"I'm sorry, I just wanted to get the water monster egg back, I was afraid it would be eaten by the big bucktooth......."Dong Xiang lowered her head, a little embarrassed.

Ye Chen complained in his heart.

My goodness, does he look so greedy?

"By the way, the water monster eggs weren't eaten, right?" Dong Xiang asked tentatively.

Ye Chen pointed to a few water monster eggs in the corner and said,"Put them there. I'll return them to the big water monster later."

Looking at the kind girl in front of him, Ye Chen couldn't help but find it funny. She could n't even protect herself, and she still cared about the water monster eggs?

But it was precisely because of this that Ye Chen didn't kill them.

Ye Chen basically knew all the information that Dong Xiang revealed.

Ye Chen even knew more than Dong Xiang, after all, he had read the script.

Of course, there might be some discrepancies.

"Do you know Kaneki Ken?"Ye Chen suddenly asked

"Jinmu......Yan? I don't know him. Dong Xiang shook her head. She had never heard of this name.

"That's strange."

Ye Chen frowned slightly, could it be that Kaneki Ken hasn't appeared yet?

"Are Qingtongshu and CCG targeting us?" Ye Chen asked again

"I don't know." Dong Xiang shook her head bitterly. She really didn't know much.

Finally, Ye Chen took out the key to untie the two.

However, in order to"apologize" to Da Gangya, Ye Chen said that Dong Xiang still needed to answer a question.

That is the address of Bei's mask shop.

His craftsmanship in making masks is very delicate, and most ghouls will choose to customize them there.

When Ye Chen uses the power of ghouls, he sometimes shows his eyes. In order to avoid being exposed, he also needs a mask.

Although it is also sold in the system mall, Ye Chen doesn't like the masks in it.

Besides, it costs points. Adhering to the mentality of saving as much as possible, Ye Chen decided to find Bei to customize one.

When Dong Xiang heard that Ye Chen wanted to know the whereabouts of Bei, she immediately shook her head and said that she would not betray her friend.

But Ye Chen said that he just wanted to find Bei to customize the mask and would not hurt him.

Moreover, if Dong Xiang disagreed, Ye Chen, as an"agent", would ask Da Gangya to go to the antique coffee shop to eat them.

Dong Xiang hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded and told Bei's address.

She could see that Ye Chen was not the kind of bloodthirsty person, otherwise she and Bei would not be able to leave today

"Boy, you are awesome. This is the first time that my demon ape has suffered such a big loss."

Gu Jianyuan said unhappily, and put on the mask again.

Soon, the two of them left and disappeared into the dense jungle.

Ye Chen looked at the note in his hand, which had the address written down by Dong Xiang.

He had already thought of the pattern for the custom mask.......

The Antique Cafe is basically safe.

However, the situation with Qingtong Tree and CCG is unclear for the time being.......


Under the lake, the big water monster wailed again.

There were still points to be collected.

Ye Chen recalled, pressed the omnitrix, and turned into a big steel tooth.

Then he hugged a few water monster eggs and dived into the water.......

A tall man with white hair and a red mask covering the lower half of his face was hiding in the dark, watching the two people fleeing.

"Rabbit, Demon Ape......Antiques."The white-haired man's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

A breeze blew, rolling up the fallen leaves on the ground.

The man disappeared in the dense forest, as if he had never appeared.

After Dongxiang and Moyuan left the lake, they immediately rushed to the nearest station. They wanted to report the matter to the store manager.

Especially about the monster's"agent"!

Dongxiang could never have imagined that those monsters that made a lot of noise in the news were actually controlled by a ghoul?

Moyuan suddenly received a call.

It was from Rujian Xuan.

"Idiot, are you and Dong Xiang coming back soon?"

"The store manager found a comatose ghoul near the antiques, but the smell was somewhat unique."

"It seems to be the legendary one-eyed ghoul......."

Dong Xiang was stunned when she heard this:"What?"......

Under the deep lake.

Big Steel Teeth held a few water monster eggs and swam slowly to the bottom of the lake.

The green chandelier above his head glowed faintly, dispelling the surrounding darkness and illuminating the way forward for Big Steel Teeth.

Whoosh— a huge black shadow suddenly enveloped Big Steel Teeth from behind!

Big Steel Teeth turned around immediately and found that the big water monster was staring at him curiously with his watery eyes.

The big water monster had many wounds all over his body and was still bleeding. It was injured by the ammunition of the Fish Lovers Association.

It had been hiding under the lake, planning to wait for an opportunity to snatch back its children. The sudden appearance of the"fish man" in front of it attracted the curiosity of the big water monster, so it followed.

However, when the big water monster saw the water monster eggs in Big Steel Teeth's arms, his emotions immediately became excited.

That's its child!

The big water monster's eyes were red, and it waved its tentacles wildly, trying to snatch it back.

"I'll give it back to you."

Big Steel Teeth threw the water monster egg directly.

The big water monster's body shook, and a strong joy appeared in his eyes. He used his tentacles to wrap around the water monster egg and hugged it tightly in his arms.

"Buzz......"The giant water monster made a low hum, as if to say: My child, you are finally back!

【Successfully help the big water monster get the child back and get 1500 points!】

【Current points: 3900!】

"Finally, the mission is completed."

Big Steel Teeth heaved a sigh of relief and turned to leave.

1500 points, it was not a wasted effort.


The giant water monster stretched out its tentacles and wrapped around Big Steel Teeth's legs!

Big Steel Teeth's heart skipped a beat: This giant water monster will not repay kindness with enmity, right?

But obviously he thought too much.

The giant water monster gently pulled Big Steel Teeth back in front of him, and his clear eyes showed deep gratitude and joy.

Sensing the giant water monster's emotions, Big Steel Teeth shook his head,"You're welcome, we are all monsters, and we should help each other."

Of course he would not admit that he did it for the 1500 points.

The giant water monster stretched out his"hand" and touched Big Steel Teeth's face, humming something in his mouth.

It pointed to its stomach and then to the monster eggs under it.......

Oh my god, this idea is crazy!

Big Steel Teeth understood what the monster meant, and was so scared that he was bubbling and turned around and ran away.

Have a few more children with her?

You must be kidding.......

Big Steel Fang paddled with his claws, pushing aside the turbulent undercurrent and trying to return to the surface.


A huge black shadow was chasing from behind!

"Is it over yet?"

Big Steel Teeth turned his head in anger. He really didn't want to have a baby with the giant water monster!

But the next second, Big Steel Teeth was dumbfounded.

The one chasing him was not a giant water monster!

But a plesiosaur that was so huge that it was hard to estimate!!


The roar from ancient times shook the entire lake.......

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