Fisherman's town.

Tian Mark and others stood by the dock, waiting anxiously, looking at the lake in the distance from time to time.

Captain Sean had been sent back home to recuperate. He was frightened by the big water monster.

"Look, there's something there!"

Tian Xiaowen pointed at a rolling wave in front of her with sharp eyes.

There was a huge black shadow hidden under the wave, which caused huge waves wherever it went, and the fish retreated.

From time to time, it also let out a yak-like roar, which was powerful and shocked everyone.

"It can’t be a giant water monster, oh my god! It’s coming to attack the residents here!" Tian Xiaoban cried out in shock, his face pale.

"No, look at the head of the giant water monster." Tian Mark's voice was filled with joy.

Xiaoban and Xiaowen looked over when they heard it.

When they looked closely, they saw the big steel teeth on the head of the giant water monster!

"Oh yeah! That's awesome! Brother Ye actually made a perfect return riding a giant water monster!"

"It's so cool!"

Tian Xiaoban shouted excitedly, and ran to the shore to greet Big Steel Teeth in two steps.

Tian Xiaowen was the same. Seeing Ye Chen return safely, her heart was finally at ease.

Splash - soon, the big water monster approached the dock and leaned against the shore.

Big Steel Teeth jumped up.

He turned his head and looked at the big water monster:"Thank you for sending me all the way here."

The big water monster opened his eyes as clear as a mirror, innocent, and called out in a low voice.

——You're welcome.


At this time, the omnitrix on the big steel teeth flashed.

The red light burst out and it returned to the appearance of Ye Chen.

The big water monster scratched his head in confusion, not understanding why it was like this.

Ye Chen smiled and walked to the shore, touched the big water monster's head,"He's gone, you can find another mate."

The big water monster nodded, holding a bunch of dark yellow eggs in his arms, turned around and disappeared into the lake

"No way, Brother Ye was almost captured by the big weirdo to be his husband?" Tian Xiaoban showed an exaggerated expression.

"Dai Tou, stop talking nonsense. Tian Xiaowen grabbed her cousin's ears.

""Nerd, what are you crazy about?"

Soon, the two started fighting again.

Tian Mark and Ye Chen looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

The big water monster incident came to an end.......

At noon, several people were still in the fishermen's town. After all, their original intention was to travel.

However, the town did not seem to have many tourists.

Looking at the entire street, there were only a few dozen people.

At this moment, everyone came to a fish meal shop for dinner.

The owner of the fish meal shop was a middle-aged woman from China who spoke fluent English.

"Hello, what would you like to order?"

When the proprietress saw everyone coming to the store, she immediately stood up and showed a friendly smile. After several people ordered their meals, they sat at the dining table outside the door, waiting for their meals.

Tian Mark felt that the room was too stuffy, so he decided to eat outside.

The scale of the fish meal shop is not large. There are only about a dozen tables inside and outside. There are not many diners. Including the table of Ye Chen and others, there are a total of three tables.

The proprietress was busy and exhausted. Because of the average business, she did not hire waiters.

She was busy all by herself.

"It's not easy to be in a foreign country...."

Tian Mark was a little emotional and planned to give a bigger tip later.

He admired people who worked hard to survive, no matter who they were.

Ten minutes later, a plate of delicious food was served, exuding a fragrant aroma.

"Please enjoy your meal." The lady boss smiled and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Thank you."

Everyone started eating soon.

The proprietress continued to sit on the chair at the door, waiting for the next customer.

At this time, a fat"wolf" ran out of the house!

""Xiao Ha, where are you going?"

The boss lady touched the"wolf"'s head, her eyes full of pampering.

This is her husky, also known as the Siberian sled dog.

It looks like a wild wolf, but its wise eyes are not flattering.

Faced with the boss lady's pampering, the husky actually shook off the boss lady's hand, bared his teeth at her, and let out a dull low growl.


The proprietress was startled and quickly retracted her hand.

She just felt that the look in Xiao Husky's eyes was very unfamiliar. He was usually stupid, but now he was so ferocious, as if he wanted to eat people!

Suddenly, the Husky sniffed his nose, seemed to sense something, and ran out quickly.

The fat figure disappeared into the dark alley.

Ye Chen witnessed the whole process.

He always felt that this Husky was weird, as if something was not right, but he couldn't tell exactly.

The proprietress found that the people at Tian Mark's table were looking at this side, and hurriedly forced a smile,"I'm really sorry, Xiao Husky is not like this usually."

"Could it be that he is sick?"Tian Mark thought it might be rabies.

"I don't know. I'll take it to the vet tonight."The boss lady said helplessly,"This little Husky doesn't like to eat recently......."

Everyone continued to eat.

Tian Xiaoban ate with his mouth full of oil and enjoyed it.

""Wow! This restaurant is amazing. They are all foods I have never eaten before. They are so delicious!"

Ye Chen smiled faintly. Many of these dishes were introduced from China.

He had eaten them before, but since he traveled through time, he had only eaten fried chicken, hamburgers, etc.

Now it tastes a bit like before.

Tian Xiaowen also praised it and claimed that she would come to this restaurant again in the future.

"As long as the children like it, that's fine." Tian Mark laughed.


Suddenly, a shrill howl came from the alley next to it!

A dozen stray dogs ran over from inside, their eyes terrified, as if they had seen something terrible.

Seeing this, the proprietress became uneasy. She remembered that Xiao Ha had just run in.

But among the dozen dogs, there was no sign of Xiao Ha.

"Xiao Ha!"

The lady boss was about to run into the alley to look for it, but was stopped by Tian Mark.

"Don't worry, I'll help you find it."Tian Mark looked solemn.

He felt that this matter was not simple.

The boss's eyes were filled with tears. Xiao Ha was her only companion for many years.

She had no relatives.

It can be said that Xiao Ha was her spiritual support over the years and the motivation to live.


A terrifying beast roar came from the alley.

Ye Chen looked sideways at the dark alley entrance.

He saw that the little Husky's hair was covered with blood, scarlet and eye-catching, and it was holding a dead puppy in its mouth.

The scream just now was made by the puppy.

The Husky killed it!

"how come......"The lady boss muttered to herself,"Little Ha is usually very docile."

Little Ha glanced at everyone, then threw the puppy's body on the ground, tearing it apart frantically, devouring the puppy's flesh and blood!

The scene was very bloody!


Not only the flesh and blood, but even the puppy's bones were not spared, swallowed into the stomach, making a sound that made people's scalps numb.


Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Get away from it!"

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