The lantern-like blood eyes of the plesiosaur ignited a terrifying red, murderous aura, and opened its bloody mouth to bite Big Steel Teeth!

Big Steel Teeth looked solemn, and ejected at the fastest speed, as fast as a torpedo!

In the water, Big Steel Teeth was very agile and powerful.

Ordinary opponents could not do anything to him.

But in this plesiosaur, Big Steel Teeth actually felt the threat to his life!

This water monster is not simple!

Big Steel Teeth is as agile as a fish, and easily avoids the bite of the plesiosaur


The plesiosaur looked around, as if it had discovered something, its eyes bursting with excitement and murderous intent, and it rushed to the dark bottom of the lake at a high speed.



A moment later, the lake water was boiling like a frying pan, surging wildly, and a large number of bubbles kept coming out.

The roar of the plesiosaur and the wailing of the giant water monster were endless!

This monster was attacking the giant water monster!

【Ding~ Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and upholding justice】

【The Loch Ness Monster has crossed the border and invaded the lake, intending to occupy the territory of the giant monster and eat the giant monster and his offspring.】

【Kill the Loch Ness Monster and you will get 2000 points! 】

The system prompt sound echoed in Big Steel Teeth's mind.

"It turned out to be the legendary Loch Ness Monster......"Big Steel Teeth's eyes fixed.

Recalling the scene of the plesiosaur attacking him just now, Big Steel Teeth was so angry that he couldn't beat a single word. He didn't provoke this beast!

And the plesiosaur actually attacked him on his own initiative, so he should be prepared to be killed!

Big Steel Teeth clenched his claws, swung his tail vigorously, and rushed to the bottom of the lake with fierce power.

The deep bottom of the lake.

The two behemoths were fighting and roaring madly, making the water surface within a radius of several kilometers boil!

The rocks at the bottom of the lake were shattered, and the fish were panicked and fled everywhere!

The plesiosaur opened its fangs and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood from the mother water monster. The blood gushed out instantly, emitting a strong smell of blood! The mother water monster was shocked and angry, and stretched out two python-like tentacles, attacking the plesiosaur from the left and right!

The plesiosaur was so ferocious that it bit off a tentacle in one bite!

The mother water monster howled in pain, and quickly protected the water monster egg in her arms, retreating again and again.

But the plesiosaur would not let her go, and it rushed towards the mother water monster again with its fangs and claws bared!

Big Steel Teeth witnessed this horrifying scene.

The big water monster was almost suppressed the whole time, because the plesiosaur was too fierce!

Moreover, the size of the plesiosaur was twice that of the mother water monster!

In front of the plesiosaur, the mother water monster looked very small, as if a lion was chasing a poor and helpless little female cat.


The big water monster used its only remaining tentacle to protect its eggs, and its wounded body fled as fast as it could.

But she was injured, and her speed was no match for the plesiosaur!

Soon she was caught up by the plesiosaur!

The plesiosaur slapped the big water monster hard, knocking it down and sinking it to the bottom of the dark lake.

The dark yellow eggs in its arms fell out and caught the plesiosaur's eyes!


The plesiosaur's eyes showed greed, and it quickly rushed towards the water monster eggs!

The big water monster anxiously stretched out its last tentacle, trying to stop the plesiosaur.

But as expected, it was bitten off by the plesiosaur again!

The big water monster sank to the bottom of the lake in despair. She had tried her best.

But she still couldn't protect her children.....

The egg was about to be swallowed by the plesiosaur.

The big steel teeth suddenly attacked the plesiosaur's head and bit it down!

The terrifying bite force directly tore off a large piece of flesh and blood! The bone was visible!


The plesiosaur roared madly in pain, swinging its flat limbs, turning the bottom of the lake upside down!

Big Steel Teeth took the opportunity to hold the water monster eggs, rushed to the mother water monster, and returned them to the other party.

The mother water monster opened her big watery eyes, stared at Big Steel Teeth, and hummed something in her mouth.

Big Steel Teeth didn't bother to understand what the other party meant, and turned and rushed towards the plesiosaur.

He wanted to kill this monster.

It is so bloodthirsty that it will always be a disaster if it is kept!

You know, the big water monster became furious and manic because humans stole her children, and attacked ships and passers-by.

But the plesiosaur is different. It attacked Big Steel Teeth as soon as it appeared, and it wanted to eat the big water monster and its offspring, trying to kill them all.

In time, I am afraid it will... The creatures in the entire lake were extinct!

Undercurrents surged, and blood was everywhere.

The plesiosaur also set its sights on Big Steel Fang!

That pair of ferocious eyes were filled with overwhelming resentment and anger.

It opened its serrated fangs and bit Big Steel Fang fiercely.

Big Steel Fang took advantage of the situation and got into the mouth of the plesiosaur. It passed over those fangs without any danger and entered the body of the plesiosaur through the throat.

Then, Big Steel Fang began his performance.

The bodies of most creatures are very fragile, and the plesiosaur is no exception.

Big Steel Fang grinned and began to destroy endlessly!

The sharp claws swept wildly, without looking for the target, just grabbing randomly!

The mouth full of big fangs ruthlessly tore open the throat, stomach, and intestines of the plesiosaur.......Blood gushed out, drowning Big Tooth!

The plesiosaur was smug, thinking that it had eaten Big Tooth.

Unexpectedly, waves of intense pain suddenly came from its body!

The plesiosaur's face was twisted in pain, and its body rushed around violently, spitting out streams of blood from its mouth, mixed with broken internal organs.

The plesiosaur widened its eyes, and only then did it realize that it had not killed the creature just now!

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Big Tooth finally found the heart of the plesiosaur with the help of the green chandelier above its head.

"The game is over."

Big Steel Fang thrust his claws forward and pierced the heart of the plesiosaur.


The plesiosaur's eyes were instantly filled with horrible bloodshot, and its struggling body came to an abrupt stop.

Its heart stopped beating.

It was dead.

【Successfully kill the Loch Ness Monster and get 2000 points!】

【Current points: 5900! 】

Endless blood almost dyed half of the lake red, and the fishy smell was pungent.

After killing the plesiosaur, Big Steel Fang almost exhausted all his strength.

The monster was too big, and even if he entered its body to destroy it, it would take a lot of time.

Big Steel Fang sank to the bottom of the lake, and the green light on his head was like the starlight in the dark night, and he was about to fall into the abyss.

Big Steel Fang's consciousness remained clear, and he planned to enter the system mall to exchange for an alien hero treasure chest.

Every time a new gene is unlocked, the Omnitrix will cool down directly and can be transformed again.

Just like the last time the gliding King Kong was defeated by the shark, he transformed directly after exchanging for the extremely frozen lizard.

But at this time, a huge meat claw held Big Steel Fang and sent it to the surface of the water.

Big Steel Fang looked back and found that it was a wounded giant water monster.


The big water monster blinked and said,"I am still here."

Moreover, her two broken tentacles are slowly growing out.

The wounds on her body are also healing.

I believe it won't be long before the big water monster can recover as before.

"Why do I suddenly think you are kind of cute?......"Big Steel Teeth couldn't help but say.

The big water monster seemed to understand what Big Steel Teeth said, and its big watery eyes showed a childlike joy.

Big Steel Teeth's praise made her feel very happy and satisfied.

After a while, Big Steel Teeth recovered his strength and planned to swim back alone.

But the big water monster insisted on sending Big Steel Teeth back to the dock.

Big Steel Teeth had no choice but to agree.

He rode on the big water monster's head and drove quickly to the dock.......

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