Inside the cabin.

Ye Chen leaned back on the sofa, tasting the wine in his hand.

It must be said that this fish lovers association really knows how to enjoy themselves, drinking world famous wines at high prices.

On the ground were the unconscious rabbit and the magic ape, tied tightly with Kunk cables.

As for Tian Mark and others, they were responsible for sending the frightened Captain Sean back to the dock.

He was unconscious and kept repeating:"Big water monster, big water monster......"

They know nothing about Big Teeth, Parasytes and Ghouls.

Ye Chen stared at Touka's beautiful face. The loose black robe could not hide her exquisite curves. He felt an inexplicable urge in his heart.

He looked away and fell into thought.

From the previous conversation, Kirishima Touka was afraid that Big Teeth would eat the water monster egg, so she tried to snatch it.

Demon Ape is just an"accomplice".

But why did they appear here? What is their purpose?

Ye Chen didn't know, which is why he knocked them out.

Could it be that the ghouls from all walks of life have already targeted them?

Then what about CCG, what is their attitude?

Not long after, Touka and Demon Ape gradually woke up. What came into view was a handsome face with yellow skin and black eyes, a slender figure, dressed in black, exuding a cold temperament.

Touka's body shook,"You......Who are you? Where is the big bucktooth?"

She spoke in English, but it was not standard.

So Ye Chen communicated directly in Japanese. He had redeemed the Japanese package anyway.

It would be a waste if he didn't use it.

The communication was also smoother.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Ye Chen."Ye Chen smiled faintly,"That big bucktooth, he is gone"

"What is your relationship with him? Also, let us go!"Touka struggled desperately, but it was useless.

The same was true for the demon ape.

Even if they released their kagune, they couldn't break free.

SSS-level ghouls and below could not break free from the system's specially made Kunk Cable.

"Bastard! Let me go!"

Dong Xiang's eyes burst into scarlet blood, and the kagune on her left shoulder gathered crazily, shooting out a large number of"blood-colored arrow feathers"!

The kagune has strong explosive power and is good at long-range attacks!

Ye Chen was not in a hurry, he raised his bony palm and easily dissolved all the arrow feathers.

Those kagune couldn't even pierce his skin.

The S-level ghoul physique, coupled with the transplant of Kamishiro Rize's kagune, made Ye Chen's body even stronger.

But this doesn't seem to be the main reason.......

"You must have eaten human food recently, so the power is not very good."Ye Chen shook his head slightly.

Dong Xiang gritted her teeth secretly, snorted coldly and turned her head away.

She did eat the food made by her human friends, and she didn't want to disappoint her friends.

Once ghouls eat human food, it will greatly affect their combat effectiveness, because they can't digest it, which will cause vomiting, weakness and other discomfort symptoms.

They can only obtain nutrients by eating human flesh.

Moreover, the tongue structure of ghouls is different from that of humans. If they eat human food, they will find it very unpalatable.

For example, eating human bread is no different from horse manure to ghouls.

"This is your own business."Ye Chen got straight to the point,"Who sent you here, and what is the purpose?"

The demon ape began to lie,"It was Qingtong Tree who sent us here, go find them"

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Ye Chen stared at the guilty ape.

Dong Xiang opened her mouth and sighed softly:"Okay, we'll tell the truth, but you have to promise to let us go."

"You are not qualified to negotiate with me."Ye Chen said calmly,"I can kill you at any time."

"you......"Dong Xiang clenched his fists in anger, wishing he could beat this guy to death.

But for the sake of his own life and the life of the demon ape, he had to endure it.

Based on the performance just now, Kirishima Dong Xiang guessed that Ye Chen was also a ghoul, otherwise he would not have been able to catch Yu He with his bare hands.

Afterwards, Dong Xiang roughly explained the matter of Qingtong Tree and CCG, claiming that they also came to the United States.

But she didn't mention a word about the Antique Cafe.

She was afraid that Ye Chen would retaliate and harm the antiques.

Ye Chen fell silent after listening.

It seems that it is similar to the world of Tokyo Ghoul.

The same antiques, bronze trees and CCG, but it takes place in the United States.

"So, you were sent by Qingtong Tree?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Yes." Dong Xiang nodded.

"What about the antique coffee shop? What's that?"Ye Chen looked normal.

Dong Xiang's pupils trembled, and she looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.

"You, how do you know about antiques?"

"I know a lot, Dong Xiang-chan."

Ye Chen said as he came to Dong Xiang's side, squatted down and stroked her chin, his eyes full of interest.

The touch was very soft and smooth.

Dong Xiang gritted her teeth, but did not dare to break free.

Her life and the demon ape's life were in the hands of this man.

"I advise you to let her go! Bastard!"

The demon ape was furious and wanted to release Wei He, but was knocked unconscious by Ye Chen's knife.

"what on earth do you want?"

"Also, why do you know my name?"

Dong Xiang asked again and again

"I know more than that." Ye Chen stared at Dong Xiang's beautiful eyes with a sharp gaze:"Tell me, what is your purpose?"

"My patience is limited, don't challenge my tolerance."

After saying that, Ye Chen let go of Dong Xiang.

Kirishima Dong Xiang sighed and had no choice but to tell the truth.

Since the other party even knew her name, he must know a lot of things.

Then, Dong Xiang told the manager the order that sent them here.

It turned out that the Antique Cafe learned from the intelligence from all sides that the appearance of monsters such as the Four-Handed Overlord seemed to have some connection with the old broken car.

So they have been tracking here.

The purpose is to find out the identity of the monsters and explore whether they are related to CCG.

"I see...."Ye Chen understood.

It seemed that the other party did not have any serious ill intentions.

"Those monsters have nothing to do with CCG and will not attack you. I can guarantee that." Ye Chen spoke slowly.

"The premise is that you don't take the initiative to attack."He added

"Souga." Dong Xiang breathed a sigh of relief,"Then can you tell me what is your relationship with those monsters?"

"I am their agent."Ye Chen looked calm.

Dong Xiang nodded thoughtfully. She felt that Ye Chen did not lie to her.

Otherwise, the big bucktooth would have killed her.

"Then can you let us go? We have no ill intentions. Dong Xiang whispered


Dong Xiang's beautiful eyes burst with joy,"Great, then please let us go!"

"But, how do you account for attacking my men just now?" Ye Chen suddenly asked.

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