the old broken car to the fisherman's town without stopping.

Later, Yechen and others took a boat to the lake, and the two followed.

The reason was simple, just to find out whether the monster was related to the old broken car.

Kirishima Touka witnessed everything that just happened.

The big water monster, the parasitic beast and the big steel teeth!

Through careful observation, Touka roughly knew the reason why the big water monster attacked the fishing boat.

For the things in the wooden box, that is, the water monster egg!

Kirishima Touka tried to help the big water monster take back the water monster egg several times, but was stopped by the magic ape!

"The store manager said that we cannot reveal our identities."Furuma Yuan'er said solemnly.

He wore a red demon ape mask with sharp teeth and a fierce look.

Kirishima Touka wore a"rabbit" mask.

This is also the style of most ghouls. In order to hide their identities, they basically wear their own masks every time they go on a mission.

"Now it seems that these monsters must be related to the people in the old RV......"The demon ape said calmly, with a red light flashing in his eyes.

If one or two times is a coincidence, then what about four or five times?

"No, I have to beat that ugly monster down, otherwise the water monster eggs will be eaten!"

Kirishima Touka shuddered when she recalled the scene of the big steel teeth biting off the parasitic beast's neck.

This guy is definitely not a vegetarian!

Furuma Yuaner no longer stopped her,"Well, then let the magic ape go with you."

If the store manager was here, he would probably agree, right?

The white fishing boat was not far from the shore.

The rabbit and the magic ape leaped up, burst into a terrifying bounce, and easily jumped onto the fishing boat.

The people on the small fishing boat next to them witnessed this scene!

"Oh my god, am I seeing things?"Tian Xiaoban rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief.

He had just clearly seen two figures flying through the air, with scarlet blood all over their bodies!

But they were both wearing masks, so he couldn't see their faces clearly.

""Brother Ye is still up there, will he be okay?" Tian Xiaowen said worriedly.

Tian Mark glanced at the shivering Captain Sean and sighed,"I'll go up there and take a look, you guys wait here for me."

As he said that, Tian Mark took out a pistol and shot a barbed shot that stuck on the deck.

"Cool! Grandpa, where did you buy this? Tian Xiaoban couldn't help asking

"I bought it at the supermarket." Tian Mark responded casually and climbed up quickly.

He also had a special pistol on his waist, but it was covered by the red floral shirt, so they didn't see it.

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen looked at their grandfather who was gradually going away, then looked at each other and smiled knowingly.......

On the white fishing boat.

Big Steel Teeth was holding a few water monster eggs and was about to jump into the water.

As a result, two figures crashed down behind him, shaking the entire boat.

Big Steel Teeth turned around, and his cute eyes reflected two faces.

A rabbit and a demon ape.

Big Steel Teeth scratched his head, feeling a little familiar, but couldn't remember for a moment.

"Is there something wrong?" Big Steel Teeth opened his mouth and spoke, his big buck teeth were very scary.

Rabbit clenched his fists,"Smelly monster, hand over the water monster egg, don't even think about eating it."

"Oh? It seems you guys also want to snatch the water monster egg." Big Steel Teeth narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked even more ferocious.

"Don't waste your words on him, just knock him down!"The demon ape paused and whispered,"We are doing good things, I believe the store manager will understand us."

Seeing the two people rushing over, Big Steel Teeth originally thought that they were just two parasitic beasts.

Unexpectedly, a large ball of blood burst out from behind the rabbit's left shoulder, condensing into blood-colored wings!

This is......Yuhe!?

They are ghouls!

Adding the rabbit mask, Da Gangya suddenly recalled a familiar face.

Kirishima Touka!

He is a time traveler. He has watched the anime"Tokyo Ghoul" and immediately remembered who this is.

It's just that he just experienced the big water monster and the parasitic beast, and he hasn't recovered yet.


Big Steel Teeth stretched out his claws. There must be a misunderstanding.

He didn't want to eat the water monster egg, so there was no need to fight.

However, the rabbit and the demon ape had already rushed over and didn't listen to Big Steel Teeth's explanation at all.

Big Steel Teeth had no choice but to fight hard!

He threw the water monster egg on the ground and punched the rabbit!

Big Steel Teeth did not retreat, standing still, while the rabbit retreated two or three steps.

Both sides were testing and did not use their full strength.

But the more ferocious demon ape had already approached, and his tail was swept over, carrying terrifying kinetic energy, and blood was rolling!

Big Steel Teeth went up with one claw, scratching the tail with several bloody marks, but he was also shocked back.

This demon ape is an SS-level ghoul!

"What's going on?"

Tian Mark was stunned when he saw the mess on the boat, as well as Big Steel Teeth and the two mysterious men.

Big Steel Teeth felt his throat and skin were very dry, and a feeling of weakness came over him like a tide. He had been on the boat for too long. He needed to replenish water in time!

Big Steel Teeth picked up a few water monster eggs and deliberately gave a sly smile,"These things are mine."

Then he jumped into the air and jumped into the lake.

Sure enough, the rabbit and the magic ape saw Big Steel Teeth running away and immediately chased after him!

But as soon as they entered the bottom of the lake, they found Big Steel Teeth lurking in the water!

He was cheating!

"You've been fooled."

Big Steel Teeth knocked the rabbit unconscious with one punch. The demon ape was furious and burst out with its tail horn to beat Big Steel Teeth to death.

But he never expected that the water was Big Steel Teeth's home ground and its fighting power was at its peak!

Big Steel Teeth opened its huge mouth and instantly bit the demon ape's tail horn to pieces!

The entire thick horn exploded and turned into scarlet RC cell blood, flying in the air.


The demon ape only had time to let out a scream before being knocked unconscious by Big Steel Teeth.

Then Big Steel Teeth tied up the two and threw them onto the white fishing boat.

Ordinary ropes would not work to tie up the ghouls.

So Big Steel Teeth exchanged for special ropes in the system mall.

【Ding~ Successfully exchanged for Kunk's Cable!】

【Consume 1000 points!】

【Remaining points: 2400】

【Kunkel Cable: 3 meters long, made of hard Kunkel steel, can restrain ghouls below SSS level! 】

Da Gangya easily locked Dong Xiang and Ma Yuan with the Kunkel Cable.

Without his key, unless an SSS level ghoul came,���His ghoul can't be opened......

Arrived at the white fishing boat.

There was a strong smell of blood all around, and the bodies of members of the Fish Lovers Association were scattered everywhere.

On the contrary, the big water monster under the lake calmed down, and it seemed that it was seriously injured.

When the big steel tooth climbed onto the boat.

Tian Mark and others came up and asked about the situation.

Tian Xiaoban and his cousin were so scared that their faces turned pale. When had they ever seen such a bloody scene.


The omnitrix flashed, and Ye Chen returned to his original form.

Afterwards, Ye Chen roughly recounted what had happened.

Including the matter of the parasitic beast.

After listening to it, everyone felt incredible. When did such a creature appear on the earth?

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but think of the news they had seen before.

The weird man with a sickle on his head, I guess it should be the"parasitic beast"?

It's too scary, lurking in the crowd waiting for an opportunity to move, grinding its teeth and sucking blood......

"What about these two ghouls?"Tian Mark asked, looking at the unconscious Dong Xiang and the demon ape on the ground.

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen also knew about the existence of ghouls, after all, they had witnessed it with their own eyes.

Looking at the unconscious Dong Xiang on the ground, Ye Chen's mouth curled up a little.

"Nature is at my disposal......"

Right one, Gu Jianyuan'er code name: Demon Ape

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